Data Guard :: Configuration Show Success Status With 2 Databases On Same (or Local) Location
Apr 9, 2013
I have recently configure Data guard with Database 10g ( bits) on Windows 2007 server.My Data Gurad Configuration show Success status with 2 databases on same (or local) location.My questions are
2- How to check the log applied interval or time (either transaction by transaction, timing etc)
SNRCTL> stat LISTENER Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=LISTENER))) STATUS of the LISTENER ------------------------ Alias LISTENER Version TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production Start Date 19-JAN-2013 00:50:10 Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 29 min. 51 sec Trace Level off Security ON: Local OS Authentication [code]....
In every oracle documentation for e.g:11.2 Scan and Node TNS Listener Setup Examples [ID 1070607.1] we found the local listener status showing both local-ip and vip. Why is not showing in our case?
I tried a Data Guard setup on Oracle Databases (version, on RHEL)
Primary Database is db5 Standby Database is db6
By the time I created standby database, 3 archivelogs (sequence 11,12,13) were generated on primary which I copied over to standby database server
Now while querying v$archive_gap on the primary database these archivelogs aren't listed However at the same time querying v$archived_log on either Primary or Standby Database also does not list them
1) In such case do I need to register these archivelogs on standby database? Or else do I catalog these archivelogs on standby database?
Also as soon as standby database is started in recovery mode as a part of setup, 1 archivelog (sequence 14) was shown on standby
Now this archivelog has different path than the archivelogs generated later (sequence 15, 16)and v$archived_log shows it is generated as a part of FAL request (FAL=YES)
Question are
1) why it was FALed while redo apply services were active?
2) why this particular archivelog only which is part of FAL request is generated at different location
Does it generate at standby_archive_dest rather than FRA when FAL=YES?
3) why subsequent archivelogs are not part of FAL request or FAL request wasn't needed for subsequent archivelogs?
tell me about data guard accommodate with 11g database standard additions or not if no,is there any way to make it working under this edition?one more thing may i have the steps of configuration data guard in real time for anew server.
I'm using oracle on windows 2003. I've implemented physical stanby and it was working fine until last week. No problem on primary DB. Archived logs are sent normally to standby. And standby DB is also able to apply the archived logs coming from primary. I've already check data on standby DB after opening it with READ ONLY option : data are exported normally and I can read them.
The issue is the status of logs in view v$log on standby database.
select group#,status from v$log; group# status 1 clearing_current 2 clearing 3 clearing
I've tried this :
On standby DB :
SQL> RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL; Media recovery complete. SQL> alter database open read only;
complete. SQL> alter database clear logfile group 1; Database altered. SQL> alter database clear logfile group 2; Database altered. SQL> alter database clear logfile group 3; Database altered.
just realised the data guard configuration seems to be workin but the error kepps appearing on the alert log of both primary and physical standby that i configured. below is my primary and standby pfiles.
System altered.
System altered.
Database altered.
SQL> recover managed standby database cancel; Media recovery complete. SQL> alter database open read only; alter database open read only * ERROR at line 1: ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u002/app/OraDB10g/stdemo/oradata/system01.dbf'
- Oracle - RHEL 4.6 64 bits - Active Data Guard - Broker configured - DBconsole configured on primary server
Now, I have server PRIM with the primary database, and server STB with the standby server. For now, the dbconsole is configured in the PRIM server.When I do a switchover (to the standby on STB), EM is not configured, so I use to clean the sysman user, and I use emca to recreate the dbconsole. After this, everything works.
Once I switch back, the EM is no longer configured on PRIM, so I repeat the previous steps (repManager and emca). Everything is ok after this. I can access the EM on the primary normaly, and this gets information from the broker to provide basic information on the STB (like db status, apply, and so forth).
For the maximum protection and maximum availability as well as to enable Real Time Apply we need to setup the standby redo log group. My question is what would be the standby redo log group configuration in case if we setup single instance standby database for 2-Node RAC primary database. Do we require a separate standby redo thread for each primary online redo thread or RFS use the Multiple Standby redo group from the same thread to receive the redo changes from both the node ?
I did standby before and it works wighout any disturbations and even configuration seems to me not very complicated - but it was before. now i am trying to do standby configuration once again. there is database named DESK.
two physical serwers: sczepl-db07 - primary r00979 - standby
on each for this serwer there is listener listening on port 1521, and on each is tnsnames configured properly:
I have one primary database server and one physical standby database serve. but i am unable to fix "ORA-16607" while enabling configuration. during log switch redo data is being applied to the phy standby side but some thing wrong happens in BROKER
here are details........about my configuration
Primary database name PRIM Physical Database Name STAN net service PRIM net service STAN
DGMGRL> show configuration
Configuration Name: test Enabled: YES Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Databases: prim - Primary database stan - Physical standby database
Current status for "test": Warning: ORA-16607: one or more databases have failed
====================================================== Alert log file First para show no problem for for redo to be transmitted to stndby ====================================================== LNS1 started with pid=48, OS id=5408 Thu Sep 21 21:32:03 2006 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 59 Current log# 1 seq# 59 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRIM/redo01.log
We have a request to configure data guard for databases on the production server. Here is my situation:
We have a backup strategy in place where the backups are being taken on a regular basis. Archive logs are deleted as soon as they are backed up.
My question now is , is there a way of configuring the Data guard in such a way that there would be no change to existing backup strategy (RMAN) and still duplicate the archive logs to another destination and not delete the archive logs by RMAN backup process on that destination while the first destination is deleted.
We will be deleting the logs in the second archive destination using a script which checks if the logs were applied.
I have one primary database and one physical standby database on my data guard environment.
Now i want one more physical standby database in my data guard environment, meaning i want 2 physical standby. since this is a production environment, i need to take great care. However, downtime will be mandatory.
[u]init.ora for production:[/u]
pup2.__db_cache_size=6241124352 pup2.__java_pool_size=33554432 pup2.__large_pool_size=134217728 pup2.__oracle_base='/oracle/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment pup2.__pga_aggregate_target=5771362304 [code]......
init.ora for my first primary standby
pup2.__db_cache_size=6509559808 pup2.__java_pool_size=33554432 pup2.__large_pool_size=67108864 pup2.__oracle_base='/oracle/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment pup2.__pga_aggregate_target=5502926848 [code].......
I have created dataguard between two instances hosted in two different servers. I have done switchover from primary to standby & then again standby to primary with DGMGRL utility.
1- When I done switchover to primary & trying to open standby database in readonly mode it was giving below error-
ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now
Why this error was coming ?
2- As I was not able to open standby database in read only mode, I have executed below command-
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
which return an error as-
ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active
After this I have executed-
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
which executed successfully.
& then after standby database open in read only mode.
Why above error was coming ?
3- After this I had tried to check the checkpoint_change# & controlfile_change# from primary database and result shows both number were different.
Is it possible to detect the status of Hide / Show Region.
I have three hide/show regions RX,RY,RZ. When an event EX happens, then region RX should expand and the rest of the region should collapse. When an event EY happens, then region RY should expand and the rest of the region should collapse. ........ ... We can use this JS on DA to change the status of a region:
I Have configured the replication between two database's at table level. After few miniuts of successful configuration of replication between two db's at table level, I am getting the ORA-00001: unique constraint (%s_PK) violated error in dba_apply_error.
I checked constraint name,type and status on table replicated is same on both source and destination db.
We have physical data guard configured version ( We are in need to upgrade primary & standby database to 11G R2. Can we perform rolling upgrade.
We have taken export expdp backup from prod database (primary database- Data Guard).
1.) Import impdp is very slow 10GB/Hrs on staging database (Data Guard MAXIMUM AVAILBILITY)Since Server configuration, database version and configuration, operating system everything are same as production. No blocking, locking or waiting sessions
2.)import impdp is fast 90GB/Hrs on Test standalone database and this test database is running in NOARCHIVE LOG mode with oracle standard version after that no more difference.
CPU,Memory,network and disk I/O are look normal while importing on both databases.why that much difference on import.
i m just trying to create materialized view but cant success.
conn sys user sql > alter system set optimizer_mode = all_rows; alter system set job_queue_processes = 1; alter system set query_rewrite_enabled = true; alter system set query_rewrite_integrity = enforced;
step 2> grant query rewrite to scott; grant create materialized view to scott; alter session set query_rewrite_enabled = true; [code]...
ERROR at line 6: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
I have the task to migrate the total databases(Exact copy to be moved to another server).The current server is going for format.After I did the following steps I am getting the tablespaces(databases)-4 sizes same ,but I am facing issue like some default tablespaces i.e temp,system are not matching.
temp tablespace *************** current server - 4.0(approximately) Migrating server - 160 MB
System tablespace ***************** current server - 580 MB Migrating server - 220 MB
Also I checked the tables are also matching for the 4 databases.Also Provide the solution or method which is correct.
steps done for migrating(By me) ******************************** EXPORTING DATA USING DATAPUMP *********************************
1 From command prompt MKDIR 'c:oraclexeapp mp';
2 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;
3 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';
4 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;
5 From command prompt
expdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=expdpxe.log; IMPORTING DATA USING DATAPUMP ***************************** in another server machine
1 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;
2 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';
I need any good suggestion basically I have two different location
1- Factory 2- Head office
I have developed PRODUCTION module in factory and it is working fine and now I want to send data on daily basis to head office therefore I develop a form which will create backup in export format (.dmp) then user will send via email to head office.
Backup file should be save in pre-defined location then user will use a form which I developed for loading data into head office there are two different buttons in this form;
First is used to load data, actually first I load data in a temporary user which creates whenever user will press this button. Second is used to copy data in application user but first it checks if data exists then update otherwise insert.
I am trying to backup my entire database's files :
[oracle@testing-oracle-1 ~]$ rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Jun 24 16:09:54 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: ORCL (DBID=1341263457) RMAN> list backup;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog specification does not match any backup in the repository
RMAN> CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON; new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored RMAN> CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '/u01/app/oracle/backupsets/control_files/cf_%F.BCKP';2>
I see that a backup set was created to "/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_24/" , in spite of my specification.
So I asked RMAN to list all the backups I have:
RMAN> list backup;
List of Backup Sets =================== BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time ------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- 1 41.14M DISK 00:00:00 24-JUN-13 BP Key: 1 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130624T161025 Piece Name: /u01/app/oracle/backupsets/818957425_1_%r.BCKP
Here I see that 4 backup sets have been created.The backup sets 1 & 3 containing the archived redo logs (818957425_1_%r.BCKP and 818957451_3_%r.BCKP) are placed as I wanted in /u01/app/oracle/backupsets/ dir.
The file containing the Control File and Spfile (cf_c-1341263457-20130624-00.BCKP) is placed as I wanted in /u01/app/oracle/backupsets/control_files/ dir.However, The backup set file containing the data files(o1_mf_nnnd0_TAG20130624T161026_8wjkb2tg_.bkp) is placed under the directory /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_24/ ,and I don't understand why.
When I backup my database without the archived redo logs - it is saved correctly:
RMAN> RMAN> delete backup; using channel ORA_DISK_1 List of Backup Pieces BP Key BS Key Pc# Cp# Status Device Type Piece Name
1. Why aren't my data files backed up to the location I specified when I backup using PLUS ARCHIVELOG syntax?
2. Why are my redo logs saved to two different backup sets and not just one?
3. Is there a way to combine backup of all files (data files, control file, spfile, redo logs & arch redo's) in one backup set, one file?
By clicking on a button on my page, I execute a Dynamic Action. That Dynamic Action consists of several True Actions, one of which is Execute PL/SQL code where I execute a procedure. I'm doing this without submitting the page, and that works fine.
However, I would like to display an error message on the top of the page, in case my procedure returns an error, and I would like to do that without submitting the page.
I was wondering if there is any way to know in which Tablespace and Datafile my Table is located. I have exported a table and about to delete it as i am partitioning it.
I have a requirement like, I received .dat files and placed in my local directory and there is a process/method where this data which is there in .dat file will insert into my oracle external tables?Any link of the example with clear steps?