Upgrade :: 10gR2 Single Instance To 11gR2 RAC?

Aug 3, 2012

upgrading a single instance database of approx size 2TB to rac 2 node db on linux.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Upgrade Database With ASM Storage From 10gR2 To 11gR2?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a database running on 10205 version. It is a RAC database with ASM storage.

I want to migrate this database to other server and upgrade this database to 11202 version .

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Install Multiple Versions Of Oracle Databases 10GR2 And 11GR2 In A Single Node?

Oct 28, 2010


�I can install multiple versions of Oracle databases 10GR2 and 11GR2 in a single node using a unique Oracle ASM single instance?

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Use ASM On VMDKs For Single Instance 11gR2 DB?

Jul 3, 2010

I am planning a single instance database using Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise. The instance will run on OEL 5.5 which is on VMWare ESX 3. All disk space will be provisioned as VMDKs. The physical disk comes from a NetApp 7 controlled SAN with multiple disk arrays (one fast disk array and one slower disk array) using NetApp's RAID-DP (RAID-6).

Is there any benefit to using ASM in this single instance configuration ? It seems the data is already being striped, balanced, deduped, and (somewhat) protected by ESX, NetApp, and RAID-DP. NetApp SnapShot provides additional back-up options.

I am thinking without ASM, I could have one 1 TB LUN, say /u01, for the binaries, data files, and management files on the fast disk array and one 1 TB LUN, say /r01, for the flashback recovery area and all other recovery related files on the slower disk array. With autosize capabilities, any of the files can expand as needed up to the 1 TB capacity. 1 TB per disk array is the resource allocation for this instance.

With ASM, on the fast disk array I would have one 32 GB LUN for binaries and other files which must be outside of Oracle's CFS under ASM and then four 248 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group DATA. On the slower disk array I would have four 256 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group FRA.

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Data Guard :: Upgrade Oracle 9i R2 Single Instance To 11G R2 RAC?

Feb 17, 2011

There is a Single Instance production server Oracle 9iR2 [] OS HP-UX PARISC 11i v1 to RAC.

Now we want to migration this server with minimum downtime to Oracle 11gR2 [] in RAC environment OS HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium DOwn time must be minimum. what will be the procedure ?

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Database Upgrade From To 10gR2

Oct 26, 2012

Why is knowing the backup policy important before starting any upgrade.

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Oracle Database Migration From 9iR2 / 10gR2 To 11gR2

Apr 22, 2013

Which is the best method for migration of database from Oracle 9iR2,10gR2 to 11gR2.

Current Environment
Operating System: Sun OS 5.10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (32 bit)
Average Db Size: 600Gb
RAc Configuration: No
Operating System: Sun OS 5.10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
Average Db Size: 600Gb
RAC Configuration: No

Proposed Environment
Server1 and Server2
Operating System: Sun Solaris 10
Oracle Database: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
RAC Configuration: No
Hardware is New : Yes

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Server Administration :: Migration Of Oracle 10gR2 To 11gR2?

Jun 23, 2010

I am migrating an oracle 10g to 11gR2. i am a bit confused. The developers in my work place have a tablespace for storing table and a different tablespace for storing indexes.

For the migration i am using exp and imp. My question is how i am going to migrate the indexes from 10g to 11gR2?

OS; solaris sparc 10

Oracle 10g:

oracle 11g:

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Migrate From Oracle 10gR2 In Windows To 11gR2 In Linux

Jun 22, 2012

Question: to migrate from oracle 10gR2 in Windows to oracle 11gR2 in Linux . Steps are:

1.     need to expdp all schemas/users from oracle 10gR2 in Windows,
2.     then impdp each schema/user into oracle 10gR2 in Linux first,
3.     then upgrade the oracle 10gR2 in Linux to oracle 11gR2 in Linux ?
4.     Do I need to pre-create all the same tablespaces first in oracle 10gR2 in Linux ?

Is it correct ? or I can migrate straight all schemas/users from oracle 10gR2 in Windows to oracle 11gR2 in Linux using impdp ?

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Data Guard :: Possible To Use Dataguard From Single Instance To RAC Instance?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use oracle dataguard from single instance to RAC instance ? Does Oracle dataguard support this ?

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From 9.2.0 To 11gr2

Aug 6, 2012

Iam doing some oracle database upgrade from 9.2.0 to 11gr2 . is it possible to upgrade directly from this 9i version to 11gr2 .

Version : 9.2.0 to 11gr2

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Upgrade :: From Linux 32bit To 64bit - 10gR2 Database?

Dec 26, 2012

I need to do the following:

(1) Move my 10gR2 database from 32-bit Linux to 11gR2 64-Bit Linux (using an RMAN backup from 10gR2 restored on the 64-bit machine) then

(2) Bring up the database on 64-bit hardware and then upgrade to (64-Bit) [Without installing the 64-Bit software]

Haven't tried restoring to from a RMAN backup. I was trying not to have to install the Oracle software for 64-bit on the 64-bit machine. Was hoping to go directly to (64-bit).

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Single Instance Non-Grid To Single Instance Grid Database

Aug 27, 2012

I'm trying to test moving a single instance 11202 database to single instance w/ grid infra.

Here is what I've done:

1. Install a database (11202), single instance and create a database
2. Install Grid Software only (user: grid)
3. start the cluster
4. "srvctl add database -d orclsidb -o $ORACLE_HOME" to register the database with grid.
4.1> I was able to start/stop the database with srvctl command here onwards
5. configure disks using asmlib and start the asm
6. "srvctl add asm" to register asm with grid.
7. PROBLEM ... when I try to "backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';" from oracle user it errors out as below:

RMAN> backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';

Starting backup at 24-AUG-12
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy
input datafile file number=00011 name=/fs0/oracle/oradata/orclsidb/sjc883p_indx_large_01.dbf

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 08/24/2012 08:53:29
ORA-19504: failed to create file "+ASM_DATA_DG"
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
ORA-15001: diskgroup "ASM_DATA_DG" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contactConsidering "TNS: lost contact" I tried to see if grid listener is aware of ASM instance:


All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=usracdb03.rwcats.com)(PORT=1522)))
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                22-AUG-2012 06:08:53
Uptime                    2 days 2 hr. 50 min. 48 sec
Trace Level               off


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RAC & Failsafe :: Upgrade 10g To 11gR2 RAC On AIX?

Aug 26, 2011

Is there any document available for 10g to 11gR2 RAC upgrade on AIX?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Upgrade From 10g To 11gr2?

Jul 20, 2013

up gradation steps from 10g RAC to 11gr2 RAC.

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Server Utilities :: Migrate 10gR2 To 11gR2 On Different Server

Jul 11, 2011

Here are the cards I've been dealt:

I've inherited a instance running on a windows 2003 box; running fine, no problems other than system has been in production since 2005 and has gotten pretty old and tired. This old box has one tablespace on it... called "gateway".

I've installed on a new (Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise 64-bit) server and created an empty database also called "gateway".

Now to move the data and views, objects, everything.

I've read up on a variety of migration techniques (oops, I mean "upgradation" LOL) and can follow the steps...

In short, I want to pull everything off of server a (10.2) and put it into production on server b (11.2). There seems to be quit a few options.

1. install 10.2 on my NEW server (server b), move the data over and get everything running, then install 11.2 and have it upgrade the database as part of the installation process.
2. drop the empty tablespace on server b, stop the database on server a, copy the files over from the old to the new home, run DBUA or set the compatibility attribute...
3. run some type of server a to server b utility that can bridge the two over the network. Some type of mirroring technique?
4. run file export scripts on server a, copy files to server b and run various import scripts

I tend to think that option 3 would be the best because both instances are in great health and are running right now. Is there a mechanism that allows the 11.2 instance to see and upgrade from a different server?

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Expdp Slower After 11gR2 Database Upgrade?

Aug 6, 2012

After upgrading 11gR1 database ( to 11gR2 (, the datapump exports have been taking quite a bit longer. When database was 11gR1, a full expdp took approx. 40-45 minutes. After upgrade, it takes approx. 1 hour 40-50 minutes. These times were with parallel=4. I tried with parallel=8 and parallel=12, both of these took around 1 hour 5-10 minutes, better but still quite a bit slower than pre-11gR2 upgrade. I tried with exclude=statistics, index_statistics, indexes; it still took approx. 1 hour 40-45 minutes. This is a PeopleSoft database so there are many, many objects to be exported. The database was upgraded using dbua.

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Server Administration :: Upgrade Oracle 10g To 11gr2

Nov 25, 2011

Im planning to upgrade oracle10g to 11gr2.. i have query on that ..

my 10g having ORACLE_HOME=/app/ora/10.2.0, orainventory =/app/ora/oraInventory

new 11g ORACLE_HOME=/app/ora/11.2.0 .orainventory =?

my question is where i need to set ora inventory location for my new 11g? or it will create new location for that?

OS version : IBM AIX

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RMAN :: Unable To Take Backup After Upgrade From 10g To 11gr2

Dec 5, 2012

After upgrading db from 10 g to 11g ,unable to take rman backup.catlog also upgraded.SCAN listsner alos running

ps -ef |grep tns
oracle 13235 13215 0 13:23:55 pts/3 0:00 grep tns
oracle 2968 1 0 Dec 2 ? 0:47 /crshome_new/oracle/11.2.0/grid/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_SCAN3 -inherit
oracle 2997 1 0 Dec 2 ? 0:51 /crshome_new/oracle/11.2.0/grid/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_SCAN2 -inherit
oracle 19844 1 0 Dec 3 ? 0:30 /orahome_new/oracle/product/11.2.0/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_DB -inherit

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Upgrade 8i (32-bit) To 11gr2 (64-bit)?

Feb 20, 2013

We have imported 8i DMP file into 11gR2 successfully by IMP command.

Afterthat, we give EXP command for backup in 11gR2, but it shows some error like NCHAR character data type...

i.e. IMP works fine while upgrading 8i DMP in 11gR2, but then EXP shows error in 11gR2.

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Test Instance With Oracle 11gR2 - EM Sending Email Notifications Too Late

Feb 18, 2013

On a test instance with Oracle 11gR2 with Enterprise Manager Database Control I try to activate the Email Notifications in Enterprise Manager, so that I can use them for monitoring.

So i configured following settings:

Under Setup -> Notification method I gave him a valid mail address with a vaild SMTP server. The test mail was send successfully.

Under Preferences -> General i gave SYS a valid mail address to receive. The execution plan i let in standard configuration, so every time at everyday i will get an email, when something happens. the test mail was send successfully too.

Now i created an own rule to test the configuration:

I went to Preferences -> Rules an add an rule. Name and description I named "test" and set "database instance". At availability I activated all checkboxed, so i should be informed when the instance goes down, comes up, getting an error, when the error is fixed, when agent is not available, when agent is available again, when there is a metric error, when the emetic error is fixed, when a blackout starts and when it ends.

Metrics, policies and jobs there wasn't defined anything in standard, so i let it so and set nothing here. I activate the checkbox for sending emails to sys and sending repeat emails every 15 minutes 3 times at all.

Now, to test this notification i logged into my testserver and killed the listener process, to see, what will happened. After 1 Hour waiting i didn't get any email, so i restarted the listener. after the listener was started my outlook was fluted by emails from the server, that the listener was down. But why i didn't get them earlier.

I checked the procedure with the database to, here i get it down by "shutdown abort" and "shutdown immediate". But i get the mails, that the database is down, when its up already. And thats to late!

When I want to use such email notifications for productive servers and someting is going wrong, for that a notifications is configured of course, I want to get the mail directly, when that happened and not, hen the problem is fixed!

For example, here an email from testing, where the listener was down, that i've get at 13:01 :

Target Name=LISTENER_<hostname>
Target Type=Listener

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11gR2 SE And EE On Single Server?

Mar 24, 2011

I have one Linux machine on which first I did with Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise edition (EE) , it was working fine.

now today I installed oracle11gR2 Standard edition in different partition which is having separate oracle_home from EE.

when I checked the listener services ,port and all , I came to know that the new installation(SE) it will automatically pickup different listener name(listener_SE SID name) and non-standard port(1523).

I did with oracle10gR2 SE and EE both on the same machine with different oracle_home but all together using only one listener (LISTENER) and one port - 1521.

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From Oracle 10g Single Instance To 11g R2 Two Nodes RAC

Aug 17, 2011

Initial situation: Oracle 10g database single instance on Windows 2008 (datafile within NTFS partition)
Final situation: same database upgraded to Oracle 11g r2 on a two nodes RAC on Windows 2008 (datafile within ASM)

In your opinion, is this the best way to achieve the job ?

1) on the two nodes install grid 11gr2, asm, rdbms 11g r2 (SE)
2) export full from 10g
3) create a new empty 11g r2 database in the RAC 11g r2 infrastructure with the same tablespace layout of 10g database
4) import full from 10g to 11g r2

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Setup Oracle 11gR2 Single Node At Linux?

Jan 11, 2011

I need to setup Oracle 11gR2 single node @ Linux RHat 5 64-bit for long performance tests, huge loads, high speeds, a lot of transactions, having a good scalability, etc.

It's not a production server, but for strong system/volume tests.


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Implementation Of RAC To Non-RAC (Single Instance With Existing ASM-RAC As Storage)

Jan 13, 2013

We have an existing RAC on our Data Center and We have an IBM AIX that is designed to run a Synchronous Peer to Peer Remote copy(PPRC) that used to copy data to a remote site for Disaster Recovery Purposes.

Scenario will be,

Since that our Server from the DR site have a PPRC capability it used a remote copy of our ASM-RAC (from our Data center) as storage.
Is it possible that we install a Single Instance to our DR-Site and used the copy of our ASM-RAC as storage?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Instance - Migration To Database

Oct 20, 2010

2 Database.

TP1 Database - Oracle RAC 11g (2 Node)
TP2 database - Single Instance

Is it possible to migrate from RAC to Non-RAC(Single Instance)?

Our requirement is, 3 Oracle Schemas@TP1(having DW data) we need to move it to TP2 Database.

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Created Another Instance On Single Machine - Possible To Run Both Parallel

Feb 20, 2013

i have created an another instance on a single machine i got error when starting up a new one - error starting up database in exclusive mode so i shutdown older database instance , to start new one now is it possible to run both instance parallel?

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Possible Strategies For Restoring A Single Tablespace From Instance A To B

Jan 17, 2013

SO....: Win 7 64bits
DB....: Oracle EE 64 bits

In my notebook, i have 2 instances (orateste and ora11). They are all for testing purpose. I don't know what happened but, a problem in a partition of my SO made the Oracle software unavailable. I cannot start instance orateste. Even the windows service related to the instance have disappeared from services.msc. What i want to do is to restore only one tablespace from instance orateste to ora11. I have a full rman database backup from D-1.

1) Restore the entire database (orateste - to ora11(

2) Is there a way to restore only one tablespace, between instances and versions?

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Data Guard :: RAC Primary To Single Instance Standby Using

Mar 2, 2011


2 NODE RAC Cluster/Linux x86-64/ RDBMS

Standby server:

Brand new box, and I installed (software only)

I have a brand new box set-up for a single-instance standby database, and I have installed software only.

Do I need to patch to before I send a copy of the primary over to be set-up as a standby? If so, how do I patch without having a local database in place as this server will only be used for a standby? Can patching the oracle_home only be done?

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