Radio Group Is Not Populating Its Default Value

Oct 22, 2008

I am using Forms 6i.I have a Radio Group, where in I have specified Intial value for it. Previously it was populating properly, But when I have added some code to fix a bug. The radio group starts behaving strange. It doesnt show defaulted value.The code what i put is not even related to the radio group.

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Forms :: How To Check Only One Radio In Radiobuttons Of Radio Group

Aug 2, 2013

i have a radio group(RG) in that group i have two radiobuttons: rb1 and rb2 on a datablock based on a view having display iems 8. i made only one visible i.e rb1. so there is 8 radio buttons displaying in that datablock and when i check one and then another, the previously checked is not unchecked by itself. i need to do when i checked on one then the previous one unchecked itself.

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Application Express :: Default Value Of Radio Button Based On A Condition?

Oct 1, 2013

i have used radio button under dynamic conditions for an interactive radio button values are like a) front end b)middlware c)back based on the selected value of the radio button, interactive report appears. and each fields in radio button have separate set of users. now my issue is,based on the user logging in, the default value should set up while the page is loaded...[i.e... if a front end user logs in, the default value of tat radio button shd be front end...] 

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Application Express :: Getting Value Of Radio Group In A Report

Jan 8, 2013

i have multiple radio gropus(one group for each row) in my report. Each row can be identified either by my rownm or id. I am looping through my report rows once the page is submitted to get the values of each radio group but I am not able to make it work...

here is my code.

v_res number;
FOR i IN (SELECT q_id FROM svy_q)

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Application Express :: Radio Group And Image

Oct 16, 2012

How to make apex html page contain 10 images and with every image radio group and the choose is one radio.

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Application Express :: Radio Group With Submit?

Oct 4, 2013

I have an updateable report based on a collection.

One of the columns is a radio group and is the only updateable column

My code for the column is currently


I also have a button that fires an update process.

Ideally, I would like to get rid of the button and fire the update, after the user has changed the radio group.

So I changed my code to

, seq_id
, c008
, null
, null
, null
, 'doSubmit(''SUBMIT'')'
, null
, null
, null)

If I click on a different radio group nothing happens.

If I then click on another one, the update fires, but with the value of the previous radio.

Do I need to add something else to


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Forms :: Populating Values To Record Group From Multi Record Datablock

Jul 26, 2012

My procedure proc_ex is in when_validate_item trigger

I have one Multi Record data block in my form with values in its items

I need to Populate multi record block values to one Record Group using

set_group_char_cell to populate values to record group

Let us suppose my multi record data block looks like

item1 item2 item3 item4
10 20 50 70
25 15 30 45
45 90 47 38
75 25 85 90
30 56 78 80

how to populate these multi record datablock values to Record Group ???..Eagerly waiting for your Replies

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Values / Distinguishing Between Passed And Default Nulls

Nov 16, 2010

I was looking for a way to see if a default value for a procedure was passed NULL or it got NULL by default. [URL]

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Populating Ref Cursor From Collection?

Aug 17, 2011

I have an existing Procedure that uses a ref cursor as a parameter. The procedure currently simply selects data into the ref cursor using an OPEN FOR and then exits.

I have a need to extend the processing of the procedure. This will mean retrieving extra columns in the select and also removing some of the retrieved records.

I have the constraint that the definition of the REF CURSOR (which is based on a record type as follows) cannot be modified.

TYPE t_charge
id number,
date_from invoice_detail.from_date%TYPE,
date_to invoice_detail.to_date%TYPE,
description invoice_detail.desc_text%TYPE,
amount invoice_detail.amount%TYPE
TYPE t_charge_cursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN t_charge;

The procedure does this

PROCEDURE get_bill_lines (
p_bill_id IN NUMBER,
bill_lines_list OUT t_charge_cursor )
OPEN bill_lines_list FOR
SELECT id, from_date, to_date, desc_text, amount
from invoice_table
where id = p_bill_id;

I am thinking instead of selecting directly into the bill_lines_list parameter I will use a local REF CURSOR to select into a COLLECTION. I can then do some work on the collection, similar to below:

PROCEDURE get_bill_lines (
p_bill_id IN NUMBER,
bill_lines_list OUT t_charge_cursor )
TYPE t_local_charge


This all works fine, but the question is, how do I then put the collection into the bill_lines_list REF CURSOR where the '*** HERE ***' comment is so I can send the existing REF CURSOR structure back? (Remember I cannot change any definition that is referenced externally)

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Forms :: Populating List Items

Jun 7, 2010

there are 3 radio buttons and 1 list item

i want different options to appear in the list item when choosing different radio buttons.

i've tried to compile the codes and there are no errors.

I dunno what went wrong.


the following is my


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Populating Associative Array With A Column?

Jun 27, 2011

create or replace function nothin
return int
type arr_type is table of departments.department_id%type index by binary_integer;
arr arr_type;
select department_id into arr from departments;
return 4;

It gives the error : Quote:expression 'ARR' in the INTO list is of wrong type I can't figure out why.

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Forms :: Populating A Combo Box From A Table

Mar 26, 2010

I want to populate a combo box using values from a table, I know you can manually enter values in the combo box's property palette using the 'Elements in List' option, but this combo box will have changing values and I would prefer it to come from a table rather than manual entry so that when users add a new staff name to the table it will automatically be in the combo box.

I would need to use a trigger on this combo box, but which is the best to use and im guessing the SQL needed is more than just 'select * from staffname'?

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Forms :: Populating A Value For List Item

May 20, 2010

I created one list item.which is populating values from list item query dynamically.If i select a particular value from list it will create new record.for the new record line i want to display list item as 'complete' (i.e not exists in the list).At this time i don't want the list also.How can i assign value to the list item in this scenario?

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Forms :: Populating Non Database Column?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a field on a form which is not a database item. The value for this is got by concatenating 3 other fields which are database items but not visible on form. But when i am running the execute query to fetch results into these items I want to concatenate the value in those 3 DB fields and display it in the other non-db field at runtime.

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Group Records With Less Than One Hour Separation And Count How Many Per Group

Nov 1, 2013

I'm trying to group sets of data based on time separations between records and then count how many records are in each group.

In the example below, I want to return the count for each group of data, so Group 1=5, Group 2=5 and Group 3=5

AND LOC_ID ='3015'
AND TEST_DATE ='10/19/1994';


Group 1 = 8:00:22 to 8:41:22

Group 2 = 11:35:47 to 11:35:47

Group 3 = 15:13:46 to 15:13:46

Keep in mind the times will always change, and sometime go over the one hour mark, but no group will have more then a one hour separation between records.

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Forms :: Populating Data In List Item?

Jul 15, 2005

I have created a item, CO_NAME as List Item and list style is Poplist.

I have written following code in when-new-form-instance to populate the data from table to item.

rg_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'COMPANY';
rg_id RecordGroup;


But when I run the form, Oracle Error - FRM-41337:Cannot populate the list from record group.

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Forms :: Populating Detail Records Without Navigation

Feb 8, 2011

I have 2 non data base blocks, these 2 blocks act like master details but there is no relation. In header block i have 2 fields called "Product name" and "Product Type"

in detail block having 2 tab pages one having multi record(20 item number and name displayed on it) another one having single record but it has around 20 image items displayed on it.

My requirement is once i enter the product name and then if i press either "key tab" or "Key Enter" or "Mouse Move" from product name field
into product type field then detail record should be populated automatically without using go_block and go_item.

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Forms :: Block Is Populating Values From Code

Jul 7, 2011

I want to search values with F11.for example i will enter some value and i will press should be display that record. That block is populating values from code.

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Security :: Populating CLIENT_ID Column In DBA_AUDIT_SESSION

Apr 28, 2011

I'm running a database with auditing enabled:

SQL> show parameter audit_trail;

------------------------------------ -------- -------------
audit_trail string DB, EXTENDED

I have auditing enabled for create session:

SQL> select audit_option, success, failure from dba_stmt_audit_opts;

---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------

My problem is that when I run a report against DBA_AUDIT_SESSION, the CLIENT_ID column is never populated, it's always blank. I've tried running a trigger to populate the client_identifier variable:

create or replace procedure capture_module

And if I put an access trigger on a table and create an audit event, the CLIENT_ID column from DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL and DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL both show the updated value (module), but no matter what, I never get the CLIENT_ID column in DBA_AUDIT_SESSION to show anything - it's always null.

I want to run a report against DBA_AUDIT_SESSION that will tell me who logged in, when they logged in and out, where they logged in from and the one thing I can't get - what module they were running (SQLplus, Toad, etc). Why can't I get the CLIENT_ ID column to take the value I'm setting with the logon trigger?

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Forms :: Populating Form With Calculated Values

Aug 19, 2010

I have a form in which the fields are calculated fields. So i need to populate the form after calculating the values based on a database columns. For example if i have a table as below

COL A | Col B | Col C | Col D
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6

I have 3 fields on my form which i need to populate such that field1 maps to col A. Field2 value is COL B * COL D for that value of COL A. Field 3 value is COLB * COL D for that value of col A.

I tried something like this


cursor c1 is SELECT * FROM TABLEL;
for i in c1 loop
:BLOCK.field1 := i.COL_A;

this fetched all the records for field1 but for field2 and field3 it only calculates and populates the field row.

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Forms :: Populating Non Database Item Via LOV After Query

Dec 1, 2010

I have the scenario where I have a table(table 1) which stores the car code and the meaning of that code. I then have another table (table 2)which just stores the code. My datablock is based on the table which just contains the code(table 2). On my form if the user wishes to populate this field in the record I have a Lov which goes to the table 1 and retrieves the code and the meaning of it.

The code is then returned to the corresponding field in the datablock for table 2. this works fine in adding and editing. the user sees the meaning and whilst selecting from the lov populates the code field behind the scenes and everything works fine. However, my problem is when the user does a query only the code field is populated from table 2 (the code field is hidden to the user) therefore the meaning field is left blank as if there is no data there when in fact this is not the case.

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Enterprise Manager :: Grid - Populating Target In Host?

Jul 31, 2010

In one of our cluster environment host 1 has 30+ targets. We are trying to add the targets in the grid. But while doing Agent Synchronization targets are not getting populated in the host..

Checked the log file of the same. Getting error as below..Not sure how to fix this.

2010-07-30 22:15:42,777 Thread-4158 ORAXML-229, File=file:/oracle/product/em/agent10g/, Line=0, Msg=LPX-00229: input source is empty (01006)
2010-07-30 22:15:46,534 Thread-4675 target {dbb01pta, rac_database} is broken: Computation of a critical dynamic property failed. Retries Completed (00156)
2010-07-30 22:15:46,580 Thread-4675 ORAXML-229, File=file:/oracle/product/em/agent10g/, Line=0, Msg=LPX-00229: input source is empty (01006)
2010-07-30 22:15:46,581 Thread-4675 ORAXML-229, File=file:/oracle/product/em/agent10g/, Line=0, Msg=LPX-00229: input source is empty (01006)
2010-07-30 22:15:47,603 Thread-4166 target {tta, rac_database} is broken: Computation of a critical dynamic property failed. Retries Completed (00156)
2010-07-30 22:15:47,648 Thread-4166 ORAXML-229, File=file:/oracle/product/em/agent10g/, Line=0, Msg=LPX-00229: input source is empty (01006)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combining Rownum And Group By Gives - Not A Group By Expression

Jun 23, 2011

I read that rownum is applied after the selection is made and before "order by". So, in order to get the sum of salaries for all employees in all departments with a row number starting from 1, i wrote :

select ROWNUM,department_id,sum(salary) from employees group by department_id

If i remove rownum, it gives the correct output. Why can't rownum be used here ?

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Forms :: Radio Box Disable

Dec 1, 2010

I have a Radio Box Item field in Form, It contain Three Radio Buttons.

During the User Login Some of the users Not Require to Touch Any of the Three Radio. Thus i Require to Disable that Radio Button to That User. How to Disable the Particular Radio Button.

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Forms :: How To Disable Radio Button

Jul 16, 2013

I have some doubts about Radio buttons,

1) how to validate radio buttons in WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED?

2) how to disable a radio button?

3) how to disable a text item when a radio button is un-checked.

4) how to assign default value to radio button like(1,2,3...) or(A,B,CD,...)

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Forms :: Parameters After Radio Button

Dec 16, 2012

I have one interface form where user will choose radio buttons and based on radio button value different report will run, in one radio button i want to check parameters , for example if there are three radio buttons, a - will run a.rdf ,b- will directly run b.rdf , if user chooses c - then prompt will appear asking him to input from date and to date and based on that value c.rdf will run.

I want this date parameters to run only for this report c.rdf only.One way is to display from date and to date on forms and make it applicable to only this report , but i want to use this parameters only while choose c radio button.

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Forms :: How To Track Radio Button ID Or Name In Oracle

Jun 27, 2010

I have a form which contains some block (each block with some text item, two radio groups and a list item). I want to enable/disable and set visible property as true/false for first to last items of each block conditionally. I can do that for all items but radio buttons.

Because to set item or radio button property I need to pass that items ID or Name as parameter. I can get items name/type using get_block_property and next item of that item using get_item_property but unable to get radio button ID/Name using get_radio_button_property or any other built in. To execute get_radio_button_property or set_radio_button_property I need to pass radio button ID/Name. So, how I track radio button id or name in oracle forms? Is it limitations of Oracle forms?

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Forms :: Code To Get Label Of Radio Button

Aug 30, 2006

I am working on forms 10g(version ) with Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release on windows 2000 platform. My requirement is to dynamically get the label of the radio button item in a radio group.I am able to get the label of the radio group as shown below

Item :Radio group
Label : Gender

m_label:=Get_Item_Property(m_Item ,label);

There two Radio buttons inside this radio group which are
item : Radio button
Label : Male

item :Radio button
Label :female

What is the code to get the label of radio button(i.e) male and female ?

How will I get the count of radio buttons in a radio group at runtime?

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Forms :: Radio Button Mismatched Values

Mar 22, 2012

i have 2 radio button on my forms and values are A and B. But i have load data from script and against that radio button i have some other values loaded,

When i select query on those records those have other value then radio button, it show nothing. I want to catch that error but there is no error shows. it shows no record to be query. i just want to inform user that that record is not that value which is associated with radio.

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Forms :: Order By Parameter Radio Buttons

Apr 29, 2012

i have 2 files rep.rdf and rep.fmb

i made parameters for userid and dept its working fine but

how can i make order by parameter using radio buttons

what i add in report and form ?

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