Getting Query To Do Full Table Scan?

Aug 18, 2012

I�m Using Oracle 11.I have a table with 16 million rows and an index (let's call it the employee table with an index on department). I need to select all the employees whose departments are located in the uk. I achieve this by selecting all the department numbers from departments where location = 'UK' in a sub select then plug this into the main query as follows:

FROM employees
WHERE department IN (SELECT department from departments where location = 'UK');

It takes ages, 25 seconds or more, the explain plan shows its doing a full table scan on emplyees. I need it to use the index. The sub query is instant and returns only 5 rows. If I explicitly put the 5 numbers in the IN clause the query uses the index and executes in 0.04 seconds. See below:

FROM employees
WHERE department IN (1,2,3,4,5);

I need it to use the subquery once and then use the index on the main table.

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Performance Tuning :: Full Table Scan - Query Without Where Clause?

Jul 11, 2013

Below query is degrading the performance of database. As we know that, without where clause, query do full table scan.Now, it is written to generate the sequence no.

SQL> explain plan for
3 /
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display());
Plan hash value: 3345343365
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |


Index is not created on the column.

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Rebuild Local Index Partition Is Using Full Table Scan

Apr 23, 2012

I am rebuilding some UNUSABLE local index partitions on Oracle (64bit) database . The platform is a HPUX machine.

The DDL of the partition table/indexes:

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Full Table Scan On Index Table

Feb 3, 2012

when i am Executing the following statement


I have attached DDL for table EXPOSURE_DETAIL(PARTITION),LEDGERCARD,LEDGERCARDDETAILS, DDL for INDEX on those tables and DDL for Views..

Issue: we have created the Indexes but when we check the explain plain .. full table scan is going on..I have attached the explain plan ..

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Performance Tuning :: Composite Index - Explain Plan Full Table Scan On Lookup_fein?

May 12, 2011

I have created an non unique index lk_fein on lookup_fein( code,map_id,trash). When I check the explain plan it does a full table scan on lookup_fein. if I force it to use index by it does and the cost also decreases.



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PL/SQL :: Index Range Scan And Table Access By Index Rowid Versus Table Access Full

Oct 5, 2013

Let's consider such table that all rows fit into single block:

SQL> create table test as select rownum id, '$'||rownum name from dual connect by level <= 530;
Table created.
SQL> create index i_test on test(id);
Index created.
SQL> begin


why does approach with full scan take longer even if table occupies only one data block? PS. 11gR2

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Real Application Clusters :: Reallocate Scan Listener And Scan Vip In 3 Node Rac?

Apr 9, 2013

We are using oracle with 3 node rac. Earlier 3 scan vip and 3scan listener running on each node.But we found recently node1 running using 2vip and 2scanlistener and in node2 1vip and 1scanlisteners were running.but no longer running scan vip or scan listener in node 3. If i decided to reloacate the scan vip/Scan_listener to node3 from ndoe 1 using below command,does it cause any impact on my transcation?

$ srvctl relocate scan -i 2 -n node03
$ srvctl relocate scan_LISTENER -i 2 -n node03

find the below details

$ bash
bash-4.2$ srvctl status scan
SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled


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PL/SQL :: Number Range Query Causes Repeated Scan By Index

Oct 16, 2012

I have a query that seems to repeatedly call an index scan on a table for reasons I'm not sure about. Why it would be doing the index scan on totaldwellingarea in the dimensions table (DIMEN_PID_TDWELLAREA) repeatedly? This only seems to happen when I put on the range clause d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and scr.highvalue.

I am using Oracle version

select d.propertyid,d.totaldwellingarea, e.size_,  scr.size_
from  eqid e, dimensions d,  brt_eval.size_code_ranges scr
where not in ('1','A','G','L') and e.size_  = '0'
and d.propertyid = e.propertyid and = and d.totaldwellingarea between scr.lowvalue and  scr.highvalue;

    "EQID"         CHAR(10 BYTE),
    "ZONE_"        CHAR(1 BYTE),
    "AREA"         CHAR(1 BYTE),

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Table Scan From The Application?

May 21, 2013

We have an application where delete statement is taking a long time ( 30-40 seconds).v$session_longops shows the sql statement is doing a full table scan. The statement is "delete tablename where column_name =:B1". The table is indexed and the indexed column is being used in the where clause. When I do an explain plan on the same statement with a value for column_name, it uses an index scan. The table has 9 million rows and the delete statement deletes 15 rows. Not sure why SQL when running through the application does not use index. The stats are current.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Full Query Based On SQL_ID

Jun 27, 2013

I want to get the SQL queries based on SQL_ID.I have tried the following query,but I am not getting full query.

SET linesize 132 pagesize 999
column sql_fulltext format a60 word_wrap
break on sql_text skip 1
SELECT REPLACE (TRANSLATE (sql_text, '0123456789', '999999999'), '9', ''),sql_id
FROM dba_hist_sqltext s
WHERE s.sql_id = '7tvurftg8zryb';

One of my friend said use grid to get full query text. how to use grid ,else any other method to get the full query based on SQL_ID.

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PL/SQL :: Table Access Full

Aug 11, 2012

i have query lie below.


i have used composite index below column which used in the tbl_bank_statement column name tbl_bank_ statement (policy_ no,ecs_ micr_code,ecs_factoring_house,ecs_mandate_status)

but still this table giving me TABLE ACCESS FULL.

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Invalid Row ID / Update Full Table With Row By Row

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to update full table with row by row by using pl/sql blocks but I am getting "INVALID ROW ID" error. FYI. following is the screen shot from sql*plus.

SQL> declare
2 cursor csr is
3 select upc_code from pos.tbk_pos_fact_newslink_bk FOR UPDATE OF upc_code nowait;
5 begin
6 For row in csr

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PUMP Export Full But Some Table Just Structure Only?

Nov 16, 2012

my working is relating with PUMP of oracle.

I would like to use command, for ex:
expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=expdat.dmp COMPRESSION=ALL LOGFILE=export.log SCHEMAS=hr

But some tables in Schema HR, I don't want to export data, just only need table structure.

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Import Only 1 Table From Full EXP Dump File?

Jan 14, 2011

We have an old full export .dmp file from a 10g db and there are 451 records in one specific table that we need to export. Is it possible to IMP just the one specific table from a full dump? Or, another option, can we extract the records from the one table in the .dmp file into an xml file?

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High Speed Full Table Select?

Oct 7, 2013

We have a large table of equally sized data blobs in our Oracle system and we'd like to select the whole table once into the memory. The corresponding tablespace is stored in SSD fast disks and is managed by ASM. However the achievable select speed (reading data into memory) of Oracle is not satisfactory. When we store the data in SSD disk using custom methods (e.g. in SQLite DB files) and load then into memory by multithreading (8 thread) techniques, the speed is more than 15 times that of Oracle.

Is there any way to optimize the oracle and ASM for increased full table select in our case. We tried FULL TABLE SCAN and PARALLEL hints and DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT too, but with no success.

FYI:Our data blob is about 4.2kB and each DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 8kB. The ASM segment is configured for AUTO-ALLOCATE. The table is partitioned by HASH. Our oracle system is not RAC.

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Any Way To Include Sys.aud$ Table In Full Database Export

Jan 2, 2013

I am doing an export using the following parfile information:


However when I run this I do not see the sys.aud$ in the log file. I know I can do a seperate export to specifically get the sys.aud$ table but is there any way to include it in with my full export?

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Visual Studio :: Set Query Window Default Date Format To Full Date?

Oct 24, 2013

When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from  TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  it only returns  'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Export Full Dump And Metadata Of Particular Table

Apr 9, 2013

let us consider mytest schema is having 6 tables

tname tabtype
myt table
myaxpertlog table
abb table
ccc table
ddd table
xxx table

now from this schema i want full dump and also from myaxpertlog table i required metadata only not records.

c:> export mytest/log file=20130409mytest0904pm.dmp tables=(myaxpertlog) rows=n

if i tried i am get only one table but it does have records.

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Scan In 4 Node Cluster

Jun 24, 2013

We are going to setup a 4 node rac cluster. So i think we need to configure only one SCAN with 3IP's. And how the scan listeners are configured on these 4 nodes.

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RAC & Failsafe :: SCAN IP For Oracle 11g R2?

Sep 1, 2011

I am planning to install oracle RAC 11g R2 on RHEL 5.3. I have 2 RAC nodes and one openfiler NAS. I need to understand how will I configure SCAN IP. Do I need to configure it some where in DSN and OS level or just I need to give this IP and SCAN name while grid install and oracle will create these things?overall steps to configure this or direct me to some documentation where this thing is detailed.

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Local Index Scan

Nov 17, 2012

if i have local index, does query which uses this index always have to scan all partitions?

For example, I have hash-partitioned table on column A. There is local index on column B. I am querying:

select * from my_table where A='ABC' and B>123.

I know that records with A='ABC' are in 2nd partition. Does only 2nd partition of local index will be scanned or all of them must be scanned?

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Forms :: How To Scan Pics Using Oracle

Jul 8, 2012

I need to create a form that will enable me to scan pages and save it into a specified folder using the scanner connected to the PC.

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Performance Tuning :: Row ID Range Scan

Dec 19, 2011

I want to make full table scan of my query so that I can execute it using parallel option & the query will get completed in few mins. Even though I used this hint "/*+ parallel(t2,4) full(t2) */, the query is executing with 8 parallel processes but it is going for "Rowid Range Scan" and it is taking more time to complete. How to make this query to go for full table scan instead of "Rowid Range Scan" so that this query can be tuned.

SELECT /*+ parallel(t2,4) full(t2)*/ID, COUNT (1) FROM acnt_transact t2 GROUP BY ID;

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Forms :: Image Scan In Oracle 6i?

Sep 19, 2010

scan image from Oracle Form Builder 6i and store the image location in the oracle 9i database. Here important issue is we just store the image location in the database not the image. We'll store the images in a storage device and store the location path in the database. And retrive the image from storage device using the path.

For example: User Scan the image using Form builder 6i then save the image like 1001-DPS-1.jpg in the default location like D:Image.. And in oracle 9i database data save like : 1001 DPS 1 D:Image1001-DPS-1.jpg User_Name Sysdate

Data save automatically in the database when image scanned and saved in physical drive. This is our main purpose.

Is it possible to solve this task using Oracle 9i and Developer 6i?

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Enterprise Manager :: Why Scan Address Used In OEM

May 1, 2012

I am an OEM Gird Control 11g server with Oracle 11.2.0 running on OEL 5.3

I also have 2 node RAC cluster running Oracle 11.2.0 on OEL 5.3. I have installed OEM Agent on nodes of this cluster. I can see them on OEM Grid Console. When I check the configuration of the Database Instance GTRD1 (one of my target instance)I can see that the "Listener Machine Name" is the management IP address of target database server. Similarly Database Instance GTRD2 has the management IP address of target database server. When I click test conenctions it works. This is without entering any reference to this server/IP address in /etc/hosts file.

But when I select targets->all targets->Database Instance GTRD1 and then try to access performance tab, it does not connect. I get this error "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"

Looking at the "emoms.trc" I find the follwing

2012-04-30 14:02:12,071 [EMUI_14_02_12_/console/database/instance/sitemap] ERROR perf.sitemapPerfChart logp.251 - java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

The Connect Descriptor was (description=(address=(host=GTRD-scan.GTRD)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=GTRD1)(instance_name=GTRD1)(UR=A)))java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

The Connect Descriptor was (description=(address=(host=GTRD-scan.GTRD)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(service_name=GTRD1)(instance_name=GTRD1)(UR=A)))

But when I enter the scan address in the /etc/hosts as " GTRD-scan.GTRD" Then everythign work works.
NOTE: is GTRD1 server and is GTRD2 server

Now my questions are:
1. Do I must enter scan address/ref "GTRD-scan.GTRD" in /etc/hosts?
2. Is there are way to change it to use hostname or the IP address?
3. If I am to use scan address, then how I refer to the other IP address in hosts file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Of Unique And Range Scan

Mar 11, 2010

diff of unique scan and range scan?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Can SCAN IP Be Used For Ftp Of Files

Sep 25, 2013

I would like to know, if SCAN IP can be used by clients or applications to FTP files to either of the database nodes? 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Query Joining A Table With Existing Query?

Jun 19, 2012

I have the following four tables with the following structures Table A

ColA1 ColA2 ColA3 ColA4 ColA5 AA 100 CC DD EE

Table B

ColB1 ColB2 ColB3 ColB4 ColB5 AA 100 40452 A9 CDE

when these two tables were joined like the following:

Select colA1,ColA2, ColA3, ColA4, ColB3,ColB4, ColB5 from table A Left outer join (select ColB3, ColB4, ColB5 from table B where colB3 = (select max(colB3) from table B ) on (colA1 = colB1 and ColA2 = col B2)

Now i have to join the next table C with table B

Table C structure is

ColD1 ColD2 ColD3 Desc1 A9 Executive Desc1 A7 Engineer

I have the common column such as ColD2 and colB4 to get the Col D3

how do i join the existing query + join between table b and table c?

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Use Scan Name In Tnsfile - Not Able To Connect To DB Through JDBC Connection?

Aug 4, 2010

I have installed 2 node RAC -11gR2 on ORACLE VM Server, I want to give tnsentry to my dev team to use this RACDB going forward.I am using scan name in tnsnames.ora file. Also I have make scan name entry in /etc/hosts not in the DNS.

I have below entry in RACDB server...
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = RWCORA-cluster-scan)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = racdb)

now just for testing purpose, I added this tnsentry in my machine to check the connectivity.I have to add scan name with IP address in /etc/hosts --. and try to connect sqlplus sys@rwcdb as sysdba --> not workingI have to add scan name with IP address , and two RAC VIPs (of both nodes) in /etc/hosts -- and try to connect sqlplus sys@rwcdb as sysdba --> then its working...but again SQL*Developer is not able to connect.

I have make below entry in my machine's /etc/hosts file: RWCORARAC1-vip RWCORARAC2-vip RWCORA-cluster-scan

perfect link through which I can connect OCI, JDBC connection from client side.

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Forms :: Scan Image From Oracle 10g By Using Scanner?

Dec 11, 2012

i need scan image from oracle forms 10g by using scanner.

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