i have used composite index below column which used in the tbl_bank_statement column name tbl_bank_ statement (policy_ no,ecs_ micr_code,ecs_factoring_house,ecs_mandate_status)
Let's consider such table that all rows fit into single block:
SQL> create table test as select rownum id, '$'||rownum name from dual connect by level <= 530; Table created. SQL> create index i_test on test(id); Index created. SQL> SQL> begin
why does approach with full scan take longer even if table occupies only one data block? PS. 11gR2
I want to get clear with one thing yesterday i installed oracle9i and dev 2000 to my client.
when they run one report they got stuck with pl/sql compilation errorrep-1247
when i checked that report in the report builder, in the query they are using some other table which is not belongs to that schema,then I give that schema.tablename and compiled, but this is coming for other reports also, then only i came to know that they are acceessin other schema also, how can i sort this out.
can i fix this by givin full access privilige or what privilige can i give to get full access of other schema table.
how can i check in the old database what are all the roles and privileges given to this user,
i have been trying to create a user with full access on default Tablespace so that i can access all the objects without any restrictions for the new user.
I have attached DDL for table EXPOSURE_DETAIL(PARTITION),LEDGERCARD,LEDGERCARDDETAILS, DDL for INDEX on those tables and DDL for Views..
Issue: we have created the Indexes but when we check the explain plain .. full table scan is going on..I have attached the explain plan ..
I am trying to update full table with row by row by using pl/sql blocks but I am getting "INVALID ROW ID" error. FYI. following is the screen shot from sql*plus.
SQL> declare 2 cursor csr is 3 select upc_code from pos.tbk_pos_fact_newslink_bk FOR UPDATE OF upc_code nowait; 4 5 begin 6 For row in csr [code]....
I�m Using Oracle 11.I have a table with 16 million rows and an index (let's call it the employee table with an index on department). I need to select all the employees whose departments are located in the uk. I achieve this by selecting all the department numbers from departments where location = 'UK' in a sub select then plug this into the main query as follows:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department IN (SELECT department from departments where location = 'UK');
It takes ages, 25 seconds or more, the explain plan shows its doing a full table scan on emplyees. I need it to use the index. The sub query is instant and returns only 5 rows. If I explicitly put the 5 numbers in the IN clause the query uses the index and executes in 0.04 seconds. See below:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department IN (1,2,3,4,5);
I need it to use the subquery once and then use the index on the main table.
We have an old full export .dmp file from a 10g db and there are 451 records in one specific table that we need to export. Is it possible to IMP just the one specific table from a full dump? Or, another option, can we extract the records from the one table in the .dmp file into an xml file?
We have a large table of equally sized data blobs in our Oracle system and we'd like to select the whole table once into the memory. The corresponding tablespace is stored in SSD fast disks and is managed by ASM. However the achievable select speed (reading data into memory) of Oracle is not satisfactory. When we store the data in SSD disk using custom methods (e.g. in SQLite DB files) and load then into memory by multithreading (8 thread) techniques, the speed is more than 15 times that of Oracle.
Is there any way to optimize the oracle and ASM for increased full table select in our case. We tried FULL TABLE SCAN and PARALLEL hints and DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT too, but with no success.
FYI:Our data blob is about 4.2kB and each DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 8kB. The ASM segment is configured for AUTO-ALLOCATE. The table is partitioned by HASH. Our oracle system is not RAC.
However when I run this I do not see the sys.aud$ in the log file. I know I can do a seperate export to specifically get the sys.aud$ table but is there any way to include it in with my full export?
I am rebuilding some UNUSABLE local index partitions on Oracle (64bit) database . The platform is a HPUX machine.
The DDL of the partition table/indexes: ========================= CREATE TABLE TESTME ( INST_NO CHAR(3) NOT NULL, ACCT_NO CHAR(16) NOT NULL, REC_NO CHAR(9) NOT NULL, TRAN_TYPE CHAR(2) DEFAULT ' ', STAT CHAR(2) DEFAULT ' ', [code]...
Below query is degrading the performance of database. As we know that, without where clause, query do full table scan.Now, it is written to generate the sequence no.
SQL> explain plan for 2 SELECT NVL(MAX(P.NUM_SERIAL_NO), 0) + 1 FROM CNFGTR_IRDA_ENVELOPE_DTLS P 3 / Explained. SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display()); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 3345343365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When I invoke SOAP Web-Service using APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REQUEST, then I'm able to get response from web-service. However all German character are replaced by JUNK data. However data is coming fine when I test web-services using SOAP UI.
I tried to invoke web-service using UTL_HTTP. However when I use UTL_HTTP, then I'm getting following error.
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list
<li> Why German characters are replaced by Junk data while invoking web-service from APEX, while it's working fine from SOAP UI
<li> When I can access web-service successfully using APEX_WEB_SERVICE, then why it's throwing ORA-24247 error when I call using UTL_HTTP?
DB: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production APEX: Web-Server: EPG SELECT * FROM NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS;
I am having oracle database version standard edition, where one of my users requirement is that he wanted to send mails from oracle database but he is getting below error
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 17 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 267 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 161 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 197 ORA-06512: at "HF_REPORTING.SEND_MAIL", line 12 ORA-06512: at line 18
is it possible to send mails from oracle database in STANDARD Edition?
While Running the proc,it's raising the below error.
Error report:
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 17 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 246 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 115 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 138 ORA-06512: at "LISTER_SHIFT.SOLN_GENERIC_SENDMAIL", line 33 ORA-06512: at line 1
I have created an non unique index lk_fein on lookup_fein( code,map_id,trash). When I check the explain plan it does a full table scan on lookup_fein. if I force it to use index by it does and the cost also decreases.
I am using Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.I have a table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 in RDS schema and I have created a role ACC_D_TABLES logging as ADMIN.
Now I have given GRANT SELECT access for table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 to role ACC_D_TABLES.
There is another schema TRANS in the same database which has the role ACC_D_TABLES. But after logging in this schema, I am not able to query directly from table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729. I need to use like below to access the table.
select * from RDS.D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 Having the correct role ACC_D_TABLES to TRANS schema, why should I use RDS.D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 ? Is it not possible without prefixing the RDS schema name?
It is possible when I create a public synonym for D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 in RDS schema, but if i do so everyone can access this table.
I have a schema TEST1 and it has a view 'TEST_VIEW'. I granted read only permission on the view to TEST2 schema. grant select on TEST_VIEW to TEST2.
But TEST2 is used by an application which requires to read view metadata and then sync with application afterwords start reading. Is there any special permission to grant to access metadata of the view / table.
I am working in all 3 environments: development , Test and Production. How can we access the tables created in one environment in the other environment. Also, request to share the SQL code for the same.
CREATE TABLE TEST(empno VARCHAR2(4), empname VARCHAR2(50), empstd NUMBER(2)) insert into test values(0001,'A',2); insert into test values(0002,'B',5); insert into test values(0003,'C',2); insert into test values(0004,'D',7); insert into test values(0005,'E',9);
Now I want to get empno for the particular employees based upon subscript and I have written below
DECLARE CURSOR cur_rec IS SELECT * FROM TEST; TYPE cur_type IS TABLE OF cur_rec%ROWTYPE; v_cur_rec cur_type; BEGIN OPEN cur_rec; FETCH cur_rec BULK COLLECT INTO v_cur_rec; [code]....
how to access individial item froma table of rowtype data.
CM: Added [code] tags, please do so yourself next time, see the orafaq forum.
I am trying to access and modify data of a table of another schema which contains 80,000-90,000 records. My procedure is taking near about 30 mins to complete the operation. faster access and updation of table data.
Details: I have two schema: TEST and PROD I am running the below code from TEST Schema. /* CODE START HERE*/ DECLARE exc_bulk_errors EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exc_bulk_errors, -24381); v_block_count NUMBER := 1000;
The above code is taking near about 30mins to process.
I have also tried another approch: Creating a procedure in PROD schema to update COMPONENT_MASTER table and by calling the procedure from above code by passing component code.
Following are 2 queries, which return same results as far as the input parameter is NOT NULL
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where decode(:x,null,1,object_id) = NVL(:x,object_id); select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where object_id = NVL(:x,object_id);
However the execution plan differs a lot The FTS cost or rows accessed count also varies what could be the reason? The PX_CJQ is simply select * from dba_objects and has index on object_id which anyway is not being used in this case
variable x number exec :x:= 28 Query - 1 *************** *************** SQL> >select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where decode(:x,null,1,object_id) = NVL(:x,object_id); SQL> >select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'ALLSTATS LAST'));
Query - 2 *************** *************** SQL> >select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where object_id = NVL(:x,object_id); SQL> >select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'ALLSTATS LAST')); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT
I have a Database that has a frontend in MS Access and a backend in Oracle. When I try to open the Oracle Table/s in the MS Access Frontend, it gives me this error message:
Reserved error (-7711); there is no message for this error.
There is some stuff on the internet about this error but none of it fixes my issue. It seems to be an MS Access error rather than an Oracle error. Only thing is this issue is only on Machines that are running on XP. I have no problem on mine which is Windows 7.