Server Administration :: How To Avoid Clear Password In Checkpoint File With Oracle DBCA
Nov 15, 2011
I found there is clear password in the xml file in the process of Oracle instance creating. The process like below
1, when using the following process to create the instance
Login as user Oracle
/home/Oracle11home/bin/dbca -createDatabase -silent -templateName /home/Oracle11home/assistants/dbca/templates/Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testSID -sysPassword [b]testpwd[/b] -systemPassword [b]testpwd[/b]
2. Found the file in $ORACLE_HOME/checkpoints/dbca/OraDb11g_home2_oracle_creation_checkpoint.xml , it listed the sys and system passwd (like testpwd for sys and system password) directly.
I hv created a database VAHAN with SID VAHAN , now I want to create another database in it with name SARATHI SID SARATHI.VAHAN db is running perfectly but everytime i tried to create the db with dbca it shows error "ORA-01034: ORACLE not avaiable."
I ran dbstart,lsnrctl start - getting same error..i dbshut the db and use startup nomount - getting same error.
I installed Oracle 11gR2 withouth creating a database in my laptop. Later when I tried to crete the database using DBCA it shows error ORA-01078:failure in processing system parameters.I clicked on ignore error, then shows the error ORA-01034: Oracle not available.
I have granted connect,resource privilege to a user 'TestU' and have create several synonyms in the schema using the public database link. What worries me is that the user 'TestU' can view the all_ and users_ dictionary views, which makes him accessible to all public database links and all user specific objects definition.
Is there a way to restrict the user to see only the synonyms and avoid looking at their definitions
I am getting a ORA-03114 (not connected to Oracle) error when I am creating a DB using DBCA. Here are the steps that I do:
1) Log onto the server remotely, using Exceed Query 2) Connect as the oracle user (Oracle) 3) set ORACLE_HOME, PATH 4) Run DBCA, give parameters
At around 12% and again at 19%, I get the error (see screenshot). I also tried to generate the scripts and run them remotely, and the steps run successfully upto & including the step " startup nomount pfile="/oracle/admin/<dbname>/scripts/init.ora"; ". After that, when I try to run the script specified in rmanRestoreDatafiles.sql from SQL> prompt, the error appears, and connection to ORACLE is lost.
Googling the error shows that it is a connectivilty issue, and Oracle says that it is usually caused by user scripts. But I am not running any user-created scripts as part of the DBCA process. Somehow, the instance is timing out immediately after doing the "startup nomount".
create an ASM (Automatic Storage Management) instance using dbca. At first try I mistakenly skipped the part where I click on ASM Parameters to add /dev/raw/raw* as my asm_diskstring so it created an ASM instance. When I get to the next page ASM Disk Groups, I selected Create New and I did not have the desired display, because of the step I missed.
I went back to do some cleaning up as follows:
1) Edit the oratab file to remove the ASM entry
2) backed up these files by renaming to old-<filename> old-ab_+ASM.dat old-hc_+ASM.dat old-lk+ASM old-orapw+ASM old-spfile2+ASM.ora
Now when I try to go through the steps to create an ASM instance, at the point after I enter my ASM Parameters, I get the following prompt:
"DBCA will now create and start the ASM instance. After the ASM instance is started you can create the diskgroups to be used as storage for your database."
I'm getting a "TNS disconnect" after database creation script creation in DBCA. Haven't figured out what's going on. I'm attempting to create a 2nd database on one linux 64 server. I get all the way through DBCA, but it won't go the final mile. Any thoughts? I've tried setting the port to a different port from the existing LISTENER, creating a LISTENER2 and associating it with the 2nd instance.
dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -sourceDB TEST ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENER ORA-00132: syntax error or unresolved network name 'LISTENER_TEST'
also tried to start the same instance and i get these messages - i did not created these oracle instance just trying to remove it and recreating it
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Nov 5 15:34:41 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENER ORA-00132: syntax error or unresolved network name 'LISTENER_TEST' SQL> exit Disconnected
I want to know what if any person don't know the password of SYS, can he create password file, becauase i dont know the password of sys users, generally login with '/ as sysdba',
SQL> select profile from DBA_USERS where username = 'SYSTEM';
PROFILE ------------------------------ DEFAULT
SQL> alter profile DEFAULT limit password_life_time UNLIMITED;
Profile altered. But I get still the warning message every login. ORA-28002: the password will expire within 7 days.
$ sqlplus system/oracle111@XE SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Aug 27 10:29:03 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. ERROR: ORA-28002: the password will expire within 7 days
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production
get the actual password for the database users. If we talk about the dba_users account we have password in the encrypted form how to decrypt them and get actual password.
is there a oratab file in window versions of oracle 11g xe?I found out that, oratab is:
associate with ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME value, and you can input parameter like:
to allow the datebase to be started when the server reboot.I am thinking for window versions, they are using 'SERVICES' right? That's why no oratab files?
I need to see all schema users password in a text.I am database admin,but it difficult to remember the password of all users created in single database So we also dont want to change password of all time,table to view password in text. Also we all know we can see using dba_users, but it was showing in hash value i need it in a text
I am using oracle 9i version. My problem is oracle window opens.But i can not login by typing the user name and password. while login an error is displayed as follows.
ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress.
Upgrading from to Enterprise Manager requires 'newest' version of Oracle JDBC drive.Downloaded what I believe to the correct file (classes12.jar). I'm unclear what to do with this, my readings have pointed me in the following direction:
1) copy to c:oracleproduct10.1.0db_1jre1.4.1in 2) extract
here is the problem...tried:
1) just clicking on it (nothing)
2) c:program filesjavajre1.6.0_03injavaw -jar classes12.jar Error: Failed to load Main-Class manfest atrribute from c:oracleproduct10.1.0db_1jre1.4.1inclasses12.jar
Is my location correct, I've been hunting everywhere..making no progress.
I downloaded Oracle Fusion Middleware11g Forms and Reports (ofm_frmrpts_win_11. When I begin to extract I am getting bogged down with a password message and that is:
File Windows-amd64 is password protected. please enter the password in the box below.
BTW- I downloaded Windows64 based forms and reports on my windows xp pro machine. I am trying to unzip them and burn it on a DVD so that I can install them on my new dell windows 7 professional laptop.