Oracle 10G R2 RAC - CRS Configuration

Aug 11, 2010

ISSUE : I have to create ORACLE 10G R2 RAC. This cluster will host two databases pre-prod and prod. Both databases will be on different networks. pre-prod on 10.88.119 and prod on 10.88.118. I just have two hosts forming the this cluster.

How can i configure my hosts file and during clusterware installation what entries should i make for hosts and interfaces. Can this be done in 10g or will have to switch to 11g.

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Oracle RAC And DR Node Configuration?

Jul 19, 2010

We are in the design phase of a project and wanting to implement a 4 node RAC with a DR site. However to get around some licensing costs, management are insisting that only 1 node be up accepting data at the DR site. In the event of a disaster, the remaining nodes will be switched on.

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Oracle RAC Listener Configuration

Dec 6, 2010

i have installed oracle 11g r2 rac with 2 nodes. i want to configure the client side load balancing and server side load balancing. For the client side load balancing the i have configured with the


and to configure server side load balancing i have modified the service as follows:

execute (DBMS_SERVICE.MODIFY_SERVICE (service_name=>'service_name', clb_goal=>DBMS_SERVICE.CLB_GOAL_SHORT);

now i have few questions:
1. for the server side load balancing do we have to configure the REMOTE_LISTENER on each node so that the instance on each node registers with the listeners on other node.
2. if we have 3 nodes does this mean that we have to configure the REMOTE_LISTENER on 3 nodes to register with the listeners on the other remaining 2 nodes.
3. does the listener have to be registered with the vip network address (where the clients usually use to connect).

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How To Collect Oracle 11g DB Configuration

Oct 28, 2013

I newly joined Oracle 11g DB related project.That oracle environment own our customer and we have only limited time and access to that DB.

 I could login that database by SQLPlus by sys user as sysdba but I do not know any DB configurations. How could I  collect Oracle 11g DB configuration information from SQLPlus ?

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Application Express :: 4.2 Configuration With Oracle EBS R12

May 21, 2013

Tried installing APEX 4.2 with Oracle EBS 12.1.3. I have installed APEX into the Oracle EBS database (

I am trying to install the APEX listener on the Web Tier however it starts the listener and gives the url as


Is there a way to set this with actual hostname of the server.

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Windows :: Oracle 10g Installation - No Configuration Setup

Feb 6, 2013

I have installed oracle 10g in D drive . The installation says it is successful, without asking the database name or the password . I have followed the steps given in the attached file .

However it is not asking the database name or password ( no configuration set up is appearing for the user to interact with the system ) . So, after installation I can not give the username and password .

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RAC & Failsafe :: Two Node - Configuration On Oracle Virtual Box

Mar 27, 2013

I am configuring two node RAC on oracle virtual box. Did its mandatory to configure DNS on both nodes before Rac installation? Whats the purpose of DNS in RAC. And if its mandatory did i have to configure DNS on each node separately?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC 11G - Service Configuration?

Jul 9, 2012

I have been reading a lot of documentation regarding oracle services and I have an ok understanding of how they work. However, I have a general question regarding configuring services using Oracle RAC. For instance, if I have a 2 node oracle 11GR2 RAC on a Linux Redhat server. I have an application that connects to a service I have created. I create the service as follows.

srvctl add service -d ORCL_RAC -s APP_SERVICE -r ORCL_RAC1,ORCL_RAC2

The tnsnames contains:



My questions are as follows:

1) When I do a 'srvctl status service -d ORCL_RAC', should I see the service running on both nodes of the RAC? Or does it run only one node, then it will fail over to the other when needed?
2) If I have a RAC environment where I see two services created (RAC_SRV1 and RAC_SRV2). I see that RAC_SRV1 is only running on node1 and RAC_SRV2 is only running on node2. There are two applications sharing the same database, one application is using RAC_SRV1 and the other application is using RAC_SRV2. Am I correct in thinking that there is no failover available here? If node1 goes down, the application connecting to RAC_SRV1 will not be able to connect to node2 right?
3) In the case of the scenario in question 2 above, would it be best practise to simply create one service and have both applications connecting to the one service? Could I configure the one service to point connections from one application to node1 and connections from the other application to node2?

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Oracle Database On RHEL 6.1 - OS Network Configuration

Jul 11, 2012

we are running Oracle database on RHEL 6.1.

Should we join the above machine to an existing Windows 2003 (Active Directory) Domain? or Configure it as a standalone Server?.

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Networking And Gateways :: Oracle Net Services Configuration Failed

Jul 10, 2008

when iam running netca on oracle llg iam getting the following error..[wstdba@ora11g ~]$ netca /oraeng/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/app/oracle11g/cfgtoollogs/netca/netca_OraDb11g_home1-0802284PM3437.log (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at Source)

Oracle Net Services configuration failed. The exit code is -1...All my services are up and running..

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RAC & Failsafe :: Create Setup On Oracle 10.2 Through NFS Cluster Configuration

Jun 29, 2012

I am trying to create a rac setup on oracle 10.2. through NFS cluster configuration .i succeeded with the installtion of cluster configuarion and installation of oracle software ,but when i am trying to create database ,

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Server Administration :: Database Configuration Assistant Not Working In Oracle 8.1.7?

Jan 26, 2010

Data Base Configuration assistant for create new database not working in oracle 8.1.7 in windows server 2000 / server 2003 how can i create new database

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RAC & Failsafe :: Failed To Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration?

Sep 18, 2008

The installation of CRS is successfull & at end it ask to execute 2 scripts on both nodes i.e. and

When the scripts are executed,the execution of is successfull , but give following error:

[root@rac2host crs]# ./
WARNING: directory '/home/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory 'home/oracle' is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.


Is this concerned with permissions on OCR, Voting Disk.

the ./cluvy shows the cluster is valid.

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Failure

Feb 1, 2012

I m using Windows Vista Business 32 bit , Oracle

while running my setup so many time i got same error each and every time Error:12560 TNS Protocol Adapter error and it shows me i attached my screen shot with my thread , and remember i already installed earlier but at that time there was no error and successfully installed, i removed the total software before installing and i also removed my environment variable and after getting this Database Configuration Assistant failure there is no service is started regarding my database.. I also tried manually but there also i got some other problem if by Database Configuration Assistant it ll b solved then it ll be good for me.

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RAC & Failsafe :: 11g Oracle Grid Cluster Software Configuration - Getting Error?

Jan 31, 2013

While installing 11g oracle grid cluster software. I am getting below error.

[INS-40724] No locally defined network interface matches the SCAN VIP subnet.

i have given scan name as scan-cluster.invent

host-name virtual ip name
rac3 rac3-vip
rac5 rac5-vip

I am able to ping rac3 and rac5 from both nodes.

MY /etc/host file look like this. rac3 rac3-priv rac3-vip rac5


ssh connectivity everything works fine.

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Server Administration :: Database Configuration Assistant Doesn't Work Oracle 8.0.5

Mar 28, 2010

I've installed without problems Oracle 8.0.5 on WS 2003. After installation I've created 8 databases, with the utility Database Configuration Assistant (dbassist, executed by launch80.exe).

After that, the DBAssist doesn't run anymore.

I've tried EVERYTHING. And I have no success, Im stuck. And I need to create several databases.

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OEM Configuration In 11g?

Apr 6, 2011

I installed oracle in redhat linux 5 using silent installation(using response file). Then i created a database manualy. While configuring the OEM, iam getting below error messages..

[oracle@meldc1~]$ emca -config dbcontrol db
STARTED EMCA at Apr 6, 2011 11:36:43 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright © 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.


I configured listner,tnsnames and sqlnet files and able to login to oracle database using listner.

before executing emca -config dbcontrol db, i have executed emca -repos create to create a oem repository and repository got created successfully.

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Reg The Configuration Of Listener On OEM?

Jul 24, 2012

We have a listener with the password set to it. We are trying to configure that listener to the OEM grid. However, its not getting configured. The status shows as down.

However, when we try to set up without the password, we are able to configure it on the OEM console.

Need to understand, that if passwords are set to the listener; then won't that get configured over the OEM. or is there something where we are lacking.

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OLE DB :: Configuration For VS 2012

Feb 18, 2013

Having below setup : (All this is testing environment)

1.One virtual Machine Guest OS is Windows 8 Pro 64 bit in Oracle Virtual Box
2.In the guest I have Microsoft Visual Studio 64 bit Ultimate Edition
3.Oracle on same host machine windows 7 64 bit

In above Visual studio I wish to use Oracle on same host machine. When I adds sql datasource control, Visual Studio is saying for installation of either one :

(A) Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
(B) Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

So, I downloaded from below link:


and installation run successfully with a message regarding running installAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql after a new installation. My questions are :

1.When I opened command prompt and said sqlplus / as sysdba it is saying ORA-12560.
2.When I says sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl (I created tnsnames.ora) c:app

ishaproduct11.2.0client_1NetworkAdmin with like this :
orcl =

In above HOST = i am giving IP address of host machine on which this VM is installed and this is also oracle server database machine too, on which I am running Oracle database;

so, after few seconds I am getting, ORA-12154.

How do I connect my orcl database which is running on the same host machine by using above configurations. My virtual machine is visible from other machines as well as oracle database machine too i.e. ping to VM IP is working fine.

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RAC & Failsafe :: ASM Configuration For Servers?

Jul 8, 2011

I get following error when i'm configuring ASM.

I'm using Enterprise Linux and Oracle

[root@RAC1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep asm

only these two packages in my server. should i have to install oracleasmlib??

[root@RAC1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure
Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.

This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM librarydriver. The following questions will determine whether the driver isloaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current valueswill be shown in brackets ('[]'). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.

Default user to own the driver interface []: oracle
Default group to own the driver interface []: dba
Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]: y
Fix permissions of Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: y
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: [ OK ]
[B]Loading module "oracleasm": Unable to load module "oracleasm"

I don't have this package in my installation cd, when i searched in the web i could not find

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Smtp Mail Configuration?

Nov 23, 2010

I have created a procedure and i am scheduling the procedure to run in dbms jobs. In the procedure, i am using UTL_SMTP connection to receive mail everything is working fine it. In the receipent if i give one email id it is working fine. if i give multiple email id in it am getting error.

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Configuration Duplicate Session ID

Oct 29, 2012

I am getting a duplicate SID (ABC1 (2)) on UNIX. I have checked all the possibilities how to remove it but unable to find it. As you you see below:

/oraclehome/oracle10g/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_ABC1 -inherit

(ORACLE_HOME = /oraclehome/oracle10g)



ls -lad /orahome/ora10g/dbs/initABC1 (2).ora

ls -lad /orahome/ora10g/dbs/initABC1 (2).ora ; echo ;
/bin/sh: 0403-057 Syntax error: `(' is not expected.

what to need to do to avoid this duplication? Is it something wrong with Oracle Listener.ora as it have two listeners (ABC and ABC1) that might be causing duplication?

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11gR1 Memory Configuration?

Oct 10, 2012

Specs are as follows:
Linux kernel 2.6.18-274.12.1.el5
Total physical memory - 96G

Oracle version:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production (Standard Edition)

I am having trouble making my spfile parameters take effect and would like to set them manually. Disk reads are very slow, so I thought I would look at the db_cache_size in the spfile:
But, when I look at the parameter via 'show parameter cache':
db_cache_size big integer 0

Digging deeper, I noticed none of my <INSTANCE>.__ parameters match the values returned from 'show parameter'. Most of my concern is sga_target & pga_aggregate_target both being zero.

My memory targets:
memory_max_target big integer 49G
memory_target big integer 49G

I would like to increase the db_cache_size in an attempt to reduce the table scan time.

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Standard Configuration That Uses Built-in Apache

Jul 1, 2010

This error occurs while trying to print a report in a PDF format using Oracle Application Express 3.0. I'm not sure what this means and how to fix it. I'm running Oracle 10g on Windows Vista.

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1186
ORA-12570: TNS: packet reader failure

This is the first time I'm attempting to print to a PDF. I did follow configuration according to the Oracle documentation. I selected the Standard configuration that uses the built-in Apache FOP or another standard XSL-FO processing engine.

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Listener Configuration Terminates Abruptly

Jan 6, 2010

We have an oracle server on windows. It was working fine till today but now it is giving an error. When i try to add a listener configuration using net configuration assistant, it terminates abruptly without givng the finish button. Why does this happen?

I am not able to open the link


It gives an error "Oops! This link appears to be broken"

How can we solve this?

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Enterprise Manager Configuration Failed

Jul 29, 2013

when i install a db using the Assistant Configuartion Database i get no error exept this:

Enterprise manager configuration failed due to the following error - Listener is not up. Start the listener and run EM configuration again. Refer to the log file at C:\Oracle\cfgtoollogs\dbca\emConfig. Log for more details. You can retry configuring this database with Enterprise Manager later by manually running C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\bin\emca script.

So I try lsnrctl start and i get:

C:\Windows\system32>lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 29-LUG-2013 10:26:25
Copyright © 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
TNS-01106: Il listener con nome LISTENER � stato gi� avviato

So I try lsnrctl status and i get:

C:\Windows\system32>lsnrctl status
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 29-LUG-2013 10:23:34
Copyright © 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.


The file "server.xml" in E:\app\Andrea.Rimoldi\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\j2ee\OC4J_DBConsole\config\ does not exist...

Is there any way to retrieve or recover this file?

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Windows :: Stuck At Configuration Process?

Jul 20, 2012

The problem is, while installing the Oracle Form and Report 11G R2, my installation got stuck on step 15, i.e configuration progress. Waited for 3hrs and still no progress.

Installing on Win 7 64-Bit, with 4gb ram.
Installed Weblogic Server 10.3.5 64bit(using JDK).

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Data Guard :: Configuration For New Server?

Aug 23, 2011

tell me about data guard accommodate with 11g database standard additions or not if no,is there any way to make it working under this edition?one more thing may i have the steps of configuration data guard in real time for anew server.

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Client Tools :: Listener Configuration?

Sep 5, 2012

i have added a new listner on new port on my window 7 system for oracle version and registered some test databases to this new listner , then i am able to access my databases through the toad because i have changed port number in tns entry, but not able to login by sqlplus. is i am missing something? should i have to restart the system or restart the all databases?

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XE :: Database Configuration Failed Error?

Jun 27, 2013

Running a Dell x86_64 machine using CentOS 6.4 Install using the command: rpm -ivh oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpmOracle XE installs without any errors.

 However: When during database configuration we get the Database Configuration failed error The logs all show similar errors, here's a snippet: Create controlfile reuse set database "XE"*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableProcess ID: 0Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0    BEGIN dbms_backup_restore.zerodbid(0); END;  *ERROR at line

1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableProcess ID: 0Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0    ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableORA-27101: shared memory realm does not existLinux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directoryORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENERORA-00130: invalid listener address '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)('Create controlfile reuse set database "XE"*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableProcess ID: 0Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0    alter system enable restricted session*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not availableProcess ID: 0Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0    alter database "XE" open resetlogs*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

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