SQL & PL/SQL :: Cross Database Join On Fields With Mismatched Data Types

May 31, 2013

I have a editing database with an eversions table:

---------------------- --------------------------------
WR5936_DN6676 FRED
WR6739_DN7507 FRED
WR12744_DN13994 FRED
WR6739_DN7511 BARNEY
WR6801_DN7513 BARNEY

I have a process database with a pversions table:


I need to select from the editing.eversions table all the records that do not have a matching record in process.pversion. The eversion table is text, and has some additional crap surrounding the characters I want to use for creating a join.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Columns To Rows Using Case And Cross Join?

Aug 22, 2013

Getting error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR

create table try1
(id_number varchar2(10),
item1 varchar2(10),
item2 number(10),
item3 varchar2(10))


Table's data:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cross Join Query To Remove Repeating Combination

Nov 15, 2010

I have constructed a cross join query, with the test case below

create table ajit_sites (
site_id char(1));
insert into ajit_sites values ('A');
insert into ajit_sites values ('B');
insert into ajit_sites values ('C');

sql below is constructed to display combination of all sites (cross-join), it also removes records where "origin" is the same with "dest"

a.site_id origin, b.site_id dest
(select site_id from ajit_sites) a,
(select site_id from ajit_sites) b
a.site_id <> b.site_id b

Is there any way i could remove records with the behavior below

Origin , Dest
A , B
B , A

For instance from the example above, i want to only retain one of the records since record (A, B) or record (B, A) means the same.

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PL/SQL :: Difference Between CROSS JOIN And Comma-notated Cartesian Product?

May 22, 2013

Oracle version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
OS: Linux Fedora Core 17 (x86_64)

I was practicing on Recursive Subquery Factoring based on oracle examples available in the documentation URL....I was working on an example which prints the hierarchy of each manager with his/her related employees. Here is how I proceed.

WITH tmptab(empId, mgrId, lvl) AS
    SELECT  employee_id, manager_id, 0 lvl
    FROM employees
    WHERE manager_id IS NULL
    SELECT  employee_id, manager_id, lvl+1
    FROM employees, tmptab
    WHERE (manager_id = empId)

107 rows selected.

SQL> However, by accident, I noticed that if instead of putting a comma between the table names I put CROSS JOIN, the very same query behaves differently.That is, if instead of writing

    SELECT  employee_id, manager_id, lvl+1
    FROM employees, tmptab
    WHERE (manager_id = empId)I write
. . .
    SELECT  employee_id, manager_id, lvl+1
    FROM employees CROSS JOIN tmptab
    WHERE (manager_id = empId)I get the following error message
ERROR at line 4: ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query

I remember, oracle supports both comme notation and CROSS JOIN for Cartesian product (= cross product). For example

SQL> WITH tmptab1 AS
  2  (
  3      SELECT 'a1' AS colval FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  4      SELECT 'a2' AS colval FROM DUAL UNION ALL
  5      SELECT 'a3' AS colval FROM DUAL
  6  ),

SQL> So if both comma notated and CROSS JOIN have the same semantic, why I get a cycle for the above mentioned recursive subquery factoring whereas the very same query works pretty well with comma between the table names instead of CROSS JOIN? Because if a cycle is detected (ancestor = current element) this means that the product with CROSS JOIN notation is generating some duplicates which are absent in the result of the comma notated Cartesian product.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Join Two Date Fields?

May 19, 2011




34425 Mar 1967
123 12 MAR 1963;25 FEB 1974;25 AUG 1978
46515 FEB 1980

I want to join the columns DOB from table -1 and DOB_INFO from table 2 but the datatype of DOB is DATE and DOB_INFO is VARCHAR. TO_DATE function is not working here.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Table1 Rows Where 3 Fields To Join With Another Table

Aug 13, 2011

I need to delete all the registers where the table 1 does join with table 2 in 3 fields... for example:

delete taba1 t1
where t1.campo1 in ( select distinct(tr.campo1)
from tabla1 tr,
tabla2 t2
where t2.error = 0
tr.campo1 = t2.campo1
and tr.campo2 = t2.campo2


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Data From REF Within REF (object Types)

Mar 3, 2012

how to display REFS from within a REF. I've not used my exact code here as its quite a big file so i've made a similar scenario to get me point across. Here is the code first:

2 object_id NUMBER(5),
3 object_name varchar2(10),
4 object_added DATE);
5 /
6 CREATE TABLE object1_tab OF object1 (object_id PRIMARY KEY);
7 /
8 INSERT INTO object1_tab
9 VALUES (1,'Daniel',sysdate);
10 /
11 show errors;
12 /
14 object_id NUMBER(5),
15 object_job varchar2(10),
16 object1_ref REF object1 );
17 /
18 CREATE TABLE object2_tab OF object2(object_id PRIMARY KEY);
19 /
20 INSERT INTO object2_tab
21 VALUES (1,'Developer',(SELECT REF(p) FROM object1_tab P
22 WHERE VALUE(p).object_id = &object_id));
23 /
24 select DEREF(object1_ref)
25 FROM object2_tab;
26 /
28 object_id NUMBER(5),
29 object_location VARCHAR2(20),
30 object2_ref REF object2);
31 /
32 CREATE TABLE object3_tab OF object3 (object_id PRIMARY KEY);
33 /
34 INSERT INTO object3_tab
35 VALUES (1,'New York',(SELECT REF(p) FROM object2_tab P 36 WHERE VALUE(p).object_id = &object_id));
37 /
38 show errors;
39 /
40 select object_id,object_location,DEREF(object2_ref)
41 FROM object3_tab;
42 /

As yot can see in the code each object refernces from the previous. When I view the DEREF in the third table (object3_tab) i get the following output:

--------- -------------------- ----------------------------------
1 New York [SANTA.OBJECT2]

Contained within the object2 is the following:


How would i view the ref for object1 within object3? I will also need to be able to verify the data in these REF in the new table they are used in.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: One Database Two Types Of Fonts English And Russian

Mar 1, 2010

I am a programmer in Oracle PL / SQL in Oracle 10g I'd like to use the same time on one Database two types of fonts English and Russian (Cyrillic). Is this possible and how? NLS_LANG ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: User Defined Data Types In Cast Functions

Jun 22, 2010

I am migrating sybase to oracle database. A Java developer needs money datatypes.I said to them, please change the cast(<value> as number(19,4) in java code side. but they are not accepted because money data type is used most of the places.

select cast(0 as money) from bank_trans; this sql statements present in java code. I need to create user defined type is equivalent to money datatype.

My steps

I have create user defined data types

create or replace type money as object(money as numbeer(19,4)

select cast(0 as money) from dual;

it shows inconsistent datatypes error.

create or replace type money is table of numbeer(19,4);

select cast(0 as money) from dual;

it shows inconsistent datatypes error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Types To Store Large Integer Values?

Aug 15, 2012

what could be effective data type to store large integer values like, 50,000; 10,000,000 etc.?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Validation For Types And Storing Data For Subtypes?

Apr 3, 2010

I have following structures:

SQL> CREATE TYPE address_typ AS OBJECT (line1 VARCHAR2(20), city VARCHAR2(20), COUNTRY VARCHAR2(20));
2 /

Type created.
SQL> CREATE TYPE phone_typ AS OBJECT (area_cd VARCHAR2(10), phone# VARCHAR2(10));
2 /
Type created.
SQL> CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ AS TABLE OF phone_typ;


My questions are:

1. I have created an object table person_obj of parent type. I have not created object tables of salesperson_typ and customer_typ and want to store data related to both in person_obj. What is the difference between storing data in an object table of parent type and object table of subtypes? In which case should I consider storing data of all subtypes in an object table of parent type instead of object tables of individual subtypes?

2. Second question is regarding validating the column values before the creation of object instance. Suppose before creating an instance of salesperson_typ, I want to check if salary is NOT NULL and greater than 0. I guess constructor is the only option to achieve this but how full-proof it is if constructors are used for this purpose? Is there any other alternate way?

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Forms :: (Select All) Function In Data Block With All Checkbox Item Types?

Aug 19, 2010

I need to implement a "Select All" function in a Data Block with All the Check boxes. It's a Database data block with 10 records to be displayed at a time. Check Box Items are in default layout. The requirement is when user checks/un-checks that select all check box which is placed on the left hand side of the other check boxes, it should select/deselect all the check box database items in that particular record.

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Mismatched Oracle Drivers - Upgrade ( To

Jun 26, 2012

We are running Oracle Enterprise software on various client and DB servers and we are experiencing a problem (outlined here ) where the apparent mismatch between the oracle drivers are causing the errors. Our db servers are using and drivers and the clients are using

Firstly, are the drivers the same on the Express and Enterprise editions so that if I update a development server usingExpress version (I dont have the authority to upgrade the Enterprise version nor the time to commission that) and it is successful, can I reasonably expect an upgrade to the Enterprise client versions on other servers to be safe/error free, baring environmental factors of course ?

Secondly, can I upgrade to version now or do I have to go to the 11g version only ?

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Forms :: Radio Button Mismatched Values

Mar 22, 2012

i have 2 radio button on my forms and values are A and B. But i have load data from script and against that radio button i have some other values loaded,

When i select query on those records those have other value then radio button, it show nothing. I want to catch that error but there is no error shows. it shows no record to be query. i just want to inform user that that record is not that value which is associated with radio.

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Windows :: Mismatched Oracle Drivers / Upgrade Version

Jun 26, 2012

We are running Oracle Enterprise software on various client and DB servers and we are experiencing a problem (outlined here [URL] .....) where the apparent mismatch between the oracle drivers are causing the errors.

Our db servers are using and drivers and the clients are using

Firstly, are the drivers the same on the Express and Enterprise editions so that if I update a development server using Express version (I don't have the authority to upgrade the Enterprise version nor the time to commission that) and it is successful, can I reasonably expect an upgrade to the Enterprise client versions on other servers to be safe/error free, baring environmental factors of course ?

Secondly, can I upgrade to version now or do I have to go to the 11g version only ?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-0621/ List Of Mismatched Objects?

Jun 3, 2013

While i'm doing delete obsolete backup its Throwing error.

RMAN-06207: WARNING: 1 objects could not be deleted for DISK channel(s) due
RMAN-06208: to mismatched status. Use CROSSCHECK command to fix status
RMAN-06210: List of Mismatched objects
RMAN-06211: ==========================
RMAN-06212: Object Type Filename/Handle
RMAN-06213: --------------- ---------------------------------------------------
RMAN-06214: Datafile Copy /u01/app/oracle/oradata/demo.ctl

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Loader - Not Getting Data In Some Of Fields?

Feb 7, 2012

We are using Oracle 10g, on redhat linux (version not known to me).I'm running a Perl script that reads in data from Visual FoxPro tables, creates datafiles on the fly from these FP tables, then SQL-Loader runs and uploads all the data to matching tables in Oracle.

Problem:My upload runs, but I'm not getting the data in some of the fields that I should be. It is being uploaded to the wrong fields.

I had to add more columns to the Oracle tables in order to capture the data coming from FoxPro. These columns were/are in FoxPro. In the past, they were not needed in Oracle. I was using the FILLER command in the Control files to skip these. Now they are needed in Oracle. The new columns get added to the end of the table in Oracle, so they are not in the same exact order they are in FoxPro. It is these new columns that are not getting the correct data.

I've learned in the past that I need the fields/columns in the control files to match the order they are in the FoxPro tables from which the data comes. My Question is, Does the Oracle table column order have to match the Control file column order. Like so: FoxPro table column order = control file column order = Oracle table column order

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Add Fields From Another Database To EUL

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to add fields from an SQL server database to the EUL. We have a lot of Oracle tables and fields in the existinging EUL, and we have created a database link from the Oracle database to the SQL database. But how can I find til SQL database tables and fields in Discoverer admin?

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Modifying Fields With Huge Data

Aug 26, 2011

I have 2 questions, because they can be inter-related I am posting it in a single post. These queries are related to Oracle(PL\SQL).

1. I am trying to increase the size of a field in a table which has almost 2 million records and the query for alteration runs for almost and hour and rollsback, wondering is there a better way of doing it.

2. I have modified the size of a field in a table from Varchar2(10) to Varchar2(20), now when I tried to rollback the modification it is not letting me to change the size from Varchar2(20) to Varchar2(10). No data has been inserted after the modification.

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Forms :: Data Source For Fields?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a horrible problem with EBS (actually, all problems with EBS are horrible) and I think I am stuck because of my ignorance of Forms. if I use terms that are not correct in the Forms world. The form consists of a number of named "blocks" and each block consists of a number of named "fields", not all of which are visible. I need to find the source of the data values in one of these fields. I have searched every table for a column of that name, also all the views and stored PL/SQL that I think might be relevant, but I can no find no mention of a column or variable with the same name as the field. The name does not get a hit in the online EBS tech ref manual, and only two ancient and irrelevant hits in MOS.

My question is: What are the possible sources of data for a field in a form? Have I missed any?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Modification Of Fields With Huge Data?

Aug 26, 2011

I have 2 questions, because they can be inter-related I am posting it in a single post. These queries are related to Oracle(PLSQL).

1. I am trying to increase the size of a field in a table which has almost 2 million records and the query for alteration runs for almost and hour and rollsback, wondering is there a better way of doing it.

2. I have modified the size of a field in a table from Varchar2(10) to Varchar2(20), now when I tried to rollback the modification it is not letting me to change the size from Varchar2(20) to Varchar2(10). No data has been inserted after the modification.

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PL/SQL :: Query Pull Only Fields That Contain Data

Aug 9, 2012

In the database we use for transfer articulation, there are numerous tables delivered with the product. The institution decided not to use certain fields, and all instances of those fields have no data. In other words, there might be a field in the table called INSTCD, but no records in the table have ever inserted any data into that particular field. In the table there are thousands of records, and we don't necessarily know which of the fields have never been used (no list has been retained and no one who initially was involved in the decisions is available to ask), as there are multiple fields in each table. How can I write a query that pulls only the fields in the table that contain data. In the example below, the SHRTRIT table contains a field called ACTIVITY_DATE, but there is no data in any record in that particular field, so I don't want it to show up on the output. In this particular case, I KNOW not to pull this field in a SELECT, but in a case where there might be 130,000 records and I DON'T know if a field has records in it, how could I do that?

if the question I'm asking doesn't make sense and I'll attempt to word it better.

create table SHRTRIT


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Database Design - Multiple Irrelevant Fields

May 15, 2009

I am designing a database as a practice exercise, but have come across a problem.

Here is my design:

Branch Manager Employee
------- ---------- ----------
BranchID ---- ManagerID |---- EmpoyeeID
... | EmployeeID ---- ...
Manager ---- EmployeeIDOfManager

Note: The ... in the tables are just placements symbolizing that there are multiple irrelevant (to this thread) fields.

The problem is with the field highlighted in italics whilst the primary keys are in bold. I need to somehow retrieve that ID, but I can't create a many-to-many relationship.

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Forms :: Fields Not Writing To Database Table

Jul 27, 2010

I have an Oracle Form 6i. There are two blocks. One is a database block called CUSTOMER and the other is a non-database block called CONTROL.

In the PRE-INSERT trigger of the database block, values from the non-database table block are passed to the database table block. When I pass values I use the :BLOCK_NAME.field_name eg. :CUSTOMER.scale_code := :CONTROL.scale.

In this form the values passed to the database block from the non-database block in the PRE-INSERT trigger do not use the block name e.g. :-

:warehouse := :global.default_warehouse;
:capturer :=captured
:scale_code := scale;
:date_captured := sysdate;
insert into dd_audit(cus_id,cap_date) values(:CONTROL.cus_id,SYSDATE);

This application used to work fine for months, last week when writing the values in the PRE-INSERT trigger, just the warehouse field had a value. The remaining fields after the warehouse did not pass any values, although it was verified that values would have been present in the non-database block. The date_captured field should have at least had the system date. The last insert into dd_audit was successful.

I have done numerous tests on our test database and could not replicate the problem. Would passing the values from the non-database block to the database block without the :BLOCK_name preceding the field name cause this problem.

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Forms :: Enter Data In Mandatory Fields

Mar 29, 2011

I developed a custom Form using Form Builder 6i. This Form has selection criteria (data to be entered in a couple of fields) and a "Find" Button, which queries the data (based on the selection criteria) and populates all fields on the Form.

This Form has a couple of "Required" fields in its search criteria section. When data is not populated in any of the Required fields and "Find" button is clicked upon, Form raises an exception and pops up a message indicating the user 'to enter data in mandatory fields'. However, this message keeps popping up and would not stop.

So, I'm not able to proceed with querying data on my custom Form. I had to kill the session and reconnect to front end to overcome this issue.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Appending Data Fields To Text?

Jul 29, 2011

I know how to append fields to text, but how do I deal with the variable length? I want to place text on a report and inside the text I have data from two different fields. It works great except that my fields are 35 characters long. If the data fills the entire field it looks great, if the data is only 10 characters long, I have a huge gap between the end of the data and the text that follows. How do I fix this?

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Forms :: Change Color In Fields In Form Filled Via Data Block?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to change the attributes on a display where the info is gathered via a routine that fills the data block with info. I've searched and tried using 'set item instance property' in several places within the data block using different triggers but still doesn't work.

No errors are encountered or shown. Attributes aren't changed based on a small test condition.

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Server Utilities :: Proper Data Type Should Use In Control-file For Both Fields

Jan 26, 2012

My oracle table having 2 fields.

filed1 VARCHAR(500)
field2 NUMBER.

i load data to this table from a file using sqlldr.

what is the proper data type should i use in control-file for both the fields.? i dont mention any datatye in ctl file which is working fine with given dataset.

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Server Utilities :: SQLLDR - Delimited File - Bypass Unwanted Data Fields

Aug 8, 2012

using SQLLDR: Looking for a control file solution to move past or bypass extra data fields which are not on destination table. Basically if you have 8 tab delimited fields(terminated by ' ') on a data record; but only need to load 5 of the values from the delimited record; is there a way to ignore/bypass the not needed data. Obviously, the answer would be to massage the data at the OS and removed the 3 unnecessary fields.

However my hands are tied by volume,time, and compliancy. I am familiar with using 'FILLER' for the reverse scenario; but not where you have more data available on the record then exists on the table.

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Creating A Cross Tab Report

Aug 28, 2007

I need to create a report that show the overall performance of the system in hourly basic. I need to check all the transaction table in the system. So I try to find Cross Tab query. I need display hourly basic in column. From 00 hour to 23 hour.

In my table i will have a sysdate that track all the record DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi, so now i need so split it to a hourly in column. This is how it will look like. Think show in picture is easier.

Each row actually retrieve from a table. So basically i need to count each table, on that day got how many transactions then split all to a hourly basic and display it.

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