Forms :: Verification Of Item Manually?

Jan 15, 2013

I want to check an item manually. Here is the

i number;
if :a.b is null then
else if :a.b between 1900 and 2013 then
message('date valid');
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;
end if;
exception when others then

the problem for example when I entered a value "3000" I received two messages (the first on the alert "date_invalid" and the 2nd on the exception message) but normally I must received one message, the relative "date_invalid"

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Forms :: Verification Of Item Text?

Mar 19, 2013

I want to make a verification of an item text ,the user must enter a number of length 4. So I created a text item :number(4). and in when-validate-item trigger of this item ,I put this

if length(:block.empno) != 4 then
message('this item must containonly 4 digit');
end if;

=> the problem, when the user entered "0123" ,it should be acceptable !! but this is not the case ...

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Forms :: Update Database Item When Non-database Item Is Manually Updated?

Mar 10, 2011

I am having trouble changing a non-displayed field when a displayed field is changed.

When a user wants to un-assign a territory they want to just null the ID field (non-database item). I then need to null the PIDM field(not visible, database item) for that one record.

I tried this, but I end up putting null on all the records instead of just the one record, which ends up un-assigning all the territories not just the one.

Is there a way to assign the null to the PIDM field associated to the ID field of that particular record.

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Forms :: Checking For Password Verification For 3 Counts?

Dec 22, 2011

I have made a simple form in which user will be entering his username and relevant password to get authorised. My issue is , if the user is entering wrong password for 3 times then both fields should get disabled. I did the form until the point where it checks wether the user is authorised or not. But how to give count on failure of passwords.

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Forms :: Verification That User Selected Valid Date

Mar 19, 2013

I have 3 types list items:

1) :1 Day -> 31
2) Month: 1 -> 12
3) Year :1990 -> 2013

I want to check that the user has selected a valid date .. if not an error message will be displayed, for example: 31-02-2013: will be rejected

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Forms :: How To Insert Records Manually

Aug 30, 2013

I have a form with a datablock displaying 3 text item fields.But the actual oracle table have 8 columns.When ever I insert new data and save it, only the three records are being stored in backend whereas remaining column stores with null value.That is the basic function of the form.

I placed an another list item field in a control block which is non-database item.Now I want to store the list item value into a column along with the 3 columns.In a simple way, how to insert record manually along with the other records?

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Forms :: How To Create MASTER_DETAIL Form Manually

Oct 25, 2013

I know how to design master_detail form using wizard but i want to create it without using wizard.I have created two blocks emp and dept without using wizard ,and connected them to emp and dept table by changing their properties.Now i want to create relationship between these two blocks, My requirement is when i press execute_query button if deptno is 10 in dept block then emp block should show data for deptno 10 only.

I know it can be done using add relationhip option in dept block (which is master block)but how to do that.

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Forms :: Manually Display Data On Form

Mar 31, 2010

How to retrieve data manually to the text fields from the EMP database.what are the main properties ?

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Forms :: Filter Hard Coded Values In List Item (Tlist) Based On Value Entered In Text Item

May 22, 2010

I have 2 items in my form:

1) Text Item
2) Tlist

Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .

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Forms :: Move Cursor To Another Item From WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM

Apr 19, 2012

I need to move to control to another item in a same block from WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger. [WITH OUT USING ANOTHER TRIGGER]

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle SQL Simple Table Verification?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm taking my first SQL class and trying to replicate the code in this picture. I'm wondering if the code is space-sensitive in certain areas

For example, in the very last line, does it matter if I have:



(where the second one has a space between PRODUCT_T and (PRODUCT_ID));

Also, I don't have Oracle SQL on my computer.



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Database File 1 Failed Verification Check

Apr 3, 2011

i did the following steps for resolving.

1 alter database backup controlfile to trace;

2 startup nomount;

3 recover database using backup controlfile;//in this step generate error msg "database not mounted"

4 alter database open// this is also happend above error

ORA-01122: database file 1 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G/system01.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Verification Of Steps To Convert Single Node To RAC

Jan 16, 2013

I have a single node Oracle E-Biz 12.1.3 Installation.We plan to convert this to a dual node RAC install and I wanted to run by the steps to perform this AND clone over the current production system to the new RAC system (note this will not be using ASM - but will be based on NetApp NFS)

1. Install GRID
- installed acorss two nodes, Binaries can be shared
- voting disks / cluster rigistry MUST be shared

2. Install Database Software for RAC
- Binaries cannot be shared and must be installed on each node independently

3. Configure the GRID for database (database / listeners)

4. Clone over the stand alone system (clone database as RAC)

I will be using SCAN - and therefore would expect all the web services / concurrent manager nodes to point to the SCAN hostname as opposed to individual host names.

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Server Utilities :: Not A Valid Export File Header Failed Verification

Nov 22, 2012

Sometimes during recovery I encountered the following message "

This error occurs when Backup And Restore Occur between different versions

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Server Utilities :: ORA-01187 / Cannot Read From File 203 Because It Failed Verification Tests

Apr 26, 2011

I want to export all db using data pump. I got this error when using it:

Export: Release - Production on Thu Nov 25 11:46:48 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

About to export the entire database ...

. exporting tablespace definitions
EXP-00068: tablespace TISDATA is offline
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1187 encountered
ORA-01187: cannot read from file 203 because it failed verification tests
ORA-01110: data file 203: '/u03/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/unidev/TISTEMP01.dbf'
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessful

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Real Application Clusters :: 11gR2 Verification Of Shared Storage Accessibility

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to apply psu on a 2-node cluster running on RHEL 5.5 vms. Followed ORACLE-BASE examples when installed this laptop RAC. I am not using any ACFS and none of GI and DB homes are shared. But, on node 2, cluvfy THINKS database home is shared.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status
Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac1 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac1 trace]$
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is shared

Shared storage check was successful on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was successful.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac2 trace]$

I can not determine any reasons and do not know how to fix.

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Forms :: Text Item In Oracle Forms

Aug 22, 2010

How to get the value of text item in Oracle forms to pass as a parameter in stored procedure.

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DB Creation Manually?

Oct 19, 2012

Just started to learn oracle DBA. I am creating database manually.. I am facing following errors

I executed catproc.sql script it was running suddenlt oracle throwd following error.

CODEPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Package body created.

No errors.

Package body created.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'TEMP'
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 13210
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 13517


Script detail's

       LOGFILE GROUP 1 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/drprod/redo01.log') SIZE 100M ,               GROUP 2 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/drprod/redo02.log') SIZE 100M


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Forms :: Set Validate Item From LOV To Yes

May 29, 2011

i have a table called equipment containing the equipment form that is based on the equipment table, i added a non database item called engine_type.

i added an LOV for the engine type field, so that the user can choose the engine type from the the egine types table. i made the engine type id hidden. and set the validate item from LOV to yes.on post query trigger, i selected the engine type into the nondatabase field.

the form is working properly.

when i push CTRL F11 (query) and scroll, even if i didnt change anything the form builder asks me , do u want to save changes.

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Forms :: How To Get Menu Item Name

May 5, 2009

I have created a Menu in forms 6i,

I want to get Menu Item Name When i pressed any menu item in runtime..

e.g, i have a menu items like,

when i pressed ITEM1 then it should display ' MENU1.ITEM1 ',

how can i get this..?


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Forms :: Create More Than One LOV To Item?

Feb 19, 2011

how can i give more than one lov item to an item?

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Forms :: Next-Item Trigger

Aug 16, 2013

I have a multi row form (Order Entry form in E Business Suite). When I enter data in a row and error down the validate-item trigger fires and runs some code to check for duplicates, etc and after the cursor should go down to the next row. It goes back to the original row.

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Forms :: Go-item Not Working?

Feb 1, 2012

I hab a button:

if :block.cliente_no is not null then
end if;

it calls a LOV and return a value to :block.cliente_no, then execute a query in block clientes, but cursor doesn`t goes to block.codigo it remains in the button ! Why doesn`t works ? Note: if I insert a message before line go_item('block.codigo'); cursor goes to 'block.codigo' (message('hallo');

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Display Missing Item Names For Each Item Code

Feb 16, 2010

I have a table with the following data.

item_code item_name
101 Pen
101 Pencil
101 Scale
102 Pen


My aim is to display the missing itemnames for each itemcode.

For each ITEM_CODE there should be four items i.e Pen,Pencil,Scale and Marker If any itemcode missed any of the itemnames those records should display in the output.

So the output should be like this

101 Marker Because the item Marker is missed.
102 Pencil Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.
102 Marker Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.

For itemcode 103 no records should be displayed because it having all four itemnames.

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Manually Fire A Trigger

Sep 10, 2010

I disable the triggers when I program. what the program is doing behind the scenes. So if I insert into a table, the trigger would fire and insert into another table. Disabling the triggers shows me that I need to insert into both tables. This also allows me to have the primary key in my conversion tables match the database.

With that being said, can I tell the trigger to fire after the fact?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Lock Table Manually?

Jul 15, 2010

How can one lock a table manually?

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Creating Database Manually

Nov 13, 2012

I am trying to make database manually and i am successfully created it,but when i am trying to run catalog.sql and catproc.sql my database get dismount automatically. i also tried to upgrade it via search results on problem but i found this below error when i am typing startup.

ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

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Forms :: Shortcut Key For Textbox Item?

Jul 11, 2013

IF on button label, we use ampercent "&" to make its shortcut then is there anyway to make a shortcut for TEXT BOX ITEM ?

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Forms :: How To Validate List Item

Nov 22, 2010

I am working on form 6i..

I have developed a form with some text items,a list item and a image item...

list item......account_list(,individual)
text_item..... company_name..

i have attached a pop up menu to image item... Add image and upload image...

When i click on 'Add image' the image path is getting enabled.. it is fine but when i am changing the account_list i need enable and disable the 'Company_name' text item... How can i achieve this??

I have tried it in when-validate-trigger on account_list...

if account_list=individual then
end if;

But no use of this....

how can i achieve it??

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Forms :: Post_change Trigger On Item?

Jul 11, 2011

I am asked to change an existing field (Category_Desc) from a data block (applications) from a current form with a different field (Facility) from another table (Places) that is not used in the current data blocks. How do i do that and how should i populate the data... The common string between the table used in the form (applications) and the non used table (Places) is the ID No.

make this change and also with a possible trigger to generate the data....

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