Application Express :: Showing New Rows Added To Tabular Form After Submit?
Jan 30, 2013
How i can show the new added rows to tabular form after submit? what I want is to show my customer new added rows that recently added. but according to how I sort the tabular form, the new added rows distributed in multi pagination in tabular form. I'm not good in English, excuse me for my mistakes. I use apex 4.2.0 On Oracle 11g r2 on windows Server 2008
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a master detail screen where the detail region is a tabular form. I want to create a new master and detail records at the same time. The master uses a get PK process on submit that gets the PK from a sequence.
Obviously I need to set this value in the FK column on the new detail records on submit also, but I just cannot see how this is done. Fine for updates etc, but this is when the master is new as well. A two stage process is not an option here.
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Oct 25, 2012
When I build simple tabular form in APEX 4.2 it displayed 10 rows per page by default. When I changed that number in Number of Rows field to 15 nothing happens. Again only 10 rows per page were displayed. Next field on the right to Number of Rows is Number of Rows (Item). Tabular form works as expected when I use this field and define number of rows with hidden page item. So workaround issue (bug?) is easy. Is this some kind of bug or I miss something obvious?
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Sep 27, 2012
I have a tabular form (report) multi-record. It display only the records 1-15 with pagination to the other pages. When I set the field 'Number of Rows' to 100, it still displays record 1-15 only. I just want to see the complete dataset on one page, without pagination. (There is a filter on it so there will never be more than 100 records displayed)
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Sep 19, 2012
Is it possible to create a validation for tabular form which will be fired only for created?
There is a possibility in APEX 4.1 to choose two types of "*Execution scope*" first is "*For created and Modified Rows*" and second is "*All Submitted Rows*".
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Sep 14, 2012
How i can use check box in tabular form . working with 4.1 and am using simple check box (display as) .it creating the check box. how i can set value yes or no into it?
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Dec 5, 2012
This problem went away for me in 4.2, but I am limited to 4.1 in production. The problem is this: I have three editable columns in my Tabular Form
1) I make a change to column 3 and press submit. The values in columns 1 & 2 (that were not changed) are overwritten with null during the update (submit). Column 3 is saved correctly.
I deleted my tabular form and re-created it thinking that I may have trashed something. But it appears that is the way it works. How do I prevent the unchanged editable columns from being overwritten with nulls?
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Jul 9, 2012
I have one table that holds a list of People...
Another that holds Classifications
Another that holds Sub Classifications (linked to the Classification table)
PersonID, PersonName
ClassID, ClassName
SubClassID, SubClassName
I need a form that will allow me to put Classifications and Sub Classifications against a Person. I want to be able to add new Classifications and SubClass Values which are dynamical added to the form...
I have a table that holds other data and links the People to the Assessment
AssessmentID, PersonID, Date, AssessorName, Notes
I have a table to hold the Values of the Assessment...
AValuesID, AssessmentID, ClassID, SubClassID
A typical person may look like:
Class1(Programming C++)
Now I have the data tables but how to create the table and save the values for the Assessment Values in one table the dynamically adds values based on the different classifications available...
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Jun 7, 2012
I got stuck in trying to add a simple fixed number (e.g. -1) to a field in case the database-fields is still null.
I supposed I could use report attributes > column attributes tabular form attributes, and then use Default Type and Default but nothing seems to work.
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Aug 12, 2013
I have one question I made a report and form in wizard with 1 table (Ex : EMP) and want to make a INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE process based on PL/SQL API. I think, mixing APEX_APPLICATION and APEX_ITEM pl/sql api can solve this question but not sure.... I have known the tabular form processing with PL/SQL via Oracle APEX book, but cannot find any samples on simple form processing.
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Sep 19, 2012
have a spinbox plugin for tabular forms? I saw a plugin on jquery but I could not download it.
APEX 4.1
Oracle 10g Rel 2 DB
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Mar 25, 2013
I am using APEX 4.1 and Oracle 10g XE.
I want to restrict 3 digits after decimal in tabular form. Only three or less than three digits should be allowed after decimal and should be stopped automatically.
e.g. 34.543
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Dec 28, 2012
How i can disable column in tabular form.working with 4.1 and i have wizard based tabular form.If i have entered value in one column second column should disable and vice versa?
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Oct 23, 2013
I have created tabular form using
here line_id is primary key .here i don't want to enter duplicate category code when i submit rows.Here Allocation_id and service_id would be same for particular service_id .How can i create validation to enter duplicate category code .
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Oct 1, 2012
I have an application where I'm trying to match skillset supply to skillset demand. We have resources and we have work for resources to do. Resources possess a set of skills. Work requires a set of skills. Skillsets are described by three fields: Domain, Target, Skill. So, we are able to capture the supply of skills in a table:
RSRC_ID (FK to Resource table)
PROFICIENCY (this is the skill level 1 to 5)
The relationship of resources to skill supply is 1 to many. Conversely, work demands skills, and so we capture skill demand in a table:
WORK_ID (FK to Work table)
The relationship of work to skill demand is 1 to many also.
Users assign skills to resources using a master-detail form. It works fine
Users assign skills needed to work also using a master-detail form, and it works fine as well
A view then joins the skillset supply to skillset demand so that assignments can be made only where supply and demand match. This view is used in the LOV below.
I am using a mapping table to capture assignments of work to resources or resources to work. It is a many to many mapping of work and resources with matching skillsets, and it looks like this:
TARGET ( These are the skillsets where demand equals supply and are derived from the view and presented in the LOV )
SKILL (I've created master-detail forms for the two types of assignments. An LOV in the detail form will present qualified resources or eligible work and then return the appropriate RSRC_ID or WORK_ID, but I must also populate the other three fields (DOMAIN, TARGET and SKILL) before I can insert or update the record. Here's the LOV from the form where resources are assigned to work:
SELECT sed.domain||'.'||||'.'||
sed.skill_prof||' '||
r.first_name||' '||
r.last_name "d",
r.rsrc_id "r"
FROM ri_resource r, ri_skill_supply_eq_demand sed
WHERE r.rsrc_id = sed.rsrc_id
AND sed.work_id = :P18_WORK_ID
order by 1It is not enough to just match the work to the resource, we must record for what skillset they are matched. I can't seem to see an easy way to populate the three other fields in the tabular form using data that I can retrieve with the LOV.
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Jan 29, 2013
I have created a tabular form and have changed some row background colours by using the Column Template sectiom in the report template
<td #ALIGNMENT# headers="#COLUMN_HEADER#" class="t16data" style="background-color:#FFFF33">#COLUMN_VALUE#</td>
with '#ASSIGNMENT_ID#' = 99 as the condition
This changes the colour but when I move the mouse over the row it removes the colour.
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Apr 12, 2013
I have a tabular form with a few columns. THey are ID, date1, date2 and task_name. The task_name is a drop down list of tasks. Upon selecting a specific task, I want the date1 and/or date2 columns to become read only (voided out) so users cannot enter in data. I am working with a tabular form, so I figured I need a javascript function to handle the logic and to call the function in the html elements of the column in the apex environment. This will need to happen dynamically (on click) before the page is submitted. I am more lost/confused on syntax. I know I will need to know the actual column name (coo1, coo2, something like that) of my columns that I will be refering to when I use javascript.
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Jan 28, 2013
I created report with row selector, when I select one row I get tabular form regarding to the selected row from report. I can insert and update data from tabular form, but I have problem with deleting them. Error I get is
ORA-01403: no data found (Row 207589)
My tabular form is created by wizard and primary key is managed by database rowid, I use apex 4.1 an 10g database.
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a wizard created tabular form, adding a row is easy using addRow() function, is there a way that I can delete the row from it? Let's say I have added a row and not submitted the form, but now I want to delete just that row from the form, how can I do that?
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Nov 8, 2012
I am using Apex 4.2 with Oracle 11g
I have a requirement where I need to create a tabular form with a check box column. I created one using Apex_item.checkbox() function.
I have a button, when clicked it has to deselect all the checkboxes. I know I can use javascript onclick function and call a javascript. But I dont know how to use the javascript for a tabular form.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have seen the Skill builder plugin for Save Before Exit, and it looks great.
Unfortunately, my project is using apex 3.2.
Is there a recommended way to achieve this for a tabular for in apex 3.2.
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Oct 31, 2012
In my Application I have a tabular form and they other I edited 1 row & 1 entry and clicked on the update button. The message on the top says:
16 rows updated, 0 rows inserted (the standard message).
I do not have any page processes before or after applyMRU and its one of those freaky one-off issue that I can't reproduce again. Update 1 row and shows 15 updates.
Here are some info regarding my tabular form:
8 columns, pagination enabled for 20+ rows, no insert or delete functionailty, just updates.
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Apr 30, 2013
I am new to APEX (well all of Oracle really so only have limited knowledge of PL/SQL etc too) but have created a couple of simple applications via wizards. One of these has a tabular form which works fine for updating records for the table that the form was built over but I need a way to write a record to a second (audit) table as well.
My form is used for cycle counting of items in a location. It originally shows the quantities of all the items in a location and allows the user to make corrections by updating any incorrect quantities to the correct value (this would then update the quantity column in the main table). It then needs to calculate the difference between the old and new value and write this as a record to an audit file (might be a positive or negative number).
do I call a procedure once (on submitting the page) and get the procedure to loop through the changed records writing to my audit file OR do I call my procedure once per changed record on the tabular form, if so how do I know what parameters to pass to the procedure?
I have tried researching this online but can find no easy to follow examples. All examples of code I have seen for tabular forms refer to fields referenced by apex_application.g_f01 or f02 etc - how do you know what items on the page these relate to?
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Aug 30, 2012
I use apex 4.1..I have a tabular form a select like this
where ISAVTIVE = 1STRATEGYSTARTYEAR and STRATEGYSTOPTYEAR as a Select List contain a value of year
I select from LOV like this
select y l, y v
from (select extract(year from sysdate) + rownum - 1y from dual connect by rownum <= 51)and
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Apr 30, 2013
I have a simple tabular form based on a four element table: the primary key (seq #), title, Updated_by, Updated_timestamp.I would like to populate the updated_by and Updated_timestamp fields when a user either updates or adds to the table.On other forms, I use a calculation to update the page_ item in the page_processing section of APEX. However, in the tabular form, I am not sure where I might update these two fields.
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Oct 1, 2012
I'd like to determine (from code defined in a button definition) which check box(es) on a Tabular Form are checked. Assuming only one check box is checked, I want to obtain one of the values in that row for further processing. How to interrogate the Tabular Form to find out which box is checked?
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Jul 5, 2013
I have an application which includes a certain page with a tabular form.After I copied this to a second schema, Apex threw an error
'Unable to bind ':126_ENG_PROJ_ID'
It took me quite a while before I found out that one of my fields in that tabular form has a Popup Key LOV.The SQL for the LOV was:
select dv, rv from (select loop_short dv, cmpnt_id rv from SPI_MAIN_TAG where eng_proj_id in (:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID, -:P126_ENG_PROJ_ID) ) order by dv
Turned out that the view SPI_MAIN_TAG didn't exist in the second schema.Apex error message would have been more clear, like a simple 'Table or view does not exist' error, where possible even with the table name.I had Debug turned on, but in the debug window there was no reference to above SQL,
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Nov 19, 2012
I have to create a tabular form, in which I have each row having an address information in it. I need to individually geocode each of these addresses and process it from the page (I have a web service to do the geocoding) .
How can I process each row of a tabular form individually from a page?
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Sep 28, 2012
Tabular form works fine for first entries, but upon going back to add more records Page 55 has a button that links to the 'Approval' page which is a tabular form (Page 56).A text field at top of this tabular form receives the pass of a varchar2 field from page X which is an identifier (not PK). Tabular form query has condition WHERE ISO_NUMBER = :P56_ISO_NUMBER
When I add records on the first pass to the tabular form and click submit all is fine and dandy.When I get out of the tabular form and go back to it and add additional records I get this error:
Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "C4B43B9A17A41D287D55DEFE9B035944", item checksum = "607C07E22C9B03E6A45AF44EDC06BB31"., update "SPICE_HUNTER1"."DOC_APPRV_DOC" set "APPRV_DOC_ID" = :b1, "DOC_INFO_ID" = :b2, "ISO_NUMBER" = :b3, "DOC_APPROVER" = :b4, "DOC_APPROVED" = :b5, "DOC_APPROVAL_DT" = :b6, "DOC_COMMENT" = :b7, "APP_USER" = :b8Here's what I've done to try to figure it out:
1. Ran debug and saw it was happening in my MRU; and
2. In the past what I have cleaned out tabular form table data because I've found that when I'm in this testing mode going back and forth with changes gets fouled up, but with a clean slate it still happens.
3. I had Hidden the ID fields, and then remembered this was one of the issues with versions of this error. (I actually logged this one to remember!). So I made them Display as Text (Saves State) and unchecked their boxes.
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Mar 25, 2013
I have a tabular detail form/report region.
The SQL for this region is
where contributor_id=to_number(:p22_id)
Apex 4.2.1 turns this into
select NULL "CHECK$01", NULL "ID", NULL "ID_DISPLAY", :"P22_ID" "CONTRIBUTOR_ID", NULL "CONTRIBUTOR_TYPE_ID" from sys.dual union all select "CHECK$01", "ID", "ID_DISPLAY", "CONTRIBUTOR_ID", "CONTRIBUTOR_TYPE_ID" from (select NULL "CHECK$01", "ID", "ID_DISPLAY", "CONTRIBUTOR_ID", "CONTRIBUTOR_TYPE_ID" from ( select "ID", "ID" ID_DISPLAY, "CONTRIBUTOR_ID", "CONTRIBUTOR_TYPE_ID" from "PARTITUREN"."ROLES_OF_CONTRIBUTOR" where contributor_id=to_number(:p22_id)) APEX$RPTSRC order by 1)
and barfs with ora-01790
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