Single Instance Non-Grid To Single Instance Grid Database

Aug 27, 2012

I'm trying to test moving a single instance 11202 database to single instance w/ grid infra.

Here is what I've done:

1. Install a database (11202), single instance and create a database
2. Install Grid Software only (user: grid)
3. start the cluster
4. "srvctl add database -d orclsidb -o $ORACLE_HOME" to register the database with grid.
4.1> I was able to start/stop the database with srvctl command here onwards
5. configure disks using asmlib and start the asm
6. "srvctl add asm" to register asm with grid.
7. PROBLEM ... when I try to "backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';" from oracle user it errors out as below:

RMAN> backup as copy database format '+ASM_DATA_DG';

Starting backup at 24-AUG-12
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=134 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy
input datafile file number=00011 name=/fs0/oracle/oradata/orclsidb/sjc883p_indx_large_01.dbf

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_DISK_1 channel at 08/24/2012 08:53:29
ORA-19504: failed to create file "+ASM_DATA_DG"
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
ORA-15001: diskgroup "ASM_DATA_DG" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contactConsidering "TNS: lost contact" I tried to see if grid listener is aware of ASM instance:


All rights reserved.

Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                22-AUG-2012 06:08:53
Uptime                    2 days 2 hr. 50 min. 48 sec
Trace Level               off


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Clusterware :: Can Use Grid Infrastructure 11.2 To Protect A Single Instance Database

Oct 12, 2012

I would like to use Oracle Grid Infrastructure to protect a single-instance database.

I found these docs:


I was unable to find a similar document for GI 11.2 . Do you know if such a document exists?

At the moment I only know that the GI is free if used for an Oracle Product, but I am not shure whether it can be used to protext external applications or single-instance databases

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Data Guard :: Possible To Use Dataguard From Single Instance To RAC Instance?

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use oracle dataguard from single instance to RAC instance ? Does Oracle dataguard support this ?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Single Instance - Migration To Database

Oct 20, 2010

2 Database.

TP1 Database - Oracle RAC 11g (2 Node)
TP2 database - Single Instance

Is it possible to migrate from RAC to Non-RAC(Single Instance)?

Our requirement is, 3 Oracle Schemas@TP1(having DW data) we need to move it to TP2 Database.

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Server Administration :: Install Oracle Single Instance Database On AIX 6.1?

May 4, 2011

I want to install oracle single instance database on AIX 6.1, does oracle recommend separate OS user for grid infrastructure and for oracle install? how many groups I need to have for these users like oinstall, dba etc?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Grid Infrastructure / Don't Get Any Instance Specific ASM Parameter

Oct 3, 2013

 i have installed grid(crs+asm) on my two linux node(Enterprise linux 5) setup, using openfiler(SAN) , i have configure grid Home like ORACLE_ HOME=/ u01/ home/app/11.2.0/grid.

1) i don't get any instance specific asm parameter file like init+ASM1.ora instead of that i got ab_+ASM1.dat,  hc_+ASM1.dat,  init.ora,  orapw+ASM  four files, do i need to create ASM instance specific parameter manually to create diskgroup in the same location,  

2)  +DATA diskgroup has been created while grid installation, but when i  try to create database, its giving me error diskgroup +DATA doesn't exit or not mount, but when i check it shows me mount like below $cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs     (here oracle home is grid home)$export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1$sqlplus / as sysdba>select name,state from v$asm_diskgroup;   name  state    DATA    Mounted even i cant able to dismount diskgroup DATA, it throws an error insufficient privilege. 

3) After grid installation how can one create diskgroup i mean what needs to exported as ORACLE_SID like in 10g we have $export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1  then creat diskgroup.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Can't Connect RAC ASM Instance Using Grid Control 12c

Nov 19, 2012

when i configure monitor target in GC12C,1 find i can not add asm instance target, and i use scan ip in 11GR2 rac ( two nodes )the problem is plublic IP's 1521 port not accept connect request from remote IP

error from gc12c
Failed to connect to the ASM: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection The Connect Descriptor was (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=

how can i let GC12C see ASM instance on each node in cluster??

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Data Guard :: Primary Database Is RAC And Physical Standby Is Single Instance

Mar 27, 2013

I am using Oracle RAC as primary database, we are going to start using Oracle data guard. So I am designing my infrastructure and planing to use Oracle Single instance as my physical stand by database.

My question is it feasible to have my standby database as single instance while the primary is RAC? is it feasible to build my Oracle single instance standby database from the RMAN backup of the RAC primary database? Is there any restrictions (or any points to be taken into consideration) since my primary database is RAC while the physical standby is Oracle single instance?

in the below link


it was mentioned that primary can be RAC or single and same for standby, but my question is it feasible to have primary as RAC while standby as single instance? or it should be like each others?

The primary database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database. Similar to a primary database, a standby database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle RAC database.

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RMAN :: Clone 2 Node RAC Database To Single Instance Non-RAC Database Using Existing Backup

Jul 25, 2012

I tried to clone a 2 node rac database to single instance non rac database using existing backup. I have not used connectivity to target or catalog. rman duplicate finished with below messages:

rman auxiliary sys/******@dbracdup
RMAN> duplicate database to dbrac spfile backup location '/oracle/backup';
Finished recover at 25-JUL-12
Segmentation fault

And the database was in mount stage, and when i tried to open database it failed with below error:

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-19838: Cannot use this control file to open database .

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Real Application Clusters :: Convert 10g Single Instance (uses ASM) Database To RAC - Reconfigure Fails?

Oct 5, 2012

I have 11gR2 GI installed on two nodes. I am trying to convert a 10g single instance (uses ASM) database to RAC and getting this error. I am trying using 12c as well as manually by using rconfig.

[main] [21:19:15:145] [ASMInstance.initialize:135] First record =[Ljava.lang.String;@958bb8
at oracle.sysman.assistants.rconfig.engine.ASMInstance.initialize(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.rconfig.engine.Step.execute(


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Networking And Gateways :: Maintaining Single Listener In Multi-instance Database Server With 3 Different Oracle Home

Sep 29, 2011

We've been administering a multiple instance production dB server with 3 different versions of Oracle installed.Currently, each of Oracle version had corresponding listener.Oracle 9i had 2 instances, 10g 6 instances & 11g 2 instances I can integrate this 3 listeners into 1.

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Use ASM On VMDKs For Single Instance 11gR2 DB?

Jul 3, 2010

I am planning a single instance database using Oracle 11gR2 Enterprise. The instance will run on OEL 5.5 which is on VMWare ESX 3. All disk space will be provisioned as VMDKs. The physical disk comes from a NetApp 7 controlled SAN with multiple disk arrays (one fast disk array and one slower disk array) using NetApp's RAID-DP (RAID-6).

Is there any benefit to using ASM in this single instance configuration ? It seems the data is already being striped, balanced, deduped, and (somewhat) protected by ESX, NetApp, and RAID-DP. NetApp SnapShot provides additional back-up options.

I am thinking without ASM, I could have one 1 TB LUN, say /u01, for the binaries, data files, and management files on the fast disk array and one 1 TB LUN, say /r01, for the flashback recovery area and all other recovery related files on the slower disk array. With autosize capabilities, any of the files can expand as needed up to the 1 TB capacity. 1 TB per disk array is the resource allocation for this instance.

With ASM, on the fast disk array I would have one 32 GB LUN for binaries and other files which must be outside of Oracle's CFS under ASM and then four 248 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group DATA. On the slower disk array I would have four 256 GB LUNs to create the ASM disk group FRA.

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From Oracle 10g Single Instance To 11g R2 Two Nodes RAC

Aug 17, 2011

Initial situation: Oracle 10g database single instance on Windows 2008 (datafile within NTFS partition)
Final situation: same database upgraded to Oracle 11g r2 on a two nodes RAC on Windows 2008 (datafile within ASM)

In your opinion, is this the best way to achieve the job ?

1) on the two nodes install grid 11gr2, asm, rdbms 11g r2 (SE)
2) export full from 10g
3) create a new empty 11g r2 database in the RAC 11g r2 infrastructure with the same tablespace layout of 10g database
4) import full from 10g to 11g r2

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Implementation Of RAC To Non-RAC (Single Instance With Existing ASM-RAC As Storage)

Jan 13, 2013

We have an existing RAC on our Data Center and We have an IBM AIX that is designed to run a Synchronous Peer to Peer Remote copy(PPRC) that used to copy data to a remote site for Disaster Recovery Purposes.

Scenario will be,

Since that our Server from the DR site have a PPRC capability it used a remote copy of our ASM-RAC (from our Data center) as storage.
Is it possible that we install a Single Instance to our DR-Site and used the copy of our ASM-RAC as storage?

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Created Another Instance On Single Machine - Possible To Run Both Parallel

Feb 20, 2013

i have created an another instance on a single machine i got error when starting up a new one - error starting up database in exclusive mode so i shutdown older database instance , to start new one now is it possible to run both instance parallel?

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Possible Strategies For Restoring A Single Tablespace From Instance A To B

Jan 17, 2013

SO....: Win 7 64bits
DB....: Oracle EE 64 bits

In my notebook, i have 2 instances (orateste and ora11). They are all for testing purpose. I don't know what happened but, a problem in a partition of my SO made the Oracle software unavailable. I cannot start instance orateste. Even the windows service related to the instance have disappeared from services.msc. What i want to do is to restore only one tablespace from instance orateste to ora11. I have a full rman database backup from D-1.

1) Restore the entire database (orateste - to ora11(

2) Is there a way to restore only one tablespace, between instances and versions?

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Upgrade :: 10gR2 Single Instance To 11gR2 RAC?

Aug 3, 2012

upgrading a single instance database of approx size 2TB to rac 2 node db on linux.

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Data Guard :: Upgrade Oracle 9i R2 Single Instance To 11G R2 RAC?

Feb 17, 2011

There is a Single Instance production server Oracle 9iR2 [] OS HP-UX PARISC 11i v1 to RAC.

Now we want to migration this server with minimum downtime to Oracle 11gR2 [] in RAC environment OS HP-UX 11i v3 Itanium DOwn time must be minimum. what will be the procedure ?

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Data Guard :: RAC Primary To Single Instance Standby Using

Mar 2, 2011


2 NODE RAC Cluster/Linux x86-64/ RDBMS

Standby server:

Brand new box, and I installed (software only)

I have a brand new box set-up for a single-instance standby database, and I have installed software only.

Do I need to patch to before I send a copy of the primary over to be set-up as a standby? If so, how do I patch without having a local database in place as this server will only be used for a standby? Can patching the oracle_home only be done?

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Data Guard :: RAC To Single Instance Logical Standby Creation

Jul 24, 2012

I am not able to find any document that shows steps to create a SINGLE INSTANCE LOGICAL STANDBY database for a 2 NODE ORACLE RAC database. I have found documents for RAC to Single Instance Physical standby database. But not for Logical Standby.


OS: Redhat 5
DB: file system, not using ASM/Standby also file system)
Status: Single instance physical standby database created, need to convert it to Logical standby.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: (INS-40916) Single-instance Version Of (CSS) Are Detected?

Mar 16, 2013

I am configuring Grid Infrastructure 11g2 on node A, one of two cluster nodes, and getting the following message:
[INS-40916] Single-instance versions of Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) are detected.

I executed runInstaller and installed software-only on both A and B nodes. It apparently the other node has already CSS instance running, and maybe caused by the installation.I remove the software from A first?

How do I stop CSS on the node A, and let the configuratoin to continue on this node B

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Automatic Storage Management :: How Many ASM Instance Can Reside On One Single Machine

Apr 16, 2013

How many ASM instance can reside on one single machine....

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Real Application Clusters :: One Node Or Clusterware Single Instance Failover?

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to design a database consolidation high-availability cluster for Oracle 11g R2 64-bit Enterprise Edition (X86-64) on Oracle Linux 6.x UEK, using Oracle (the latest as of Aug 2012).

We don't need RAC Multi-Node now or in foreseeable future because none of the databases we run break the capacity of a single node. Likewise, we don't need to use Oracle VM to virtualise the database instances.

We plan to use SGA and PGA memory management to run multiple instances on same hardware operating on a single Linux 64-bit O/S image.Does it sound ok so far?

Two or three of 4-socket, 40-core Intel 64-bit servers with 512GB of RAM each (relatively cheap at today's HW commodity prices) will be sufficient to run all Oracle databases we have on Linux 64-bit.So the two HA options that I know of are:

(1) use Oracle Clusterware/Grid/ASM to provide for instance failover
(2) use Oracle RAC One Node on top of Clusterware/Grid/ASM

As I understand it RAC One Node is significantly more expensive than the "free" Oracle Clusterware/ASM/Grid (since we own Oracle Enterprise Licences already). So why should my employer pay for RAC One Node licence given they already own Single Instance Fail-Over and Restart protection from Clusterware/Grid/ASM ?

I also read that Data Guard 11.2 may not be supported with RAC One Node on 11.2? True? Will same Data Guard 11.2 work with a Single-Instance Failover running on Clusterware/Grid/ASM ?

-Who is running RAC One Node? Why?
-Who is running Single Instance Failover with Clusterware? Why?
-Who is using Data Guard with either of the above?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Structure Schemas Within Single Oracle Instance To Support Multiple Project Development

Jan 24, 2013

The best way to structure my schemas within a single Oracle instance to support multiple project development. At the moment, within an Oracle instance I have Area_Dev and Area1_Test schemas, with the intention that Project Xv1.0 would use Dev schema for development and Test schema for testing.

Lets say I want to start on Project Xv2.0 development while I am still finalizing Project Xv.10 development what is the best way of accommodating that, without creating individual schemas for each project?

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Grid / Real Application Clusters Grid Computing With RAC

Aug 12, 2010

(Oracle Grid & Real Application Clusters Oracle Grid Computing with RAC) from rampant tech press. I have already ordered it 3 months back and still have not received it as its not printed yet or as i am told is in press. I would be glad to have a copy soon if its published.

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Server Administration :: How To Get Disk List On Any DB Instance That Uses ASM Instance

Mar 16, 2011

My context on our servers is the following one:

- one ASM instance
- X DB instances
- each DB instance uses 2 or more dedicated diskgroups from the ASM instance
- there is one diskgroup named FREEDISK that contains spare disks

On each DB instance you can see:

- the list and global parameters of all diskgroups using v$asm_diskgroup view
- the list and parameters of all disks the instance is using with v$asm_disk view

So my question is: how (if this is possible) to know the list of (spare) disks in FREE DISK disk group?

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Enterprise Manager :: Grid Control Database Instances Always Down

Jun 11, 2010

Installed Grid Control on Windows Server 2003R2 32-bit. Immediately upgraded to Both install and upgrade went fine, Grid Control can see its own database in the list of targets, looks good.

I then installed Oracle 11gR2 64-bit on Windows Server 2008R2 64-bit and created a new database. I then installed the agent manually on the server via OUI. Agent install went fine, secured and started properly.

The problems I'm having is Grid Control can't seem to see the database instance. If I go to "Targets", GC can see the host just fine, shows that its up and can see targets for the listener (Up), the agent at port 3872 (Up), and the database instance (Down). Drilling down to the database instance, it shows that the instance is not up (though it is as I can connect to it from a different machine and run queries against not) and the Agent Connection to Instance is down with the error:
Failed to connect to database instance: (UNKNOWN OCI STATUS 1804) OCIInitialize. Check ORACLE_HOME and NLS settings etc...

Also, pulling up the "Alerts" tab for errors showed the following for Metrics "Access to Important Tables and Views", "DB Data Files Permissions", and "DB Control Files Permission":

Target: SR3
Type: Database Instance
Metric: Access To Important Tables And Views
Collection Timestamp: Jun 11, 2010 11:11:26 AM
Error Type: Collection Failure
Message: 1804 at c:oracleagent10g/sysman/admin/scripts/db/ line 290.
There are also several "Missing Properties : [AdrHome,ConvertFromCharset,needCharsetConvert]" errors listed too.

I've looked into the 1804 error and from what I could find, its a perl-related issue with not being able to get the ORACLE_HOME information.

- I verified that ORACLE_HOME was set in the environment variables and even rebooted to make sure it was being picked up properly. That didn't work.
- I added "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}='c:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome';" to the file. That didn't work either.
- I added the GC security certificate to the trusted certificates on the target box in case it was some kind of SSL issue. I don't get the annoying "invalid certificate" warning, but it didn't fix it.

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Enterprise Manager :: Monitoring Standby Database Using Grid Control

Mar 3, 2008

I'm monitoring and all my databases using grid control. Recently I added a dataguard configuration but the standby database shows me a lot of error simple because it's in MOUNT state. how I should configure grid control or the standby database so the errors disappear?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: OEM Grid Control Files For Oracle Database 10gR2

Jan 22, 2013

I am trying to setup my environment to prepare for hands on DBA exercises from an OCM handbook for 10g -OCM:Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Master Exam Guide

I need access to the following files, for 32 bit linux

Apparently the above along with other Grid software was once attainable from the link below but sometime between this year and the last Oracle decided to remove this and other software from public access. URL.....

I doubt Oracle will hear my plea - educational purposes only - so given I want access to the software only.

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