Data Guard :: Configuration For New Server?

Aug 23, 2011

tell me about data guard accommodate with 11g database standard additions or not if no,is there any way to make it working under this edition?one more thing may i have the steps of configuration data guard in real time for anew server.

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ORA 16009 - Data Guard Configuration Seems To Be Working

Apr 26, 2007

just realised the data guard configuration seems to be workin but the error kepps appearing on the alert log of both primary and physical standby that i configured. below is my primary and standby pfiles.


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Data Guard :: Physical Standby Configuration

Mar 10, 2011

I did the all necessary steps required for the physical standby configuration. My standby db is mounted but not able to open.

Below are the steps.

SQL> startup mount

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1845493760 bytes

Fixed Size 2021568 bytes
Variable Size 452986688 bytes
Database Buffers 1375731712 bytes
Redo Buffers 14753792 bytes
Database mounted.


System altered.


System altered.


Database altered.

SQL> recover managed standby database cancel;
Media recovery complete.
SQL> alter database open read only;
alter database open read only
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery
ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u002/app/OraDB10g/stdemo/oradata/system01.dbf'

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcrfrsetnab_found], [1], [136], [],
[], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcrfrgv_scn7], [], [], [], [], [],
[], []


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kccocx_01], [], [], [], [], [], [],

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Data Guard :: EM (DB Console) Configuration After Switchover?

Dec 20, 2012

I have this scenario:

- Oracle
- RHEL 4.6 64 bits
- Active Data Guard
- Broker configured
- DBconsole configured on primary server

Now, I have server PRIM with the primary database, and server STB with the standby server. For now, the dbconsole is configured in the PRIM server.When I do a switchover (to the standby on STB), EM is not configured, so I use to clean the sysman user, and I use emca to recreate the dbconsole. After this, everything works.

Once I switch back, the EM is no longer configured on PRIM, so I repeat the previous steps (repManager and emca). Everything is ok after this. I can access the EM on the primary normaly, and this gets information from the broker to provide basic information on the STB (like db status, apply, and so forth).

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Data Guard :: Stand By REDO Configuration

Jun 5, 2013

DB Version-

For the maximum protection and maximum availability as well as to enable Real Time Apply we need to setup the standby redo log group. My question is what would be the standby redo log group configuration in case if we setup single instance standby database for 2-Node RAC primary database. Do we require a separate standby redo thread for each primary online redo thread or RFS use the Multiple Standby redo group from the same thread to receive the redo changes from both the node ?

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Data Guard :: Primary Not Open After Standby Configuration

Jul 19, 2011

I did standby before and it works wighout any disturbations and even configuration seems to me not very complicated - but it was before. now i am trying to do standby configuration once again. there is database named DESK.

two physical serwers:
sczepl-db07 - primary
r00979 - standby

on each for this serwer there is listener listening on port 1521, and on each is tnsnames configured properly:

for sczepl-db07
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = sczepl-db07)(PORT = 1521))

so why primary don't see standby db and claims that ther is no standby service? i proved that there is connection primary <--> standby.

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Data Guard :: Setup/ Archive Destination Configuration

Mar 28, 2011

We have a request to configure data guard for databases on the production server. Here is my situation:

We have a backup strategy in place where the backups are being taken on a regular basis. Archive logs are deleted as soon as they are backed up.

My question now is , is there a way of configuring the Data guard in such a way that there would be no change to existing backup strategy (RMAN) and still duplicate the archive logs to another destination and not delete the archive logs by RMAN backup process on that destination while the first destination is deleted.

We will be deleting the logs in the second archive destination using a script which checks if the logs were applied.

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Data Guard :: Configuration - Incompatible Media Recovery Is Active

Dec 1, 2011

I have created dataguard between two instances hosted in two different servers. I have done switchover from primary to standby & then again standby to primary with DGMGRL utility.

1- When I done switchover to primary & trying to open standby database in readonly mode it was giving below error-

ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now

Why this error was coming ?

2- As I was not able to open standby database in read only mode, I have executed below command-

alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

which return an error as-

ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active

After this I have executed-

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

which executed successfully.

& then after standby database open in read only mode.

Why above error was coming ?

3- After this I had tried to check the checkpoint_change# & controlfile_change# from primary database and result shows both number were different.

Why they are not matching ?

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Data Guard :: Client Failure Failover / Switchover Standby Configuration?

May 10, 2011

After switchover the primary is now standby and standby is now primary, the clients are unable to connect to new primary database.

TNSNAMES.ora file at client side...


SQL> conn iq/
ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

SQL> conn sys/ as sysdba
SQL> select open_mode from v$database;

SQL> select database_role from v$database;
It's Oracle version....

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Data Guard :: Configuration Show Success Status With 2 Databases On Same (or Local) Location

Apr 9, 2013

I have recently configure Data guard with Database 10g ( bits) on Windows 2007 server.My Data Gurad Configuration show Success status with 2 databases on same (or local) location.My questions are




2- How to check the log applied interval or time (either transaction by transaction, timing etc)

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Data Guard :: Rolling Upgrade Physical Data Guard

Jul 5, 2011

We have physical data guard configured version ( We are in need to upgrade primary & standby database to 11G R2. Can we perform rolling upgrade.

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Data Guard :: Check RFS Server Is Working

Oct 27, 2007

Is RFS an background process.How do I check if its working or not.Can I stop and start RFS.

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Data Guard :: Query Regarding Standby Server

Oct 25, 2011

I want to know that what will happen when I will resize database file from 32G to 5G on primary server or add file to tablespace. Will standby server do the same automatically or I have to to something with standby server?

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Data Guard :: Logical Standby On Windows Server 2008

Sep 8, 2010

Can i create logical_stand_by for windows server 2008, the primary data base is HP UX , both operating systems are 64 bits and data bases are Oracle 10g

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Data Guard :: Create Standby Server (High Availability)

Sep 6, 2010

I have a Database of Size approx 150GB. I want to create a standby server(High Availability).

1)If our Primary Database crash, the standy server should instantly start automatically i.e no down time.

2)There should be no data loss.

3)Are Data Guard and Replication similar?

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Data Guard :: Setting Up Physical Standby On Server With Different Structure

Jun 28, 2012

I am having a few issues trying to set up a physical standby database.

The primary database has a different naming structure than the standby and they are at different sites.

Physical is /var/hpsrp/ctrorp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME> and standby is /var/hpsrp/drforp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME>.

I have set db_file_name_convert to '<PRIMARY PATH>', '<STANDBY PATH>' times the number of paths as pairs. I have created a blank database for standby and having taken a full backup of primary with control file and standby control file.

Now I hit the issues:

The DB incarnation numbers are different. When I try and do a normal restore e.g. set dbid, restore controlfile; mount; it fails as it is trying to find files in the primary structure and not standby structure. When I try renaming via set newname or auxname it can't find files to restore I guess due to the incarnation id's. If I set the incarnation id and try to restore backup it fails as the incarnation id's don't match.

I have tried looking through various forums and the documentation but can't find a solution, probably can't see the wood for the trees though as there is so much.

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Data Guard :: How To Know Current Active Guard Settings In Standby Database

Oct 17, 2012

Controlling User Access to Tables in a Logical Standby Database can be controlled using the following command:


My simple question is: how can I know the current active Guard setting in the standby database?

Oracle 11g R2.

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Data Guard :: Error Occurred During Initial DB Duplicate To Standby Server?

Mar 20, 2008

i have setup the OEM-Dataguard in order to duplicate the DB instance from the primary to the standby DB in the standby server.At first I installed oracle server in Server A (Primary) created DB instance of SCT, in archivelog mode and then I install the oracle binary in Server B (standby) and made 2 servers ORACLE_HOME the same and also I installed OEM agents on the 2 servers and registered successfully to the OEM server.

I then used the dataguard to do the initial backup of the DB in server A and but when I specify the standby DB location, it prompt me the following error.


Examine and correct the following error(s), then retry the operation.
Remote Operation Error - Internal error occured

Add Standby Database: Database Location

Primary Database SCT
Primary Host Ent
Step 3 of 6

Standby Database

* Instance Name The instance name (also referred to as the SID) must be unique on the standby host. Database Storage File SystemRaw Devices Choose whether the database files will be put on a conventional file system or on raw devices.

Standby Host Credentials

Enter the credentials of the user who owns the Oracle installation in the Oracle Home selected below.
* Username
* Password

Standby Database Location

The standby database can be created in any Oracle Home that has been discovered by Enterprise Manager. Only Oracle Homes on hosts that match the operating system of the primary host are shown. Select the Oracle Home in which to create the standby database.

Search For Host
Select Host Oracle Home Oracle Server Version Operating System Operating System Version
Ent /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10
Ent_standby /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 SunOS 5.10

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Data Guard :: Change Server B To Standby Database With A Running As Primary

Oct 4, 2010

I new to data guard concept.

I am using oracle 10g with data guard configured , I have primary ( A ) and standby database ( B ) .But because of some unavoidable conditions the primary database ( A ) got shutdown and was not starting , We shifted the standby database ( B ) at new location and changed it to primary with following command ,

startup mount;
alter database recover managed standby database finish;
alter database commit to switchover to physical primary;

This new primary ( B ) was open for end users for 2 days during which old primary ( A ) was shutdown .

I took the backup of ( B ) and restored it on A AND shutdown the B . Now A is acting as Primary database. Server B is shutdown . I want to change server B to standby database with A running as Primary .Is it possible ?

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Uploading Configuration Data To The Repository

Jan 25, 2013

I am running emca -config all db -repos recreate command and recreating the repository. Doing so I am getting error while uploading the repository. The Drop and Create is going fine. The exception that I am getting is :

CONFIG: Error uploading configuration data to the repository
oracle.sysman.emdrep.config.ConfigurationException: FATAL Configuration Exceptions

     at oracle.sysman.emdrep.config.EMSchemaConfiguration.perform(
     at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig.uploadConfigDataToRepository(
     at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig.invoke(


And the emca config file is showing exception with i18N jar file.

oracle.sysman.emdrep.config.EMSchemaConfiguration$ConfigInstance run
SEVERE: null
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(


Exception Occured during Execution of oracle.sysman.emdrep.util.TransxWrapper

why this exception is coming while uploading the reporsitory.

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Networking And Gateways :: Shared Or Dedicated Server - Configuration

Feb 6, 2012

I've below questions about my raised topic.

1. How would I know whether I'm running Shared Server or Dedicated Server?
2. How to configure Shared Server?
3. How to configure Dedicated Server?
4. How Can I use both these connection types with one database?

I mean one session with dedicated and one with shared at the same time.

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Server Administration :: Database Configuration Assistant Not Working In Oracle 8.1.7?

Jan 26, 2010

Data Base Configuration assistant for create new database not working in oracle 8.1.7 in windows server 2000 / server 2003 how can i create new database

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Server Administration :: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Failure

Feb 1, 2012

I m using Windows Vista Business 32 bit , Oracle

while running my setup so many time i got same error each and every time Error:12560 TNS Protocol Adapter error and it shows me i attached my screen shot with my thread , and remember i already installed earlier but at that time there was no error and successfully installed, i removed the total software before installing and i also removed my environment variable and after getting this Database Configuration Assistant failure there is no service is started regarding my database.. I also tried manually but there also i got some other problem if by Database Configuration Assistant it ll b solved then it ll be good for me.

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Server Administration :: Database Configuration Assistant Doesn't Work Oracle 8.0.5

Mar 28, 2010

I've installed without problems Oracle 8.0.5 on WS 2003. After installation I've created 8 databases, with the utility Database Configuration Assistant (dbassist, executed by launch80.exe).

After that, the DBAssist doesn't run anymore.

I've tried EVERYTHING. And I have no success, Im stuck. And I need to create several databases.

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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database (dataguard)

Jan 16, 2013

i have configured physical standby in my local system, to check logshipping i created a table at primary db, wen i tried to check in standby, it says table does not exist..below are primary & standby alert entries..

Primary alert log

Fatal NI connect error 12514, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= ed)(CID=(PROGRAM=d:oracle11gappadministratorproduct11.1.0db_1inORACLE.EXE)(HOST=A960M)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVER=dedicated)))
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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Data Guard :: Changing Dbname / Sid / Data / Control File Locations?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to change dbname,sid,data/control file locations in operational dataguard setup i plan to follow as below

1)shutdown primary and standby (stop managed recovery)

2)change db name in init.ora of primary and standby change database name control file location

3)create control file for primary from trace(script) make changes for db name and file locations

4)mount and open primary database

5)create standby control file

6) transfer standby control file to standby

7) mount stand by database and start manage recovery

If this steps will error free do i need to follow any thing additional to this or what is other best way for this or its not possible at all

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Data Guard :: Buffer Busy Waits On UNDO Data In Active DG

Feb 24, 2013

Oracle Version:
Active Dataguard

Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
  End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
   Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)

Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ?

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Data Guard :: DATA FILES IN Storage Area Network (SAN)

Mar 29, 2011

I am working in a bank as an system consultant, i have a SAN Storage Area and oracle as below.


This interface includes the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace


SAN1 Mirrors the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace to SAN 2

1. Can i rely on real time data recovery from SAN2 ?
2. if SAN1 (Data Files are currupted) will the SAN2 Data Files will be currupted as well.
3. If the SAN2 is currupted then what Oracle Features can be used to have uncurrupted data.

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Data Guard :: ORA-01157 / Cannot Identify / Lock Data File 1

Jul 23, 2010

i did everything writen but when i do *SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;*

i go and look in the standby database AlertLog file ,and thats whats writen

*ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: غير قادر على فتح الملف
O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.


strange thing that it realises the primary database in drive F and it goes to it but i dont understand what could be the reason of this ,although im doing this command while primary database is shutdown!

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Data Guard :: ORA-01354 / Supplemental Log Data Must Be Added To Run This Command

May 2, 2012

I configure logical standby online .when I execute dbms_logstdby.buid,first


it was blcoked by other sesson,then i kill the holding session,but no work.then i cancel this step and execute it again . the error is

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01354: Supplemental log data must be added to run this command
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3669
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3755
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_D", line 12
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_INTERNAL_LOGSTDBY", line 370
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGSTDBY", line 157


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