I have a requirement to extract data from an XML formatted string that is passed as an IN parameter to a database stored procedure. I do not have a table to store the XML, nor an XML schema, nor a namespace, just the XML string. While new to XML, I do understand the basics. Using XMLTable I am able to parse out the simplest of XML data. My problem is this; attempting to extract data from nested XML nodes results in the error
Testing a solution example I found on this site by Barbara Boehmer, I still get the ORA-19279 error. I suspect it may be because I have version 10g while she has version 11g. Her solutions is from #msg_514154. Here is that code that gives me the error:
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT x."deptno" 2 FROM (SELECT '<departments><deptno>1</deptno><deptno>2</deptno></departments>' col FROM dual) xml_data, 3 XMLTABLE 4 ('/departments/deptno' 5 PASSING XMLTYPE (xml_data.col) 6 COLUMNS 7 "deptno" number path '/deptno') x 8 /
deptno ---------- 1 2
2 rows selected.
As I said, this example generates the ORA-19279 error. Need processing XML data from an IN parameter?
I have used ref cursor to retrun output in cursor from procedure.I have used bind variables in the v_query and passing values with using clause as given in the following code. It is working but client want to pass values dynamically.
OPEN p_cur FOR v_query USING p_ht_nm, p_ht_treat_source, var_cycle (1), var_cycle (2), var_cycle (3), var_cycle (4), var_cycle (5), var_cycle (6), var_cycle (7),
We can also use execute immediate with the above code. But in both the cases we have to pass values in using clause.
QUERY: /* Formatted on 2011/09/24 21:13 (Formatter Plus v4.8. */ INSERT INTO z_ca_get_lot_id SELECT DISTINCT attrbts.lot_id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT lot_id FROM z_alv_cert_lot_attrbts_syn WHERE NAME = 'Heat' AND UPPER (text_value) = :p_ht_nm) attrbts,
Holiday_master table has the list of holiday dates as "From_Date"
I have the form based on the Leave_Transaction Table, and I have created the Process, as "On-submit-after computations and validations" and posted the following PLSQL code,
declare days number(3); ex_days emp_master.remaining_days%type; new_rem_days emp_master.remaining_days%type; begin
If the Dates is between from_date and To_date comes in Saturday and sunday and/or if any Date is exist in the Hpliday_master table it will exclude and return the count(*) remaining dates, For example,
If the From_date is 04-may-2012' and To_date is 08-may-2012,
Here the dates 5th may and 6th may are "saturday" and "sunday"
and if any date between From_date and To_date is exist in Holiday_Master Table i.e say here it is 07-may-2012, Then the remaining dates are(excluding sat,sunday and dates in holiday_table),
04-may-2012, 08-may-2012.
so the count(*) is 2.
I am using the above code but still it returning 5,I think this
...where to_char(dt,'fmday') not in ('sunday','saturday') minus (select holiday_start from holiday_master))
The above result depends on the following rules:
- Replace BLUEEXPRESS into BEXPRESS - Remove the term NO CARBON (See row no 6) - Reduce all multiple space into single space (see last record).
So far I create separated queries for replacing BLUEEXPRESS into BEXPRESS and replace NOCARBON term but I don't know how to do it in a single shot as well as stuck on scenario to remove multiple spaces and put single space.
Objective: I need to compile a final string by concatinating the unique values from different strings.
Here is the script to create tables and data.
Create table temp_acronyms(id number, acronym varchar2(30); insert into temp_acronyms values(1, 'ABC'); insert into temp_acronyms values(2, 'DEC//NOFO'); insert into temp_acronyms values(3, 'CBK//FO TO USA'); insert into temp_acronyms values(4, 'DEC//NO ENTRY'); insert into temp_acronyms values(5, 'ABC//NOFO');
select * from temp_acronyms;
I need to store all the unique strings from the acronyms for id's 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 into a variable. doesn't matter even if it is through database procedure.
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production"
I have a cursor, whose sql is returning seven rows with these values: 9 4 4 9 7 9 4
i open cursor and fetch these values into variable as shown
OPEN id_search FOR l_sql_stmt; LOOP FETCH id_search INTO l_eve_id; if l_eve_id != l_eve_id_prev then l_eve_id_str := l_eve_id_str || ' , ' ||l_eve_id ; [code].......
but i want only the distinct values in l_eve_id_str , i.e.,
l_eve_id_str := 9,4,7 What this code is doing is creating a string with all the values l_eve_id_str := 9,4,4,9,7,9,4
I have a problem with Between clause used in where statement to compare two string variable.
Query is like this,
select item_code, item_deacrption from itm_master, invoce_det where im_code = item_code AND invd_item_number BETWEEN (:startNum) AND (:endNum)
Here invd_item_number is a DB field and is of type varchar2(41), and (:startNum),(:endNum) are of same type.
now invd_item_number has one value '001003002001' if we give :startNum = '001003001002' and :endNum = '001003004006'
:startNum and :endNum is composed of separate field values (ie, 1st 3 character shows color code, next 3 for catagory, next 3 for size etc). These codes are entered separately and are combined at run time.
it is still fetching the invd_item_number with value '001003002001'. (the last set of character(type code) in the :startNum is greater than invd_item_number's type code value. But it is smaller than the previous code (size code), that's why it is fetching).
But how can i get around this as i don't need that value to be fetched.
select profilename from PROFILE where user_data like '%DATE_RULE!115%';
Output will be "Test A".Now, this is just a single value from RULES table used to find the data of PROFILE table.I will have to run the query on multiple values of RULES tables to find records containing a string format of sort "DATE_RULE!<rule_no>". How to search on WILD CARDs like these?
I need to remove duplicate values from concatenated long string of state codes(comma separated). Ex: 'VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA'. I tried following query and did not get required out put.
select regexp_replace('VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA,CT,PA,VA,CT','([^,]*)(,1)+($|,)', '13') new_str from dual;
Define Meta-character's format in regular expression to get desired result. Out put required: VA,PA,CT,NJ (with out any duplicates).
We have generated a fancy custom interactive report, in which the columns of string type, but can hold string, numeric or date values. However the type of values are uniform for a particular column. The end users wants to use the numerical values for generating charts, but, being a string column (though the data is numeric), it throws an error and they could not generate the chart. Is there any way to make use of this string column type numerical data for generating chart?
A computation after submit pl/sql function process to trim off the first part of the string (CQ..) within the list manager values. Support for example the list manager contains values such as
The computation process should trim off the first part(CQ..) and should return the list manager value as SAMPLE1..TEST1SAMPLE2..TEST2SAMPLE1..TEST2 Oracle APEX 4.0.2 is the version and Oracle 10g r2 is the database.
Is it possible to pass a nested select statement as a parameter to a procedure? In other words, I am currently successfully doing this:
SELECT BASE_PAY INTO N FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE ID=p_ID; SetPackageValueProc(PkgID,'YearlyBasePay',N); And I'd like to do something along the lines of this: SetPackageValueProc(PkgID,'YearlyBasePay',(SELECT BASE_PAY FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE ID=p_ID));
I keep on getting the Invalid cipher error whenever I do a call to DBMS_CRYPTO.Decrypt The flavor I am calling is the one taking the parameter list below:
(dst in out Blob,src in Blob,typ in pls_integer, key in raw,iv in raw)
So the issue happens on the third parameter: typ. It is a constant defined in the package representing the decryption algorithm I intend to use (AES256 in my case). So the call goes something like that in my pl/sql
I have an oracle 8i recovery scenario. I have database cold backups of MONDAY and WEDNESDAY evenings. backup contains control files, data files, redo files
Database runs in Archive log mode and all archives of the month are available. Hard disk crashed on SATURDAY
all archive logs are still available at different location. Control files are not backed up to trace or file name or automatically means no backup control file (except ones in cold backups described above)
restoring all files from cold backup of either MONDAY or WEDNESDAY (I recovered to Wednesday) leaves nothing to recover. Querying V$RECOVER_FILE returns nothing. All log sequences higher to the number nnn displayed as result of ARCHIVE LOG LIST are present at correct location in correct format
My question is how do i ROLL Forward the Database from WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY in the above scenario.
I've got a database I need to restore from a cold backup, but I don't have a copy of the multiplexed members of the redo groups - each group has 2 members, and we've only got a backup of the first.
I know this won't stop the database from starting, and I can recreate them, but for ease can you copy and rename a redo log file from a multiplexed copy to correct location like you can with a control file?
There is schedule cold backup was not taken successfully due to some DBF files are skipped and it would not copied to destination location? destination location is same server itself not for another remote server.
Total - 35 DBF files, skipped - 4 DBF files
what could be issues? what are the points should be troubleshooting?
oracle 10.2.1 under windows 7 , today my friend format the server , but he have backup cold backup actually he take backup for all c:\ drive and i found that there is a oradata dir in this backup , so now i install new operating system win 7 and then i will create a database with the same name and then should i do a NID and restore the backup (cold)
how to do that ? i mean if i have database 10g under windows and this o.s is formatted we have backup of all c:\ drive which contain all oradata dir ? how can i restore this database
the database size is 3GB and contain the same default tablespace system,sysaux,undo,temp,users?
I have developed a RDF report which when linked to my application called OTM, it returns data which are not expected.
My report has two lexical parameters which are of date variables.
When i run the report from my application it asks for the parameter valeus and when i specify it, the report is not returnign the data within the date range i specified. it returns me all the data.