I want to use SQLLDR (sql loader) in my forms9i form to load attendance data therefore I installed SQLLDR utility in user computer but it is not working,
:message := 'Please Wait, Data LOADING...!';
Delete From atnd_load;
utlt:= 'c:oracleora90insqlldr';
usr:= 'vikorapp';
pass := 'vikorapp';
strng := 'laptop';
cntrl := 'C:VikorPayrollFormsAtndCtl.ctl';
lg := 'c: empAtndLog.log';
bad := 'c: empAtndBad.bad';
:message:= 'Data Loading Complete...!';
I have a Excel File which contains some columns and rows, i need to load that excel into a form and import that form data to Database Table, using DDE Method.
In simple i say; Just to read the excel and load into a form, which can be imported into a table later.
My requirement is to show the ip address of the client after he has logged in.
I tried putting the code in when-new-form-instance .. but it returns null. I think the webutil objects are not yet loaded in when the when-new-form-instance is fired. If I put the same code in a push button , I am able to get the IP address. Actually for test purpose I am displaying the IP in a message.
Message ('Client IP add '|| webutil_clientinfo.get_ip_address);
I am new to oracle designer, forms. The requirement is to select a csv file in a form ,read the file and load selected columns from a csv file into a table.
I am using CLIENT_TEXT_IO. I want to know how to extract the data from selected columns from csv file and insert into a table if the lenth of the columns are of variable length.
Another condition is that if there are duplicate rows based on orderid then take the maximum order seq nbr.Do I need to use temp table for this logic?
Is it possible that we can load the data from excel to forms with multiple tabs using DDE? I tried doing it manually, but is there a programatic way that we can do it?
when i press when button pressed trigger, i want first the form will delete all the previous data and then populate the data from the table, that's why i used clear_block first, but this clear_code is not working here. my coding is given below
go_block('show'); clear_block(NO_VALIDATE); declare cursor c1 is select * from qtr_demand order by 1; begin [code]..........
I need the following totals for each student based on the schools that they are enrolled for each month July through June.
Total Days Suspended from each school
Attendance Table Columns - Absent Date, Absent Code, Pupil_Number, School (Absent Codes for suspended = 3)
Total Days Present at each school - Days Enrolled at each school minus Days Suspended minus Absences
Totals Takes the first day that a student is enrolled (counts the days that the school is in session and the student is not marked absent) Student must be enrolled during the time frame for that month.
Total Days Absent - Total days absent minus suspensions
Examples Student enrolls in school 11111 on 7/15/2011 Student withdraws from School 11111 on 11/15/2011 Student enrolls in school 22222 on 11/20/2011
Total Days Present should be totaled for each student for each month that they are in a school.
I need 1 row of data for the above student for each month that contains total days suspended, total days present and total days absent. Pupil Number School Month Totals Days Suspended Total Days Absent Total Days Present
1234 11111 07 0 0 0 1234 11111 08 0 0 4 (school days 4) 1234 11111 09 3 1 16 (schools days 20 - 3-1) 1234 11111 10 0 1 18 (school days 19 - 1) 1234 11111 11 1 1 7 (student enrolled at school A 9 days -1-1) 1234 22222 11 0 1 10 (student enrolled at school B 11 days -1) 1234 22222 12 1 2 17 (school B 20-1-2) 1234 22222 01 0 0 20
There is a attendance table having structure(empid number,signtime datetime)It has data of attendance of employees:
What is the right sql to show employees detail attendance according to the no of days attendance . i.e.(According to the maximum no of attendance first and so on)
suppose: 3 employees abc,bbc,cca abc has 20 days of attendance ,bbc has 21 days,cca has 19 days..The report like this:
I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".
And then i call: Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True); Form status change to "QUERY"
And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.
Following is the coding i am using to run in forms 6i to import the data in oracle on When_Button_Press . it will drop and create a user but not importing the data
I have 4 blocks in my form which is basically used for travel booking for the employees in a company within India
1) Header block :- contains info abt the person who is booking the tickets for number of employees. Here i have given booking no a primary key.
2) Employee Detail :- Here the basic info of an employee is entered. Here i have taken booking number as a foreign key and then given emp_cd & booking number as a composite primary key.
3) Travel Detail :- Here the travel detail of individual employee will be entered wherein a unique trv_no will b generated 4 every single travel. Again i have taken foreign key as bkng_no frm 1st blck and emp_cd frm 2nd blck and tkn a composite primary key which comprises of bk_no,emp_cd and trv_no. this is used to maintain the uniqueness for single travel.
4) Vehicle Hotel Details :- This block is placed on different canvas for same form.It is meant for Other details in which details regarding hotel,vehicle etc booking aftr reaching the destination is entered. In this block thrs no primary key, but i hv taken the composite primary key of 3rd block as a foreign key since thr will be multiple entries for this one entire travel.
At every level there will be multiple entries for each corresponding entered record. I am able to enter one single record properly i.e. for 1 emp i am able to enter multiple travel details and his other requirements but asi try to enter more then one employee info, his travel details, other requirements i face an error stating foreign key constraint violated.Parent key not found for 3 rd level block.
How can i get the desired o/p wherein all the multiple records for every single subsequent record are stored correctly taking all the constraints in to consideration.
i have create database link with msaccess2000 its working fine in forms 6i i am trying to upload data by using forms 6i while compiling form is automatically closed my code is this
begin insert into baba1 (select * from baba1@access_db where dte between to_date(:block3.fdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date(:block3.ldate,'dd-mon-yyyy') [code]....
- A Master/Detail form which is called from previously saved table. - In the detail form, user is allowed to insert list of data from other block into the current detail form. For that I have one when_button_pressed with the following script define :-
go_block('ACT_VW_QT_ACTV'); <----- query block FIRST_RECORD; IF :BLOCK44.ITEM45 IS NOT NULL THEN :BLOCK44.ITEM45:=:BLOCK44.ITEM45|| ' OR '; END IF; [code].......
When this is none, nothing being happened on the current block ( 'ACT_QT_TXN1'), I think it is because of the master/detail link where it always looks back the original link data. I think this is very common problem but I just can't figure out how to go about it.
I'm trying to change the attributes on a display where the info is gathered via a routine that fills the data block with info. I've searched and tried using 'set item instance property' in several places within the data block using different triggers but still doesn't work.
No errors are encountered or shown. Attributes aren't changed based on a small test condition.
I developed a form in forms9i, at the time of data entering form is not showing any ERROR messages or SAVE RECORD message and when I press exit button it is asking "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE".
I have checked my PRIMARY KEY field and there is no mistake and value is populating at PRE INSERT.
I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.
I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.
How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?
I am trying to load data from Db A to Db B. My filter is where date@A >= to_date('20130101','YYYYMMDD') and date@A <= to_date('20130131','YYYYMMDD') .But when I check my target table in db B , it only has dates between Jan-01 and Jan-30. No Jan-31.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
(1) first thing i want to remove the txt which is in the bold (2) my query for creating the table is CREATE TABLE VMSDATA ( SERIALNO NUMBER(20), AMOUNT NUMBER(7,2), CLASS VARCHAR2(10), MSISDN NUMBER(12), VDATE TIMESTAMP(6), STATUS VARCHAR2(8 BYTE)
and my control file for loading the data is
load data infile 'path' badfile 'path' DISCARDFILE 'path' truncate into table vmsdata
Currently we a have a table with size 300gb, and we wanted to remove this table to release storage. but have to keep the 6 month data which would be around 3 million per day ( 3 million X 180 days).
i have the following questions.
1) what would be the best strategy to move this 6 month data from Table A (will be removed) to table B ( will be online table). 2) later we want to delete the data from table B which is 6 month older every day or week ( frequency is still to be decided) note that We cannot use the partition as don't have a access to create and delete partition. what would be the best strategy for deleting the data?