Data Guard :: CLEARING Status For Logs?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm using oracle on windows 2003. I've implemented physical stanby and it was working fine until last week. No problem on primary DB. Archived logs are sent normally to standby. And standby DB is also able to apply the archived logs coming from primary. I've already check data on standby DB after opening it with READ ONLY option : data are exported normally and I can read them.

The issue is the status of logs in view v$log on standby database.

select group#,status from v$log;
group# status
1 clearing_current
2 clearing
3 clearing

I've tried this :

On standby DB :

Media recovery complete.
SQL> alter database open read only;

SQL> alter database clear logfile group 1;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database clear logfile group 2;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database clear logfile group 3;
Database altered.

SQL> select * from v$log;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------------
------------- ---------
1 1 0 5242880 1 YES CURRENT
1096021 25-OCT-11
2 1 0 5242880 1 YES UNUSED
1087538 25-OCT-11
3 1 0 5242880 1 YES UNUSED
1091468 25-OCT-11

I go back into recovery mode and my status says clearing_current.

Database altered.
SQL> select * from v$log;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------------
------------- ---------
1 1 517 5242880 1 YES CLEARING_CURRENT
1096021 25-OCT-11
3 1 0 5242880 1 YES UNUSED
1091468 25-OCT-11
2 1 0 5242880 1 YES UNUSED
1087538 25-OCT-11

I know that the good status is ACTIVE or CURRENT or INACTIVE...

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Data Guard :: Last Archived Logs Information

Aug 5, 2011

Is there any way to find out the last archived file's:

A) sequence no
B) Date and time
C) As well as the log group name.

I have 4 Log group.

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Data Guard :: Deleting Logs In Standby

Jan 27, 2011

I've a primary database and a physical standby.Logs are shipping perfectly from primary to standby.The logs that are applied on the standby are getting stored in a mount point(LINUX-/opt2) which consumes more space(160 GB). Will that be right if I go ahead and delete them?

My rman configurations in primary is:

RMAN> show all;

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

RMAN configuration parameters are:



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Data Guard :: Archived Logs Not Applied On Standby But Looks Ok

Jan 11, 2012

I got a database on dataguard and my primary (db1) is shipping files to my standby (db2) with no problems.However, when I query:

select sequence#, status, applied from v$archived_log;

I see this:
---------- - ---
10 A YES
11 A YES
12 A YES
13 A YES
14 A YES

So I did an alter system switch logfile on db1 then looked again and I can see new archived logs being applied.I thought all archived logs had to be applied on the standby since this is the very foundation of the standby database.Am I going to run in trouble later if I have a failover (unsynchronized database)

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Data Guard :: App Archive Logs Which Come From Primary Database?

Feb 16, 2012

If my standby database is read only mode,does it can app the archive logs which come from primary database?

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Data Guard :: Logs Are Not Getting Applied In Standby Database

Sep 5, 2012

I have created a physical standby database and in it the logs are not getting applied.following is an extract of the standby alert log

Wed Sep 05 07:53:59 2012
Media Recovery Log /u01/oracle/oradata/ABC/archives/1_37638_765704228.arc
Error opening /u01/oracle/oradata/ABC/archives/1_37638_765704228.arc
Attempting refetch
Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 37638
Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 37638-37643
Wed Sep 05 07:53:59 2012
RFS[46]: Assigned to RFS process 3081
RFS[46]: Allowing overwrite of partial archivelog for thread 1 sequence 37638
RFS[46]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence *37638* dbid 1723205832 branch 765704228
Wed Sep 05 07:55:34 2012
RFS[42]: Possible network disconnect with primary database

However, the archived files are getting copied to the standby server.I tried registering and recovering the logs but it also failed..Follows some of the information,

Oralce 11R2 EE
SQL> select max(sequence#) from v$log where archived='YES';

troubleshoot this and get the standby in sync.

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Data Guard :: Redo Archive Logs Missing

Apr 23, 2013

While Configuring Data Guard for ORacle 10g ( 64 bits on Windows 2007 Server 64 bits.I got few questions

1. What is the Default mode of Standby Database?

2. Should we Always Start Physical Standby Database to Recover Missing Redo Archive Log?

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 591396864 bytes
Fixed Size 2067496 bytes
Variable Size 163578840 bytes
Database Buffers 419430400 bytes
Redo Buffers 6320128 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
Database altered.

3. When there are missing Redo Log Archives e.g.

----On Standby Database--------


------------ ---------- - ---
812980008 15 A YES
812980008 16 A YES
812980008 17 A YES
812980008 18 A YES

65 rows selected. Log 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are missing.

How to Apply / Recover These Logs on Standby Database?

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Data Guard :: Archive Logs Are Being Shipped But Not Applied

Jun 27, 2013

Currently I am at the point where the configuration has been completed, and I just need to sync the standby database to the primary one. I can see in the log files that the archive logs are being shipped, but they are not applied on the standby system. 

If I run "recover standby database;" manually in sqlplus I can see that it is trying to apply an archive log which is way too old (ORA-00279: change 9656498443 generated at 04/29/2008 08:45:08 needed for thread 1). I

n the alert log I can also see this error: Warning: Recovery target destination is in a sibling branch of the controlfile checkpoint. Recovery will only recover changes to datafiles. 

At this point I was thinking that the standby database might be on a different incarnation compared to the primary, but this is not the case, they are both in incarnation 6:6  6  MVF  4023175798 CURRENT 48493546257 13-06-21 

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Data Guard :: Logs Get Shipped But Not Applied - Due To Primary Database Reset

Jul 22, 2013

I have a Sap Primry Database and also a standby db that was working perfectly.. We migrated the primary db from windows 2003 to windows 2008 and brought the primary db up.. I had to create a controlfile and do a system copy and had to reset the logs on the Primary.. All came up and when i checked the standby it was receiving the logs but after a month. i see that it was not applying the logs as I think because of the sequence number .. it stopped.

I did the ffg as per the attachement...My logs have been shipped across but not applied, But What worrries me is the log sequence number on my Primary

SQL> select max(sequence#),thread# from gv$archived_log group by thread#;

-------------- ----------
27727 1

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Data Guard :: Configuration Show Success Status With 2 Databases On Same (or Local) Location

Apr 9, 2013

I have recently configure Data guard with Database 10g ( bits) on Windows 2007 server.My Data Gurad Configuration show Success status with 2 databases on same (or local) location.My questions are




2- How to check the log applied interval or time (either transaction by transaction, timing etc)

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Data Guard :: Rolling Upgrade Physical Data Guard

Jul 5, 2011

We have physical data guard configured version ( We are in need to upgrade primary & standby database to 11G R2. Can we perform rolling upgrade.

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Data Guard :: How To Know Current Active Guard Settings In Standby Database

Oct 17, 2012

Controlling User Access to Tables in a Logical Standby Database can be controlled using the following command:


My simple question is: how can I know the current active Guard setting in the standby database?

Oracle 11g R2.

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How To Find Time (timestamp) When Data File Status Changed To Recover

Sep 14, 2011

Oracle Database Version :
Some of the datafiles status have been changed to 'RECOVER', because the datafiles are physically missing.

Now, how can i find that when (timestamp) the status of the datafiles have been changed, as i am unable to find when the datafiles have been physically lost?

Please consider both the case :

1) when the database is in ARCHIVELOG Mode.
2) when the database is in NOARCHIVELOG Mode.

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SMON Not Clearing Up Some Transient Types

Dec 5, 2010

All nodes in RAC environment are available.But sessions are not load balanced for one/some of them.

Checking alert log the following oracle errors can be found:

ORA-21779: duration not active
ORA-06512: at line 1

The root cause of the problem is SMON that is not clearning up some transient types.

I've noticed this effect in Oracle 11g release 1, but there is a chance it happens for early Oracle versions.

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Forms :: Clearing The Form After Commit

Aug 25, 2011

Is it possible to clear the form after a successful commit? In order to avoid the user from double posting of record by making double commit.

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Forms :: Clearing The Text Item

Jun 26, 2013

I am working on oracle form to build a login page and i have successfully completed it. But to make it more perfect i want to clear the text_item in which the username and password is entered. i have even raised the alert as well but after closing the alert i want to clear the text item .

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Loop - Two Variables (username / Password) Not Clearing Out?

Apr 15, 2008

The idea of the program below is to create a sql "module" (just a .sql file) that will loop and ask for a user id until the user enters the correct one. Here is the code I have thusfar:

set serveroutput on;
accept username prompt 'Enter user name here: ';
accept password prompt 'Enter password here: ';

usernameCONFIRM VARCHAR(30);
passwordCONFIRM VARCHAR(30);
select USERID into usernameCONFIRM from GAMEUSER where USERID = '&username';


The main problem I'm seeing is that the two variables I ask for (username and password) aren't clearing out.

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Forms :: Clearing Master Records When Query?

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to query a form having two data blocks. one is a master and the other is a detail block. the problem is when i insert data in the form, save it, and press enter query key, the data in the master block fields are still there. while the data in the detail block field are cleared and i can insert values. how to clear data from master block field so i can query

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Application Express :: Clearing Cache From Home Link

Sep 29, 2012

I am using theme 4, topaz. Region_Position_06 is a home link.

I have placed a company graphic at this position on page zero, and when a user clicks it on any page, she exits that page and goes to the home page, a main menu page. So no matter how deep a user may be into the application's pages, she may always click this logo image and return directly to the main menu page.

This is convenient, but there is one problem. Clicking this logo does not clear the cache on the page the user is exiting or, for that matter, on any page in the trail of pages the user took to get to the current page. I navigate primarily with buttons and always clear the cache on a page when I exit it. I need to find a way to do this when a user clicks the logo image.

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Application Express :: Clearing (or NOT) Form Fields After ARP CREATE Or DELETE Operation

Jan 15, 2013

I understand everything -- <gripe> need better Automated Row Fetch (ARF) documentation </gripe>, but I now have CREATE, QUERY, and DELETE working and I can choose to clear the form (or NOT). And I don't claim this is the best or simplest or most-efficient or most straight-forward approach. It's one virtue is that it does seem to work.

I need to be careful state that this involves both Automated Row Processing (ARP) -- which enables INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. And Automated Row Fetch (ARF) -- which enables SELECT. ARF is found under Page Rendering and ARP is found under page processing. As we have seen, the two are -- or can be -- interdependent. For example, I believe the error I talk about next is caused by ARF trying to fetch the record just deleted by ARP.

Starting from the situation of

1) having the values retained on the screen when CREATE is clicked and the record is added and
2) getting a database error after a DELETE of a row, A solution is the "reset" processes. Under Page Rendering add a "reset page" process to: "Clear Cache for all Items on Pages (PageID,PageID,PageID)" and indicate the page with the database operations and under Conditions: When Button Pressed: choose CANCEL, CREATE, DELETE, QUERY or SAVE. I made two of these - one for CREATE and one for DELETE. To cover both buttons, you need two processes as you can only indicate one button per process.

Now the form (screen) is cleared after the CREATE (by process
1). And since it's also cleared after the DELETE (by process
2), there is no Database error on DELETE.

(The source of that error was ARF trying to retrieve the deleted record because the PK field had the "just deleted" key value. This nulls it and I have ARF set not to attempt a fetch when the key field is null.

So, how about that? Burleson has an example here which adds more detail than I recall seeing before.URL>....

I think the DML Fetch Mode settings he shows are new to the ARP screen in 4.2. I don't see them in 4.1.

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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database (dataguard)

Jan 16, 2013

i have configured physical standby in my local system, to check logshipping i created a table at primary db, wen i tried to check in standby, it says table does not exist..below are primary & standby alert entries..

Primary alert log

Fatal NI connect error 12514, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= ed)(CID=(PROGRAM=d:oracle11gappadministratorproduct11.1.0db_1inORACLE.EXE)(HOST=A960M)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVER=dedicated)))
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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Data Guard :: Changing Dbname / Sid / Data / Control File Locations?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to change dbname,sid,data/control file locations in operational dataguard setup i plan to follow as below

1)shutdown primary and standby (stop managed recovery)

2)change db name in init.ora of primary and standby change database name control file location

3)create control file for primary from trace(script) make changes for db name and file locations

4)mount and open primary database

5)create standby control file

6) transfer standby control file to standby

7) mount stand by database and start manage recovery

If this steps will error free do i need to follow any thing additional to this or what is other best way for this or its not possible at all

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Data Guard :: Buffer Busy Waits On UNDO Data In Active DG

Feb 24, 2013

Oracle Version:
Active Dataguard

Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
  End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
   Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)

Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ?

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Data Guard :: DATA FILES IN Storage Area Network (SAN)

Mar 29, 2011

I am working in a bank as an system consultant, i have a SAN Storage Area and oracle as below.


This interface includes the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace


SAN1 Mirrors the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace to SAN 2

1. Can i rely on real time data recovery from SAN2 ?
2. if SAN1 (Data Files are currupted) will the SAN2 Data Files will be currupted as well.
3. If the SAN2 is currupted then what Oracle Features can be used to have uncurrupted data.

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Data Guard :: ORA-01157 / Cannot Identify / Lock Data File 1

Jul 23, 2010

i did everything writen but when i do *SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;*

i go and look in the standby database AlertLog file ,and thats whats writen

*ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: غير قادر على فتح الملف
O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.


strange thing that it realises the primary database in drive F and it goes to it but i dont understand what could be the reason of this ,although im doing this command while primary database is shutdown!

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Data Guard :: ORA-01354 / Supplemental Log Data Must Be Added To Run This Command

May 2, 2012

I configure logical standby online .when I execute dbms_logstdby.buid,first


it was blcoked by other sesson,then i kill the holding session,but no work.then i cancel this step and execute it again . the error is

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01354: Supplemental log data must be added to run this command
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3669
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_INTERNAL", line 3755
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_D", line 12
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_INTERNAL_LOGSTDBY", line 370
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGSTDBY", line 157


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Data Guard :: Data Files Locations On Oracle 11gR2

Jun 15, 2012

I have set up a cross platform (Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) -> Linux x86 64-bit) data guard and it worked fine.Then I did a switch over (which again worked) and found out the data is not getting replicated at all.. checked the data files available from the new primary database and found out they are in the windows format as below..

SQL> select name from v$datafile;


and physically they were created at '/home/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/' and as


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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database

Jan 16, 2013

I configured dataguard in my local system.

1) scn differs wrt primary in standby (i checked, 1day difference), how to make scn same?

2)i created a table in primary, its not refelecting in standby, (below i ve pasted alertlog entries)

ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
Errors in file d:oracle11gappadministratordiag
dbmsstandstand racestand_dbw0_6916.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 2 - see DBWR trace file


3)wen i try to open standby database in read only mode gives below error..

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 1:

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Data Guard :: Data Change In Metro Cluster

Oct 21, 2012

Our organization has recently decided to go for storage metro cluster solution for disaster recovery. In a Data guard environment, we normally calculate how much archive log is generating and based on that value we calculate the required bandwidth.

For storage metro cluster, we need to find how much block is changing in our primary database, and the same rate of change would apply on DR cluster. Now, i need to give the assumption how much changing is happening in my system. How to calculate the change.

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RAC And Data Guard On 11.1?

May 13, 2011

i'm using a mixture of Oracle� Data Guard Concepts and Administration11g Release 1 (11.1) And Bulletin : MAA - Creating a RAC Physical Standby for a RAC Primary 10g ( on oracle support) But neither is comprehensive for what i'm trying to do.

setting up Data Guard Broker on a RAC Data Guard environment?

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