Setup Oracle 11gR2 Single Node At Linux?

Jan 11, 2011

I need to setup Oracle 11gR2 single node @ Linux RHat 5 64-bit for long performance tests, huge loads, high speeds, a lot of transactions, having a good scalability, etc.

It's not a production server, but for strong system/volume tests.


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Install Multiple Versions Of Oracle Databases 10GR2 And 11GR2 In A Single Node?

Oct 28, 2010


�I can install multiple versions of Oracle databases 10GR2 and 11GR2 in a single node using a unique Oracle ASM single instance?

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Add 3rd Node To 11gr2 Grid With And Homes In Linux Environment?

Feb 23, 2011

We have 2 node cluster with home and home under 11gr2 grid infrastructure with ASM in LINUX environment. We are planning to add 3rd node to this cluster. Is there any issues to add 3rd node to existing environment or running fine.

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Application Express :: Oracle 11gr2 RAC 2 Node

Nov 2, 2012

Can i setup 2 node oracle RAC using vmware server in a single laptop..? cpu-intel i3 memory 4GB.

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Migrate From Oracle 10gR2 In Windows To 11gR2 In Linux

Jun 22, 2012

Question: to migrate from oracle 10gR2 in Windows to oracle 11gR2 in Linux . Steps are:

1.     need to expdp all schemas/users from oracle 10gR2 in Windows,
2.     then impdp each schema/user into oracle 10gR2 in Linux first,
3.     then upgrade the oracle 10gR2 in Linux to oracle 11gR2 in Linux ?
4.     Do I need to pre-create all the same tablespaces first in oracle 10gR2 in Linux ?

Is it correct ? or I can migrate straight all schemas/users from oracle 10gR2 in Windows to oracle 11gR2 in Linux using impdp ?

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OWB Mapping (Oracle 11gr2 Centos Linux) Deduplicator Cannot Contain LOB Type Columns

Dec 29, 2010

We are using Oracle 11gr2,centos linux.

In the OWB mapping,I needed to transfer data in lob table1 to lob table2 .Both tables are in 2 different schema.The table1 has blob and clob columns.The table 2 has same structure like table 1 and the table 2 is empty.

I have created the mapping and connected directly from the source table to the target table.Also , I have created a error table for the target table table. As for the data rule method,I customized the error table to log the non unique rows.

When I start validating the mapping . I got the following error

VLD-3200 Deduplicator cannot contain LOB type columns

How to log the error in error table for transferring lob type table1 to lob type table 2

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RAC & Failsafe :: Migrating Single Node Database To New 2-node Environment

Jan 24, 2011

We have oracle database 10g( running on AIX 5.1. we have installed 2-node RAC on another server AIX 6.1 . Now we want to migrate our single node database to new 2-node rac environment. how we can move/migrate/cluster-aware our single node database to 2-node rac?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Node RAC - Configure Only One Server Instead Of Two Node?

Sep 13, 2012

I would like get more details about single node RAC.. What is single Node RAC?..

1). just configure only one server instead of two node... same RAC installation.. cluster installation and shared disk configuration in single server itself.. in future we can add node to this ...
2). in 11gR2 having new feature Single Node RAC.. Multiple instances running on same node and configure using Cluster...

is there any advantage using single node rac(other than online upgrade to full RAC).

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Installation :: 11gr2 Setup Shows Error On Virtual Machine

Jun 4, 2013

I have a virtual machine which have Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacentre 64-bit.

When I install Oracle Database 11gR2 and click on "SETUP" file, a message box namely JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE LAUNCHER and display below error;

_"Could not find the main class. Program will exit."_

Same setup runs successfully on my server with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise.

Is it 11gr2 supports a virtual machine which have Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacentre 64-bit ? or some other?

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Data Guard :: Setup - New Installation Of 11GR2 / OS Windows 2008 R2

Jun 8, 2011

We are planning to have new installation of 11GR2 and would like to create data guard for this system. I have one server in Houston and other in Austin TX. the OS will be Windows 2008 R2.

How can i set up data guard and what is the requirements?

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RAC & Failsafe :: 2 Node 11gR2 RAC Running On AIX 6.1

Oct 11, 2011

I have 2 node 11gR2 RAC running on AIX 6.1, after I shutdown the database and restart crs using crsctl start crs, ASM instance comes back up but not the database and I had to start the database using srvctl, isn't that the database should come up when I start the crs?

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Slow Performance On New 11gr2 Linux DB?

Aug 27, 2013

we are busy updating one databasee from a windows platform 2003 oracle 10G to a linux and oracle 11r2

We exported/imported the data and it looks ok Explain plans look the same . but our heavy batches are twice slower than on the windows box ,the two top events are disk related, sequential and scattered reads there are 90% of the time of the batch job , i read some white paper and found that using ASM can be bad in some cases the same with the linux for this particular kind of scattered reads , i was just wondering if just changing the SGA to 10GB instead of 4GB to get more cache and speedup the things .

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Install 11gR2 RAC On CentOS 5.5 / Failed On First Node

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to install ORACLE 11gR2 RAC on CentOS 5.5 .

when run on first node. I am gettign 2/3 failed command lines but the end went successful

ohasd is starting
ADVM/ACFS is not supported on centos-release-5-5.el5.centos
add nodeapps -n perflabhp03 -A perflabhp03-vip/ on node=perflabhp03 ... failed
PRCR-1001 : Resource does not exist
add scan=perflab-cluster-scan ... failed,
Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... failed
'UpdateNodeList' was successful.

Because of this output, when see the ./crsctl stat res -t , it showing LISTENER offline for perflahp03, and I can not see any status line for "perflabhp03-vip " and "Scan-listener".

Do I need to reinstall the entire cluster setup because of VIP issue?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: 11gr2 On Vmware Server - Linux 5.5?

Feb 3, 2013

am trying to install rac 11gr2 config on linux 5.5 on vmware server.

following doc:


but as in the first step VMware Server Installation:First, install the VMware Server software. On Linux you do this with the following command as the root user.

# rpm -Uvh VMware-server*.rpm

i couldn't find any where on linux disks.

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11gR2 SE And EE On Single Server?

Mar 24, 2011

I have one Linux machine on which first I did with Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise edition (EE) , it was working fine.

now today I installed oracle11gR2 Standard edition in different partition which is having separate oracle_home from EE.

when I checked the listener services ,port and all , I came to know that the new installation(SE) it will automatically pickup different listener name(listener_SE SID name) and non-standard port(1523).

I did with oracle10gR2 SE and EE both on the same machine with different oracle_home but all together using only one listener (LISTENER) and one port - 1521.

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Use ASM On VMDKs For Single Instance 11gR2 DB?

Jul 3, 2010

I am planning a single instance database using Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise. The instance will run on OEL 5.5 which is on VMWare ESX 3. All disk space will be provisioned as VMDKs. The physical disk comes from a NetApp 7 controlled SAN with multiple disk arrays (one fast disk array and one slower disk array) using NetApp's RAID-DP (RAID-6).

Is there any benefit to using ASM in this single instance configuration ? It seems the data is already being striped, balanced, deduped, and (somewhat) protected by ESX, NetApp, and RAID-DP. NetApp SnapShot provides additional back-up options.

I am thinking without ASM, I could have one 1 TB LUN, say /u01, for the binaries, data files, and management files on the fast disk array and one 1 TB LUN, say /r01, for the flashback recovery area and all other recovery related files on the slower disk array. With autosize capabilities, any of the files can expand as needed up to the 1 TB capacity. 1 TB per disk array is the resource allocation for this instance.

With ASM, on the fast disk array I would have one 32 GB LUN for binaries and other files which must be outside of Oracle's CFS under ASM and then four 248 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group DATA. On the slower disk array I would have four 256 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group FRA.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Node - Online / Offline

Dec 5, 2012

I have implemented Rac One node with two machine(dbtest01,dbtest02) in Redhat 5.3 one for online another one for offline. i have created TAF also.

dbtest01 is online and create one query
i number(36):=1;
end loop;

i executed above query for test and i made relocate database using srvctl utility to dbtest02 machine.

session is relocated successfully with new session id...above query getting stop in 25000 itself. i want to make it continue that process..also i tried to find Omotion utility in all the path.. couldn't find it... where will it be.. i want to relocate all the session without losing work.

from application i am getting disconnect after relocation.. application server need to restart to get work again...

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Duplicate RAC Database With ASM And 2 Nodes To A Single Node?

Apr 30, 2010

i'm trying to duplicate my RAC database with ASM and 2 nodes to a single node, non ASM with rman duplicate database for standby with active database on windows. The problem is i dont know how to remove RAC configuration when duplicating the database.

Here is the procedure:

On standby i've:
- installed database software,
- configured listener and tnsnames,
- added instance service (oradim -new -sid STANDBY -intpwd PASSWORD -startmode M),
- configured initora (with only db_name = STANDBY)
- configured orapwd file
- startup nomount

on RAC node1:

rman target sys/PASSWORD@RAC
connected to target database
RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/password@STANDBY
connected to auxiliary database: STANDBY (not mounted)

now for the duplicate command:

RMAN> duplicate target database
2> for standby
3> from active database
4> spfile
5> parameter_value_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY'
6> set db_unique_name='STANDBY'
7> set log_file_name_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY'
8> set db_file_name_convert = '+DATA/RAC','D:\oracle\11.2.0\DATAFILES\DATA\STANDBY';

i have tried adding this parameter - set cluster_database='false' but no luck.

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Upgrade :: 10gR2 Single Instance To 11gR2 RAC?

Aug 3, 2012

upgrading a single instance database of approx size 2TB to rac 2 node db on linux.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Verification Of Steps To Convert Single Node To RAC

Jan 16, 2013

I have a single node Oracle E-Biz 12.1.3 Installation.We plan to convert this to a dual node RAC install and I wanted to run by the steps to perform this AND clone over the current production system to the new RAC system (note this will not be using ASM - but will be based on NetApp NFS)

1. Install GRID
- installed acorss two nodes, Binaries can be shared
- voting disks / cluster rigistry MUST be shared

2. Install Database Software for RAC
- Binaries cannot be shared and must be installed on each node independently

3. Configure the GRID for database (database / listeners)

4. Clone over the stand alone system (clone database as RAC)

I will be using SCAN - and therefore would expect all the web services / concurrent manager nodes to point to the SCAN hostname as opposed to individual host names.

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Real Application Clusters :: One Node Or Clusterware Single Instance Failover?

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to design a database consolidation high-availability cluster for Oracle 11g R2 64-bit Enterprise Edition (X86-64) on Oracle Linux 6.x UEK, using Oracle (the latest as of Aug 2012).

We don't need RAC Multi-Node now or in foreseeable future because none of the databases we run break the capacity of a single node. Likewise, we don't need to use Oracle VM to virtualise the database instances.

We plan to use SGA and PGA memory management to run multiple instances on same hardware operating on a single Linux 64-bit O/S image.Does it sound ok so far?

Two or three of 4-socket, 40-core Intel 64-bit servers with 512GB of RAM each (relatively cheap at today's HW commodity prices) will be sufficient to run all Oracle databases we have on Linux 64-bit.So the two HA options that I know of are:

(1) use Oracle Clusterware/Grid/ASM to provide for instance failover
(2) use Oracle RAC One Node on top of Clusterware/Grid/ASM

As I understand it RAC One Node is significantly more expensive than the "free" Oracle Clusterware/ASM/Grid (since we own Oracle Enterprise Licences already). So why should my employer pay for RAC One Node licence given they already own Single Instance Fail-Over and Restart protection from Clusterware/Grid/ASM ?

I also read that Data Guard 11.2 may not be supported with RAC One Node on 11.2? True? Will same Data Guard 11.2 work with a Single-Instance Failover running on Clusterware/Grid/ASM ?

-Who is running RAC One Node? Why?
-Who is running Single Instance Failover with Clusterware? Why?
-Who is using Data Guard with either of the above?

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RMAN :: Clone 2 Node RAC Database To Single Instance Non-RAC Database Using Existing Backup

Jul 25, 2012

I tried to clone a 2 node rac database to single instance non rac database using existing backup. I have not used connectivity to target or catalog. rman duplicate finished with below messages:

rman auxiliary sys/******@dbracdup
RMAN> duplicate database to dbrac spfile backup location '/oracle/backup';
Finished recover at 25-JUL-12
Segmentation fault

And the database was in mount stage, and when i tried to open database it failed with below error:

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-19838: Cannot use this control file to open database .

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Configure Oracle 11g RAC With ASM Setup?

Aug 26, 2013

We wish to configure an Oracle 11g RAC with ASM setup for the internal employee training purpose. The requirement is as follows

1. Operating system Linux, Software Oracle 11g Release 2
2. Need to build total 5 individual clusters.
3. Each cluster with 2 Node
4. Need to configure ASM as a shared storage with real hardware. (No virtualization, Openfiler, NFS)
5. Need to configure RAC database.

provide me the hardware details for configuring Shared storage. Is there any specific Storage which we can use to configure ASM as a storage.

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Windows :: Cannot Run Oracle Developer 6i Setup

Jan 24, 2002

Cannot run Oracle Developer 6i setup. Windows error message:

AppName: orainst.exe
AppVer: ModName: oibknd32.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0000ad41

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Forms :: Setup Or Installer In Oracle?

Sep 28, 2011

My question is that can i want to make setup or installer in Oracle to deploy in clients machine like other tools did.

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Windows / .NET :: Oracle 10g ODBC For Setup

Jan 4, 2013

i want to use Oracle database client 10g ODBC driver but i don't have it.

I want the driver for setup.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Query On Adding New Node To Existing 2 Node Cluster

Jun 15, 2012

current environment

Oracle VM 2 Node RAC cluster
Oracle 11G
Oracle 11g rel 2 GI

on current 2 node cluster we have GI and RAC db configured Nodes: vmorarac1,vmorarac2

we shutdown vmorarac1 to clone it to vmorarac5

on new node I have changed the hostname to vmorarac5 In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 change ip to new ip and same for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1,

mad echanges to /etc/hosts on vmorarac1/2 for 2 new IP address assigned to vmorarac5 vmorarac1 vmorarac1-priv vmorarac1-vip


Query is is that all ok to reboot the new node to reflect changes as below and change the hostname to vmorarac2 vmorarac2 vmorarac2-priv vmorarac2-vip

hostname change in /etc/sysconfig/network

On new node vmorarac5, there is alreay software for RAC DB and GUI cloned from vmorarac1 is used to add existing node, but as part of pre-requisite configuratoin is there any config step missing

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Windows :: Oracle 10g Installation - No Configuration Setup

Feb 6, 2013

I have installed oracle 10g in D drive . The installation says it is successful, without asking the database name or the password . I have followed the steps given in the attached file .

However it is not asking the database name or password ( no configuration set up is appearing for the user to interact with the system ) . So, after installation I can not give the username and password .

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Oracle 11g X64 Setup On Windows 2008r2 Server

May 6, 2013

I am setting up a new production Oracle 11gr2 database on Windows 2008r2 server. I will have SAN(HP 3PAR) attach to the physical server. Here is my plan for diskLUN allocation:

1. 2 SAS disk in Raid1 for OS.
2. 2 SAS disk in Raid1 for Oracle database binary file.
3. 1 LUN for data file. (system, application, user table space)
4. 1 LUN for log file.
5. 1 LUN for temp.
6. 1 LUN for backup.

is this configuration OK? Does UNDO table space on separate LUN or it's OK to put it on data LUN?

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Data Guard :: How To Find Apply Node In RAC Two Node Standby DB

Aug 16, 2013

I believe, in a multiple RAC Physical Standby nodes only one node applies the archivelogs to the standby database. How you can find which node is the APPLY NODE using a SQL query?

I know you can veiw this information by querying the standby configuration using DGMGRL but how would you find out this information from a remote client using SQLPlus/PLSQL?

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