SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Other Tables In Application On-submit Process

May 4, 2012

In Oracle Apex 4.1,The Leave_transaction Table has the following Fields,


The Emp_Master Table has the following columns,


Holiday_master table has the list of holiday dates as "From_Date"

I have the form based on the Leave_Transaction Table, and I have created the Process, as "On-submit-after computations and validations" and posted the following PLSQL code,

days number(3);
ex_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;
new_rem_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;


If the Dates is between from_date and To_date comes in Saturday and sunday and/or if any Date is exist in the Hpliday_master table it will exclude and return the count(*) remaining dates, For example,

If the From_date is 04-may-2012' and To_date is 08-may-2012,

Here the dates 5th may and 6th may are "saturday" and "sunday"

and if any date between From_date and To_date is exist in Holiday_Master Table i.e say here it is 07-may-2012, Then the remaining dates are(excluding sat,sunday and dates in holiday_table),


so the count(*) is 2.

I am using the above code but still it returning 5,I think this

...where to_char(dt,'fmday') not in ('sunday','saturday') minus (select holiday_start from holiday_master))

code is not working.

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PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Two Columns Using Values From One Column

Jul 25, 2013

From two given tables, how do you fetch the values from two columns using values from one column(get values from col.A if col.A is not null and get values from col.B if col.A is null)?

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Application Express :: Page To Submit Not Found

Nov 29, 2012

I am using Oracle Application Express 11g

I don't have a option for "Page item to submit" in Chart Region

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Application Express :: Default Submit Button

Jun 16, 2013

I am new in apex i create form with report when i create record it submit page to its report its ok but can i change page on condition base.

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Application Express :: How To Submit Page On Load

Oct 4, 2012

i m using apex 4.1, and want to submit page when page load. i tried dynamic action but it continuously refreshing page. is there any other javascript or anything else from which i submit page on load

dynamic action used, event on load and action submit page but it continuously submitting page.

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Application Express :: Radio Group With Submit?

Oct 4, 2013

I have an updateable report based on a collection.

One of the columns is a radio group and is the only updateable column

My code for the column is currently


I also have a button that fires an update process.

Ideally, I would like to get rid of the button and fire the update, after the user has changed the radio group.

So I changed my code to

, seq_id
, c008
, null
, null
, null
, 'doSubmit(''SUBMIT'')'
, null
, null
, null)

If I click on a different radio group nothing happens.

If I then click on another one, the update fires, but with the value of the previous radio.

Do I need to add something else to


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Application Express :: Message Display Before Submit To Record

Nov 5, 2012

I have created two page process with two buttons "APPROVE" AND "CANCEL" button. first page process running approve invoice procedure on approve button and second page process running cancel invoice procedure on cancel button. i want to display massage before approve invoice and cancel invoice (DO you want to approve invoice) on approve button and (Do you want to cancel invoice on ) cancel button.

Working with apex4.1.

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Application Express :: Showing New Rows Added To Tabular Form After Submit?

Jan 30, 2013

How i can show the new added rows to tabular form after submit? what I want is to show my customer new added rows that recently added. but according to how I sort the tabular form, the new added rows distributed in multi pagination in tabular form. I'm not good in English, excuse me for my mistakes. I use apex 4.2.0 On Oracle 11g r2 on windows Server 2008

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Application Express :: How To Force APEX To Fire Submit After Processes Before On-Demand

Jul 2, 2013

We have an application that has "After Submit" and AJAX "On-Demand" processes.  We need the "After Submit" to fire and complete first, set an application item (by referencing the next value in a sequence), and then fire the "On-Demand" processes.  We have the sequence number set accordingly, with all of the "After Submit" processes given a lower (APEX) sequence number than the "On-Demand" processes; however, it seems the "After Submit" processes are still not firing and completing because only intermittently are the "On-Demand" processes able to access the application item's value--80% of the time this value is simply blank.  Making matters more complicated is that the application item is derived from an Oracle sequence, so in my "On-Demand" processes, I cannot simply re-run some of the same logic used in one of the "After Submit" processes that sets the sequence--the sequence may only be set once, and only by this "After Submit" process; we have no choice in that regard. Is there any way possible in APEX to 100% force processes to fire AND complete, one after another, in the order in which they are listed by their (APEX) sequence?  In other words, if we have this: 

(APEX) Seq Name & Process Type

1 process A ("After Submit")  
2 process B ("After Submit")--this sets application item :XYZ
3 process C ("On-Demand)--this uses application item :XYZ and MUST have this item value available to do any processing Can we instruct APEX to fire process A, complete it, fire process B, complete it, and only then, fire process C? 

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Application Express :: Execute JavaScript After Update And Submit In Skillbuilders Modal Page

May 13, 2013

I'm editing, say, list of my employees in a tabular form opened in Skillbuilders Modal Page. I have to execute same javascript code after the changes in the tabular form have been submitted.

I've tried using a Dynamic Action fired on Page Load, but that gets executed before the update is completed.

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Application Express :: Setting Foreign Key Value In Detail Tabular Form Region On Submit

Feb 27, 2013

I have a master detail screen where the detail region is a tabular form. I want to create a new master and detail records at the same time. The master uses a get PK process on submit that gets the PK from a sequence.

Obviously I need to set this value in the FK column on the new detail records on submit also, but I just cannot see how this is done. Fine for updates etc, but this is when the master is new as well. A two stage process is not an option here.

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Database Link To Fetch Values From View?

Dec 8, 2008

Here is the information about database I need to connect from my view, as the underlying table for my view is in this database

Database instance : orcl
Machine name : contentm (not sure, if this needs to be used)

so in my schema, I tried the following

CREATE DATABASE LINK product_lnk2 USING 'orcl'
select * from cont20.V_FB_PRODUCT_NM@product_lnk2

where cont20 is the schema on orcl

But it gives me this error ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ref Cursor As In Parameter / How To Fetch Column Values

Sep 21, 2010

i have a proc that is taking p_serial_number refsursor as in parameter. the structure of p_serial_number is required to be

mfg_prod_cdchar (3 byte)
mfg_prod_seq_no char (6 byte)

How do I need to define this ref cursor ? and when I use it in my Procedure how do I fetch the column values ?

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PL/SQL :: Fetch DISTINCT Values From Partitioned Table

May 12, 2013

What is the fastest way to fetch DISTINCT values from partitioned table?


Table Definition



** Local Partition Indexes


** Explain Plan:
SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWSCost: 6,235  Bytes: 629  Cardinality: 37                           
      8 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 6,235  Bytes: 629  Cardinality: 37                      
         7 CONCATENATION                 
              3 PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR  Cost: 1,985  Bytes: 1,031,900  Cardinality: 60,700  Partition #: 3  Partitions accessed #194 - #207          


Partition #: 7  Partitions determined by Key ValuesThe above query is taking around 6-7 minutes to fetch the data.

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Join Two Oracle Tables For Fast Fetch Of Data From Table?

Jul 2, 2012

join two oracle tables for fast fetch of data from table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Process A String Of Values That Is Being Passed From Cold Fusion?

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to process a string of values that is being passed from Cold Fusion.

procedure test (Names in varchar2) is The Names variable from the Cold Fusion page would have values like Joe1,Joe2,Joe3,Joe4.

I need to loop through the Names variable (Joe1 then Joe2 then Joe3 and so on) and insert each one into a table. how to do that within the procedure?

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: Change To Application Process Not Recognized?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to make changes to a PL/SQL procedure in an application process and no matter what I do in the PL/SQL text (even removing semi-colons and messing up syntax) no changes register when I call the procedure from a page process. I've also tried creating a new application process with a similar procedure of a different name, and no page processes will allow me to call the procedure, saying that it needs to be declared. APEX 4.1.1

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Application Express :: Application Process Execution?

Jul 26, 2013

Application process (with htp.p in it) does not execute when onSubmit page process returns error (and shows it in notification bar).

How can I make process to execute? Or it is a bug? You can see example in test application Report 1Just press SUBMIT button and see difference near phrase "application process is here" at the top.

View 13 Replies View Related DB - How To Determine Fetch Size Of Application

Feb 18, 2013

The db is on a linux machine.I would like to know the "fetch size" of an application, but I was not able to find any related meteris in v$statname.

The application configruation is invisible to me.Do I need to do some calculations based on statistic metrics from v$statname?

If so, what meteris should be considered for the assumption for "fetch size" ?

The following is from manual, but the application configuration is invisible to me.


Setting the Fetch Size

The following methods are available in all Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and ResultSet objects for setting and getting the fetch size:

•void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException

•int getFetchSize() throws SQLException

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Application Express :: Fetch Multiple Value Using Ajax

Aug 17, 2012

i am using apex4.1 and i am trying to fetch multiple value using Ajax code.i am using the following link


NOthis is based on select list . when i choose particular value in select list corresponding values are displayed in items.

my select list is too long. so i replace select list with pop lov of values item then this code do not work. what changes i have to do so that this code work.

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Application Express :: Sql Query To Fetch Session ID

Feb 18, 2013

I am to trying to fetch session id of a previously submitted process of a search button......so that i can display the search results in a different page.....so is there any sql query or pl/sql procedure to fetch the session id.

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Application Express :: Fetch Row With / Without Refreshing Whole Page?

May 29, 2013

I would like to create a process that allows me to move from record to record without refreshing a whole page. Specifically, I'd like to use a tree object that allows the user to select items and then have the details for that item show up on the right side of the page. Is there a way to do this without doing a complete page refresh?

So far I've tried two different on-demand processes:

- first I created an "Automatic Row Fetch", but I read on the board that this actually won't work as an on-demand process;

- I also tried a PL/SQL process that sets the various variables (e.g. ":P7_NAME") based on a query. This updated the session state, but it didn't refresh the fields on the page. Is there a way to trigger this refresh?

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OLE DB :: How To Fetch Host Database In System To Run Web Application

Nov 4, 2012

i am having database in server and i have to run my web application in client machine. how to set the connection of server database in web.config file.

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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Forms :: ORA-24374 / Define Not Done Before Fetch Or Execute And Fetch

Mar 24, 2011

FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.

ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch

My master-detail form has single canvas. For both blocks, master and detail, two tables joined together in each. One table to be updated, second table has some info for reference (query only).

I am getting these errors when in detail block the item from LOV is selected for existing record. This does not happen for new record inserted in detail block.

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OO4O And Wizards :: How To Fetch Columns In Cursor Using FETCH

Nov 1, 2012

create or replace PROCEDURE newprocedur(outname OUT VARCHAR2,outroll OUT NUMBER) AS

select Name,Rollno,Section from emp;
Open c1;
fetch c1 into outname,outroll;

Here out of 3 columns in cursor is it possible to fetch only two columns using FETCH like i did above?

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Application Express :: Process Inserting Multiple Row

Feb 22, 2013

I have a process on my page which inserting some tables. one table may have more than one row. say

id1, id2, attr1, desc
1 1001, 1, abc
2, 1001, 4, xyz
3, 1001, 5, hhh

so on. id2 is a fk key in this table. for same id2 it may have more than one row. I have process and following is part of it but getting error that is PLS-00224: object 'P30_QUES' must be of type function or array to be used this way .

v_count number;
v_code number;


select count(*) into vv_count from table1; -- it may have 7 or 8 questions

FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP

select code into v_code from table1 where code = :p30_ques(i);

if :p30_ques(i) is not null then
INSERT INTO table2 (id1, id2, attr1, desc)
values (null,fk_value, v_code,nvl(:p30_ques(i),null));
end if;
end loop;

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Application Express :: Call A Process On Logout URL In 4.2?

Jan 3, 2013

I m using apex4.2 with wls10.3 and database 11g

I m trying to call a process on log out URLIn apex4.1 in authentication scheme we have logout url were we change the page were we need to redirect on logout click

But In apex4.2 under authentication scheme Post-Logout URL

I have given url here like this apex_authentication. logoutp_session _id=&SESSION. &p_app_id=&APP_ID.:117 on this page i have the two process but i m getting error System Unavailable.

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Application Express :: Automatic Row Fetch Based On Select List

Oct 27, 2013

db11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24. I want to do automatic row fetch when the value of a select list changes ?but first i should ofcourse create a tabular form to fetch the data into it , but what i want is ,if i fetch 2 rows then the report contains only two rows , if i fetch 3 , the report contains only 3, if i fetch nothing , the report has nothing ? 

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