SQL & PL/SQL :: Modification Of Fields With Huge Data?

Aug 26, 2011

I have 2 questions, because they can be inter-related I am posting it in a single post. These queries are related to Oracle(PLSQL).

1. I am trying to increase the size of a field in a table which has almost 2 million records and the query for alteration runs for almost and hour and rollsback, wondering is there a better way of doing it.

2. I have modified the size of a field in a table from Varchar2(10) to Varchar2(20), now when I tried to rollback the modification it is not letting me to change the size from Varchar2(20) to Varchar2(10). No data has been inserted after the modification.

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Datatype Modification For Table With Huge Data

Aug 11, 2011

Below is my requirement.

Need to change the precision of a column in a existing table. Statistics about the table

* has over 130 columns
* More than 300 million records
* Column to modify is #121 which has data
* No primary key defined

Since the column has data, it is not possible to modify with a simple Alter.

Second option - create temp column in same table, update from original, put null in original, alter, update back from temp, drop the temp column. This approach is very expensive and time consuming.

Also the Column ID needs to preserved as #121.

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Modifying Fields With Huge Data

Aug 26, 2011

I have 2 questions, because they can be inter-related I am posting it in a single post. These queries are related to Oracle(PL\SQL).

1. I am trying to increase the size of a field in a table which has almost 2 million records and the query for alteration runs for almost and hour and rollsback, wondering is there a better way of doing it.

2. I have modified the size of a field in a table from Varchar2(10) to Varchar2(20), now when I tried to rollback the modification it is not letting me to change the size from Varchar2(20) to Varchar2(10). No data has been inserted after the modification.

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Replication :: Table Data Modification From Source To Destination Database

Jan 11, 2011

I want to replicate single table data/modification from source db to destination DB.procedure or steps how to create replication between source and dest db for single table.

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Inserting Data In New Column Where Table Has Huge Data

May 26, 2013

I am trying to add a new column in a table and insert data from another column of same table.

alter table POSITION add INT_MK_DATA_ID number(10,0) null;

As there are huge number of records in the POSITION table ...its taking for ever to execute this query.

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PL/SQL :: Queries To Get Data In Batches From A Huge Data Table

Jan 3, 2013

Here is my problem, i need to create some files with my own format(let say 5000 records each) from a huge data table (May contain 5 Million records). And i want this creation to be multi threaded.

so how can i form queries efficiently to fetch records like 1..5000 and 5001..10000 and so on. I can form some thing like select * from table where rownum<5000 and not exists ( already fetched records) . but it is not the efficient one.

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Archiving And Purging Data From Huge Tables?

Apr 22, 2013

I'm currently working on a project which is to archive the old data and then purge the same data from the main table.

Here is a detail description:

There are around 50 odd tables from which I would need to archive the old data(matching certain filter conditions...not date based). Meaning I have to store the data in a temp table. Once stored in temp table then I would have to delete those rows from the main table. This temp table will be later exported and stored on ARchive database(a seperate database). These tables are very huge. One of the table is actually 250 GB in size. And all these tables have many indexes built - both normal and bitmap.The 250 GB size table has 40 million rows that need to be archived and purged. The total number of rows in the table are 540 million.On this table alone there are 50 bitmap indexes and 2 normal indexes. This table is partitioned based on date column.This date column is not used/useful in identifying the old data. There are around 20 tables which are quite similar in size to the above described table. Rest of them are little small when compared to the above table.

We have to execute this activity over a weekend which gives us about 48 hours time to complete the activity. Best possible ways to handle this activity. Most importantly should be able to complete the activity within the specified 48 hour window.

The solution what we are now thinking of is:

1. Create the temp table ---Create tmp_tbl as select * from main_table where <<conidtions identifying old data>>

2. Once the temp table is created. Make copy of indexes that exist on the main table and eventually drop them.

3. Execute a PL/SQL script to perform the bulk delete from main table and commit for every 100000 rows.

4. Once the bulk delete is finished then recreate the indexes on the main table using the copy made at earlier step.

Our main worry is about the step#4. Considering the size of these tables and the number of indexes to be built,we are not sure how long the index re-creation will run for each table.

depending on the possibilities we may have to split the activity in to 2-3 phases spreading across 2-3 weekends. Even then we are not sure whether we will be able to pull off this activity.

The database we are using is Oracle 10g.

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Bulk Deletes Of Data From Huge Table

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to delete 3 million records of data from huge table which already consists of 3 billion records.

This is hitting performance of DB and halting other activities of my users. Is there any easy way to delete such data fast. I have tried with forall delete but it is even taking lot of time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Group By Gives Wrong Value In Huge Data Records?

Jun 18, 2012

I have table which contains huge data. around 12 lakhs records. when I use sum function on accountname and docdate it gives wrong value. once I restart the server it gives the correct value. one or two days it gives correct value after that again I get the same problem. If I restart again it gives correct value.

I use Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release 64 bit server on Linux.

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Server Utilities :: Exporting Huge Amount Of Data?

Jul 25, 2011

extract a huge amount of data from a couple of views... the problem is that they want it in TXT files with fixed record length. There will be like 6 files, for a total amount of about 10GB.

export those tables in the fastest possible way? If I'm not mistaken exp and expdp can't create txt files, so do I really need to use utl_file or spool?

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Forms :: Handle Huge Number Of Rows In Data Block

Jun 14, 2011

I need to read a huge number of rows, say in lakhs and then need to populate it in data block. Since it is having huge data am never able to run the form. it hangs after some time. when i test with few rows it is working. so no problem in coding.

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Oracle 11g Express Edition - Load Huge Data Into Table

Nov 6, 2012

I am using oracle 11g Express Edition, I have a file of .csv forma, Which has a data of size 500MB which needs to be uploaded into oracle table.

Which would be the best method to upload the data into table. Data is employee ticket history which is of huge data.

How to do the mass upload of data into oracle table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Modification On Trigger?

Jul 4, 2012

I have an table where are three cols:

ID, DECRIPTION and HOX, are nullable columns.When inserted ID on table, description will automatically updated by the trigger as 'NOT VALID', now I need modification on the trigger that if the IDchanges from 1000, (the HOX-value stays at it was) to some other value like 1001 description willupdated to 'VALID'. But if the ID is not 1000, like 999,description will stay as NOT VALID.

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Loader - Not Getting Data In Some Of Fields?

Feb 7, 2012

We are using Oracle 10g, on redhat linux (version not known to me).I'm running a Perl script that reads in data from Visual FoxPro tables, creates datafiles on the fly from these FP tables, then SQL-Loader runs and uploads all the data to matching tables in Oracle.

Problem:My upload runs, but I'm not getting the data in some of the fields that I should be. It is being uploaded to the wrong fields.

I had to add more columns to the Oracle tables in order to capture the data coming from FoxPro. These columns were/are in FoxPro. In the past, they were not needed in Oracle. I was using the FILLER command in the Control files to skip these. Now they are needed in Oracle. The new columns get added to the end of the table in Oracle, so they are not in the same exact order they are in FoxPro. It is these new columns that are not getting the correct data.

I've learned in the past that I need the fields/columns in the control files to match the order they are in the FoxPro tables from which the data comes. My Question is, Does the Oracle table column order have to match the Control file column order. Like so: FoxPro table column order = control file column order = Oracle table column order

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Modification Of Existing Check Constraint

May 9, 2012

How can I modify the check constraint without dropping the already existing check constraint.

Example: alter table table_1 add constraint const_chk check (ATTRIBUTE7 in

Want to add some TENTATIVE value for the already existing one. I could do that by dropping the constraint

ALTER TABLE table_1 DROP CONSTRAINT const_chk and modifying it later as
alter table table_1 add constraint const_chk check (ATTRIBUTE7 in

Is it possible to do that with out dropping the constraint?

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Forms :: Data Source For Fields?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a horrible problem with EBS (actually, all problems with EBS are horrible) and I think I am stuck because of my ignorance of Forms. if I use terms that are not correct in the Forms world. The form consists of a number of named "blocks" and each block consists of a number of named "fields", not all of which are visible. I need to find the source of the data values in one of these fields. I have searched every table for a column of that name, also all the views and stored PL/SQL that I think might be relevant, but I can no find no mention of a column or variable with the same name as the field. The name does not get a hit in the online EBS tech ref manual, and only two ancient and irrelevant hits in MOS.

My question is: What are the possible sources of data for a field in a form? Have I missed any?

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PL/SQL :: Query Pull Only Fields That Contain Data

Aug 9, 2012

In the database we use for transfer articulation, there are numerous tables delivered with the product. The institution decided not to use certain fields, and all instances of those fields have no data. In other words, there might be a field in the table called INSTCD, but no records in the table have ever inserted any data into that particular field. In the table there are thousands of records, and we don't necessarily know which of the fields have never been used (no list has been retained and no one who initially was involved in the decisions is available to ask), as there are multiple fields in each table. How can I write a query that pulls only the fields in the table that contain data. In the example below, the SHRTRIT table contains a field called ACTIVITY_DATE, but there is no data in any record in that particular field, so I don't want it to show up on the output. In this particular case, I KNOW not to pull this field in a SELECT, but in a case where there might be 130,000 records and I DON'T know if a field has records in it, how could I do that?

if the question I'm asking doesn't make sense and I'll attempt to word it better.

create table SHRTRIT


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Forms :: How To Get Date And Time Of File Modification

Mar 1, 2010

I need get access a property (time of last modification) file winword.

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Forms :: Enter Data In Mandatory Fields

Mar 29, 2011

I developed a custom Form using Form Builder 6i. This Form has selection criteria (data to be entered in a couple of fields) and a "Find" Button, which queries the data (based on the selection criteria) and populates all fields on the Form.

This Form has a couple of "Required" fields in its search criteria section. When data is not populated in any of the Required fields and "Find" button is clicked upon, Form raises an exception and pops up a message indicating the user 'to enter data in mandatory fields'. However, this message keeps popping up and would not stop.

So, I'm not able to proceed with querying data on my custom Form. I had to kill the session and reconnect to front end to overcome this issue.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Appending Data Fields To Text?

Jul 29, 2011

I know how to append fields to text, but how do I deal with the variable length? I want to place text on a report and inside the text I have data from two different fields. It works great except that my fields are 35 characters long. If the data fills the entire field it looks great, if the data is only 10 characters long, I have a huge gap between the end of the data and the text that follows. How do I fix this?

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Server Administration :: How To Check Last Modification Date Of Resource_name In Profile

Feb 9, 2010

we have a few profiles in dba_profile. How to check what is the last modification date of the the resources inside each profile.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cross Database Join On Fields With Mismatched Data Types

May 31, 2013

I have a editing database with an eversions table:

---------------------- --------------------------------
WR5936_DN6676 FRED
WR6739_DN7507 FRED
WR12744_DN13994 FRED
WR6739_DN7511 BARNEY
WR6801_DN7513 BARNEY

I have a process database with a pversions table:


I need to select from the editing.eversions table all the records that do not have a matching record in process.pversion. The eversion table is text, and has some additional crap surrounding the characters I want to use for creating a join.

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Forms :: Change Color In Fields In Form Filled Via Data Block?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to change the attributes on a display where the info is gathered via a routine that fills the data block with info. I've searched and tried using 'set item instance property' in several places within the data block using different triggers but still doesn't work.

No errors are encountered or shown. Attributes aren't changed based on a small test condition.

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Server Utilities :: Proper Data Type Should Use In Control-file For Both Fields

Jan 26, 2012

My oracle table having 2 fields.

filed1 VARCHAR(500)
field2 NUMBER.

i load data to this table from a file using sqlldr.

what is the proper data type should i use in control-file for both the fields.? i dont mention any datatye in ctl file which is working fine with given dataset.

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Server Utilities :: SQLLDR - Delimited File - Bypass Unwanted Data Fields

Aug 8, 2012

using SQLLDR: Looking for a control file solution to move past or bypass extra data fields which are not on destination table. Basically if you have 8 tab delimited fields(terminated by ' ') on a data record; but only need to load 5 of the values from the delimited record; is there a way to ignore/bypass the not needed data. Obviously, the answer would be to massage the data at the OS and removed the 3 unnecessary fields.

However my hands are tied by volume,time, and compliancy. I am familiar with using 'FILLER' for the reverse scenario; but not where you have more data available on the record then exists on the table.

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Dropping Column From Huge Table

Aug 9, 2012

I am trying to drop a column from a huge partitioned table (non compressed including partitions). I am working on 11gR2 database for information.

i used below approach

1. alter table <tab_name> set t1 unused column;
2. alter table <tab_name> drop unused columns;

then i got the below error message

ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables

First statement did work i could be able to add another column with the same name but still don't want the unused column on the table.

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Deleting Huge Records From Table?

Apr 29, 2013

Consider tables A,B,C,D,E,F. all are having 100000++ records Tables B,C,D are dependent on table A (with foreign key constraint). When I am deleting records from all tables, table B,C,D are taking max 30-40 seconds while table A is taking 30-40 mins. All tables are having indexes.

Method I have used:

1. Created Temp table

2. then deleted all records from B,C,D,E,F for all records in temp table for limit of 500.

delete from B where exists (select 1 from temp where b.col1=temp.col1);

3. why it is taking too much time for deleting records in table A.

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 11g - Huge Table Statistics

Jun 13, 2012

I have a table which have 300+ columns and have 13 million rows. It is on a 32 kb block size. This is a table in data ware house environment. There no# of rows in the table haven't changed much but I see that the time taken to collect statistics have increased significantly.Initially it took only 15 minutes (with the same 13M rows) now it runs for 4+ hours. The max parallel servers is 4 (which is unchanged). The table is not partitioned.

OS: HP UX Itanium
Database: Oracle 11g (

Command is:
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>'ABC',tabname=>'ABC_LOAD',estimate_percent=>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,cascade=>TRUE,DEGREE=>dbms_stats.auto_degree);

I would like to understand:

1) What could have been the causes of this change in time. 15 minutes to 4+hours ?
2) How can we gather statistics of huge table at a faster rate?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Verify Huge Number Of Records In Two Different Databases

Jun 5, 2012

I need to verify huge number of records in two different databases. Basically i wanted to check if same record exist in other database's table or not? but as the number of records are more than billions who would i verify?

checking record one by one would be so hectic and time consuming. any other option is there?

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How To Rebuild Huge Indexes Upto 30gb In Size

Sep 7, 2011

i am having some indexes upto size of 40gb, i need to rebuild them having only 15 temp tablespace and without downtime

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