SQL & PL/SQL :: Efficient And Fast Method Required For Audit Trailing Tables In A Schema?

Nov 17, 2011

efficient & fast method for Audit trailing tables in a Schema for any insert /update /deletes for a table. I do not want to use db triggers because of performance issues.

presently we have as system which does audit trail as below:

1. If a user changes a column value for a table ( update/insert/delete) then we call a db package and pass the parameters like table name,col name,user, operation (ins/update/delete),old value, new value,date modified,user modified etc

2. the called package will insert a record in the audit trail table with the parameters passed

3. The audit trail table is used for report generation .

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Fast Method To Drop Many Users

Oct 21, 2010

I have 2 tests Oracle instances (a 10g and a 11g) in which somebody added many users (almost 50k), every user having a TEST table with no rows in its schema.

I have to drop these users without recreating the instances, but DROP USER username CASCADE is taking almost 1 minute for each user. This will take me to almost a month.

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Windows :: Fast Method To Install Oracle Client In Multiple Machines?

May 25, 2010

I need to install Oracle Data Provider for NET (and all depending Oracle client SW components) in multiple client machines.

Exist any other options (faster) without installing oracle client on each of the machines?

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Server Administration :: Method To Execute Schema Stats?

Mar 22, 2012

When we want to gather schema statistics which method we should follow and why ?

exec dbms_utility.compile_schema('SHIKHAR');


OwnName => 'JACK'


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Security :: How To Check Audit Enabled For Particular Schema

Jan 11, 2012

how to check that audit is enabled for any particular schema.

The below is my audit parameter from database level:-


------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
audit_file_dest string /db17/dbdump/xxxx/adump
audit_sys_operations boolean TRUE
audit_syslog_level string
audit_trail string DB_EXTENDED

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Audit Tables For Most Of Production Tables

May 29, 2013

In our schema we have corresponding audit tables for most of the production tables

Ex Table name Audit Table

Audit tables will have all the columns of production table along with audit columns AUDIT_DATE , AUDIT_OPERATION There are few production tables which are not having audit tables.I need to write a script to identify

1) Production tables where corresponding audit table is missing

2) Where there is column difference (In case any column missing in audit table) between Production table and Audit table

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Server Utilities :: What Privileges Are Required To Perform Only Schema Level Export And Import

Feb 20, 2012

Quote:The EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE, respectively, are needed to perform a full export and import.

what privileges are required to perform only schema level export and import?

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Join Two Oracle Tables For Fast Fetch Of Data From Table?

Jul 2, 2012

join two oracle tables for fast fetch of data from table.

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Application Express :: Inbuilt Log And Audit Tables For 4.1

Sep 5, 2012

When we access the Administrator login then we can view various logs like the sql commands that have been recently fired,user list for a workspace,access to each application.Where are these data stored and fetched.Also could we get the inbuilt audit and log table for APEX 4.1 ?

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Audit Delete And Update On All Tables Of Database?

Jun 14, 2013

Was going through this and found that


enable audit for delete and updates for  given username/schema.  I want to enable auditing on delete and update on my entire database. 

Why? And have we tested it in our any of existing setup?  I am thinking of “Trigger after delete” but again this logic gets struck at individual tables. It do not work simply once and all for complete database/all users/all schemas

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How Efficient Are Partitioned Indexes

Feb 22, 2013

Using Oracle

We are evaluating partition strategies with view to achieving performance gains in reporting in particular. How efficient are partitioned indexes in this regard e.g.

just partitioned indexes on an un partitioned table.

One large fact table with durrogate keys on which have bitmpa indexes which link to unique key in associated dimensions. Considering partitioning the bitmap index which links to the largest dimension and similarly partition the dimension key on largest dimension.

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Performance Tuning :: Efficient Way To Alter Column For TDE?

Jul 4, 2013

I am using version of oracle.

Now we are supposed to apply column level TDE to some of our table in database. Now it will be a 'ALTER' on the columns. it involves 4 big tables out of which 3 tables having size ~30GB(one is partitioned table) and another one ~800GB(Not partitioned) Now the concern is, what will be the efficient/safest way to apply TDE on columns, below are the two options with us. (NOTE - We do have downtime window during DB maintenance but looking at the size of the table, i suspect it might take lot.)

1. Directly apply 'ALTER' on the columns. (Note- i was testing on my local, it took 3hrs for a 30GB table to ALTER the column to TDE)

2. Use Table Redefinition for Altering the column. (Creating interim table with column as TDE and then Redefining whole table).

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Efficient Way To Connect SQL Server From Oracle Which Is Running On HP-UNIX

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to Push the data from Oracle which is running in HP-UNIX to SQL Server. But don't know the efficient way to connect the SQL server from oracle which is running on HP-UNIX.I have heard about oracle Heterogeneous Connectivity but don't know exactly how to implement it in Unix environment.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Getting Trailing Characters Inserted For Blob Data?

Jul 15, 2010

I am seeing some trailing characters in the coloumn when we are inserting Blob. I am doing SQLBindParameter with SQL_C_BINARY and SQL_LONGVARBINARY as InputOutputType and ValueType respectively.Do you see any problem in this. I get this problem when I am running Oracle 11 g client on an Windows 2008 Server 64bit.When the same set of query is fired from Windows 2003 Server 32bit with Oracle 10g it works fine and no trailing character gets inserted.

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Server Utilities :: Field / Record Terminator - Trailing Null Col

Oct 7, 2010

I need to load a file with fields separated by '|^|' and at end of each record has '||*||'.

So in my ctl file what do i mention ? fields terminated by '|^|' ? for the record termination wat should I say?
Should I still mention 'trailing null col' in my ctl file...?

Sample data file:

the fields are properly terminated with |^| and the records are terminated with ||*||. Is it true that a file with |^| as field terminator cannot be loaded with sqlldr?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Tables From Different Schema?

Mar 18, 2012

I have created 2 different databases and each have their own schema user for eg we have database ALIVE with user allive and the other database RLIVE with user rllive , actually we have implemented new module in ALIVE database and in the process we created many tables , synonyms , index and other objects now we want to list out all the tables ,sequences as scripts which are not present in RLIVE and create them in RLIVE as new objects.

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PL/SQL :: Trigger From Other Tables Of Same Schema?

Jan 14, 2013

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

i'm trying since some hours to get information from inside a trigger from another table of the same schema.My trigger table is PSE_BKB.NUM_PHANTOM_BP

First i tried simple solution ...



The last version i tried was with a cursor definition inside the trigger as in the code-block below.For debugging purposes i've inserted a RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR in the inner loop - see below. The variable v_obj_key is never set, like in all other variations i tried - i alway see the predefined 'gugus' from the declare section.

It seems oracle cannot read from other tables at this point. The :old.phantom_key is set (in this simple example there should come one obj_key back).




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Create One Trigger Before DML On All Schema Tables

Nov 28, 2011

We have an application is must be connected to our database for specific requirements in our company but this application has a very bug thing as we must write the super DB password "Like HR password as example" clear in some files and these files must be shared so developers can use the HR password to do any action !!! I know that this application is a problem but we have to install

I can do this by creating trigger on each table will restrict DML. As example: if the operating system user is XXX, the trigger restrict the action. But not logic at all to create more than 1000 triggers on schema (This will impact badly on DB performance).

So, i need to create one trigger to fire before doing any DML on all schema tables. As example: If "MMM" the administrator operating system user trying to do insert action, he can do the action. BUT If "DEV" the developer operating system user trying to do insert action, the trigger must fire here to restrict this action.

Be noted also, i need this trigger not depend on any specific tool like Toad as any user can simply rename the exe file for toad then he can pass the trigger. At least, trigger must depend on (Operating system user & Action_type)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Row Counts Of Tables In Schema Without Using Num_rows

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to get a row count(*) for all the tables in my schema. The NUM_ROWS column in DBA_TABLES is not appropriate in this case because they are as good as the last analyze. So I need to get real time counts.

I tried the following code but I can't seem to catch my error.


l_sql varchar2(150);
cursor tablelist is
select table_name from dba_tables where owner = 'ME';


My expected results are :

---------- ----------

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How To Grant Select On All Tables Of User1 To Another Schema

Jan 18, 2012

User1 is having 10000 tables in his schema...How can i grant "select" on a all tables of a user1 to another schema(user2) so that in future when user1 will create tables , the user2 will have "select" access on those tables automatically.

I dont want user2 to have "select any table" privillege.

User2 should not have "drop" privillege on his own tables.

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Tool To View Schema And Relations Between Tables

Jul 4, 2008

Any tool or way to view the schema and relations between tables of an Oracle database?

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Server Utilities :: Import Only Tables Of A Schema

Jul 26, 2013

The way to do IMPORT of a schema's ALL the TABLES only. Through Data Pump. I don't want to import any other objects like 'package',procedure etc...

Is it the only way is specifying them within EXCLUDE parameter?

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Server Utilities :: How To Backup Tables In A Schema

May 31, 2012

How to backup the tables in a schema? I need som halp on this subjekt. I hav Dev envrnment that I must to backup.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Find List Of Tables Contains Particular Data In Schema?

Feb 3, 2012

I want to list the tables in a schema which contains a particular value or data.

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Security :: Enabling Audits Can They Be Applied On Tables Or Whole Schema

Apr 19, 2013

Enabling of auditing in oracle database, can this be done on some tables or applied on the whole schema/user.

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Backup & Recovery :: Selected Data From Tables Of Schema

Mar 7, 2012

I want to take backup of selected data from tables of a schema (as huge data, that is not used, causing slow query performance) I planned to create a seprate backup schema and tablespace to store the data from these tables. Then write procedures that can move the data to and fro among table of those schema. And create partitioned index on those backup tables.

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Forms :: Summit Office Supply Schema (Tables)?

Jan 21, 2013

I have this pdf (2 Volumes) from Oracle University courses, "Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with Oracle Forms" In order to read the examples you must have "Summit Office Supply Schema" fmbs, mmb, pll, tables.(dmp)

indicatively some tables (not confuse it with other summit user)

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Sort Through Schema Tables To Find If Particular Vendor Number Exist

Nov 14, 2006

I would like to be able to sort through a schema's tables to find if particular vendor numbers exist. The decode cross tab works fine, except that it needs static data for each table. How can I code a PL/SQL to populate the table_name and give a count for each row? See example below:

col table_name format a15
set numwidth 10
set lines 1000
set pages 50

select b1.table_name,
count(case when a.vendor='86444' then 1 else null end) "86444",
count(case when a.vendor='86445' then 1 else null end) "86445",
count(case when a.vendor='86469' then 1 else null end) "86469",
count(case when a.vendor='86470' then 1 else null end) "86470",

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Server Utilities :: Exporting Database Schema / Tables Without Data

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to export a relatively large database but it's a bit more complicated than that.For one schema I need a full export / import (data included).

For another 10 schemas I need them empty, with the exception of a table in some of them which needs to be exported / imported with all data inside.Is it possible to do this with datapump utility (impdp, expdp)?

Afterwards I will be running some scripts to populate the DB instance with critical data / metadata.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: IMPDP Into Schema With Truncated Tables

Aug 2, 2012

I've got a schema that I've truncated all tables. I have a full schema export I took awhile back, and I'm wanting to import this into the schema to basically 'reset' it.

First time run, I got the :

ORA-39151: Table "xyz.tablename" exists. All dependent metadata and data will be skipped due to table_exists_action of skip

I've been reading through, and see suggestions to add to the par file:


And I've seen others use the option for:


I basically want to put the data back into the tables, and have the indexes rebuilt.....

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