PL/SQL :: Query To Total Attendance By Months

Jul 21, 2012

I need the following totals for each student based on the schools that they are enrolled for each month July through June.

Total Days Suspended from each school

Attendance Table Columns - Absent Date, Absent Code, Pupil_Number, School (Absent Codes for suspended = 3)

Total Days Present at each school - Days Enrolled at each school minus Days Suspended minus Absences

Totals Takes the first day that a student is enrolled (counts the days that the school is in session and the student is not marked absent) Student must be enrolled during the time frame for that month.

Total Days Absent - Total days absent minus suspensions

Student enrolls in school 11111 on 7/15/2011
Student withdraws from School 11111 on 11/15/2011
Student enrolls in school 22222 on 11/20/2011

Total Days Present should be totaled for each student for each month that they are in a school.

I need 1 row of data for the above student for each month that contains total days suspended, total days present and total days absent.
Pupil Number School Month Totals Days Suspended Total Days Absent Total Days Present

1234 11111 07 0 0 0
1234 11111 08 0 0 4 (school days 4)
1234 11111 09 3 1 16 (schools days 20 - 3-1)
1234 11111 10 0 1 18 (school days 19 - 1)
1234 11111 11 1 1 7 (student enrolled at school A 9 days -1-1)
1234 22222 11 0 1 10 (student enrolled at school B 11 days -1)
1234 22222 12 1 2 17 (school B 20-1-2)
1234 22222 01 0 0 20

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PL/SQL :: How To Get All Months With SQL Query

Aug 8, 2013

I want to display all months (JAN till DEC) in 1st column and their counts in 2nd column but as there are no records in JAN, FEB and march, so they are not coming up.

Get JAN, FEB etc with counts as 0?I know it can be done with NVL function but I don't know where to put it. I'm using oracle 10g on Windows XP. [code]SELECT '',    

CASE      WHEN b.mon= '01' THEN 'JAN' WHEN b.mon= '02' THEN 'FEB' WHEN b.mon= '03' THEN 'MAR'      WHEN b.mon= '04' THEN 'APR' WHEN b.mon= '05' THEN 'MAY' WHEN b.mon= '06' THEN 'JUN'      WHEN b.mon= '07' THEN 'JUL' WHEN b.mon= '08' THEN 'AUG' WHEN b.mon= '09' THEN 'SEP'      WHEN b.mon= '10' THEN 'OCT' WHEN b.mon= '11' THEN 'NOV' WHEN b.mon= '12' THEN 'DEC'    END Months, count(*) cnt  FROM    (SELECT con.fst_name first_name, con.last_name, usr.login USER_ID,        app.appl_src_cd Registration_Source,to_date(usr.created,'DD-MON-YY') Created_Date,      TO_CHAR(usr.created,'MM') mon      from siebel.s_user usr, siebel.s_contact con, siebel.S_PER_PRTNRAPPL app      where con.par_row_id = usr.row_id      and app.row_id = con.row_id      and app.appl_src_cd = 'Siebel eService'    AND TO_CHAR(usr.created,'YYYY') = :P415_YEAR    ) bgroup by b.monorder by 3 desc[/code] 

Right now getting output as....MONTHSCNTAPR4818JUL4543JUN4295MAY4190AUG541MAR20 What Jan, Feb, March etc in it too with count as 0.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Select Query That Will Get Data From 18 Months Ago Based On Sysdate?

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table with columns job_id, jan, feb, mar ... , and year

I need to create a select query that will get the data from 18 months ago based on sysdate.

So something like:

Select to_char(add_months(sysdate, -18),'MON') from table1 where job_id = 56947 and year = to_char(add_months(sysdate, -18),'YYYY');

However I need the result of to_char(add_months(sysdate, -18),'MON') to actually act as a column name, not a string result.

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Forms :: 9i Form To Load Attendance Data

Jan 21, 2013

I want to use SQLLDR (sql loader) in my forms9i form to load attendance data therefore I installed SQLLDR utility in user computer but it is not working,

:message := 'Please Wait, Data LOADING...!';
Delete From atnd_load;
utlt:= 'c:oracleora90insqlldr';
usr:= 'vikorapp';
pass := 'vikorapp';
strng := 'laptop';
cntrl := 'C:VikorPayrollFormsAtndCtl.ctl';
lg := 'c: empAtndLog.log';
bad := 'c: empAtndBad.bad';
:message:= 'Data Loading Complete...!';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Total Count Per Day Query?

May 31, 2013

I need to modify my query so that it can give me a total(duration) and total(stlmntcharge) per day in april 2013 starting from the 1st till the 30th. At the moment my query looks like below:

SELECT sum(duration),sum(stlmntcharge)
FROM voipcdr
WHERE (calldate >= TO_DATE('20130401','YYYYMMDD') AND calldate <= TO_DATE('20130430','YYMMDD'))
AND (remtrunkid IN (SELECT UNIQUE trunkid FROM trunks WHERE description LIKE '%Telkom%' AND gw_range_id = '61' AND trunkid like '9%'))

or remip in(SELECT UNIQUE startip FROM gateways WHERE rangename LIKE 'vo-za%' OR rangename LIKE 'PC-IS-VOIS%')

AND direction = 'I'

ORDER BY calldate, calltime;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Total Of Count Query

Apr 29, 2010

i need the total of the count query I am executing.My query is


this gives output as

My objective is to find the total of distinct vendors for a given date should I modify this query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Total And Single Name In One Query?

Oct 29, 2013

I want to get any employee name of deptno 10 but total count of number of employees under dept 10.

l_deptno NUMBER:=10;
l_count NUMBER;
l_ename varchar2(20);
SELECT count(*) OVER(order by empno) ,ename INTO l_count,l_ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM=1 and deptno=l_deptno;
dbms_output.put_line(l_count||' '||l_ename);

View 7 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: Right SQL To Show Employees Detail Attendance According To Number Of Days

Jun 12, 2012

There is a attendance table having structure(empid number,signtime datetime)It has data of attendance of employees:

What is the right sql to show employees detail attendance according to the no of days attendance . i.e.(According to the maximum no of attendance first and so on)

suppose: 3 employees abc,bbc,cca abc has 20 days of attendance ,bbc has 21 days,cca has 19 days..The report like this:

bbc 1/5/12 10:30
abc .....

according to the no of attendannce

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Get Total Points From Various Factors

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to calculate the total points of each customer

create table Customers(Customer_no number,revenue varchar2(30),Regularity varchar 2(30)
insert into Customers values(1,'25','2');
insert into Customers values(2,'50','3');

Table customers:

Customer_no, revenue, regularity

create table Points(ponts ID number,Factor varchar2(30),Weight number);

insert into Points values(1,revenue,2);
insert into Points values(1,Regularity,4);

Table points
Points ID,Factor,Weight

So for customer_no: 1

revenue is 25 * 2(weight for revenue ) =50
regularity is 2*4(weight for regularity) =8
Total =58

So for customer_no: 2

revenue is 50 * 2(weight for revenue ) =100
regularity is 3*4(weight for regularity) =12
Total =104

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Total Number Of Rows Returned By Query?

Sep 17, 2010

l_query VARCHAR2(4000);
TYPE cursor_type IS REF CURSOR;


How can I get the total number of rows returned by the query?

I want to be able to check omething like c1.ROWS = 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Add Total Number Of Count Of Each Table

Jun 13, 2011

I want to know that whether we can write a query to add total number of count of each table.

for example:

select count(*) from emp;


select count(*) from emp_1;


select count(*) from emp_2;


My question is that is it possible to add this all the three results and get the value as 45.

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PL/SQL :: Create Query To Display Total No Of Employees?

Aug 22, 2012

How can I create a query to display the total no of employees and, of that total, the number of employees hired in 1995,1996,1997,1998.

I am using Oracle® Database Express Edition 10g Release 2 (10.2)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchy Query - Calculate Total Miles

Jul 30, 2013

I've below tables.

create table tst_link (parent_pid number(5),
child_pid number(5)

insert into tst_link (1, 2);


For each parent pid i need to calculate total miles (including the child_pid also).

Required Output

----------- ------------
1 48
4 100
8 125

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PL/SQL :: Total And Grand Total

Mar 26, 2013

I'm running a query like the below but now i would like to make the last line actually say Grand Total. Instead of just total.

SELECT   decode (grouping (farinva_invh_Code),0,null,'Total') farinva_invh_Code,
         --decode ( grouping (amt),0,null,'GrantTotal')Grant_Total,
         --spriden_last_name "last Name"


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All Months Between Two Dates

Sep 17, 2008

I got all the month_numbers when i did this

[/b]select distinct t.f_month_number
from time_dim t
f_date between (select start_date from employee where emp_id = 111 ) and
(select add_months(start_Date,12) from employee where emp_id = 111)[b]

but when i add

select distinct t.f_month_number,p.start_date,round(replace(p.total_sal,',','')/12,2) as Monthly_sal
from time_dim t, employee p
t.f_date = p.start_date and
f_date between (select start_date from employee where emp_id = 111 ) and
(select add_months(start_Date,12) from employee where emp_id = 111)

i got only one month value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Last 6 Months Data

Jan 5, 2011

I need query to fetch last six months dyanamically based on the mon-yyyy passed by user

Input to query-JUN-2010


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Months Between Two Date

Apr 28, 2011

I want the months between two date. I want the months like this :

My parameter for the date from and to means i will enter start date and end date

Suppose Date From is 01-apr-11 and end date 31-mar-12

I want the output like this :

How to do this

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Printing Months Even Having No Data

Feb 26, 2012

I have table data in which we are entering Visitor's information.We need a monthly report with the count .There are some months which dont have data .So Names of month are not coming .Can i Print Month Name with 0 visitor.

Sample Data

Quote:ID Name Visit_date
1 ABC 01/02/2011
2 DEF 03/04/2011

im using query

Quote:SELECT count(ID) Nos ,TO_CHAR(visit_date,'MONTH') Month FROM DELEGATE_DETAILS WHERE visit_date BETWEEN '01/02/2011' AND '01/04/2011'
Quote:Nos Month
1 February
1 April

Desired Output:-
Quote:Nos Month
1 February
0 March
1 April

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display All The Months Between Two Dates?

Aug 17, 2010

I have this same problem and still i am getting one error message

ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

and the code in highlighted in 'by'

'from test_case partition by'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Days To Months

Nov 21, 2011

I have the following in my select statement and I am getting the days like 1130, 50, 60 etc

round(MAX (TO_DATE ('31-OCT-2011 23:59:59','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') - a.tx_dtime),0) DAYS

Now I want this to convert these days into months like
1.10 this denotes (one month 10 days)
1.25 this denotes (one month 25 days)
2.05 this denotes (two months 5 days)

I know I am using old Oracle but what to do my company is not spending to upgrade.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Number Of Months?

Sep 4, 2012

I need to calculate total number of months within a year that account existed for each SSN.

--- ---- ----------- ----------------------
AAA 00 01-FEB-89 50
AAA 01 01-AUG-89 50
BBB 00 01-FEB-89 0
BBB 01 01-AUG-89 50
CCC 00 01-FEB-89 50
CCC 01 01-AUG-89 0

A non-zero payment indicates that the account was open on that date. A zero payment indicates that the account is closed and assumes that it was open since Jan-01.

AAA: code 00 was open in February, so it was open for 11 months (Feb-Dec)
code 01 was open in August, so it was open for 5 months (Aug-Dec)
So the result should be 11

BBB: 00 - closed in February, existed for 1 month
01 - open in August, existed for 5 months
Result should be 6.

CCC: 00 - 11 months(Feb to Dec)
01 - 7 months (Jan to Aug)
Result: 12 months

Need to get:
AAA 11
CCC 12

Here is the source table:

SELECT 'AAA' SSN, '00' CODE, '01-FEB-89' RECORD_DATE, 50 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'AAA' SSN, '01' CODE, '01-AUG-89' RECORD_DATE, 50 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'BBB' SSN, '00' CODE, '01-FEB-89' RECORD_DATE, 0 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'BBB' SSN, '01' CODE, '01-AUG-89' RECORD_DATE, 50 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'CCC' SSN, '00' CODE, '01-FEB-89' RECORD_DATE, 50 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'CCC' SSN, '01' CODE, '01-AUG-89' RECORD_DATE, 0 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'DDD' SSN, '00' CODE, '01-OCT-89' RECORD_DATE, 0 Payment from dual union all
SELECT 'DDD' SSN, '01' CODE, '01-AUG-89' RECORD_DATE, 50 Payment from dual

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PL/SQL :: Fetching Date Less Than 3 Months

Sep 12, 2012

How can I fetch a date less than 3 months, if date is '31-Mar-2011' ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Taking Months Off Sysdate?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a table called transaction_dw and I need to select all records that have an account balance that has been below 0 in the past 6 months. initial query I tried was:

select account_balance, timestamp
from transaction_dw
where account_balance < 0
and timestamp between sysdate and sysdate - 6;

but this is only taking 6 days off the sysdate rather than months, how I can get it to take off 6 months?

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PL/SQL :: To Find Months And Days Between 2?

Oct 9, 2013

 I want to find the months and days between 2 dates. For Eg. Date-1 : 25-Aug-2013Date-2 : 23-Oct-2013 If we consider every month as 30 days it should give 25-Aug-2013 to 30-Aug-2013 = 6 days 01-Sep-2013 to 30-Sep-2013 = 1 Month 23-Oct-2013 to 30-Oct-2013 =   8 days Total = 1 month and 14 days

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PL/SQL :: How To Get Min Date Of Every Month For Six Months

Mar 25, 2013

I have data like this.

Process_date SEQ_No
------------- ---------
16-MAR-13     733
09-MAR-13     732
02-MAR-13     731
24-FEB-13     730
16-FEB-13     728
09-FEB-13     727
02-FEB-13     726
26-JAN-13     725
21-JAN-13     724
12-JAN-13     723
05-JAN-13     722
29-DEC-12     721
24-DEC-12     720
15-DEC-12     719
08-DEC-12     718
03-DEC-12     717
22-NOV-12     716
17-NOV-12     715
10-NOV-12     714
03-NOV-12     713
29-OCT-12     712
23-OCT-12     711
13-OCT-12     710
05-OCT-12     709
28-SEP-12     708
22-SEP-12     707
15-SEP-12     706
08-SEP-12     705
01-SEP-12     704

every month admin will refresh actual data table and automatically this above table will update with unique seq_no and process_date.

I need to extract min date of every month(First refresh of last 6 months - excluding current month) and also seq_no related to that month so using joins(using seq_no - that is available in main table) i can combine actual data.

I need result like:

02-MAR-13     731 ( I don't need MAR as it should not take current month data)

so i need final result like below:

02-FEB-13     726
05-JAN-13     722
08-DEC-12     718
03-NOV-12     713
05-OCT-12     709
01-SEP-12     704

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split Months In Sql Statement

Oct 29, 2012

I need to display the month as below, in a sql statements.


i tired with this, but it dint come

select trunc(sysdate, 'year') one, trunc(sysdate, 'year') + floor((last_day(trunc(sysdate, 'year')) + 1 - trunc(sysdate, 'year'))/2) - 1 two,
trunc(sysdate, 'year') + floor((last_day(trunc(sysdate, 'year')) + 1 - trunc(sysdate, 'year'))/2) three, last_day(trunc(sysdate, 'year')) four from dual

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pivot Table Comparison Between Months

Jun 28, 2010

SQL> select * from query;

------- ------- --------- ------- ---------- ----------- ----
JCI S1 28-JUN-10 PORT1 10 4 TNB
JCI S1 28-JUN-10 PORT2 4 4 TNB
JCI S1 28-JUN-10 PORT3 8 4 TNB
JCI S2 28-JUN-10 PORT1 1 2 TNB
JCI S2 28-JUN-10 PORT2 5 2 TNB
JCI S3 28-JUN-10 PORT1 6 8 TNB
JCI S5 28-JUN-10 PORT2 2 4 TNB

------->s5 only in the current month-it was not in the previous month data collection
JCI S1 28-MAY-10 PORT1 10 3 TNB
JCI S1 28-MAY-10 PORT3 5 3 TNB
JCI S2 28-MAY-10 PORT1 4 1 TNB
JCI S2 28-MAY-10 PORT2 2 1 TNB
JCI S2 28-MAY-10 PORT3 8 1 TNB
JCI S3 28-MAY-10 PORT2 7 7 TNB
JCI S3 28-MAY-10 PORT3 5 7 TNB
JCI S4 28-MAY-10 PORT1 2 10 TNB
------->s4 in the previous month data

15 rows selected.


[Code] ......

------- ------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
JCI S1 0 4 3
JCI S2 -3 3 -8
JCI S3 6 -7 -5

How to include the Switch S4 and S5 in the output. how implemented FULL OUTER JOIN

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Of Months The Contract Was Open

Aug 21, 2012

I have a contract that has several categories with payments in each one. If there is a payment=0, then a category is considered closed. The contract is considered closed when all categories are closed.

Date Category Payments
01/01/07 1 5
01/01/07 2 7.5
01/01/07 3 6
05/01/07 2 0
09/01/07 1 0
11/01/07 3 0

(date here is in mm/dd/yy)

I need a SQL that will return the number of months within the year that contract was open. In the example above, the last category closed on 11/01, so the result should be 10. If the last line was not there, the contract would still be open in 2007 and the result should be 12.

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PL/SQL :: Making Sql To Only Return Last 12 Months From Date?

Apr 21, 2013

i have written an sql to look as sales orders but i want it to only return the last 12 months worth of sales for the date its run, the date file [sdtrdj] is julian date so i used to_char to conver it to dd-mm-yyyy how can i get it to only return the last 12 months from the date its run

sdshan As "Location", sddcto As "Order Type", sddoco As "Order Number",sdlitm As "Product Code", sddsc1 As "Product Description",
to_char(to_date(sdtrdj + 1900000, 'yyyyddd'),'DD-MM-YY')As "Order Date", sduorg As "Order Qty", sdaexp As "Extended Amount", sdsoqs As "Quantity Shipped",
ibsrp4 As "Srp4", ibsrp6 As "Srp6", ibsrp7 As "srp7", ibsrp9 As "Srp9", ibsrp0 As "srp10", sdsrp2 As "Franchise"
From proddta.f4211, proddta.f4102
Where sdmcu = ' UKC001'
and sddcto = 'KO'
and sdlitm = iblitm and sdmcu = ibmcu
and sdsrp2 In ('504','973','322','236','232','856','233','566','590','470','343','266','279')

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PL/SQL :: Convert A Number To Years And Months

Jul 30, 2012

I would like to convert a number to years & months.

e.g. 119 = 9 years and 11 months

This would be displayed as 9.11

Is there an oracle function or sql that can calculate this value,

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