Oracle 10g - Error (Server Not Found)?

Jan 23, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g. normally with that URL address

we can navigate to this URL in our browser and log in as the SYS user with the associated password, and connect as SYSDBA. Enterprise Manager can be used to perform common database administration tasks... but..,in my system when this procedure is run i'm receiving an error stating that the server cannot be found...

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Oracle Installation Error On Ubuntu-sqlplus / Command Not Found

Mar 5, 2011

tried installing oracle 10g in ubuntu. i am successful with the oracle installation.i am able to login to sqlplus using oracle OEM,but when i try to login through command prompt , i get the following error:

rakesh@ubuntu:/$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
bash: sqlplus: command not found
rakesh@ubuntu:/$ sqlplus
bash: sqlplus: command not found

i have also tried to set the oracle_home, oracle path & oracle SID.

find the below configuration parameters which i have set to.

root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin# more


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Enterprise Manager :: Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition Installation Error / End Header Not Found

Feb 18, 2011

My problem is i install Oracle 9i enterprise edition in windows xp professional but at the time of oracle database confiuration assistent it show me following errors it show:

Not a zip file(End header not found)

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Forms :: Getting Error 404 Not Found

Nov 20, 2012

i use weblogic and forms11g on windows xp

when i run my from in ie8 or google chorom this error apeared:


Error 404--not found
from RFC 2068 Hypertext transfer protocol -- HTTP/1.1 :
10.4.5 404 not found

The server has not found anything matching the rewuest-IRI . no indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: No Data Found Error In Trigger (After Or Before)?

May 10, 2013

We have the following trigger in database, whenever we try to insert the record in WIP_OPERATIONS , NO DATA FOUND exception has been thrown, when we debugged, we did not find any issue. The first select statement is getting failed even though there is the value coming for :NEW.wip_entity_id and when we execute the query separately in database with the :NEW.WIP_ENTITY_ID, its getting the value. What could be the reason? Can't we use SELECT Statement in AFTER or BEFORE INSERT trigger?why its throwing NO_DATA_FOUND Exception?

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sdm_brasil_wj_ops_iface_trg


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RAC 10g Error Found In Trace File?

Nov 19, 2011

after apply patch for 2 10gr2 node i tried to start asm on 2 node but i found that the 1st node (master node)
can not started but the second node is ok and this error found in trace file for lmon.trc

kjxgmpoll: terminate the CGS reconfig.
Error: KGXGN polling error (15)
error 29702 detected in background process
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
ksuitm: waiting up to [5] seconds before killing DIAG

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error In Trigger ORA-01403 - No Data Found

Apr 4, 2011

I got this error on the code below when i insert for example a record in a table "pedidos_teste" (insert into sgc_supergestor.pedidos_teste select * from sgc_supergestor.pedidos where IDPC=181 and IDPEDIDO=48 )

Below is the error: ORA-1403: ORA-01403: no data found


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PL/SQL :: Cursor Went To Exception When It Got Error / No Data Found

Jul 7, 2012

My cursor went to the exception when its got the error " ORA-01403: no data found"

But my cursor need to run even though it got the error " ORA-01403: no data found"...This is my exception part

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (c1rec);
-- code change added as part of GCA642 -- END
END get_geo_test1;

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Windows :: Error / Test Failed / Provider Cannot Be Found

Feb 25, 2013

We just upgraded one of our databases to 11g on a new server. The 3rd party application that accesses the db is 32 bit. The software needs to be running on the db server in order for some transactions to occur. Since the oracle client on the db server is 64bit do we need to install a 32 bit client as well. As of right now we are getting an error in the software when trying to connect to the db that says "Test failed. provider cannot be found. it may not be properly installed." This is a live production server so uninstalling and reinstalling oracle is not really an option at this time (unless absolutely necessary). How will installing a 32 bit oracle client effect everything (if that is the route we need to take).

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Application Express :: No Data Found Error When Trying To Import CSV File To Table?

Oct 16, 2012

Not able to understand what's wrong with the code. I am trying to import data to a table using a CSV file. I have exported the data (CSV) from the interactive report and I am just trying to insert the same data to the table, through a process. When, I tried to do so; its throwing an error message saying NO_DATA_FOUND and file is not getting inserted into wwv_flow_files table.

But when I removed the data from the CSV file for the comments field and then tried importing the file, the process worked. I don't understand whats the problem with the code.

I have a sample app setup in my workspace for this weird problem.


Workspace details:

CSV file with comments field and data in it - when trying to import - throws an error message NO_DATA_FOUND

CSV file with comments field and without data in it - tried importing - this worked

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Application Express :: Display Not-found.png For Image Type When Data Not Found?

May 22, 2013

I have an Image Type on a forum page. I want a default "not-found" image to display if the BLOB column value is null or if there is no data for that search value. The image is stored with the app: #APP_IMAGES#not-found.png

APEX 4.2 (with listener) on Oracle 11gR2

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Server Administration :: While Creating Index ORA-00603 / ORACLE Server Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Jul 26, 2010

While creating the index we are getting the error "ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error".

We have the space in tablespaces and also in the file systesm.

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Server Utilities :: Schema Not Found?

Apr 16, 2012

I'm new to oracle and a dmp file that I need to restore from. I've managed to successfully restore it in windows but not in solaris. the following command:

$impdp SCHEMAS=<schema> DUMPFILE=<dumpfile> LOGFILE=<logfile>

I got the following error:

SCHEMAS=<schema>: not found

Basically anything after $impdp is always not found. Is there any problem during setup?

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Application Express :: URL On Server 404 Not Found

Oct 27, 2012

after my first Apex installation I have got the above mentioned error. I have tried the following Apex calls:


Instead of using localhost I used the hostname or the IP address of the box without success.The whole installation process went fine from scratch. No errors, no warnings, nothing.I am using the following environment:

CentOS 6.3
Oracle EE
Apex 4.1.1

With exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(7778); I enabled the above port number. If I look at the output of the lsnrctl status I see that my local listener is also listening on 7778. I have no errors in the alert.log and no other trace files where I can have a look at.

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Server Administration :: System View Cannot Found

Feb 22, 2012

There are some sys views can not found. why?

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> show user;
SQL> desc dba_users;
ORA-04043: object dba_users does not exist

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Application Express :: Requested URL Not Found On Server

Aug 6, 2012

How could i redirect to an url in apex? I tried with adding in target url but it shows

Not found

The requested URL /apex/[URL]....was not found on this server

how to assign it?

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Server Utilities :: Imp-00033 Table Not Found While Importing

Aug 5, 2010

while importing dump file into database,i received the following error.

imp -00033 table demo not found.

But i checked in dump file ,the table exist .

Below is the command i executed in unix box.

imp system/manager file=data.dmp log=data.log tables=DEMO feedback=100 buffer=1000 fromuser=TOM touser=maddy

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-50503 No Server Found In The Network

May 21, 2010

I'm receiving the error REP-52266, while running a simple script from Forms 10g:

web.show_document('/reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server=rep_fsprod', '_blank');

I previously received REP-51002; searched over the forums,& made changed to the rwservlet properties file by setting my Server,setting the trace on,& changing my host file in windows.

Errors received now: REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_fsprod failed to IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0

I also tried these commands:

rwclient server=rep_CC-BA0C7240E38E report=test destype=cache desformat=html
REP-0178: can not connect to reports server

rwdiag -findall
Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address:
Channel port: 14021
REP-50503 No server found in the network.

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Server Administration :: Block Corruption - Segment Not Found

May 16, 2012

I have a database where view v$database_block_corruption shows a corrupted block

SQL> select * from v$database_block_corruption;

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ---------
4 756652 1 5.5157E+12 CORRUPT

I am not able to get the relevant segment from the above information

SQL> select segment_name, segment_type, owner
2 from dba_extents
3 where file_id = 4
4 and 756652 between block_id
5 and block_id + blocks -1;

no rows selected

DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 3932160
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 3119107
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 755048


I have uploaded the complete logfile.

Below is a part of logfile

DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /prd/dvp/ora/oradata/LHF/disk06/gds_t01_01.dbf
Block Checking: DBA = 21728172, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
**** kdxcoavs = -84 < 0, avail = 3129
---- end index block validation
Page 756652 failed with check code 6401
##not here that 756652 is the same block# mentioned in v$database_block_corruption

here i tried finding the OBJECT ID as below

SELECT dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(21728172) "BLOCK", dbms_utility.data_block_address_file(21728172) "FILE" FROM dual;
---------- ----------
756652 5

Now for the same BLOCK it is giving different File, again the segment_name or segment_id could not be found from the above information.

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Server Administration :: Listener Log - No Appropriate Service Handler Found?

May 22, 2012

On last Saturday we encountered error 'TNS-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found" in our listener log for some moment of time let say around 5mins and later it got all right itself.

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Server Utilities :: Sql-524 / Partial Record Found At End Of Datafile

Aug 1, 2010

I have an excel table whose data i have to transfer in oracle.

I did the following steps:

1) converted excel data in CSV format.

2) Created a control file test.ctl

INFILE 'C:IDB Price List.csv'
BADFILE 'C:IDB Price List.bad'
DISCARDFILE 'C:IDB Price List.dsc'
INSERT INTO TABLE idb_price_list

3) when i run the sql loader utility, i get an error "sql-524: partial record found at end of datafile"

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Server Administration :: ORA-19821 / Intentionally Corrupt Log File Was Found

Aug 15, 2011

don't know if I can repeat it. It occured while converting a database to archivelog mode, after completing a Data Pump export/import upgrade from I fixed it like this: juno> startup mount;

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1.7108E+10 bytes
Fixed Size 2175440 bytes
Variable Size 8858373680 bytes
Database Buffers 8220835840 bytes
Redo Buffers 26886144 bytes
Database mounted.

juno> alter database archivelog; alter database archivelog

ERROR at line 1: ORA-19821: an intentionally corrupt log file was found

juno> recover database until cancel; Media recovery complete.

juno> alter database open resetlogs;
Database altered.
juno> shu immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
juno> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-02298 / Cannot Validate - Parent Keys Not Found

May 12, 2011

I received the below error while importing the dump file.

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2298:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2298 encountered
ORA-02298: cannot validate (bala.TSK_FK) - parent keys not found

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Server Administration :: How To Repair Blocks That Gets Corrupted Found In Dbverify

Aug 8, 2013

how to repair the blocks that gets corrupted found in dbverify

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Server Utilities :: ORA-39166 / Object TESTIMP.ENVDB Was Not Found

Sep 9, 2010

We want to import a dump in TESTIMP Schema:

Import: Release - Production on Thu Sep 9 15:16:45 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39166: Object TESTIMP.ENVDB was not found.

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Oracle 11g Installation Dbca Command Not Found?

Feb 17, 2013

I installed oracle 11g on fedora 14 64 bit. i followed the instructions from the oracle docs. successfully installed. even the scripts ran. but when i try to execute dbca command. it says command not found. im in the oracle user acc.

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Server Administration :: ORA-02291 / Integrity Constraint Violated - Parent Key Not Found

Oct 13, 2010

I have Oracle 9i and yesterday I wanted to create new DB(datebase) but I couldn't did it.

In Database Configuration Assistant chose Create database then New database. Used configuration by default. On 92% I got this error

Quote:ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SH. COSTS_PRODUCT_FK) violated - parent key not found

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Server Utilities :: ORACLE Import Error?

Feb 23, 2012

I have the problem with import in Oracle 8.1.7.The size of import file is 29600 kb and tablespace size is 16gb and when I try to make import oracle back this message:

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1659 encountered
ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 7 in tablespace DATA

The data tablespace is full. I think that the import file contains information about the original tablespace from which has made ​​export. But I don't now how to resolve the problem

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Server Administration :: Oracle 11g Installation Error

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to install oracle 11g on windows 2003 ent with sp2 , where I am getting an error, The java runtime environment was not found at bin/javaw.exe. hence the oracle universal installer cannot be run.

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Server Administration :: Getting Error During Upgrade To Oracle

Jun 24, 2010

I have upgraded my database from to however while upgrading database using DBUA I am getting this error.table or view does not exist ORA-06512: at "WMSYS.OWM_MIG_PKG", line 1579 ORA-06512: at "WMSYS.OWM_MIG_PKG", line 1596 ORA-06512: at line 1The WMSYS.OWM_MIG_PKG is warped package and I can't understand what it means. How can I understand what view or table is absent in my database?

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