RAC & Failsafe :: ASM Configuration For Servers?

Jul 8, 2011

I get following error when i'm configuring ASM.

I'm using Enterprise Linux and Oracle

[root@RAC1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep asm

only these two packages in my server. should i have to install oracleasmlib??

[root@RAC1 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure
Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.

This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM librarydriver. The following questions will determine whether the driver isloaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current valueswill be shown in brackets ('[]'). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.

Default user to own the driver interface []: oracle
Default group to own the driver interface []: dba
Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]: y
Fix permissions of Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: y
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: [ OK ]
[B]Loading module "oracleasm": Unable to load module "oracleasm"

I don't have this package in my installation cd, when i searched in the web i could not find

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RAC & Failsafe :: Two Node - Configuration On Oracle Virtual Box

Mar 27, 2013

I am configuring two node RAC on oracle virtual box. Did its mandatory to configure DNS on both nodes before Rac installation? Whats the purpose of DNS in RAC. And if its mandatory did i have to configure DNS on each node separately?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Create Setup On Oracle 10.2 Through NFS Cluster Configuration

Jun 29, 2012

I am trying to create a rac setup on oracle 10.2. through NFS cluster configuration .i succeeded with the installtion of cluster configuarion and installation of oracle software ,but when i am trying to create database ,

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RAC & Failsafe :: Failed To Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration?

Sep 18, 2008

The installation of CRS is successfull & at end it ask to execute 2 scripts on both nodes i.e. orainstRoot.sh and root.sh

When the scripts are executed,the execution of orainstRoot.sh is successfull , but root.sh give following error:

[root@rac2host crs]# ./root.sh
WARNING: directory '/home/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory 'home/oracle' is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.


Is this concerned with permissions on OCR, Voting Disk.

the ./cluvy shows the cluster is valid.

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RAC & Failsafe :: 11g Oracle Grid Cluster Software Configuration - Getting Error?

Jan 31, 2013

While installing 11g oracle grid cluster software. I am getting below error.

[INS-40724] No locally defined network interface matches the SCAN VIP subnet.

i have given scan name as scan-cluster.invent

host-name virtual ip name
rac3 rac3-vip
rac5 rac5-vip

I am able to ping rac3 and rac5 from both nodes.

MY /etc/host file look like this. rac3.invent.com rac3 rac3-priv.invent.com rac3-priv rac3-vip.invent.com rac3-vip rac5.invent.com rac5


ssh connectivity everything works fine.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Two Nodes Active / Active Configuration

Oct 15, 2013

I am getting starting with rac environments. I need to configure a two nodes active/active with rac and I need to know if always using rac both nodes will be active or if I have to do that at some point when installing. I have reading some docs from oracle and others authors about rac and its configuration process but that is not understood for my yet.

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Datapump Use In Remote Servers

Nov 19, 2008

We have eight servers. One of them is for centeral management. The other seven is for development and test databases. Every night, we start a process which exports database schemas (without data) into the centeral server. An example of the process we run is just like below:

CODEcd /data1/backup
mknod exp_pipe_oracle1 p
exp user/****@dev file=exp_pipe_oracle1 owner=schema1,schema2,schema3 statistics=none rows=n log=dev.log

As you can see, we use @dev to connect remote database. But dump file is created in local (centeral) server. We are planning to use datapump instead of classic export in future. But I couldn't find a solution, that could take a database export in a remote server and create dump file in local. I have looked at NETWORK_LINK parameter; but it doesn't seem to work for our case.

Is it possible to backup a remote database with datapump and make it create dumpfile in local? (Of course we can use some solutions such as NFS, but we really not prefer this; if datapump has ability to remotly backup.)

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Oracle Grid 12C - Converting All Servers?

Apr 18, 2012

Is the 12c version of the Grid Control only for Oracle Cloud? Not completely sure of exactly what cloud computing is. Looks like a conglomeration of shared resources. Anyway we are converting all of our servers over to vmware virtual machines except the ones we manage in other states. I am upgrading each database to 11 r2 as we convert the servers. Anyway my Grid server is next to convert to a virtual machine. I am using Grid Control now. I want to upgrade to the latest version of the Grid control. 12c seems to stress and boast about managing the "Oracle Cloud" to manage regular single node Oracle servers as well as vmware virtual machines?

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Can VMWare Software Hold Two Servers

Aug 8, 2013

I wanted to practice dataguard in oracle. I feel that I can practice realistically if I have 2 different servers to do switchovers, building new physical standby database from scratch and shipping the archiving logs from primary to physical standby database, etc., Can I use VMWare software to install 2 different servers and then practice dataguard?

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Get A List Of All Servers Associated With Linked Databases?

Sep 24, 2012

How do I get a list of all servers associated with linked databases?

for example: I have an entry in TNSNAMES.ora:


if I link this database as follows:

create public database link SourceDB --@PTSYS

How can I tell that this database is on the BMSQL2 server?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compare Two Tables Having Same Structure In Two Different Servers

Jun 4, 2012

I am working in a reporting project.We have different environments.After migration of data base script from one server to another we always need to crosscheck whether newly added columns have been properly migrated or not.

any database script to address the same thing. Last but not the least we have servers with TNS entries. how we can connect to different server while present in one specific server.

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Connection Using Sqlplus Works Locally And Not From Other Servers

Jul 27, 2012

I have a two node RAC on We are using SCAN Listener here. On my node 1, i can connect to the database using tns alias: The alias looks something like:

Prod =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = x1200.prod.com)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = cusms)
(UR = A)

sqlplus system/actdbasystem@cusms ----- works sucesfully on the prod server. Even the same prod alias copied to second tnsnames.ora in the cluster and run, it works sucesful too. But the issue is, when we copy the same alias onto any other servers and try to connect give's the following error message:

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Jul 27 12:37:55 2012
Copyright © 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found

why is it my connection using sqlplus works locally and not from other servers?

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Enterprise Manager :: List Of Servers And Databases

May 31, 2011

I have oracle grid control 10.2, I want to get the list of databases and servers that was configured within the Grid, is there any query that I can use to get it from Grid database?

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Networking And Gateways :: Connecting Two ORACLE Servers

Aug 8, 2006

I know how to create a database link between two oracle servers, but problem is that SID is same for both servers, Is there any other way to connect two servers without using only 'SID' ..here are TNSNAMES.ORA FILE i HAVE

(PORT = 1521)

Is there any other way rather that this

Create database link a connect to username identified by password using 'SID';

Any alternative like using SID.A.w or how I can differentiate these two SID s.

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Exadata :: Unallocated Space In All Storage Servers

Jul 31, 2012

we have a quarter rack with 3 cell (storage) servers. Actually I don't know which exact disks we have inside.

How could I check if we have unallocated disk space in the storage server? I would like to do this command line.describe me the steps?

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Performance Tuning :: Session Tracing For Shared Servers

Jan 12, 2011

How to enable tracing for sessions connected using shared servers ?

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Data Guard :: Can VMWare Software Hold Two Servers

Aug 8, 2013

I wanted to practice dataguard in oracle. I feel that I can practice realistically if I have 2 different servers to do switch overs, building new physical standby database from scratch and shipping the archiving logs from primary to physical standby database, etc.,

Can I use VMWare software to install 2 different servers and then practice dataguard?

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Purge Recycle Bin - Space Crunch In Our 4 Development 11i ERP Environment Servers

May 30, 2011

We are facing space crunch in our 4 development 11i ERP environment servers and decided to reclaim the space . We are having Database . What we observed is, there are many objects present in the recyclebin and we went on to purge the reclybin of MSC user.

SQL>select owner,sum(space)* 8 / 1024/1024 "Size in GB" from dba_recyclebin group by owner order by sum(space) ;

OWNER Size in GB
--------------- ----------
MSC 127.672485
IRCUS 22.5664063
GL 2.98492432
APPS .38079834
XXDII_ESB .192993164
APPLSYS .001159668
TMPBKP .000427246

But even after purging the recycle bin of MSC User , we didn't find any changes in DBA_FREE_SPACE for those tablespaces in which recyclebin objects were present. We would have seen the freed space in dba_free_space.

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Performance Tuning :: Servers Will Be Running SELECT Which Returns Zero Rows All Time

Feb 11, 2011

Our application servers will be running a SELECT which returns zero rows all the time.This SELECT is put into a package and this package will be called by application servers very frequently which is causing unnecessary CPU.

Original query and plan


Which option will be better or do we have other options?They need to pass the column's with zero rows to a ref cursor.

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Server Administration :: IP Address / Host Name Or Domain Of Oracle Database Servers

Mar 27, 2012

Due to some some Network issues . we have planing to move oracle database one domain to another domain changing domain name and IP address of oracle database . if want to change oracle database 10g( 32 bit windows version what are setting s to change in oracle database.

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OEM Configuration In 11g?

Apr 6, 2011

I installed oracle in redhat linux 5 using silent installation(using response file). Then i created a database manualy. While configuring the OEM, iam getting below error messages..

[oracle@meldc1~]$ emca -config dbcontrol db
STARTED EMCA at Apr 6, 2011 11:36:43 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright © 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.


I configured listner,tnsnames and sqlnet files and able to login to oracle database using listner.

before executing emca -config dbcontrol db, i have executed emca -repos create to create a oem repository and repository got created successfully.

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Reg The Configuration Of Listener On OEM?

Jul 24, 2012

We have a listener with the password set to it. We are trying to configure that listener to the OEM grid. However, its not getting configured. The status shows as down.

However, when we try to set up without the password, we are able to configure it on the OEM console.

Need to understand, that if passwords are set to the listener; then won't that get configured over the OEM. or is there something where we are lacking.

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Oracle 10G R2 RAC - CRS Configuration

Aug 11, 2010

ISSUE : I have to create ORACLE 10G R2 RAC. This cluster will host two databases pre-prod and prod. Both databases will be on different networks. pre-prod on 10.88.119 and prod on 10.88.118. I just have two hosts forming the this cluster.

How can i configure my hosts file and during clusterware installation what entries should i make for hosts and interfaces. Can this be done in 10g or will have to switch to 11g.

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OLE DB :: Configuration For VS 2012

Feb 18, 2013

Having below setup : (All this is testing environment)

1.One virtual Machine Guest OS is Windows 8 Pro 64 bit in Oracle Virtual Box
2.In the guest I have Microsoft Visual Studio 64 bit Ultimate Edition
3.Oracle on same host machine windows 7 64 bit

In above Visual studio I wish to use Oracle on same host machine. When I adds sql datasource control, Visual Studio is saying for installation of either one :

(A) Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
(B) Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

So, I downloaded ODTwithODAC1120320_32bit.zip from below link:


and installation run successfully with a message regarding running installAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql after a new installation. My questions are :

1.When I opened command prompt and said sqlplus / as sysdba it is saying ORA-12560.
2.When I says sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl (I created tnsnames.ora) c:app

ishaproduct11.2.0client_1NetworkAdmin with like this :
orcl =

In above HOST = i am giving IP address of host machine on which this VM is installed and this is also oracle server database machine too, on which I am running Oracle database;

so, after few seconds I am getting, ORA-12154.

How do I connect my orcl database which is running on the same host machine by using above configurations. My virtual machine is visible from other machines as well as oracle database machine too i.e. ping to VM IP is working fine.

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Oracle RAC And DR Node Configuration?

Jul 19, 2010

We are in the design phase of a project and wanting to implement a 4 node RAC with a DR site. However to get around some licensing costs, management are insisting that only 1 node be up accepting data at the DR site. In the event of a disaster, the remaining nodes will be switched on.

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Oracle RAC Listener Configuration

Dec 6, 2010

i have installed oracle 11g r2 rac with 2 nodes. i want to configure the client side load balancing and server side load balancing. For the client side load balancing the i have configured with the


and to configure server side load balancing i have modified the service as follows:

execute (DBMS_SERVICE.MODIFY_SERVICE (service_name=>'service_name', clb_goal=>DBMS_SERVICE.CLB_GOAL_SHORT);

now i have few questions:
1. for the server side load balancing do we have to configure the REMOTE_LISTENER on each node so that the instance on each node registers with the listeners on other node.
2. if we have 3 nodes does this mean that we have to configure the REMOTE_LISTENER on 3 nodes to register with the listeners on the other remaining 2 nodes.
3. does the listener have to be registered with the vip network address (where the clients usually use to connect).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Smtp Mail Configuration?

Nov 23, 2010

I have created a procedure and i am scheduling the procedure to run in dbms jobs. In the procedure, i am using UTL_SMTP connection to receive mail everything is working fine it. In the receipent if i give one email id it is working fine. if i give multiple email id in it am getting error.

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Configuration Duplicate Session ID

Oct 29, 2012

I am getting a duplicate SID (ABC1 (2)) on UNIX. I have checked all the possibilities how to remove it but unable to find it. As you you see below:

/oraclehome/oracle10g/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_ABC1 -inherit

(ORACLE_HOME = /oraclehome/oracle10g)



ls -lad /orahome/ora10g/dbs/initABC1 (2).ora

ls -lad /orahome/ora10g/dbs/initABC1 (2).ora ; echo ;
/bin/sh: 0403-057 Syntax error: `(' is not expected.

what to need to do to avoid this duplication? Is it something wrong with Oracle Listener.ora as it have two listeners (ABC and ABC1) that might be causing duplication?

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11gR1 Memory Configuration?

Oct 10, 2012

Specs are as follows:
Linux kernel 2.6.18-274.12.1.el5
Total physical memory - 96G

Oracle version:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production (Standard Edition)

I am having trouble making my spfile parameters take effect and would like to set them manually. Disk reads are very slow, so I thought I would look at the db_cache_size in the spfile:
But, when I look at the parameter via 'show parameter cache':
db_cache_size big integer 0

Digging deeper, I noticed none of my <INSTANCE>.__ parameters match the values returned from 'show parameter'. Most of my concern is sga_target & pga_aggregate_target both being zero.

My memory targets:
memory_max_target big integer 49G
memory_target big integer 49G

I would like to increase the db_cache_size in an attempt to reduce the table scan time.

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How To Collect Oracle 11g DB Configuration

Oct 28, 2013

I newly joined Oracle 11g DB related project.That oracle environment own our customer and we have only limited time and access to that DB.

 I could login that database by SQLPlus by sys user as sysdba but I do not know any DB configurations. How could I  collect Oracle 11g DB configuration information from SQLPlus ?

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