Our Testing DB is running in No archive log mode. I did a schema level import by dropping the existing user that contain tables, recreate the user and finished the import. Now they want the old tables back.Is there is any way to recover the old tables?
I have schema level export for user SAMPLE1(Default tablespace USERS) on oracle production database. I want to import into another 9i database on another server, so do i nneed to Create SAMPLE1 user and USERS tablespace in new database again.
1)Want to perform an Export from a Production Schema and Import the results into Test Schema. BUT, do not want to export ALL objects from Production (only a subset of tables). Is this possible?doco on how to do this? (rather than a complete Export and then a complete Import).
2)I have 2 test instances of Oracle on the same development server, UNIT and SIT. Am using Oracle SQL Developer tool. While in the UNIT instance, is there a way to select data from the SIT instance? An example of syntax to use?
3) Can tables in the UNIT instance be compared to tables in the SIT instance, through any existing Oracle utilities
I have one question regarding privileges required for export.I read in a document that
Quote: If you do not have the system privileges contained in the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, you cannot export objects contained in another user's schema. For example, you cannot export a table in another user's schema, even if you created a synonym for it.
what are the system privileges required in EXP_FULL_DATABASE role to perform export objects contained in another users schema?
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Master table "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloaded Starting "MVANMANNEKES"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_01": mvanmannekes/******** schemas=cmsstagingb remap_tablespace=cmsliveb_data:cmslivea_data
I have database in on windows 2003 R2 one server and i have serve with 64 bit on windows 2008 R2 64 bits. I want to move database from to new server on
!)should i do the cold backup of and then create db instance on new server and then use dimutility to create new instance and then run the patch upgrade.
!!) I would like to do export all schema and user permision (is if possible?)export and then import to new server?
i want to perform full export + import of an oracle 11g database as fast as possible. i was thinking to perform the exp+imp on the same command.in exp i can perform something like this :
i know that i can do both action in impdp when using a dblink, but the problem is that some objects in the database cannot be copied via a dblink. the question is if there's a corresponding datapump command to the old exp+imp command i presented.
i'm writing a job to export data on a weekly basis and archive those data in-case needed to be re-imported in future, its important that we able to import successfully if ever needed.
can impdp perform checks to see if dumps are valid ?how about old imp?if not, will it be safe enough to rely on the export log file? in another word is it safe to assume its all safe if there is no error or warning in the exp log?
when i try to export schema using expdp i got error Like
Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 6.25 MB Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA
I have two oracle 9i databases A and B with complete equal schema. Only the data is different. I want to import all table data from A to B. The problem is that there are duplicate primary keys. Therefore I want to insert data with new primary keys (all referencing tables are concerned too).
How can i import whole schema from other database. i have a database WHO2 WHERE I HAVE A schema called stg_cupid_rp2 i want to import into data WH0T in stg_cupid_rp2 using DBlink EXP_SAT.
is it possible to remap the database schema during export?
Our developers have their databases stored within individual schemas and i want to provide a dumpfile that each developer is possible to easily import to his schema. But when i want to impdp the dumpfile i have to know the schema name within the dumpfile to do a remap to the individual developers schema -> so providing a specific schema name for within the dumpfile would be great.
At the moment i'm getting the ORA-39146, schema does not exist on importing the database..
I was asked to do export/import of some schemas from 10g(linux) to 11g(AIX) using original expor/import method. I did not consider the character set and started doing export and import. while exporting, I get questionable statistics error in export log file. In the import log, I see the error like CREATE DATABASE LINK "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" CONNECT TO "xxxx" IDENTIFIED BY...
how can i monitor the export and import job and how increase the export and import job performance.
can i monitor the export and import job by checking the log and dump file created by export and import and can its performance increase by configure parallism. m i right or not?
I would like to run a daily job that will export the table data from SQL server table and Import back into Oracle table. I might need to run the query to update the flag back into sql server table once job is done. How can i do this using either sql server or oracle?
We have oracle 9.2 and sql server 2005.
Normally i do from flat file or csv file which is generated by developer or user from source destination (not me) and i dump into oracle using sql*loader but this time I have to directly extract/export the data from MS Sql server and load into Oracle table, mostly it will reload so i might doing any massaging data during the load.
Is it sql sql*loader has any function that i can use the datasource to connect the MS Sql server and fetch the data and insert back data into oracle? I have access to Sql server but i don't how to use sql server to do this or using oracle as a daily job even because have to schedule the job for this as it will be a daily job.
We are doing daily cold backup. Due to lack of disk space,we couldn't Hot backup. We want our database to be up when doing backups. Since only export/import is possible in our scenario, clarify few queries:
1) Export was done during off period from the live server. 2) We have a development server, in which we have to update our database daily. Can i overwrite the Development server using IMPORT daily? Since this import might show lots of errors (Object already exist), what parameters can i use for import.
I get import error while trying to import objects into schema.
Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via direct path import done in US7ASCII character set and UTF8 NCHAR character set import server uses UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion) . importing DEMO's objects into TEST . . importing table "TAB1" IMP-00058: ORACLE error 1950 encountered ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'USERS'
i understand we need to grant the user space resource on the tablespace as below.
ALTER USER <user> QUOTA UNLIMITED on <tablespace_name>
My another question is can we grant QUOTA UNLIMITED on <tablespace_name> to user ?
Is it possible to take this schema export in windows command prompt mode and any guess how long it would take to complete the export ?Because based on the time it takes, i am going to perform the export in windows command prompt.
I want to create two or three sachems on my production server which should be the same copy of my another second production server. And I access this second server through VPN connection on toad9.0.1. And I access my production server through VNC viewer and database through toad.
How cloud I create schema on my first prod. server from second server.