I am trying to use rollup for a total, but it doesn't work because what I'm totaling is too conditional. I even tried adding on the totals to the end using a union and a specialized function, but for some reason, the order by stops working when I do the union (all field aliases and types are the same).I know the structure of the query itself probably isn't the best, how I can get the grand total, The subtotals from the rollup work fine, though.
The order by query runs fine against both parts of the union when they are run individually, but once I make it part of the union - the first part of the order by is an unknown field and the second is not a SELECTed list expression. I've commented out the union here. The statement works fine without it except for the grand total being all 0s. I kind of understand why it's all 0s, but not how to get around that.This is running in Oracle 10g2. I am trying to get totals for decisions by each of the four component values: ex_land, ex_imp,tx_land,tx_imp and then subtotals for each component values.
That works for the following query, but I cannot get a grand total through the rollup.
Below is the statement I am working with. When I get the result the under the Tester column it is a empty space after the total has been done. How can I add the word "Grand Total" under the tester column after the rollup.
SELECT BG_detected_by Tester, CONCAT(Round(count(bg_target_rcyc) / count(bg_status)* 100), '%') Percentage_Compeleted,count(BG_Target_RCYC) Total_Target_Cycle,count(bg_status) Total_Defects From Bug where BG_STATUS = 'Open' GROUP by Rollup(BG_DETECTED_BY,BG_STATUS) having (grouping(bg_detected_by) = grouping(bg_status))
Tester Percentage_completed Target Defects empty space --->Grand Total
In a classic report, I'm using the Sum functionality and breaks by First Column to get subtotals and report total. I Repeat Headers on Break which works great for the subtotals but I would like for the report to display the column headers above the report total for easier reading. If the last grouping has a lot of data, the user needs to scroll up to read the column headers when looking at the Grand Total.
Is there a way to Repeat Headers prior to report total?
My example: I'm given an Allowance throughout the week. It happens to be 10 dollars but it can vary from day to day.I can create a running total with SUM(Amt) Over etc...This is the CUMUL column in the example below.
On certain days I've spent different percentages of the allowance. (The SPENT Column which is a field in the database)I can't manage to create the AMTLEFT column in the example below.The AmtLeft column seems to be a kind of running total that 'refers to itself' so this is where I'm stumped.
I'm trying to Rank Username based on the Total Sum of amount waived but I want to avoid Ranking the Overall Total at the bottom, plus I dont want them in Ranking order, I want the order to stay the same as it currently is.
I would like to give back to the our application user a page of results for a given query along with the total result count, something like: "Showing 1-25 of 650 total results".
Currently I am doing this by submitting a second query:
select count(*) from (<previous query criteria>)
Is there a better performing approach I could be using?
I am writing a report that breaks on the first 4 fields. That part is working fine. I also want a count for each Group (the 4 fields), and a grand total. Since I want to break on all 4 fields as if they are one combined field, I made a concatenated column (called Break_key) and had the report total on that.
I was surprised when the count appeared at the top of each group, rather than at the bottom. The grand total is at the very bottom of the report, as I would have thought. How can I get the sub-totals at the bottom, rather than the top?
Is there any data dictionary table to get the object grants for total objects in the database?
Using DBA_TAB_PRIVS, i get object grants for tables only. But i'm looking for remaining objects also. The list of remaining objects is below.
view, or materialized view Sequence Procedure, function, or package User-defined type Synonym for any of the preceding items Directory, library, operator, or indextype Java source, class, or resource
provide me the other data dictionary tables for querying.
I need to modify my query so that it can give me a total(duration) and total(stlmntcharge) per day in april 2013 starting from the 1st till the 30th. At the moment my query looks like below:
SELECT sum(duration),sum(stlmntcharge) FROM voipcdr WHERE (calldate >= TO_DATE('20130401','YYYYMMDD') AND calldate <= TO_DATE('20130430','YYMMDD')) AND (remtrunkid IN (SELECT UNIQUE trunkid FROM trunks WHERE description LIKE '%Telkom%' AND gw_range_id = '61' AND trunkid like '9%'))
or remip in(SELECT UNIQUE startip FROM gateways WHERE rangename LIKE 'vo-za%' OR rangename LIKE 'PC-IS-VOIS%')
I want to get any employee name of deptno 10 but total count of number of employees under dept 10.
DECLARE l_deptno NUMBER:=10; l_count NUMBER; l_ename varchar2(20); BEGIN SELECT count(*) OVER(order by empno) ,ename INTO l_count,l_ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM=1 and deptno=l_deptno; dbms_output.put_line(l_count||' '||l_ename); end;
I am displaying customers names and there inventory prices(inv_price * ol_quantity) however I need a total sum of all customer prices at the bottom
ex name1 | 50 name2 | 25 total amount | $75
DECLARE CURSOR abc IS SELECT customer.c_last, SUM(inventory.inv_price * order_line.ol_quantity) AS Total, inventory.inv_price, order_line.ol_quantity FROM customer, orders, order_line, inventory WHERE customer.c_id = orders.c_id AND
I'm on I want to write a query to get calculate a running total of incidents per day - this query will be used for an APEX line chart.Sample table and data:
create table sales ( id number primary key, time_of_sale date, item varchar2(20)); insert into sales values (1, to_date('02-JAN-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'), 'book'); ....
Now, i want to count quantity follow slip_no and merchandise.
Example: Merchandise :2501B002CA have 8 slip with quantity is 12 and 5 slip with quantity is 16. Merchandise: 2501B001CA have 6 slip with quantity is 12 and 7 slip with quantity is 16.
I have 2 blocks named emp,emp1 those are DB's Blocks and empno, ename, sal in EMP block and sal, sum(sal) are in EMP1 block, i set the property for sum is summarized block is: EMP1 and item is SAL, i want display sum(sal), but not display when i click execute query.
I'm getting trouble in getting the sum of all the product's prize present in the form fields of invoice form. For example, I user bought 2 products so I want to get there prize sum in the total box. I first want that I've QUANTITY, DISCOUNT and SELLING PRIZE.
If I multiply Quantity with Selling Prize then I gets the result in Product and Quantity Total Box. However, Now I want to add discount option in it. Means if user is providing 10% discount to his/her customer then Quantity * Selling Prize - Discount% becomes a result in product's solution final prize box.
Here is the pic..
Look...Now here..I've added 22 in quantity.. now if I'll insert 10% in discount then the total will comes in Amount Display Box.
I'm currently using this coding on on Prize Box.. :SP_PRODUCT_PTOTAL := NVL(:SP_PRODUCT_QUANTITY,0) * NVL(:SP_PRODUCT_PRIZE,0) * NVL(:SP_PRODUCT_DST,0) / 100;
i have a table empl which have three column (name,period,attendance)if we pass parameter which value is based on period column
like :January
then out should come sum of all attendence of january group by name like that
name attendance a60.00 b20.00 c20.00 w40.00
if we pass parameter value :February then attendance should come sum of (January and February) and if we pass parameter March then attendance should come sum of(January,February and march)
create table empl (name varchar2(10),period varchar2(10),attendance number) insert into empl values('a','January',20) insert into empl values('a','January',10) insert into empl values('a','January',30) insert into empl values('a','February',20) insert into empl values('a','March',60) insert into empl values('b','January',20) insert into empl values('c','January',20) insert into empl values('w','January',40)
I need to sum the below daily total to weekly with the week starting day of Saturday Jan 3 2009 for the 52 weeks in 2009. The below query provides me the weekly total with the week starting day MONDAY. But I need the week starting day to be SATURDAY instead of MONDAY.
select to_char(report_date, 'YYYYIW'), sum(total) from report_table where to_number(to_char(report_date,'YYYYIW')) >= to_number(to_char(to_date( '&one_year_ago'),'YYYYIW')) group by to_char(report_date, 'YYYYIW')
Here is a query I used to generate the Daily Sample Data:
For the below sample data I would need to add data starting 2010-01-02 - 2010-01-08 to get my weekly total.
We have a front end that is polling the database for some set of data.That set of data is returned by opening a ref cursor and passing it back to the calling environment.Now the problem they also want the count of total number of records that will be fetched by my select statement.One option is execute the select statement once ,get the count and pass it.But in that case i will be executuing the query twice once for count other time while openimng for the ref cursor .