DB - How To Determine Fetch Size Of Application
Feb 18, 2013
The db is on a linux machine.I would like to know the "fetch size" of an application, but I was not able to find any related meteris in v$statname.
The application configruation is invisible to me.Do I need to do some calculations based on statistic metrics from v$statname?
If so, what meteris should be considered for the assumption for "fetch size" ?
The following is from manual, but the application configuration is invisible to me.
Setting the Fetch Size
The following methods are available in all Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and ResultSet objects for setting and getting the fetch size:
APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.
ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error.
After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue??
I'm using apex and I cannot figure out how apex manages the static files and cannot find anything in the docs (other that some high level UI description). The application is serving some file and I cannot find which one it is in any easy way.
I have a workspace where there are several files that have the same name, and I cannot understand how apex figures out which one to serve, and also don't understand what is value of associating a file with an application.
There are files associated with application 0, which don't appear to show up in the "shared components", but can be seen as
SELECT * FROM wwv_flow_files WHERE flow_id = 0;
and can apparently only be deleted using "SQL Commands" inside apex. the URL called is something like
so apparently the only parameters that matter are the workspace and the file name. The associated application is irrelevant. apparently files linked to flow_id 0 have precedence over all the other files..
I'd like to determine (from code defined in a button definition) which check box(es) on a Tabular Form are checked. Assuming only one check box is checked, I want to obtain one of the values in that row for further processing. How to interrogate the Tabular Form to find out which box is checked?
i am using apex4.1 and i am trying to fetch multiple value using Ajax code.i am using the following link
NOthis is based on select list . when i choose particular value in select list corresponding values are displayed in items.
my select list is too long. so i replace select list with pop lov of values item then this code do not work. what changes i have to do so that this code work.
I am to trying to fetch session id of a previously submitted process of a search button......so that i can display the search results in a different page.....so is there any sql query or pl/sql procedure to fetch the session id.
I would like to create a process that allows me to move from record to record without refreshing a whole page. Specifically, I'd like to use a tree object that allows the user to select items and then have the details for that item show up on the right side of the page. Is there a way to do this without doing a complete page refresh?
So far I've tried two different on-demand processes:
- first I created an "Automatic Row Fetch", but I read on the board that this actually won't work as an on-demand process;
- I also tried a PL/SQL process that sets the various variables (e.g. ":P7_NAME") based on a query. This updated the session state, but it didn't refresh the fields on the page. Is there a way to trigger this refresh?
i am having database in server and i have to run my web application in client machine. how to set the connection of server database in web.config file.
FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.
ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
My master-detail form has single canvas. For both blocks, master and detail, two tables joined together in each. One table to be updated, second table has some info for reference (query only).
I am getting these errors when in detail block the item from LOV is selected for existing record. This does not happen for new record inserted in detail block.
Holiday_master table has the list of holiday dates as "From_Date"
I have the form based on the Leave_Transaction Table, and I have created the Process, as "On-submit-after computations and validations" and posted the following PLSQL code,
declare days number(3); ex_days emp_master.remaining_days%type; new_rem_days emp_master.remaining_days%type; begin
If the Dates is between from_date and To_date comes in Saturday and sunday and/or if any Date is exist in the Hpliday_master table it will exclude and return the count(*) remaining dates, For example,
If the From_date is 04-may-2012' and To_date is 08-may-2012,
Here the dates 5th may and 6th may are "saturday" and "sunday"
and if any date between From_date and To_date is exist in Holiday_Master Table i.e say here it is 07-may-2012, Then the remaining dates are(excluding sat,sunday and dates in holiday_table),
04-may-2012, 08-may-2012.
so the count(*) is 2.
I am using the above code but still it returning 5,I think this
...where to_char(dt,'fmday') not in ('sunday','saturday') minus (select holiday_start from holiday_master))
db11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24. I want to do automatic row fetch when the value of a select list changes ?but first i should ofcourse create a tabular form to fetch the data into it , but what i want is ,if i fetch 2 rows then the report contains only two rows , if i fetch 3 , the report contains only 3, if i fetch nothing , the report has nothing ?
I have a form on a table that allows me to edit, delete, or create records. If I choose to edit a record from the report the form get populated correctly and edits or deletes work fine. My problem is when I choose to create a new record. I get a blank form which is what I want, but once I fill it out and click the create button, the automated row fetch fires again and gives me a no data found error. How do I get it to not fire when the create button is pressed?
I have created tabular form. I have set LOV for one column. Here my requirement is when i select the value from lov then it will fetch that value into page item.
i am using the Simple checkBox Plug-in from Plugins Repository. I am having the situation that i need to Display the Label of the checkbox in one line, after the check box symbol.
Up to now, i have managed to display the label, but it have leading space which i do not need and after the label, i am trying to put a Select List control, which i can't display just after it.Here is a picture of what i have achieved up to now: URL....
Here are my settings for the 1st item: URL.... Here are my settings for the 2nd item: URL....
The template for Page is: One Level Tabs - No Sidebar and the template of region is : Form Region / Above Content. The Regions are in Position: Page Template Body (3).I am using APEX and Oracle EE Database under Windows 7 64 bit Pro.
I have an application that uses theme 2. On one page I have several regions that display updateable items populated with SQL. One particular region shows a tabular report that contains a combination of updateable and non-updateable items. This region will show no more than 15 rows. In one case I know that 22 rows should show. The pagination links do nothing. That is, nothing happens when I click the NEXT link or select the next X of Y from a list. I saw a theme for an application can restrict page size.
I am using apex 4.1. I have this interactive report and i would like to make the text inside the report bigger and bolder. I have seen different examples of using css but none have worked for me. If you have any other way to do this or can give me a detailed way of using css!
How can in increase the allocated space for a schema in Apex Admin section?
I know you can set this when creating a schema alongsite a workspace and looks like the only way to do it is via raising a service request for more space and loggin in as ADMIN and approving it (in increments of 500MB).
It displys the Google page in another window. How can size the wiindow? For example adding width=200, height=100 to the href tag doesn't work.... Do I need to use JavaSvript?If yes, any example?.
For applications and Timesten databases on the same server we can use direct model to gain the base performance. But I want to know that how big heap size of JVM to be set for my java application when enabling direct model?
Does my application need more head memory when direct model than other local communication protocols, such as Unix domain socket or IPC? Supposing my Timesten database takes 12GB memory from OS, does it mean I need specify the same size for JVM heap(-Xmx12G)?
I am in need to find archive log mount point space detail usage through sqlplus on multiple instance. Is there any view in oracle which can give me the detail.
I know one method using external table but that is cumbersome for RAC.
can i get some command like this.
select inst_id,mountpoint,space_usage,space_available,total from GV$table --> returns
I have created a workspace to use oracle apex, after a while I tried to run a script, the following message has been displayed to me, The script output reached the maximum workspace result size limit. Delete existing results or contact your administrator to increase the maximum workspace result size.
I have a table that holds the definition of schedules, a schedule defines when a document should be submitted to a specific party. The schedule definition contains a start date, and end date, a recurrence type (is this submitted one time, or on a recurring schedule) and the frequency at which the document should be submitted. The second table provides a history of the submissions, this stores when it was due and when it was received. At the beginning of the month we pre-populate the submittal table with a list of records that will be due for the month. For instance, on September 1 we look through all of the schedules and determine which ones would have a record due at some point in 9/12 and then create a record in the submittal table.
I am having issues getting the calculated list of submittal records to work properly.
The DDL and DML will be in a follow-up post
Here is the query that I am currently using and fails to work properly.
with schedules as ( -- generate a list of valid permit schedules select s.schedule_id,s.submittal_frequency_months,s.recurrence_type, s.first_due_date,s.requires_approval, round(round(months_between(to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy'),s.first_due_date))/decode(s.submittal_frequency_months,0,1,s.submittal_frequency_months)) recurrence_number
-- create a list of all potential due dates for these schedules
select submittal_id_seq.nextval,schedule_Id,8,requires_approval, case when recurrence_type='One Time' then first_due_date when recurrence_type='Recurring' and trunc(first_due_date)=to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy')
-- exclude those that already have a submittal record ;
Basically I found all possible records in the schedule table that could have a record due in September, then generate a result for all possible instances and then look at only those whose calculated due date is 09/01/2012. I've determined that the root problem I have right now is this line:
(select level iteration from dual connect by level <= (select max(schedules.recurrence_number) from schedules)) d
Schedule ID 469907 has a start date of 05/15/1992 and a frequency of every 2 months. I calculate what I call the recurrence number, which is the number of times the schedule has happened since its start date to now. I use that to do an add_months calculation from the start date and then eventually compare these calculted start dates with my target month (09/12). In this one records case the calculated recurrence number is 122. So when I generate the connect by level is does 122 records for every schedule, so I end up with duplicate records in the submittal table for many of the schedules. This current query could probably work if I could figure out a way to make the level be schedule ID specific, but I've failed at that thus far.
Aside from the fact that this is returning the wrong results, I am thinking there must be a better more efficient method to determine which records are due for a given month. I was thinking there is probably some cool way to use the model clause here, but I haven't got a grasp on that one yet.
If you run the following insert statement you'll see that it inserts over 2400 records:
insert into submittal (submittal_id,schedule_id,submittal_status_type_id,requires_approval,due_date,created_by,created_date,modified_by,modified_Date) with schedules as ( -- generate a list of valid permit schedules select s.schedule_id,s.submittal_frequency_months,s.recurrence_type, s.first_due_date,s.requires_approval,
-- only submittals whose last due date has not passed, null last date included
and trunc(s.first_due_date,'mm') <= to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') -- only valid start dates --and round(round(months_between(to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy'),s.first_due_date))/decode(s.submittal_frequency_months,0,1,s.submittal_frequency_months)) >0 )
-- create a list of all potential due dates for these schedules
select submittal_id_seq.nextval,schedule_Id,8,requires_approval, case when recurrence_type='One Time' then first_due_date when recurrence_type='Recurring' and trunc(first_due_date)=to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy')
You can see the problem after words:
select schedule_id,count(0) from submittal where trunc(due_date,'mm')=to_date('09/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and submittal_status_type_id=8 having count(0) >1 group by schedule_id;Tony