Server Administration :: Oratab File In Window Versions Of Oracle 11g Xe?

Oct 10, 2011

is there a oratab file in window versions of oracle 11g xe?I found out that, oratab is:

associate with ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME value, and you can input parameter like:


to allow the datebase to be started when the server reboot.I am thinking for window versions, they are using 'SERVICES' right? That's why no oratab files?

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Server Administration :: Oracle Export Import Utility Different Versions?

May 10, 2012

We are migratingfrom [IBM P5 - AIX 5.3 - Oracle DB 64bit]to [IBM P7 - AIX 6.1 - Oracle DB 64bit]

The new database is already up and running, our next step now is the following:
1. Create Tablespaces (done)
2. Export the Database from P5
3. Import the dump to P7.

We have this following options:

I. Use a Windows XP workstation 32bit with Oracle Database software to export from P5, then import the dump to P7. (Export/Import Utility Windows 32bit)
II. Use the Export Utility of the P7 ( AIX 64bit) to do the export and import.
III. Use the Export Utility of P5 ( AIX 64bit) then use the Import Utility of P7 ( AIX 64bit)

BTW, our colleague tried to do the following:
A. Use Windows - Export Utility - 32bit to make a dump of our database (Oracle AIX 64bit)
B. Use Windows - Import Utility - 32bit to import the dump file from step A to our new database (Oracle AIX 64bit)

But after issuing imp system/password@NEWDB file=(a.dmp, b.dmp... c.dmp) full=y ignore=y statistics=none

The import seems to hang here...importing SYSTEM's objects into SYSTEM

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Server Administration :: Differences In Versions According To Init-parameter Compatible

Dec 15, 2010

How oracle deals with the setting of init.ora parameter compatible.

e.g. we have
DB Version=

what is the possible leak for us ? Is there any description about the features changed in 10.2 up to in all steps - so that we can check out which functions we do not have.

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Oracle 11g R1 / 10g R2 - Two Different Versions In Same Server

Feb 15, 2012

I had installed Oracle 11g R1 on windows system where Oracle 10g R2 also installed. As I required both versions parallel on same server, both are installed on different Oracle homes.

Configured listener.ora & tnsnames.ora files on 11g (path) with 10g details also in same file, checked the listener status, its �READY� & windows services also started but now only I am able to connect Oracle 11g & not able to connect Oracle 10g.

how to configure so that I can able to connect both VERSIONS separately on the same server.

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Windows :: Different Versions Of Oracle Between Server And Client?

Apr 11, 2012

I'd like to know if it's possible to install a client with Windows 7 (64bits) can be installed with Oracle 11gR2 (32 bits) when the server is still with Oracle ?

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Installation :: Two Versions Of Oracle Database On Same Server

Jul 31, 2012

Can i have 2 versions of oracle database installed on same server under one user on AIX also on windows,

Currently we have oracle installed on AIX server, can we install oracle 11gR2 on the same server under on user, & both the versions will be in use.

How to manage the profile of the user having 2 oracle versions on AIX & on windows how to handle it.

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Server Administration :: Window Not Starting OracleserviceORCL On Local Computer?

Oct 29, 2013

i m facing an issue about TNS connectivity after some time i start my notebook and then sql butt it can not be login from any side like sql,pl/sql,forms or reports it shows same error ora-12203 tns unable to connect to the destination also my service of oracleserviceORCL can not start it shows an error like 'windows could not start the service on local computer '

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Server Administration :: Oracle JDBC Classes12.jar File - Unable To Extract

Apr 21, 2010

Upgrading from to Enterprise Manager requires 'newest' version of Oracle JDBC drive.Downloaded what I believe to the correct file (classes12.jar). I'm unclear what to do with this, my readings have pointed me in the following direction:

1) copy to c:oracleproduct10.1.0db_1jre1.4.1in
2) extract

here is the problem...tried:

1) just clicking on it (nothing)

2) c:program filesjavajre1.6.0_03injavaw -jar classes12.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manfest atrribute from

Is my location correct, I've been hunting everywhere..making no progress.

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Server Administration :: How To Avoid Clear Password In Checkpoint File With Oracle DBCA

Nov 15, 2011

I found there is clear password in the xml file in the process of Oracle instance creating. The process like below

1, when using the following process to create the instance

Login as user Oracle
/home/Oracle11home/bin/dbca -createDatabase -silent -templateName /home/Oracle11home/assistants/dbca/templates/Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testSID -sysPassword [b]testpwd[/b] -systemPassword [b]testpwd[/b]

2. Found the file in $ORACLE_HOME/checkpoints/dbca/OraDb11g_home2_oracle_creation_checkpoint.xml , it listed the sys and system passwd (like testpwd for sys and system password) directly.

<CHECKPOINT LEVEL="MAJOR" NAME="db_oracle" DESC="db creation checkpoint" STATE="FAIL">
<PROPERTY NAME="command" TYPE="STRING" VAL=" -silent -createDatabase -templateName Small.dbt -gdbName testDB -sid testpwd -sysPassword testpwd -systemPassword testpwd"/>

I hope to confirm :

1. what is the purpose for oracle to genate the checkpoint.

2, can we remove the file safely ?

3, if there is configuration that we can avoid to show clear password in checkpoint file?

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Multiple Oracle Homes And 2 Versions Of Listener

May 19, 2010

Dose any shell script that would be able to set the oracle_home & the listeners based on the versions of software on the box?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01111 / Name For Data File 636 Is Unknown - Rename To Correct File

Nov 3, 2012

i have two tablespaces dictionary managed (SYSTEM,APPLSYSX) i tried to change to locally cause it will cause problem in future when trying to run OATM migration.i did it successfully on APPLSYSX,when i did it on system upon oracle procedure.i have to change all tablespaces to read only when i did that with tablespace APPLSYSD(alter tablespace APPLSYSD read only) i received errors

SQL> alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY;
alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01230: cannot make read only - file 636 is offline
ORA-01111: name for data file 636 is unknown - rename to correct file
ORA-01110: data file 636: '/vol5u/oracle/prddb/9.2.0/dbs/MISSING00636'
i have not this file on the OS

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Give Grant To Schema Of Different Versions Of Oracle Databases?

Aug 8, 2012

I have a task assigned to "grant select on$" to a user which exists on 500 different databases.

This needs to be done in Oracle database.

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Install Multiple Versions Of Oracle Databases 10GR2 And 11GR2 In A Single Node?

Oct 28, 2010


�I can install multiple versions of Oracle databases 10GR2 and 11GR2 in a single node using a unique Oracle ASM single instance?

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Forms :: How To Create A Browse For File To Upload Window

Mar 27, 2011

I have a major issue because I have to finish this project by tomorrow and I don't know how I could create a button on a form that will pop a window where the user can browse his system for and Image, select it and upload it on the Database.

The idea is that I have this table called APPLICANTS with columns like:


I have created a registration form for the applicant inorder to register to the system but I just can't figure out how to upload a photo of the applicant.

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Application Express :: Open Download File In New Window?

Jun 5, 2013

How to  make an item as a  mandatory field dynamically with the change of another item in different regions

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Server Utilities :: Finding Versions Of Exp And Imp Utilities Of Database Server?

Feb 23, 2012

how to find the versions of exp and imp utilities of database server from windows command prompt?

Note: Currently i have oracle software installed on my local machine.

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Server Administration :: Identify Tnsnames.ora File?

Jun 10, 2011

How to find out the database TNSNAMES.ora file if there are multiple .ora files with different names in Oracle_home/network/admin directory ?

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Server Administration :: UNDO In Parameter File?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a question ragarding undo tablespace. I want to ask that why only undo tablespace information we need to specify in parameter file. We do not specify any other tablespace information. Not even for temporary tablespace. Then why we need to give undo tablespace name while instance is creating.

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Server Administration :: ARC File Size Too Small?

Oct 2, 2012

I noticed my DB is generating a lot of "small" .arc files and I am usure why. As you can see from the v$log query my log file size is set to 50MB. But yet BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE never adds up to 50MB.

Is there anything else I can look into to see how to make the .arc files larger?

SQL> select group#, thread#, bytes from v$log;
---------- ---------- ----------
1 1 52428800
2 1 52428800
3 2 52428800
4 2 52428800

select blocks, block_size, blocks*block_size from v$archived_log where sequence# between 63876 and 72851 and thread# = 1

---------- ---------- -----------------
28 512 14336
28 512 14336
28 512 14336
55 512 28160


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Server Administration :: How To Check Alertlog File

Mar 3, 2012

you have some 500 Db how will u check the alertlog file. do u do it manually or is their any tool to check the alertlog files. how to check it.

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Server Administration :: Archive Log File Generating?

Jan 10, 2011

I want to know how many archive log generating in One hour at the peak time. We have 6 nodes RAC multiplex 2.

Is there are any query through which I can achieve the above purpose.

Note: As this is a prod instance client is not happy to implement Log Miner utility.

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Server Administration :: TNS Errors In Listener Log File?

Sep 11, 2012

We are getting the below error messages in LISTENER LOG FILE. That too every 5 Mins.

10-SEP-2012 16:25:43 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=dpm)(CID=(PROGRAM=W:Applicationdpm2010.exe)(HOST=ISSLDMUM01PC169)(USER=bharathi))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * dpm * 0

10-SEP-2012 16:25:46 * service_update * DPM * 0
10-SEP-2012 16:25:47 * 12546
TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00516: Permission denied

I am not getting the reason for it.

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Server Administration :: Errors While Starting DB Using SP File

Sep 16, 2008

SP file was removed during the testing and I started the database after making some changes in the pfile, and it works fine.
But when I try to start the database using the SPFILE, it gives an error.

SQL> STARTUP PFILE='D:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorclpfileINITORCL.ORA'
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 289406976 bytes
Fixed Size 1248576 bytes
Variable Size 109052608 bytes
Database Buffers 171966464 bytes
Redo Buffers 7139328 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> create spfile from pfile;

File created.

SQL> shut immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORA-01565: error in identifying file 'D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_7/dbs/SPFILEORCL.ORA'
ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size
OSD-04012: file size mismatch (OS 1541)

The contents of the spfile in $ORACLE_HOMEdatabase are

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Server Administration :: Unable To Run Setup EXE File?

Mar 14, 2012

when i try to install Oracle 10g ( 64- bits on windows server 2003 enterprise edition 64 bits service pack1 and i try for windows server 2003 standard edition 64 bits on a pc,i am getting the below error.

the image file E: is valid, but it is for a machine type other than current machine

i need to install it as soon as possible .

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Server Administration :: File Format Of DBF Files

Apr 12, 2010

I want to know the file format of .dbf file.I want to open it in hex editor and want to read contents of that file from there.

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Server Administration :: Create A New Control File?

Jul 12, 2012

I am trying to create a new controlfile. I used "alter database backup controlfile to trace;" and then I copied and pasted the contents of the trace file into the .sql file. My sql script is



Actually, the name of my database was 'STAR' and I changed it to "FIVESTAR" int this .sql script. Now when I run this script with SQL> @ <path of my sql script>, it gives me the following errors:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01504: database name 'FIVESTAR' does not match parameter db_name 'STAR'

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Server Administration :: How To Recreate Control File

Jun 12, 2012

I can not run the control file treace file,why?

[oracle@hxl oradata_bak]$ more run_sql.sql


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Server Administration :: Generation Of Redo Log File

Aug 20, 2010

redo generation. As I found the below statement in another forum."Undo segment generates the redo data also, because undo segment is database changes, so it generates the redo data also."

How a Undo segment can generate Redo and Undo datas.

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Server Administration :: Writing Control File

Nov 25, 2011

I was doing some R&D on my test machine trying to understand how controlfile works. I started up my db and then deleted (renamed)the controlfiles at OS level. I was expecting the db to shutdown. But it dint. Moreover when i queried select name from v$controlfile; it was still reflecting the old controlfile names. To check if it was still functioning, i created a new tablespace with one file and it also got created without any error.

What i dint understand is how could the db still be running when the control file was'nt there and new tablespace and datafile get created? As i understand, whenever a new file is created, an entry is made in the control file. But when control file dint exist where was the data about new tablespace and datafile written?

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Server Administration :: Move File System Datafile To ASM

Oct 23, 2012

I mistakenly added a datafile to a tablespace which is asm, however the datafile was created in a default location and not the asm location:

alter tablespace pdaiidata1 add datafile '<filename>' size 2048M;

What I should have done:

alter tablepsace <tablespace_name> add datafile '+DATA1' size 2048M;

Is there any way to move this filesystem datafile into the asm tablespace? In previous Oracle versions, I've taken a tablespace offline, moved a datafile, renamed it, then brought the tablespace back online. Can I do something similar here in this situation?

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