Forms :: Verification That User Selected Valid Date

Mar 19, 2013

I have 3 types list items:

1) :1 Day -> 31
2) Month: 1 -> 12
3) Year :1990 -> 2013

I want to check that the user has selected a valid date .. if not an error message will be displayed, for example: 31-02-2013: will be rejected

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Server Utilities :: Not A Valid Export File Header Failed Verification

Nov 22, 2012

Sometimes during recovery I encountered the following message "

This error occurs when Backup And Restore Occur between different versions

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Application Express :: Validation On Text Item / User Enter Valid Date Format

Oct 13, 2012

i have text item :P1_ADMISSION_DATE .i want to validate that item if user does not enter valid date forrmat then display me error.

Date Format is 'DD-MON-YYYY'

i have try with PL/SQL Expression in Validation

My validation code

:P1_ADMISSION_DATE=TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY');How can i validate :P1_ADMISSION_DATE to enter valid date format by user.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01839 - Date Not Valid For Month Specified?

Nov 1, 2013

our web application has a field DATETO which has no validation (end date). So user can put garbage there. In this field should be SYSDATE + max. 2 years. But also SYSDATE + 1 month OK.

I need to make a script that sets for example "31.12.9999" to null. Because so long end date is non sense.

ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified

no rows selected

Littlefoot writes about ORA-01839 "It usually happens when invalid dates are used, such as 30th of February"[URL]..

I don't see invalid date???





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Application Express :: Date Formatting - Not A Valid Month

Apr 29, 2013

I am using the cloud version of APEX for a college course. The database script I am trying to load has dates formatted in "DD-MON-RR" and I receive 'not a valid month' and 'a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected'. Is there a workaround in APEX for this? I'm trying to avoid changing thousands of lines of data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Format - No Rows Selected

Jun 18, 2013

I am trying to run the following queries in my database.

Q-1)select * from item where trunc(approval_date)='21-MAY-13'
When Q-1 is executed it returned row that has approval_date of 21-MAY-13 from database.
Q-2)select * from item where approval_date=to_date('21-MAY-13')
When Q-2 is executed it says no rows selected.

difference or if any links related to this.

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Forms :: Verification Of Item Text?

Mar 19, 2013

I want to make a verification of an item text ,the user must enter a number of length 4. So I created a text item :number(4). and in when-validate-item trigger of this item ,I put this

if length(:block.empno) != 4 then
message('this item must containonly 4 digit');
end if;

=> the problem, when the user entered "0123" ,it should be acceptable !! but this is not the case ...

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Forms :: Verification Of Item Manually?

Jan 15, 2013

I want to check an item manually. Here is the

i number;
if :a.b is null then
else if :a.b between 1900 and 2013 then
message('date valid');
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;
end if;
exception when others then

the problem for example when I entered a value "3000" I received two messages (the first on the alert "date_invalid" and the 2nd on the exception message) but normally I must received one message, the relative "date_invalid"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Date Using Selected Columns - Millions Of Records

Dec 16, 2011

I am having a requirement like below,

Scene 1:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with SAME DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_MODIFIED.

Table Structure:
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014

Scene 2:

If duplicate records found for SSN,BWE with different DATE_CREATED than take the record with HIGHEST DATE_CREATED.

Table Structure:

123 01-JAN-2008 02-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2014
123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

Output needed:

123 01-JAN-2008 04-JAN-2009 03-JAN-2013

How to achieve this requirement. My source data has 25 million of records like this.

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Forms :: Checking For Password Verification For 3 Counts?

Dec 22, 2011

I have made a simple form in which user will be entering his username and relevant password to get authorised. My issue is , if the user is entering wrong password for 3 times then both fields should get disabled. I did the form until the point where it checks wether the user is authorised or not. But how to give count on failure of passwords.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculations - Get Same Month From Previous Year Of Selected Date

Sep 20, 2011

i have a requirement to create a query which gets the same month from the previous year of the selected date .

Example : i select SEP-2011 ( as sysdate )

it will return the SEP-2010 as well .

here is the code which works fine with sysdate, dual :


in my schema table Ive got a filed named PERIOD_NAME (varchar2) , which holds date values in ( Mon-YYYY ) format (e.g Sep-2011)

am unable to apply the above code on it , i guess its the data type pf the field .

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PL/SQL :: Query To Find First And Last Call Made By Selected Number For Date Range

Apr 27, 2013

create table call(id number(10) primary key,mobile_no number(10), other_no number(10), call_type varchar2(10),call_date_time date, duration number(10));

insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'IN','24-APR-13 02:10:43',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9898324234,'IN','24-APR-13 05:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9215468734,'IN','24-APR-13 15:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9818764535,9899875643,'OUT','25-APR-13 01:06:78',10);
insert into call values(1,9899875643,9899875643,,'OUT','25-APR-13 22:06:78',10);

Query : need to find first and last call of '9818764535' mobile number and of call_date between '24-apr-13' and '25-apr-13';

Result :

date ,mobile_no , other_no, call_type, duration
24/apr/13 , 9818764535,9899875643,'IN',10
24/apr/13 ,9818764535,9215468734,'IN',10


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Forms :: Validate Field To Be Valid Email ID?

Feb 16, 2011

want to validate a field to be a valid email id.

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Forms :: Frm-15500 Valid And Unique Object Name Must Be Entered

Feb 28, 2012

I'm trying to add a column in an existing form. I added a text item and defined it as a database item. When I tried to rename the item the message (frm-15500 valid and unique object name must be entered)appears, and therefore not able to exit the property Platte.

Is there a way I can exit the Platte and should I've first add the column to the data block and then rename in my form ?

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Forms :: Create View Based On Values Selected In Forms

Jun 7, 2013

I am working on a simple form which will get the user to fetch required columns of employee master.

For that i have created a form which will display the column names and select option. When user clicks on query, the form will display the selected columns in a block. After going thru if required the user can download it to excel.

As of now I do not have filtering option. For this I thought of creating view based on the selection and then fetch records from the view and display it in form.

To achieve this I would like to know How I create or replace a view dynamically based on values selected. I remember doing this sort of thing long back, but could not recollect it.

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Forms :: Expiry Date To Automatically Show A Date 15 Years After Initial Date

Apr 12, 2010

I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.

Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.

I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?

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Forms :: Deselect All Checkboxes Except The One Which Has Been Selected

Jun 30, 2009

I have multi record block and a select checkbox in that block. My requirement is whenever I select any checkbox all other checkboxes should get deselected except the one which I have selected just now.

Example: I started from first item (checkbox).

I select first checkbox and when I will select second checkbox, then 2nd should get checked but all other checkboxes should get unchecked.

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Forms :: Copy Selected Records To Another Block?

Mar 6, 2012

I have 2 blocks, namely addsubject3rd and chosensubjects. I'm copying the selected records(this comes with checkboxes) from the 1st block to the second block. But what happened is that it copied all the records that are on the addsubject3rd. How can I copy only selected records(checkboxes) from addsubject3rd block to chosensubjects blocks?

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Forms :: Adding Selected List Box Value Into Text Box

Oct 29, 2013

I am creating one application in oracle forms in which one push button is dere for dept_list and textbox for displaying dept_name, after clicking button it shows list of dept_id and dept_name in listbox. and after selecting any one value from it adding into textbox of dept_name and update it. How to do this in oracle forms 6i?

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Forms :: Binding Selected Data From One Datablock To Another

Mar 3, 2012

I've got a problem with binding my selected data from one data block to another. When I'd finished selecting my data(subjects in this case),

and I clicked schedule button, my selected data were not bound into the textboxes in schedule datablock.this what happened.the code i used in when-checkbox-changed trigger:

:SCHEDULE2.Subject := :newstudents.subject_code;

and in tree-node-activated trigger:

MEssage('FOR LOOP - subj_code = ' || subj_rec.subject_code);
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_code := label_of_mynode;
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_= subj_rec.subject_code;
:NEWSTUDENTS.units:= subj_rec.units;

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Forms :: How To Populate City Based On Selected State

May 14, 2010

I'am having a query regarding population of a list item based on another selected list item that is whenever i select the state from the combo box all the city's under that state should be automatically populated.

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Forms :: How To Extract Selected Color From ColorPicker Bean

Mar 31, 2010

How to extract the selected color from the ColorPicker bean. I managed to display the ColorPicker bean but i am not able to retrive the color.

How to set the selected color from ColorPicker as background of the form.

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Forms :: How To Insert Value Of Selected Radio Button In Database Table

May 10, 2010

Suppose There are Four options in a Radio Group. From this whichever option I select using the Mouse that option must be Inserted in the Database table field.

How to do this Using Radio Buttons.

Also If I want to select more than One Option Then I use Check Box. For this Also When I select two or three options simultaneously then these values must be Inserted in the Database Table Fields.

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Forms :: Customize Font Color Of Only Selected Nodes In Hierarchical Tree?

Mar 11, 2010

how to customize the font color of only selected nodes in a hierarchical tree.

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Forms :: Inserting Multiple Selected Records Into Database When Click Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I got a form with few columns and a check_box. If the user selects n number of check boxes and click the button Save. The corresponding records should be inserted to XX_AP_CUSTOM table.

I have written the following below code in when-button-pressed trigger. With this i am able to insert only one record i.e where the current record indicator is there, even though multiple check-boxes(records) are selected.


insert into xxfbi.XXFBI_INV_QUOTE_ANAL(Item,


I know that i have to use last_record and first_record and for loop to insert multiple selected records, but dont know how to do it.

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Forms :: Dynamic Record Group To Filter Selected Values In A Multirecord Block From A LOV

Jul 9, 2013

I am working on Oracle forms 10g (Windows 7 OS).I have got one requirement to show one LOV for COLOR table. Say i have three colors BLACK, RED, BLUE in color table. Suppose in a multi record block if a user selects BLACK from a lov for one record then for the next record lov it should show only RED and BLUE. How to filter the COLOR from a LOV record group query which are already selected?

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Forms :: Display Checkbox Selected Records In One Column Of Form / When Push Button Is Pressed

Jul 2, 2011

how to display check box selected records in one column of form when push button is pressed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle SQL Simple Table Verification?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm taking my first SQL class and trying to replicate the code in this picture. I'm wondering if the code is space-sensitive in certain areas

For example, in the very last line, does it matter if I have:



(where the second one has a space between PRODUCT_T and (PRODUCT_ID));

Also, I don't have Oracle SQL on my computer.



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Forms :: User Privileges - Assign Permissions To One User To Add / Delete / Edit Data?

May 28, 2011

how can i assign permissions to one user to add,delete,edit data and other user should be able to perform all functions or selected functions

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Forms :: Login User From One CANVAS And Access Second As Per-user Rights?

Oct 20, 2012

- we have user id parameter.can we update the parameter(:parameter.p_userid) before firing "WHEN NEW FORM INSTANCE TRIGGER"(when new form instance trigger contain code for tree node), for login another canvas as per user rights?

- i have created a login form in one canvas.

- also tree node Hierarchy form created on another canvas. now we want to login through login screen, after login only those forms should show in tree Hierarchy which users have rights. for this purpose we want to pass the parameter of userid before connecting to tree node form through the following query

INTO v_count
FROM usersinfo
WHERE usersname = :USERBLOCK.usernames AND passwords = :USERBLOCK.passwords ;


Every thing is working but when we click on button in login form at that time parameter.p_userid will return null. because above code is define on button click in login screen, i cannot understand where i need to define the above code .

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