Join Two Oracle Tables For Fast Fetch Of Data From Table?

Jul 2, 2012

join two oracle tables for fast fetch of data from table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join 2 Tables And Get Data In Table 3

Mar 1, 2010

I have 2 tables as shown below. I have to join those tables and get data as in table 3. Condition is I have to get sum of scores for each student where category is 1 and active is Y.

A 10 1
A 10 2
B 10 1
B 20 2
C 10 1
D 20 1
J 30 1



query to show student name and sum of his score where category is 1 and active is Y. I am using Oracle 8i.

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PL/SQL :: How To Fast Delete Lot Of Data In A Table

Jan 9, 2013

I have a table with around 650,000,000 rows and we need to delete about 60,000,000 rows at the end every month and same amount of rows accumulate throughout the month. The deletion usually takes overnight to delete. We are using 10r2 in IBM AIX. The procedure we are using to delete is:

ln_count number:=0;
for i in (select rowid from table1 where some_id<2012090000)
delete from table1


When this procedure is started I mostly see that the session is busy in user i/o wait for db sequencial file read. Will using cursor instead will give better results.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join 2 Tables To Get Parent Child Data

Mar 24, 2012

I have 2 tables, ITEM_T is the base table and RELATIVE_T is the relation table which establish the relationship between parent and child.

I want to give ZZZ child as input and I want get output in below format. I tried various method, but I am not able to get the below result.




Expected Result:

When give input as ZZZ:


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Performance Tuning :: Insert Data Fast On Table

Oct 15, 2013

I am inserting data using a procedure for 2012 and 2013 year which is using partitioned tables includes crore of data in a partition taking lot of time or taking months. Is there any other way by which I can insert data fast from our query.

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PL/SQL :: How To Join Tables And Get Ppl Not In The List From Other Table

Nov 2, 2013

I have 2 tables Table a(girlscoutid, item, quarter)Table b(girlscoutid, fname, lname) I want to get the names of ppl who did not sell any item/s for the

4th quarter  
girlscoutid item quarter7771
drinks 4QS9000
tickets 4QW7771
cookies 2QS5085books 3QF3010tickets3QW5085
cookies1QF lscoutid
fnamelname7771 jenn richochet9000 laura wilkins5085sally mae3010dora mckenzie 

This is what I have, however, I get duplicates and  also 7771 shows up on the list even though she sold an item on the 4Q.

  SELECT fname, lname, a.girlscoutid
FROM a,b
WHERE a.girlscoutid = b.girlscoutidAND term NOT LIKE '4Q_';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Join On Tables

Sep 11, 2013


My requirement is to match the records in MTCH_TBL and HIST_TBL on the basis of joining S_SEC(MTCH_TBL) with SEC_ALIAS(HIST_TBL) and INSTANCE (HIST_TBL) as 100 and choosing the record with max EFF_DATE from HIST_TBL.

I have come up with a query as:

select a.h_sec, a.s_paid, a.h_paid
where a.S_SEC=b.sec_alias(+)
and b.instance(+)=100
and b.EFF_DATE =

join using the EFF_DATE field also and get the expected results.My results are appearing as BLANK. However I need to produce the results as stated below:

Now, i need the results as:

H_SEC= 526
H_PAID = Q00

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Server Utilities :: How To Export Data Based On Join Between 3 Tables

Jan 10, 2011

How to export a data, which is a join of three tables.Will Export or dbms_datapump supports for above scenario.

Database: DB1
Tables: T1, T2 & T3
Select: t1.*,t2.*,t3.*
Join: t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c1=t3.c1

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Dumping Relevant Data From Columns Of Different Tables - Report / Join

Nov 18, 2008

As the title of this topic illustrates, i'm having trouble dumping relevant data from columns of different tables. I am using isql*plus. I have three tables appropriatly related. A 'course' table, 'student' and 'next_of_kin' tables. I have many students enrolled on various courses but only a hanfull of courses offer the module option 'Database Systems'. I have no 'module' table but i know the three course names which provide the module option. I intend on producing a report hich lists all students enrolled on the courses which provid the module option 'Database Systems'.

I have attempted the report but i keep getting a 'cartesian product' displaying all next_of_kin names instead of the appropriate. Also i am struggling to come up with the right WHERE statement to depict only the three courses which provide the module option 'Database Systems' as defined by 'courseNo' in both 'course' and 'student' tables.

Here is the most recent attempt:

--set echo off
--set pagesize 24
--set feedback off
--set linesize 78
col A format 99999999 heading 'Student No'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Data From Table

May 11, 2011

I want to write a SELECT query on the data which are collected in a PLSQL table which is having 4 columns.

Looping through all the records in the PLSQL table will not get my requirement. Because I need to group the data based on two columns and need to fetch the count of groups.

Is there any way to query that PLSQL table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Efficient And Fast Method Required For Audit Trailing Tables In A Schema?

Nov 17, 2011

efficient & fast method for Audit trailing tables in a Schema for any insert /update /deletes for a table. I do not want to use db triggers because of performance issues.

presently we have as system which does audit trail as below:

1. If a user changes a column value for a table ( update/insert/delete) then we call a db package and pass the parameters like table name,col name,user, operation (ins/update/delete),old value, new value,date modified,user modified etc

2. the called package will insert a record in the audit trail table with the parameters passed

3. The audit trail table is used for report generation .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Join A Table Column Names With Data From Other Table

Jul 18, 2012

I am trying to join column names from a table with data from a different table. I think i should be able to pass the parameter to a 'select list' in a query. Look at my sample data below. And the data in sales table can grow till 15 rows and similarly corresponding columns in saleshist.

Q1 VARCHAR2(30),
Q2 VARCHAR2(30),
Q3 VARCHAR2(30),

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Windows / .NET :: Excel VBA Macro To Fetch Data From Oracle Database

Aug 1, 2012

we are using ERP System based on Oracle DB. I have an oracle client 10.2.0 installed on my machine (Win 7/64-Bit) and trying to create Excel(2010) VBA-Macro to get datas out of the Oracle DB using a SQL query:

On my old machine (Win XP/Excel 2007) following worked fine:

strConOracle = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
"(HOST=" & strHost & ")(PORT=1521))" & _
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=" & strDatabase & "))); uid=" & strUser & " ;pwd=" & strPassword & ";"
Set oConOracle = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRsOracle = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oConOracle.Open strConOracle
Set oRsOracle = oConOracle.Execute(strSQL)

All the datas in the variables coming from cells or userforms - I am 100% sure all this is correct, as as said, it works on any Win XP Machine with Excel 2007

But trying same with Win 7/64-Bit/Excel 2010 gives me following error: MS ODBC Driver for Oracle: ora-01019: unable to allocate memory in the user side.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - Block Logic To Fetch Records From Table And Compare

Dec 26, 2011

the following proble.The emp table is having 14 records.




The emp table is having 10 records.

SELECT * FROM emp_10 ORDER BY empno;



I have written the following PL/SQL block logic tofetch the records from the emp table and compare the records with emp_10 table to perform insert if the records are newelse to perform update the existed records in the emp_10 table.

CURSOR tranche_balance_cur
SELECT empno,


Execution scenario 1:

I have commented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records4
Updated Records10

As per the logic it's giving the correct output because the cursor is fetching 14 records in that already 10 records are existed in emp_10 tableand 4 are new that it's showing the count for inserted records as 10 and updated records as 4.

Execution scenario 2:
I have uncommented insert and update statements in that case I got the following out put.

Inserted Records13
Updated Records1

As per the logic it's not giving the correct output.

I tried with using TRIM function in the comparision logic to avoid spaces.

TRIM(emp_10.empno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.empno)
AND TRIM(emp_10.ename) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.ename)
AND TRIM(emp_10.sal) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.sal)
AND TRIM(emp_10.deptno) = TRIM(tranche_balance_rec.deptno)

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Implementation Where Data From DB2 Tables Are Moved To Oracle Tables

Sep 3, 2012

I came across an implementation where data from DB2 tables are moved to Oracle tables, for BI solutioning, using some oracle procedures called from MS SQL DTS packages which are scheduled jobs.Just being curious, can this be done using OWB or ODI rather than the above detour. I suppose there are some changes being done in those procedures before the data is being loaded into Oracle tables, can't this be done using OWB/ODI? Can it be scheduled too as jobs using OWB/ODI?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Other Tables In Application On-submit Process

May 4, 2012

In Oracle Apex 4.1,The Leave_transaction Table has the following Fields,


The Emp_Master Table has the following columns,


Holiday_master table has the list of holiday dates as "From_Date"

I have the form based on the Leave_Transaction Table, and I have created the Process, as "On-submit-after computations and validations" and posted the following PLSQL code,

days number(3);
ex_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;
new_rem_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;


If the Dates is between from_date and To_date comes in Saturday and sunday and/or if any Date is exist in the Hpliday_master table it will exclude and return the count(*) remaining dates, For example,

If the From_date is 04-may-2012' and To_date is 08-may-2012,

Here the dates 5th may and 6th may are "saturday" and "sunday"

and if any date between From_date and To_date is exist in Holiday_Master Table i.e say here it is 07-may-2012, Then the remaining dates are(excluding sat,sunday and dates in holiday_table),


so the count(*) is 2.

I am using the above code but still it returning 5,I think this

...where to_char(dt,'fmday') not in ('sunday','saturday') minus (select holiday_start from holiday_master))

code is not working.

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Fast Way To Retrieve All Data Blocks

Apr 19, 2012

I am interested about the fast way to access all data in physical block. what is the quick way to bring data blocks using the rowid, I found this script but soon as I can have faster access:

select * from table_name t
where 'AAAUaOAAEAAHkJiAAA' is the last element in the block and 'AAAUaOAAEAAHkJiAA8' is the first one

my question is can retrieve all the data in one block more quick than this query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join On Two Tables

Jul 29, 2013


Now, I need to compare the data of the two tables column-wise.

Ideally the 2 tables should have the same security_alias values but in my case they do not as the two tables belong to 2 diff client models. There is however a main SECURITY_MASTERA and SECURITY_MASTERB tables which have the security_alias recorded and a primary_asset_id column value which can act as a link between SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB. But, I have not been able to figure out the exact query which will be ideal.

Attached are the table structures and the data it contains.

Note: I need to compare the Coupon and Freq column values of SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Join 2 Tables To Get Result

Sep 7, 2010

how to join 2 tables to get the result I need.I have following 2 tables (all dummy data)

Table 1


Table 2
789865 Abcn185765
879876 defd494854
432465 efgg5948545
789865 hijh685765
879876 klmj794854
432465 nopl9948545

I want to join the above tables to get the following result


I have tried writing union queries and exists clause in where and seem to get nowhere with this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: JOIN For Multiple Tables

Mar 29, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do:

I have three tables:


What I want to do is to return all of the rows from TABLE1 that are NCI regardless, and if they are NCI, I want to return the corresponding records from TABLE2 and TABLE3.

If TABLE1 has a record of NCI but there are no corresponding records in TABLE2 or TABLE3, then of course the columns for TABLE2 and 3 would be blank.

I can get all of the NCI records from TABLE1 when I LEFT JOIN with TABLE2, but when I try to specify TABLE3 in the FROM statement, only the records that are NCI in TABLE1 AND have data in TABLE2 are returned, not just all records with NCI in TABLE1.

Let me know if I can further clarify.

I know that you do not have access to my tables, but here is an example of my code so that you may understand my quandary further:

SELECT l.sku AS "SKU",
l.loc AS "LOC",
l.qty AS "QTY",
o.ncikey AS "NCI",
r.description AS "NCI DESC",
o.qtyexpected AS "NCI QTY EXP",
o.qtyreceived AS "NCI QTY REC",
o.loc AS "NCI LOC",


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update With Join Over Two Tables

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to write an Update that really frustrates me because it won't work for one reason or another.The situation is that I have two tables for customer information, t1 with the names of the customer and t2 with the address.These two can be joined via a client_id.

Now I have a third table t3 with the name and address of potential customers. I want to find out if some of them are already known to me so that I can update the client_id from table t1 or t2 into t3.

I have to join firstname, lastname from t3 to firstname, lastname from t1 and street, zip, city from t3 to street, zip, city from t2 and client_id from t1 to t2. Additional there is the problem that there can be more than one result so I have to update one of the found client_ids per name/address into t3.I am no expert to PL/SQL, I just know what SQL works in Access and that is:

ON (t3.firstname= t1.firstname) AND (t3.lastname = t1.lastname)) INNER JOIN t2
ON ( = AND ( = AND (t3.street = t2.street) AND (t1.client_id = t2.client_id)
SET t3.client_id = t1.client_id;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join Tables On Date With MAX?

Dec 18, 2012

I'm looking a way to easily join two tables on date value but right table has no all possible dates so I need t fill missing records with MAX(DT) values.

My tables looks like



And I was trying to merge them somehow to get following result (for all missing dates from SOME_DATA I want to get value corespond to maximum data not higher than cal.dt):

-- good result

| 01/01/2012 | 10 |
| 02/01/2012 | 10 |
| 03/01/2012 | 15 |
| 04/01/2012 | 15 |
| 05/01/2012 | 15 |


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Outer Join 3 Tables

Jan 23, 2013

I'm wondering what part of this query is wrong because obviously I'm not getting the desired results.

select a.iss_id,C.ISSR_ID
from ft_t_isid a left outer join ft_t_issu b on a.INSTR_ID=b.INSTR_ID
left outer join ft_t_irid c on b.INSTR_ISSR_ID=c.INSTR_ISSR_ID
and a.ISS_ID in ('CA13606ZDD20',


I know that the problem is in the joins. I expect to get 9 rows of result but I get a lot more and they are not even what I'm looking for.

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How To Get Fast Output From Large Table

Jan 25, 2013

i have three tables and all of these tables have around 30L records.

Using join i am retrieving records from these tables but it is taking much more time to get output.

Partition can improve performance?

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Performance Tuning :: Which Index Will Be Better For Fast Retrieval Of Data

Nov 12, 2010

I create a view on production server which takes almost 10 to 12 minutes when it shows data. this view contains 3 or 4 tables on which all primary and unique columns have indexes.which index will be better for fast retrieval of data .

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Data Guard :: Fast-start Failover Concept?

Jun 17, 2010

what is the configuration dba has do for enabling the "fast-start failover concept" in the event of loss of primary database without requiring any manual steps to invoke the failover.whether the configuration are to be made in parameter file if yes what are those ?

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Data Guard :: Flashback And Fast-Start Failover

Jun 18, 2012

My Data Guard 's Enviroment:
Primary: RAC 2 Nodes
Standby: Single Instance

I want to implement Fast-Start Failover at my enviroment. Reading requirements, I found that Oracle Flashback is needed (I don't use Flashback on my databases).

Best Practices recommends 60 min (1 hr) for DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET if I just want to use Flashback to fast-start failover.

My questions:

What 's better, setup up flash recovery area on ASM or O.S. filesystem?
What is the recommended size for flash recovery area?

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Oracle Data Pump - Export Data From Schemas Or Tables

Oct 11, 2012

I need to export only the data from schemas or tables, how to do that with Oracle Data Pump? when we use schemas parameter this export all schema, not only the data right?

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Forms :: How To Join Tables In A Cursor

Feb 14, 2012

I'd like to join tables in a cursor.

I tried coding this way...

CURSOR studgrade_cur IS
SELECT g.stud_id, g.grade, subj_code, s.description
FROM studgrades g JOIN subjects s
ON(g.subj_code = s.subj_code)
WHERE stud_id = :Studentprofile.student_id;

but i got an error, saying:

Quote:encountered the symbol JOIN when expecting one of the following:

,; for group having intersect minus order start union where

Is it not allowed to use JOIN statement in a cursor?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join In Insert - Multiple Tables

May 20, 2013

I am trying to insert records in multiple tables. I know how to view data using joinig, but unable to understand how to insert records in multiple tables using Joining. I searched it on net, but didn't find much. I have also tried to write a code, but it is not working, I have seen some examples on different websites where people are using SELECT in INSERT statement for joining. What is the correct Syntax to INSERT record in Multiple tables.

Insert into library_users, library_users_info
(library_users.username, library_users.password, library_users_info.address, library_users_info.phone_no) VALUES (...)

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