I am working in all 3 environments: development , Test and Production. How can we access the tables created in one environment in the other environment. Also, request to share the SQL code for the same.
Trying to connect to XE 11.2 getting the following:
Unable to connectSQLState=51000[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified.
I have set the environment variables using the oracle_env.sh shell script. Trying to connect with the instant client running on Windows XP with the ODBC extensions installed. Host is X86_64 CentOS Linux
I exported oracle database from one server in a dmp file. then i imported it in another oracle database server. when i saw the imported data the columns which were storing german data is in rubbish characters.
then i remember that the database from where i exported is having nls language as german. i executed this statement to set the nls on the new server
alter system set nls_lang=german SCOPE=SPFILE
but now my database is not getting started always giving me error - cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified.
i also set the path NLS_LANG=german in the solaris environment.
how to integrate Application Express with Oracle EBS. Any companies that offer hosted EBS environment with APEX and allow developer-level access (ie database, application server, front-end responsibilities)?
Now I need to start with the employee 1 . As we can see the emp 1 is mapped to dept A and also with multiple dept. Similarly dept id is mapped to multiple emp.
I need the output as below (many to many I.e. cross referencing)
EMPID DEPIDGroup 1A A1 2A A1 2B A1 1B A1 4A A1 5B A1 5A A1 6C B1 -- new group as the emp and dept are not mapped previously 7A A1 8D C1
Let's consider such table that all rows fit into single block:
SQL> create table test as select rownum id, '$'||rownum name from dual connect by level <= 530; Table created. SQL> create index i_test on test(id); Index created. SQL> SQL> begin
why does approach with full scan take longer even if table occupies only one data block? PS. 11gR2
I'm trying to move my backup sets from windows database environment, to OEL 5.7 environment on another server.
I've found a manual [URL] by which I am trying to do it.I took backup sets from last night's backup using RMAN,and the current parameter(initSID.ora) file from the running live database.Now i need to configure control files in the pfile accordingly.
1. can i take current control files from the running system, to restore and recover backup sets from last night, to the state the database was at backup time?
2. how can i find out if control files are backed up and know by RMAN? "list backup completed after '2012-JUN-19';" >> gives me Archive redo logs, datafiles, but don't see the control files(or don't reconize them).
I have to drop some partitions in table on production environment (to get free space). The environment have to be continuously available. I was considering of use ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION ... UPDATE INDEXES but it is slow, because of use clause UPDATE INDEXES. Is there another possibility to remove these data?
I need to create a report that show the overall performance of the system in hourly basic. I need to check all the transaction table in the system. So I try to find Cross Tab query. I need display hourly basic in column. From 00 hour to 23 hour.
In my table i will have a sysdate that track all the record DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi, so now i need so split it to a hourly in column. This is how it will look like. Think show in picture is easier.
Each row actually retrieve from a table. So basically i need to count each table, on that day got how many transactions then split all to a hourly basic and display it.
The cross tab is to have columns 1 - 31 which sum the quantity of the article sold. Represnting days of the month.
In addition the description of the company.
I would then like to end up with 3 entries in the results for each company, but these are for summing the quantity of articles by the following periods: -
When I invoke SOAP Web-Service using APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REQUEST, then I'm able to get response from web-service. However all German character are replaced by JUNK data. However data is coming fine when I test web-services using SOAP UI.
I tried to invoke web-service using UTL_HTTP. However when I use UTL_HTTP, then I'm getting following error.
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list
<li> Why German characters are replaced by Junk data while invoking web-service from APEX, while it's working fine from SOAP UI
<li> When I can access web-service successfully using APEX_WEB_SERVICE, then why it's throwing ORA-24247 error when I call using UTL_HTTP?
DB: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production APEX: Web-Server: EPG SELECT * FROM NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS;
I am having oracle database version standard edition, where one of my users requirement is that he wanted to send mails from oracle database but he is getting below error
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 17 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 267 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 161 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 197 ORA-06512: at "HF_REPORTING.SEND_MAIL", line 12 ORA-06512: at line 18
is it possible to send mails from oracle database in STANDARD Edition?
While Running the proc,it's raising the below error.
Error report:
ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 17 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 246 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 115 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 138 ORA-06512: at "LISTER_SHIFT.SOLN_GENERIC_SENDMAIL", line 33 ORA-06512: at line 1
i have used composite index below column which used in the tbl_bank_statement table.like column name tbl_bank_ statement (policy_ no,ecs_ micr_code,ecs_factoring_house,ecs_mandate_status)
I am using Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.I have a table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 in RDS schema and I have created a role ACC_D_TABLES logging as ADMIN.
Now I have given GRANT SELECT access for table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 to role ACC_D_TABLES.
There is another schema TRANS in the same database which has the role ACC_D_TABLES. But after logging in this schema, I am not able to query directly from table D_GEOGRAPHY_25729. I need to use like below to access the table.
select * from RDS.D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 Having the correct role ACC_D_TABLES to TRANS schema, why should I use RDS.D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 ? Is it not possible without prefixing the RDS schema name?
It is possible when I create a public synonym for D_GEOGRAPHY_25729 in RDS schema, but if i do so everyone can access this table.
I have a schema TEST1 and it has a view 'TEST_VIEW'. I granted read only permission on the view to TEST2 schema. grant select on TEST_VIEW to TEST2.
But TEST2 is used by an application which requires to read view metadata and then sync with application afterwords start reading. Is there any special permission to grant to access metadata of the view / table.
In my present env, Oracle runs in Solaris 10 and I am planning to restore it to Linux5. I have read thro oracle docs, metalink that cross platform restore with different endian can be done by TTS. But it says that tablespace shud be in read-only until we plug in it in the dest server.
how to display data in tabular format but the printing direction is down/cross? I managed to change set printing direction but the column header is not showing on the cross section.
I expect:
Header1 Header 2 Header1 Header2 John India Max Singapore
But it displays without header name on the next part.
Header1 Header 2 John India Max Singapore
And also is that possible for matrix query to be printed in down/cross direction like above?
I am essentially trying to reproduce an extremely complex spread-sheet with an engineering mathematical model in it and that has been in use for 5 years now. The Excel spreadsheet was a good environment for tuning the model, but now I have been asked to design an Oracle Form that incorporates their mathematical model and shows their final and intermediate data so they can validate my app against their proven spreadsheet.
To do that I have to create a matrix style table for use as a child data-block in my Oracle Form.
We got a request from Customer to migrate a RAC database of size 1.8TB from HP unix raw file system to AIX ASM with a min downtime. I have seen lot of methods of doing cross plat form migration and non-ASM to ASM but not together.
Do we have any proven method for migration such cross platform migration with raw file system to ASM conversion in a single go with min downtime?
I have a editing database with an eversions table:
NAME OWNER ---------------------- -------------------------------- WR5936_DN6676 FRED WR6739_DN7507 FRED WR12744_DN13994 FRED WR6739_DN7511 BARNEY WR6801_DN7513 BARNEY
I have a process database with a pversions table:
SOID ---------------- 5936 6739 12744 6739
I need to select from the editing.eversions table all the records that do not have a matching record in process.pversion. The eversion table is text, and has some additional crap surrounding the characters I want to use for creating a join.
How to update a form fields which taking a searched value from another table .
I have a form that records student data and which has a drop down to select the 'student registration No' that comes from different table.
When insert or update a student record, first we select the student registration No from drop down to see if he is an existing student.
If he is already registered student then relevant student name and other details should be shown in the form and should be able to enter few other details as well.