Forms :: Deselect All Checkboxes Except The One Which Has Been Selected
Jun 30, 2009
I have multi record block and a select checkbox in that block. My requirement is whenever I select any checkbox all other checkboxes should get deselected except the one which I have selected just now.
Example: I started from first item (checkbox).
I select first checkbox and when I will select second checkbox, then 2nd should get checked but all other checkboxes should get unchecked.
I have an issue with an OLE-Container (ITreeView).
I have already a form with the treeview (database no necessary) with some nodes added manually.
All this nodes have checkbox and style properties, drag and drop (drag automatic and drop manual).
I added also to the form an OLE-Container for the listImage and put into the container the images that i need.
I put checked the father and when it is true then a variable into the declaration of the check of the childrens change and the child nodes are checked too, but when i do it manually nothing happened.
What I want to do is the next thing: I want to be able to drag and drop in every place of my tree to change the positition between the nodes of the node father and to change it also with childnodes of other parent. To Put an Image next to each node (how to call the images that are inside of my imagelist) When I checked the parent then check all the child nodes of it.
I have one main form and there is one button when i click on it, another form should be opened which should display multi records with check box for each record.
I have implemented so far. When the new form is opened by default all the records should be checked. if user does not want some of them then it can be unchecked(This can done manually)..
I have put below code in when-new-block instance trigger
i want to count how many check boxes are chechked and if the check box is unchecked the count will decrease as soon as checkbox is check or uncheck.the number of chech boxes are depentdent on record set that are fetched from database.
I am working on a simple form which will get the user to fetch required columns of employee master.
For that i have created a form which will display the column names and select option. When user clicks on query, the form will display the selected columns in a block. After going thru if required the user can download it to excel.
As of now I do not have filtering option. For this I thought of creating view based on the selection and then fetch records from the view and display it in form.
To achieve this I would like to know How I create or replace a view dynamically based on values selected. I remember doing this sort of thing long back, but could not recollect it.
I have 2 blocks, namely addsubject3rd and chosensubjects. I'm copying the selected records(this comes with checkboxes) from the 1st block to the second block. But what happened is that it copied all the records that are on the addsubject3rd. How can I copy only selected records(checkboxes) from addsubject3rd block to chosensubjects blocks?
I am creating one application in oracle forms in which one push button is dere for dept_list and textbox for displaying dept_name, after clicking button it shows list of dept_id and dept_name in listbox. and after selecting any one value from it adding into textbox of dept_name and update it. How to do this in oracle forms 6i?
I've got a problem with binding my selected data from one data block to another. When I'd finished selecting my data(subjects in this case),
and I clicked schedule button, my selected data were not bound into the textboxes in schedule datablock.this what happened.the code i used in when-checkbox-changed trigger:
BEGIN IF :NEWSTUDENTS.cb_subj = 'N' THEN Clear_record; ELSIF :NEWSTUDENTS.cb_subj = 'Y' THEN :SCHEDULE2.Subject := :newstudents.subject_code; END IF; END;
I'am having a query regarding population of a list item based on another selected list item that is whenever i select the state from the combo box all the city's under that state should be automatically populated.
I have a simple classic report, it returns all 4 columns from a table. I need to be able to save the values of 2 of the columns from certain records from this report into another table. My supervisor wants me to add a checkbox to each row so that one or more records can be selected and the values of the 2 columns can be added into this second table.
i have a table called "Employees" and based on that i have a report. When i select one of the employees, i created a report that shows all the inventory that that employee has. The source for report is this:
So all it suppose to do is to take whatever records I check from my initial report and to insert those records in a dummy table which i can use later.It's a bit obvious what's my mistake (if I select any 3 records in report, it will copy in the dummy table the first 3 records from my report).
Suppose There are Four options in a Radio Group. From this whichever option I select using the Mouse that option must be Inserted in the Database table field.
How to do this Using Radio Buttons.
Also If I want to select more than One Option Then I use Check Box. For this Also When I select two or three options simultaneously then these values must be Inserted in the Database Table Fields.
I got a form with few columns and a check_box. If the user selects n number of check boxes and click the button Save. The corresponding records should be inserted to XX_AP_CUSTOM table.
I have written the following below code in when-button-pressed trigger. With this i am able to insert only one record i.e where the current record indicator is there, even though multiple check-boxes(records) are selected.
I know that i have to use last_record and first_record and for loop to insert multiple selected records, but dont know how to do it.
I am working on Oracle forms 10g (Windows 7 OS).I have got one requirement to show one LOV for COLOR table. Say i have three colors BLACK, RED, BLUE in color table. Suppose in a multi record block if a user selects BLACK from a lov for one record then for the next record lov it should show only RED and BLUE. How to filter the COLOR from a LOV record group query which are already selected?
I have a requirement where I need to create a tabular form with a check box column. I created one using Apex_item.checkbox() function.
I have a button, when clicked it has to deselect all the checkboxes. I know I can use javascript onclick function and call a javascript. But I dont know how to use the javascript for a tabular form.
I need to trap user input by checking if the node in my tree is selected (higlighted) or not. When I test using SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE_SELECTED, whether I click the node to select (the node is highlighted) OR I click the plus (+) sign to expand the node, the function both retunrs TRUE.
I don't the user to add node when the current node is not selected and highlighted.
I have homework due, and I'm so stuck: This worked when I first ran it, and now all 6 queries return the same error No Rows selected. I did have to add a column to a table, and insert data for that column before this worked.
i have many user tables in my database and i want to truncate selected tables and how i can overcome this scenario.
i can truncate using truncate table <table_name> but they are 250 tables to truncate, so,i can't write truncate command for every table. if i want to truncate first i have to truncate parent table or child table and how i can find parent table and child table for given tables to truncatein my database.
DB 11G , OS Linux Redhat , i have a Linux script to read the name of the files listed on the Table , then open those files and save the content on another table , i need to speed up the process by running this script multiple time , so i need toread the first record (File name ) then running the script again to check if the record already selected then go to the second record and so on . is there any way to check the selected row then leapfrog this record and going to the next record . Im already tried (for update skip locked ) but this will return ( no row selected message when locked ) and when running on the 2 Scripts it will considering it as same session and always will be the same . my query is (select bi_file_namefrom dbm_cdr_headwhere bi_file_name like 'hd_auto%' and bi_auto_status=35;)
I am trying to run the following queries in my database.
Q-1)select * from item where trunc(approval_date)='21-MAY-13' When Q-1 is executed it returned row that has approval_date of 21-MAY-13 from database. Q-2)select * from item where approval_date=to_date('21-MAY-13') When Q-2 is executed it says no rows selected.
I'm attempting to write a plsql for finding missing archived logs for streams.
requirement is to run a select statement and print 1. 'NOT FOUND' if name column is null 2. '<name of the files>' if rows are returned 3. 'NOT FOUND' if no rows are selected. (here is were i'm having trouble)
code i developed so for: for cr in (select decode(name, NULL, 'NOT FOUND', name) from v$archived_log where deleted='YES' and status!='A') loop if ( = 'NOT FOUND')