Application Express :: Radio Group With Submit?

Oct 4, 2013

I have an updateable report based on a collection.

One of the columns is a radio group and is the only updateable column

My code for the column is currently


I also have a button that fires an update process.

Ideally, I would like to get rid of the button and fire the update, after the user has changed the radio group.

So I changed my code to

, seq_id
, c008
, null
, null
, null
, 'doSubmit(''SUBMIT'')'
, null
, null
, null)

If I click on a different radio group nothing happens.

If I then click on another one, the update fires, but with the value of the previous radio.

Do I need to add something else to


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Application Express :: Getting Value Of Radio Group In A Report

Jan 8, 2013

i have multiple radio gropus(one group for each row) in my report. Each row can be identified either by my rownm or id. I am looping through my report rows once the page is submitted to get the values of each radio group but I am not able to make it work...

here is my code.

v_res number;
FOR i IN (SELECT q_id FROM svy_q)

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Application Express :: Radio Group And Image

Oct 16, 2012

How to make apex html page contain 10 images and with every image radio group and the choose is one radio.

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Forms :: How To Check Only One Radio In Radiobuttons Of Radio Group

Aug 2, 2013

i have a radio group(RG) in that group i have two radiobuttons: rb1 and rb2 on a datablock based on a view having display iems 8. i made only one visible i.e rb1. so there is 8 radio buttons displaying in that datablock and when i check one and then another, the previously checked is not unchecked by itself. i need to do when i checked on one then the previous one unchecked itself.

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Application Express :: Page To Submit Not Found

Nov 29, 2012

I am using Oracle Application Express 11g

I don't have a option for "Page item to submit" in Chart Region

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Application Express :: Default Submit Button

Jun 16, 2013

I am new in apex i create form with report when i create record it submit page to its report its ok but can i change page on condition base.

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Application Express :: How To Submit Page On Load

Oct 4, 2012

i m using apex 4.1, and want to submit page when page load. i tried dynamic action but it continuously refreshing page. is there any other javascript or anything else from which i submit page on load

dynamic action used, event on load and action submit page but it continuously submitting page.

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Application Express :: Message Display Before Submit To Record

Nov 5, 2012

I have created two page process with two buttons "APPROVE" AND "CANCEL" button. first page process running approve invoice procedure on approve button and second page process running cancel invoice procedure on cancel button. i want to display massage before approve invoice and cancel invoice (DO you want to approve invoice) on approve button and (Do you want to cancel invoice on ) cancel button.

Working with apex4.1.

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Application Express :: Showing New Rows Added To Tabular Form After Submit?

Jan 30, 2013

How i can show the new added rows to tabular form after submit? what I want is to show my customer new added rows that recently added. but according to how I sort the tabular form, the new added rows distributed in multi pagination in tabular form. I'm not good in English, excuse me for my mistakes. I use apex 4.2.0 On Oracle 11g r2 on windows Server 2008

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Application Express :: How To Force APEX To Fire Submit After Processes Before On-Demand

Jul 2, 2013

We have an application that has "After Submit" and AJAX "On-Demand" processes.  We need the "After Submit" to fire and complete first, set an application item (by referencing the next value in a sequence), and then fire the "On-Demand" processes.  We have the sequence number set accordingly, with all of the "After Submit" processes given a lower (APEX) sequence number than the "On-Demand" processes; however, it seems the "After Submit" processes are still not firing and completing because only intermittently are the "On-Demand" processes able to access the application item's value--80% of the time this value is simply blank.  Making matters more complicated is that the application item is derived from an Oracle sequence, so in my "On-Demand" processes, I cannot simply re-run some of the same logic used in one of the "After Submit" processes that sets the sequence--the sequence may only be set once, and only by this "After Submit" process; we have no choice in that regard. Is there any way possible in APEX to 100% force processes to fire AND complete, one after another, in the order in which they are listed by their (APEX) sequence?  In other words, if we have this: 

(APEX) Seq Name & Process Type

1 process A ("After Submit")  
2 process B ("After Submit")--this sets application item :XYZ
3 process C ("On-Demand)--this uses application item :XYZ and MUST have this item value available to do any processing Can we instruct APEX to fire process A, complete it, fire process B, complete it, and only then, fire process C? 

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Application Express :: Default Value Of Radio Button Based On A Condition?

Oct 1, 2013

i have used radio button under dynamic conditions for an interactive radio button values are like a) front end b)middlware c)back based on the selected value of the radio button, interactive report appears. and each fields in radio button have separate set of users. now my issue is,based on the user logging in, the default value should set up while the page is loaded...[i.e... if a front end user logs in, the default value of tat radio button shd be front end...] 

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Application Express :: Execute JavaScript After Update And Submit In Skillbuilders Modal Page

May 13, 2013

I'm editing, say, list of my employees in a tabular form opened in Skillbuilders Modal Page. I have to execute same javascript code after the changes in the tabular form have been submitted.

I've tried using a Dynamic Action fired on Page Load, but that gets executed before the update is completed.

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Application Express :: Setting Foreign Key Value In Detail Tabular Form Region On Submit

Feb 27, 2013

I have a master detail screen where the detail region is a tabular form. I want to create a new master and detail records at the same time. The master uses a get PK process on submit that gets the PK from a sequence.

Obviously I need to set this value in the FK column on the new detail records on submit also, but I just cannot see how this is done. Fine for updates etc, but this is when the master is new as well. A two stage process is not an option here.

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Application Express :: Hiding / Displaying Regions Using Radio Button Not Working?

Jun 30, 2012

APEX 4.1 / 11g
Theme 21

I have a page with about 8 Classic reports. 4 of them percentage values, 4 totals. I have one RG with a Percentage or total option. When I select the percentage radio, it should hide all the total regions. When I select the totals radio it should hide all the percentage regions. Simple? So I thought. This is what I did.

1. Created a RG(P2_RG) -> Page value is redirect and set value.

2. STATIC:Percentage;P,Total;T

In the RG, I have created a normal DA which has the true and false events as follows.

Event -> Change
Items -> P2_RG
equal to -> P

In the true actions, I have hidden the 4 totals regions.
shown the 4 Percent regions.
In the false action, I have shown
hidden the 4 percent region
shown the 4 totals region.

The event specification for one these true actions is

Action -> Hide (If I am hiding)
Fire when event is ->True
Selection type -> region
Region -> The region I want to hide/show.

But it does not work! I tried to replicate the issue on apex, by using a small example but could not. Works fine in apex following the same process.


I tried to debug by having a display item to show the value when I change the radio button. The values are changing properly. I tried actually, adding a condition filter in the region itself by using the "Value of item/column in expression1 = expression 2" where expression one I tried :P2_RG and expression 2 as P but that just hides the whole region.

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Application Express :: How To Create Radio Groups Dynamically Based On Records In A Table

Nov 29, 2012

below requirement..

We have certain records like SQL, PL/SQL, Reports, Forms, OAF etc in a table. We wanted to capture rating for each of these criteria. So we want a form to be displayed dynamically..

SQL 1 2 3 4 (1,2,3,4 represent radio buttons)
PL/SQL 1 2 3 4
Reports 1 2 3 4
Forms 1 2 3 4
OAF 1 2 3 4

If we add another row, XMLP in that table additional radio button should be displayed automatically..

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Radio Group Is Not Populating Its Default Value

Oct 22, 2008

I am using Forms 6i.I have a Radio Group, where in I have specified Intial value for it. Previously it was populating properly, But when I have added some code to fix a bug. The radio group starts behaving strange. It doesnt show defaulted value.The code what i put is not even related to the radio group.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Values From Other Tables In Application On-submit Process

May 4, 2012

In Oracle Apex 4.1,The Leave_transaction Table has the following Fields,


The Emp_Master Table has the following columns,


Holiday_master table has the list of holiday dates as "From_Date"

I have the form based on the Leave_Transaction Table, and I have created the Process, as "On-submit-after computations and validations" and posted the following PLSQL code,

days number(3);
ex_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;
new_rem_days emp_master.remaining_days%type;


If the Dates is between from_date and To_date comes in Saturday and sunday and/or if any Date is exist in the Hpliday_master table it will exclude and return the count(*) remaining dates, For example,

If the From_date is 04-may-2012' and To_date is 08-may-2012,

Here the dates 5th may and 6th may are "saturday" and "sunday"

and if any date between From_date and To_date is exist in Holiday_Master Table i.e say here it is 07-may-2012, Then the remaining dates are(excluding sat,sunday and dates in holiday_table),


so the count(*) is 2.

I am using the above code but still it returning 5,I think this

...where to_char(dt,'fmday') not in ('sunday','saturday') minus (select holiday_start from holiday_master))

code is not working.

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Real Application Clusters :: Multiple Disk Group Pros / Cons

Jul 8, 2013

i am trying to identify the pro's/con's of using multiple ASM Diskgroup.  I understand oracle recommends/best practice is to have 2 DG (one data and one flash) and you can place multiple copies of control files/online redo logs(and thats the way i want to go).  But would that same be true if i use different set of DISK.  For example we have multiple RAID 10 devices and multiple of SSD devices for us that we can use for this ASM instance.  And i was thinking to create 2 more Disk group (call it DG_SYS1 and DG_SYS2)  and use that to put my online redo logs, control file and temp and system table space there.   i understand in a standalone system(where regular file system is being used), they(online redo/ control file) are usually on there own drives, but with ASM when i am already using external RAID 10 config + ASM striping i assume the IO would faster or am i better of using the SSD that i can have for my redo/control?  What would be the pro's/cons of it (besides managing multiple DG)..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-31603 When Using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT

Jul 5, 2013

I'm using dbms_metadata.get_ddl inside a package and I have a problem: if I execute the package directly, like "exec pkg_util.read_ddl('TA_DL_IDP', 'RMI_KUNDE') it works fine.

If I submit the same procedure using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT, I get an error: Err_ -31603 - MSG: ORA-31603: object "RMI_KUNDE" of type TABLE not found in schema "TA_DL_IDP"

I know that in order to use dbms_metadata.get_ddl I need to have SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and I know about the necessity to give explicit grants to objects rather than using roles when running pl/sql code from inside a package, but this is different: the different behavior is between running the same package in foreground and submitting it using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms_job.submit How To Receive Output

Jan 2, 2011

Discreet use of dbms_job.submit (to call a procedure), can be used to multi thread several instances of same proc in pl sql. I am able to do it.The problem is that dbms_output.put_line of the proc which is multi threaded does not reflects in the outer proc (the proc which parallels this proc and then waits for their completion).How do I receive the output?

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Group Records With Less Than One Hour Separation And Count How Many Per Group

Nov 1, 2013

I'm trying to group sets of data based on time separations between records and then count how many records are in each group.

In the example below, I want to return the count for each group of data, so Group 1=5, Group 2=5 and Group 3=5

AND LOC_ID ='3015'
AND TEST_DATE ='10/19/1994';


Group 1 = 8:00:22 to 8:41:22

Group 2 = 11:35:47 to 11:35:47

Group 3 = 15:13:46 to 15:13:46

Keep in mind the times will always change, and sometime go over the one hour mark, but no group will have more then a one hour separation between records.

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Forms :: Oracle Checkbox / Submit Button?

Aug 1, 2012

My requirement is I have placed a check Box in the Detailed Block and i have assigned values for the check box as

Checked - R
Unchecked - P
Initial Value - R

by default the check box would be displayed as Checked while inserting the values in to table the value of check box is not getting inserted but when the check box is unchecked the the value is getting inserted as P when the submit button is pressed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Submit Button In A Single Form

Jul 21, 2011

My current system have 1 submit button with single form. This submit button will call *file_content.upload*.

htp.p('function on_submit() {');
htp.p('...the rest of my code here..');
htp.p('return true;');
htp.p('<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="file_content.upload">');
htp.p('...the rest of my code here..');
htp.p('<input type="button" id="btn_Submit" value="Submit" onclick="on_submit()"></form>');

My question is, i want to enhance this by adding additional 1 submit button with value "Save". But this new "Save" button will call/trigger different file. This new button will call *file_content.update*. How to accomplish this and how to differentiate these 2 button?

htp.p('<input type="button" id="btn_Submit" value="Submit" onclick="on_submit()"> 
<input type="button" id="btn_Save" value="Save"></form>');

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Client Tools :: Submit Request Via SQL Developer?

Oct 3, 2012

I'm using the below code in SQL Developer, trying to submit a request:

vRequest_id NUMBER;


However, when i check the fnd_concurent_request table, nothing is I just used the following code in SQL Developer and it worked:

L_NUMBER number;

Is it due to the different types of packages im using? i.e. public/private? or is there an api i can use in SQL Developer to submit the request?

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DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT Can Pass Dynamic Argument Procedure

Aug 10, 2010

'Can we pass a dynamic collection variable to the procedure that is called from dbms_job.submit'

I have a package my_package with:

1. record type: ocv_rec

2. collection type: varr_ocv_rec varray(100) of ocv_rec

3. record type: ext_id_rec

4. collection type: varr_ext_id_rec table of ext_id_rec index by pls_integer

5. procedure: analyze_error_152_ll

6. procedure: get_ext_ids_152(
v_db_ssa_dtl in varr_ocv_rec,
ext_id_type in varchar2,
ext_ids out varr_ext_id_rec)

Now here is where the issue resides:Within the definition of analyze_error_152_ll (in body of my_package), I call get_ext_ids_152 using dbms_job.submit

procedure analyze_error_152_ll
vJob varchar2(400);
vJobNum binary_integer;
v_db_ssa_dtl2 varr_ocv_rec := varr_ocv_rec();
ext_ids varr_ext_id_rec;
ext_id_type varchar2(5) := '(1)';


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Forms :: SUBMIT Buttons Which Is Disabled / Gets Enabled Automatically

Apr 3, 2012

I have a scroll bar in my form. When i scroll the bar, one of SUBMIT buttons which is disabled gets enabled automatically. Do we have any triggers on scroll bar where i can disable the button again.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combining Rownum And Group By Gives - Not A Group By Expression

Jun 23, 2011

I read that rownum is applied after the selection is made and before "order by". So, in order to get the sum of salaries for all employees in all departments with a row number starting from 1, i wrote :

select ROWNUM,department_id,sum(salary) from employees group by department_id

If i remove rownum, it gives the correct output. Why can't rownum be used here ?

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Forms :: Radio Box Disable

Dec 1, 2010

I have a Radio Box Item field in Form, It contain Three Radio Buttons.

During the User Login Some of the users Not Require to Touch Any of the Three Radio. Thus i Require to Disable that Radio Button to That User. How to Disable the Particular Radio Button.

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Forms :: How To Disable Radio Button

Jul 16, 2013

I have some doubts about Radio buttons,

1) how to validate radio buttons in WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED?

2) how to disable a radio button?

3) how to disable a text item when a radio button is un-checked.

4) how to assign default value to radio button like(1,2,3...) or(A,B,CD,...)

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Forms :: Parameters After Radio Button

Dec 16, 2012

I have one interface form where user will choose radio buttons and based on radio button value different report will run, in one radio button i want to check parameters , for example if there are three radio buttons, a - will run a.rdf ,b- will directly run b.rdf , if user chooses c - then prompt will appear asking him to input from date and to date and based on that value c.rdf will run.

I want this date parameters to run only for this report c.rdf only.One way is to display from date and to date on forms and make it applicable to only this report , but i want to use this parameters only while choose c radio button.

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