Oracle 11g Installation Dbca Command Not Found?

Feb 17, 2013

I installed oracle 11g on fedora 14 64 bit. i followed the instructions from the oracle docs. successfully installed. even the scripts ran. but when i try to execute dbca command. it says command not found. im in the oracle user acc.

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Oracle Installation Error On Ubuntu-sqlplus / Command Not Found

Mar 5, 2011

tried installing oracle 10g in ubuntu. i am successful with the oracle installation.i am able to login to sqlplus using oracle OEM,but when i try to login through command prompt , i get the following error:

rakesh@ubuntu:/$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
bash: sqlplus: command not found
rakesh@ubuntu:/$ sqlplus
bash: sqlplus: command not found

i have also tried to set the oracle_home, oracle path & oracle SID.

find the below configuration parameters which i have set to.

root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin# more


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Enterprise Manager :: DBCA Shows No Agents Found?

Jun 8, 2010

I have EM Agent 10g installed in its own Oracle Home (c:oracleagent10g) and Oracle 11g installed in its own Oracle Home (c:oracle11.2.0) The Server shows in EM console but the only target is the EM Agent,.. neither the Listener or the Database show under the targets tab in EM. Also, when DBCA is ran and we get to step 4 it shows NO AGENTS FOUND.

Have installed patch: 8825226 and 8968580 for EM Grid Control (Windows 2003 R2 32Bit) And 9138201 for 10g Agent on Server 2008 R2 (64bit)

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Server Utilities :: Run DBCA From Unix Command Line?

Aug 27, 2007

i am trying to run DBCA from unix command line. but it gives me error like this:

dbca[158]: /home/oracle/product/10.2.0/jdk/jre/bin/java: not found.

Also i tried to open some other utilites too. like netca it gives me same error.

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Networking And Gateways :: DBCA Installation Through VPN

Sep 22, 2011

I am facing a issue on DBCA Installation, when i tried from off-shore.

a. When Iam connecting a server using production / Model VPN , and try to start Installing DBCA Using X11-Forwarding of putty,
b. DBCA installation Started but its tooo Slow, it takes more than 3Hrs (Started at 9AM and ends at 11.17AM)
c. First time it fails and second time its went to success, Whereas when i take alog of server ping request - I am getting a frequent "Requested time out" due to network fluctuation.

So let me know is the network fluctuation affects the Installation through VPN, if So how to overcome and is any workaround on that ?

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Server Utilities :: Database Installation Using ASM In DBCA

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed asm lib and asm instance has started successfully and is working if i am using


but if I am using DBCA after that to create database on ASM activated disk group I am having problem in creation of spfile. How to follow steps to create database using already installed /mounted disk group with DBCA.

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Networking And Gateways :: DBCA Installation And Remotely From Off-shore?

Sep 22, 2011

Iam facing a issue on DBCA Installation, when i tried remotely from off-shore. Steps I followed

a. I Connected a onsite desktop through a remote desktop connection (RDP) by using Corp-VPN from off-shore.
b. In the Remote Desktop, again by using production / Model VPN , connected the server which i need to Install DBCA
c. Using X11-Forwarding of putty, Started the DBCA installation.
d. Applied all the Parameters and on Finally clicking Finish to Start the database Creation, Finish button not responding and i can't continue the DBCA Installation.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Create 11g Database On Linux Using Dbca

Jun 20, 2012

I was trying to create a 11g database on linux using dbca.

At very end "create database" I got 'The file pach +DATADG/orcl/system01.dbf in invalid. Check the permissions.'

How to check the permission?

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Enterprise Manager :: Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition Installation Error / End Header Not Found

Feb 18, 2011

My problem is i install Oracle 9i enterprise edition in windows xp professional but at the time of oracle database confiuration assistent it show me following errors it show:

Not a zip file(End header not found)

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Brtools Command Versus Oracle Command For Shutdown And Startup (statistics)

Sep 13, 2013

we are running SAP application against oracle database. say, if I use brspace or brtools (from SAP side) to shutdown or startup database or collect stats, does this mean it not recommend to use oracle command to shutdown/start & collect stats?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Administrator Permission / Cannot Stop Services By Using Command

Aug 23, 2012

We are having 10g 2Node RAC on Windows 2003. I cannot stop services by using command ""crsctl stop crs/ srvctl stop database "" without administrator permission through my OS user. Is it possible to stop the services without Administrator permission on OS level.? What kind of OS level permission need to access the ""crsctl/srvctl etc"".

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Application Express :: Installation (or Upgrade) Supporting Objects On Command Line

Mar 31, 2013

is it currently possible to install the supporting objects using sqlplus?

When I export an APEX application which contains supporting objects (scripts to install images, css files, tables and seed data) I can run this script on the command line using sqlplus to install the application into the target environment.

After installing the application (which works fine), I cannot invoke the installation of the supporting objects nor the upgrade of the the supporting objects.

Am I overlooking the obvious, have checked APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL but there is no function available for that purpose?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: ORA-03114 / Not Connected To ORACLE Error With Oracle DB Installation

Dec 3, 2012

I am getting "ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE" while installing "Oracle Database 11GR2" on "Oracle RAC 11R2" cluster setup. I am getting this error at the time of "Oracle Database Configuration Assistant" configuration reaches till 39% on HP-UX 11.31 IA64 platform.

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Windows :: Oracle 10g - Creating New Database / DBCA?

Jun 15, 2011

when i am trying to create a new database in oracle 10 g in my local system when creating database error shows a number 146 no other error is showing what must be the reason.

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ALL Scripts Which Automatically Get Run By DBCA In ORACLE 11G Enterprise Edition

Jan 19, 2013

which are ALL the scripts which automatically get run by DBCA in ORACLE 11G Enterprise Edition.

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Server Administration :: Error Creating Database Using DBCA Oracle 11g R2?

Nov 18, 2010

This is on a vmware virtual server on Windows 2008R2 using ORACLE 11g R2 with patch set 6

I installed ORACLE (software only) and applied patch set 6 and tried to create a new database.

during the database creation I got an error as the system was adding the JVM that read:-

ORA-01927:cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant.

I was given the options to ignore or abort

I chose to ignore the error and continue.

After the database creation completed I looked in the jserver log copied below and found two errors

I did not get the same error before installing patch set 6

No errors.
alter system flush shared_pool
drop role javauserpriv


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Installation :: Oracle Database Express And Other Editions Installation Doc Difference?

Mar 20, 2013

My question is; I've been reading the Oracle database 11g R2 documentation at this link [URL]...

I passed a couple of days learning about all installation configuration parts including the desktop class and server class.As I was learning, So I had already downloaded Oracle Database Express 11g R2 for win32.

So as i had finished the installation guide I thought it's time to install the oracle now. I did it, and what I found was that there was not any option during installation that i read in above documentation. While trying to find about this difference i reached on documentation[URL]...

That is for express version only.

My question here is, Express edition, we use for learning purpose, But it doesn't look like it has all the stuff that we should learn during installation And what documentation I should follow from my above given two links?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC Installation With Guest OS OracleLinux6 On Virtualbox / Mac OS

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to install Oracle RAC installation w/ guest OS OracleLinux6 on Virtualbox/Mac OS.But getting problem to set network & ip setting and yum is not able to reach oracle repository.

if anyone tried installing Oracle RAC installation w/ guest OS OracleLinux6 on Virtualbox on intel based Mac OS.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle 11GR2 Rac Installation In Vmware

Aug 28, 2013

I am installing RAC 11GR2 in VMWARE on OEL 6.3. Everything went smooth but when i tried to configure ASM , I get below messages. 

[oracle@RAC1 ~]$ /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure-bash: /etc/init.d/oracleasm: No such file or directory.

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Installation :: Oracle 11G Database For 64 Bit Windows Installation Error

May 6, 2013

I downloaded the 11G 64bit for windows and unzipped the files into one folder and ran the setup.exe as an administrator. It opened up the java screen and I chose, create and configure a database. Next screen I chose, Desktop Class, when I click next it dies. It does not show me teh next screen. I went to the appdata folder and saw this error but not sure what to do EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005).

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Application Express :: Display Not-found.png For Image Type When Data Not Found?

May 22, 2013

I have an Image Type on a forum page. I want a default "not-found" image to display if the BLOB column value is null or if there is no data for that search value. The image is stored with the app: #APP_IMAGES#not-found.png

APEX 4.2 (with listener) on Oracle 11gR2

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Server Administration :: How To Avoid Clear Password In Checkpoint File With Oracle DBCA

Nov 15, 2011

I found there is clear password in the xml file in the process of Oracle instance creating. The process like below

1, when using the following process to create the instance

Login as user Oracle
/home/Oracle11home/bin/dbca -createDatabase -silent -templateName /home/Oracle11home/assistants/dbca/templates/Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testSID -sysPassword [b]testpwd[/b] -systemPassword [b]testpwd[/b]

2. Found the file in $ORACLE_HOME/checkpoints/dbca/OraDb11g_home2_oracle_creation_checkpoint.xml , it listed the sys and system passwd (like testpwd for sys and system password) directly.

<CHECKPOINT LEVEL="MAJOR" NAME="db_oracle" DESC="db creation checkpoint" STATE="FAIL">
<PROPERTY NAME="command" TYPE="STRING" VAL=" -silent -createDatabase -templateName Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testpwd -sysPassword testpwd -systemPassword testpwd"/>

I hope to confirm :

1. what is the purpose for oracle to genate the checkpoint.

2, can we remove the file safely ?

3, if there is configuration that we can avoid to show clear password in checkpoint file?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle Grid 11g R2 Installation

Jul 11, 2013

I want to install Oracle Grid software 11g R2. What is the Latest Oracle Grid software 11g R2 version available?Is it or it is, is it available in metalink download, because I see only version in metalink download? 

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle Rac 11g Installation?

Sep 16, 2013

 Am planning to install oracle RAC 11g on linux server. Have doubt on installation of clusterware or grid infrastructure first .?I think grid infrastructure covers clusterware and ASM both and then oracle 11g software to be installed. But how to download grid insfrastructure software. Will it come with oracle 11g software..? or need to download it seperately.? Because when i try to download oracle RAC 11g which gives link to download the 11g software not grid. 

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Installation :: Oracle 10g Installation Cannot Continue

Jul 10, 2012

When i am trying to install oracle database 10g, it is giving following error.Error in writing to directory :


ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 55MB of disk space ,installation cannot continue.

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Oracle 10g - Error (Server Not Found)?

Jan 23, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g. normally with that URL address

we can navigate to this URL in our browser and log in as the SYS user with the associated password, and connect as SYSDBA. Enterprise Manager can be used to perform common database administration tasks... but..,in my system when this procedure is run i'm receiving an error stating that the server cannot be found...

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Security :: How To Replace No Data Found Keyword In Oracle

May 30, 2013

i have a table that contains employee id, employee name , so if i gave the correct employee id in where clause of select statement it will show employee name, in case if i give the employee id that does not exist in the table it will show 'Employee name is not found'..

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Oracle 10g - Loading In Computer Select Statements Say No Data Found?

Jun 7, 2011

I am using oracle 10g i have a table on my computer that i made for a friend when i load it on their computer the select statements say no data found if i use select * from table name all the data will show

if a column name select * from table name where duty_date = '05-JAN-11'no data found

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Command Example In Oracle 9?

Aug 5, 2010

I want to use oracle 9 select * from tab .And use the output to issue "desc XXX " for every row of output in select statement.. .How can I do it automatically ???

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Command In Oracle For Listing

Sep 4, 2012

I have an agent, actor, movie and producer table, I want to list the details of all agents who represented actors casting in movies produced by "X" (X is the name of producer). I want to know the command for doing this.I have the following tables:

table agent(

I have a producer fname as Xavion in the table.

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