SQL & PL/SQL :: How Many Days Thursday And Friday Between Two Dates

Nov 13, 2011

I want function return me how many days Thursday and Friday between two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Week Days Without Friday And Saturday

Oct 25, 2011

how can create function or sql statement to show week of days without Friday and Saturday

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Finding Individual Dates Having Dates Plus 2 Days

Jan 26, 2011

I want to find the dates which have a date plus with in 2 days after this date. I mean group by 3 days each even the date i missing between two days. Actualy I want to find the start date where the employ was missing on job.

Basic concept is employes have allowed to use 10 personal leaves of a year. Each leave can be use for maximum 3 days.

If employ did not come on the job for one day or two days or three days, it shoul be count as ONE personal leave. And If employ is missing at job for four or five days, it should be count as 2 personal leaves.

seq date









The result should be (Don't use Pl/Sql)

seq date

After finding these days I want to select the starting date of 5th personal leave. (which is 16.01.10).

I am not a expert of using SQL, but I think it could be possible with using partitioning a table on the givin reslult and further partition the reslut on rownum() as rn and the using case statement where rn = 5.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Days Between Dates

Mar 14, 2012

I have not defined the table ( I only have privileges to query data).

I am unable to copy and paste my real code here, and the actual results from the run, as my company will fire me if I do so... so here is how things approximately look like (tried to keep it as real as possible).

Let's say that the table CYCLE has client numbers (clientid), cycle number (cycleno), date of visit (visdt).

I am trying to create a query to calculate how many days there are between each two consecutive visits/cycles for a single client(let's say 1200004)

clientid / cycleno / visdt
1200004 / 1 / 10OCT2011
1200004 / 2 / 31OCT2011
1200004 / 3 / 21NOV2011
1200004 / 4 / 05DEC2011
1200004 / 5 / 03JAN2012
1000005 / 1 / 04NOV2011
1000005 / 2 / 03DEC2011
1200004 / 1 / 10JAN2012
1200004 / 2 / 15FEB2012

The code below is the only one that kind of seemed to work, but it is definitely not giving me the right results.

SELECT cycleno1, visdt1, cycleno2, visdt2, to_date(visdt1) - to_date(visdt2) days

FROM (SELECT clientid, cycleno cycleno1, visdt visdt1,
LEAD (visdt, 1) OVER (ORDER BY cycleno) visdt2


I am getting a mess of a result of the kind:

cycleno1 / visdt1 / cycleno2 / visdt2 / days
1 / 10OCT2011 / 1/ 18OCT2011 / -8
1 / 10OCT2011 / 2/ 18OCT2011 / -8
1 / 10OCT2011 / 3/ 18OCT2011 / -8
1 / 10OCT2011 / 4/ 18OCT2011 / -8
1 / 10OCT2011 / 5/ 18OCT2011 / -8

I need my result to look like:

cycleno1 / visdt1 / cycleno2 / visdt2 / days
1 / 10OCT2011 / 2/ 31OCT2011 / 21
2 / 31OCT2011 / 3/ 21NOV2011 / 22
3 / 21NOV2011 / 4/ 05DEC2011 / 15
4 / 05DEC2011 / 5/ 03JAN2012 / 30
5 / 03JAN2012 / / /

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Number Of Days Between Dates?

Jan 14, 2008

What I need to do is take 2 dates from a table named 'projects' and insert the number of days between them into a table named 'time_record'.How do I go about this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Month Wise Days For Between Given Dates?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a table with starting date and ending date.

I want to fetch monthwise days for given two dates

IE starting 25/12/2009 ending 25/03/2010

Result should like below.

Dec-09 7
Jan-10 31
Feb-10 28
Mar-10 25

I have tried this but it is not giving me the result which want..

select to_char(thedate,'mon-yy') mnth,count(to_char(thedate,'mon-yy')) days from
(SELECT TRUNC(to_date('25/12/2009','dd/mm/yyyy'),'Y')+ROWNUM-1 THEDATE
FROM ( SELECT 1 just_a_column
FROM dual


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

Apr 18, 2013

i want to create function to show number of days between to days such as number of Friday days between to dates

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PL/SQL :: Oracle Dates And Working Days

Sep 5, 2012

Is there an Oracle date function that ignores public bank holidays and calculates working days only?

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Get Date Difference In Days Between Two Dates In Reports?

Sep 11, 2010

In my server , already 10g r2 is installated , now am installaling 11r2, during this, at final stage while running root.sh , it will propmt to override 3 files, oraenv,dbhome .. etc under /usr/local/bin in solaris sys, as these files are already owned by 10g owner ,what i have to select (y or n)?

what if i select y? it will override three files

what if i select n? default option

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Individual Dates Having Date Plus 2 Days

Jan 26, 2011

I want to find the dates which have a date plus with in 2 days after this date. I mean group by 3 days each even the date i missing between two days. Actualy I want to find the start date where the employ was missing on job.

Basic concept is employes have allowed to use 10 personal leaves of a year. Each leave can be use for maximum 3 days.

If employ did not come on the job for one day or two days or three days, it shoul be count as ONE personal leave. And If employ is missing at job for four or five days, it should be count as 2 personal leaves.

seq date







The result should be (Don't use Pl/Sql)

seq date

After finding these days I want to select the starting date of 5th personal leave. (which is 16.01.10).

I am not a expert of using SQL, but I think it could be possible with using partitioning a table on the givin reslult and further partition the reslut on rownum() as rn and the using case statement where rn = 5.

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PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Days Between Two Dates Of One Timestamps Field

Sep 25, 2012

how to caluclate days between two dates of single timestamp filed and with this

Select * from m_activity_transaction where actn_opp_id in (
Select actn_opp_id from m_activity_transaction where ACTN_ACTV_ID = 218
Group by actn_opp_id


and i nedd to caluclate no.of days between two dates like 27-JAN-12 AM and 08-FEB-12 PM where actn_id is unique AND ACTN_OPP_ID IS NOT UNIQUE.

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Function To Find Business Days Between Two Dates - Query Tuning

Mar 17, 2011

I have a query that uses a function to find the business days between two dates.It sums the total number of days between two dates per employee to find the total days for the past 30, 90, or 365 days.

The problem is that the query takes 21 second to return the last 30 days.Over 70 second to return the last 90 days and over 140 second to return the last 365 days.Do you know how I could tune the query to return faster? Below is the query for the last 30 days:

from dwt_dvt_work_time where dwt_create_date > sysdate - 30
and dwt_hours > 4 and dwt_usr_uid_created_by <> -1 group by dwt_emp_id order by dwt_emp_id

Here's the function:
IS total_days NUMBER(11,2);
holiday_days NUMBER(11,2);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Complex Days Computation / Multiple Number Of Same Transaction Dates

May 22, 2010

The data in one of the temporary table has been compiled as below. Number of Days elapsed between two transaction dates is required to be computed and multiplied with the balance. There can be multiple number of same transaction dates. When previous date and the current transaction dates are same the resulting number of day difference should be 0. But when they are different the difference between them is to be computed. On the last day of the Financial Year i.e. '31/03' of any year the difference day should be shown as 1 so as to make 365 or 366 days in a year. Simply deducting d1 from d2 on 31st will not be suffice as the difference is one day less.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Transaction Narration DebitCreditBalanceNo of DaysProduct
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
01/04/2009Opening Balance 45020450277346654
29/06/2009By Amt1004352156678912
02/12/2009By Amt424310119476000

improve the above code and get the desired output result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Stored Function / Procedure To Calculate Number Of Working Days Between Two Dates

Feb 17, 2010

I want Oracle stored function/procedure to calculate number of working days between two dates. We need to exclude Firdays and Saturdays as there are weekend holidays and also exclude official holidasy that lie between two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Group By Thursday

Jun 26, 2013

My weekly reports should start from Thursday and it ends on Wednesday . I need to aggregate data from Thursday to Wednesday. At the end of every month i generate report for the last 4 weeks.

I couldn't find a way to group by correctly. When I make group by trunc(fragment_date,'day')+2 and check the data it aggregates data from Monday to Sunday.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Last Thursday Of A Month

Oct 26, 2010

How to find the total number of Thursday in the current month ?

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Server Administration :: Overlapping Days Between 3 Date Ranges To Determine Active / Inactive Days

Sep 2, 2011

I have installed Oracle Database 11g.2 by database configuration assistant on windows XP as and adminstrator on my laptop(no connection to network),but when I want to create database I face this warning: error securing database control ,Datatbase control has been brought up in non-secure mode . to secure the database conntrol execute following command....(error is attached).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out First Thursday For Each Month

Feb 13, 2013

How to find out first thursday for each month in year.

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Function To Return Last Friday Of Month

Sep 26, 2010

I was just wondering that do we have any function available in oracle which returns the last Friday of the month.

In our company we close our monthly books on last Friday of the month and there are few activities that we have to do on the following Monday as a part of month-end activity. Now the following Monday can fall on the same month or at times it falls on the following month.

I have to schedule a report to be sent to a user on the following Monday after the month-end. I need to schedule it using the cron job.
We are using Oracle 9i on Linux platform.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Days Into Weeks And Days (if Any) Oracle 9i

Apr 5, 2011

want to write Procedure to return weeks and days from given set of days.

let suppose we have 72 days to return weeks and days then return should be 7 weeks and 2 days.Can i use date function Or ?

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Performance Tuning :: Materialized View Which Should Refresh Every Tuesday And Friday At 5am

Mar 20, 2012

I need to create a Materialized View, which should refresh every Tuesday and Friday at 5am.


I can do it for single day like above, but how to refresh on multiple days, using create materialized view syntax .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split A Date Into New Dates According To Black Out Dates?

Mar 10, 2011

Split a date into new dates according to black out dates!

Here is my tables:

SELECT DATE '0000-01-01', DATE '9999-12-31' FROM DUAL;


I have lets say a "travel date" and black out dates. I will split the travel date into pieces according to the black out dates.

Note: Travel Date can be between 0000-01-01 - 9999 12 31


Travel Date:

T | 2011 01 04 | 2011 12 11

Black Out Dates:

A | 2010 11 01 | 2011 02 11
B | 2011 01 20 | 2011 02 15
C | 2011 03 13 | 2011 04 10
D | 2011 03 20 | 2011 06 29

Excepted Result:

X1 | 2011 02 16 | 2011 03 12
X2 | 2011 06 30 | 2011 12 11


Travel Date : -----[--------------------------]--

A : --[------]-------------------------
B : ------[---]------------------------
C : --------------[---]----------------
D : ----------------[------]-----------

Result :

X1 : -----------[--]--------------------
X2 : -----------------------[--------]--

Sample 2:

Travel Date : -[--------------------------------]--

BO Date A : ----[------]-------------------------
BO Date B : -------------------------[---]-------
BO Date C : ----------------[---]----------------
BO Date D : ------------------[------]-----------

Result X1 : -[-]-------------------------------
Result X2 : -----------[--]--------------------
Result X3 : -----------------------------[--]--

How can I do it using PL SQL ?

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Select All Dates Between Two Dates

Oct 22, 2003

How can I select all of the dates between two dates? For example, given the start date 12/2/2003 and the end date 12/5/2003 I want to return:


Is there a built in function for this? Is there a way for a function to return multiple rows? It has to be a function because I need to use it within other SQL statements.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Consecutive Days?

Oct 18, 2010

I need to know if a customer appears at least 4 consecutive days. Here's an example of data

123 , 2010/10/01
123 , 2010/10/04
123 , 2010/10/05
123 , 2010/10/06
123 , 2010/10/07
123 , 2010/10/08
123 , 2010/10/10

456 , 2010/10/01
456 , 2010/10/02
456 , 2010/10/03
456 , 2010/10/06
456 , 2010/10/07
456 , 2010/10/08
456 , 2010/10/11

In the example the client 123 appears from 2010/10/04 to 2010/10//08 (5 consecutive days), so this client must appear in the output. In the example customer 456 does not appear at least 4 consecutive days, so should not appear in the output.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Last 10 Days Rows

Aug 2, 2012

My Table structure is

SL# Start_ts
1 7/31/2012 3:53:42.864070 AM
2 7/26/2012 2:13:58.280928 PM
3 7/25/2012 2:13:41.692569 PM
4 7/21/2012 2:13:26.821070 PM
5 7/18/2012 2:13:07.827278 PM
6 7/13/2012 2:05:35.023520 PM


How to select last 10 days rows only (from sysdate)


1) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ; (or)

2) SQL> select * from Test where to_date(start_ts, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > to_date(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')-10 ;
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Days To Years Converter

May 11, 2012

Our "client" is delivering data that contains an "age" field. However, they've put the AGE in DAYS instead of years, while our system can only work with years. So I needed to convert the age to years.

We are getting 2 parameters: LOWAGE and HIGHAGE (both in days). However, for the same "test" (laboratory test), we are also getting some other records


TEST 1 lowage = 0 upperage = 5 OTHER values = xxx
TEST 1 lowage = 6 upperage = 100 OTHER values = yyy

So if the person would be 5 years or less, the values xxx would apply. If they are 6 years and older, the yyy values apply. Now, the problem is that we are not getting this data in years, but in days. And whichever function I try, the upperage from the first test also seems to be equal to the lowerage from the second test. And this gives an error, because both would apply to this person....

I've tried stuff like:

age/365.25 (leap years)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Employee According To Days

Jun 8, 2010

i have an employee table where there is a column called join date. Now i have to select the employee according to the days. Means how many employee joined on Monday/Tuesday etc.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Days To Months

Nov 21, 2011

I have the following in my select statement and I am getting the days like 1130, 50, 60 etc

round(MAX (TO_DATE ('31-OCT-2011 23:59:59','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') - a.tx_dtime),0) DAYS

Now I want this to convert these days into months like
1.10 this denotes (one month 10 days)
1.25 this denotes (one month 25 days)
2.05 this denotes (two months 5 days)

I know I am using old Oracle but what to do my company is not spending to upgrade.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Days Wise Separation

Nov 2, 2010

i want create a report like this

location sysdate refdate No_of_days SL1(0-90) SL2(91-180) SL3(>180)

So when no. of days between (0-90) data put in SL1
And when no. of days between (91-180) data put in sl2

I want to achieve this only in single query.

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PL/SQL :: To Find Months And Days Between 2?

Oct 9, 2013

 I want to find the months and days between 2 dates. For Eg. Date-1 : 25-Aug-2013Date-2 : 23-Oct-2013 If we consider every month as 30 days it should give 25-Aug-2013 to 30-Aug-2013 = 6 days 01-Sep-2013 to 30-Sep-2013 = 1 Month 23-Oct-2013 to 30-Oct-2013 =   8 days Total = 1 month and 14 days

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