Forms :: How To Populate City Based On Selected State

May 14, 2010

I'am having a query regarding population of a list item based on another selected list item that is whenever i select the state from the combo box all the city's under that state should be automatically populated.

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PL/SQL :: Get CITY And STATE From Address

Jul 9, 2013

I have got a table where the site address is stored as follows - 

USPO BOX 1111,,,,
P.O. BOX 1234,,,ELIZABETH,NJ,07207-6031,,

I have got 2 fields to be populated from this - CITYSTATE How can I pick up the 5th and 6th field separated by the comma.

For example: -

Following output should be shown for the above recordsCITY  

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Forms :: Create View Based On Values Selected In Forms

Jun 7, 2013

I am working on a simple form which will get the user to fetch required columns of employee master.

For that i have created a form which will display the column names and select option. When user clicks on query, the form will display the selected columns in a block. After going thru if required the user can download it to excel.

As of now I do not have filtering option. For this I thought of creating view based on the selection and then fetch records from the view and display it in form.

To achieve this I would like to know How I create or replace a view dynamically based on values selected. I remember doing this sort of thing long back, but could not recollect it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Select - Query To Returns Results Based On Both City And Country Passed

Sep 17, 2010

Table A

Id Country city
1 US
2 US Boston
3 Boston
4 US Newyork
5 London
6 Japan Tokyo

Im looking for a query which returns results based on both city and country passed.

If i pass country US and city Boston it should return row2 with US and Boston row
If i pass country null and city Boston it should return row3
If i pass country UK and city Boston it should return row3
If i pass country UK and city London it should return row5

i.e. If country/city combination exists in DB return that row Else city row should be returned.

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Forms :: Populate Default Values In Line Level Based On Header

May 29, 2011

I have two blocks.In header 2 columns are there same columns in line how to populate default values in line level based on header?

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Forms :: How To Populate Combo Box Dynamically Based On Another Combo Box

Aug 25, 2006

I have a combo box,If I select a value from this combo box it should populate another Combo box automatically.

sno cno statename
1 1 newyork
2 1 boston
3 1 florida
1 2 brisbane
2 2 sydney
cno country name
1 usa
2 Aus

if i select usa in first combo box in next combo box i have to populate only states that belong to that country.

BY example above:
If in first combo box i select AUS
then in next combo box i.e., in
second combo== brisbane
sydney only must be there .

i need the exact code with trigger.

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Pull All Degrees Into Table Based On Which Institution Is Selected?

Mar 26, 2013

I'm trying to pull all the degrees into a table based on which institution is selected. If institution is 'AAA' or 'BBB' then pull ACAD_PLAN, DESCR by ACAD_PROG where ACAD_PROG >= some value and <= some other value.

If institution is 'CCC' then pull ACAD_PLAN, DESCR by institution regardless of ACAD_PROG.

Something like



I don't have this formatted right cause it keep telling me missing keywords.

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Application Express :: Populate Text Field Based On LOV Selection With AJAX

Apr 24, 2013

I would like to populate a text box based on selection from a LOV. If someone selects a LOV value and then tabs off off of that element, I would like the text box populated from a sql statement based on the LOV value in the predicate.Application Express

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Application Express :: Auto Populate Phone Number Based On Select List In Tabular Form

Dec 27, 2012

Ive a requirement which ive overlooked for a while now as below,

On my tabular form i have fields: Empid as Select List and when the value is picked from this Select List EmpID i want the associated/corresponding phone# displayed in its TEXT FIELD in that same row,

apex 4.1.1/Oracle 11gR2,

also i tried the below as a workaround but it doesnt fulfill my requirement, [URL]....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Searching City Name From Address

Apr 16, 2010

I want to write a SQL statement to search valid city name from address field. Valid city names are in one table and address column is in another table.

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Forms :: Populate Record Using LOV Value?

Mar 2, 2011

Create a form based on the following output use EMP Table

Create a non Database Block i.e Control Block----> Dept No

Create a Database Block -EMP
Create an LOV for the Dept no from dept table.
For the Current Dept No . Populate the Employee Records

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Forms :: Populate POPLIST?

Apr 4, 2011

-- Solution populate poplist
-- Name of block: block01
-- Name of poplist item: year
-- Name table: tb_years
-- Create on trigger when-new-form-instance


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Forms :: FMB - Populate Lov Is Not Working?

Oct 14, 2010

.fmb file why this populate lov is not working

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Forms :: Populate Only Particular Employee LOV

Apr 1, 2013

I want to populate only particular employee LOV ,when i am press "Populate LOV"..Button and i attached Form for testing and It is a 10g version..

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Forms :: Populate List Dynamically?

Mar 15, 2013

i want to create the list item dynamically on the when new form instance this is the code....

group_id := create_group_from_query('lst','select (imt.item_id), to_char(imt.item_code, from items_mt imt');
v_num := Populate_group(group_id);

but the list is not the populate.

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Forms :: Populate Table From A Block In 10g?

Dec 3, 2010

TABLE_FROM_BLOCK built-in Package is working in Forms 6i but not in Forms 10g. is there any other built -in available instead of this. how do we populate table from a block in Forms 10g?

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Forms :: Populate Data Block

Aug 14, 2013

i have created on query block , upon pressing the button there is a wehre clause in the block which will filter the records based on all alike items from two tables but my problem is , in one table there is no information of struct and in other there is struct information or data, what i want is even if i pass a parameter in the where clause all the records should be filtered.

VALUES ('1001','HEA100X10','300',null);


I am getting this

1002 HEA100X2230030010

i want all the records

1002 HEA100X2230030010
1003 HEA100 300
1001 HEA100X10 300

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Forms :: Populate List Dynamically

Mar 3, 2011

I've got a situation where I need to populate a list box of lab numbers when the user selects a matching date received date.

Right now it only works when the user presses enter on the field used to accept a date.

It also works when a user fills in date and then clicks twice on the listbox of lab numbers. (assuming there are some records for the date in question).

Both fields are in a data block that is not connected to a table. Here is the when-mouse-doubleclicked trigger



As you can see we have tried several different triggers to get this to work with a calendar date chooser (java bean). The bean works and allows for a date to be returned. However, it does not want to populate the listbox.

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Forms :: Populate Record In Data Block

Jul 14, 2010

My Requirements:

1. i want to create form for student's attendance.

2. for this purpose i create a form . and create 2 Data Blocks
1. Non Database Data Block (layout type: form)
2. Database Data Block (layout type: Tabular)

3. in Non Database Data Block i add 3 Items.. on the basis of i get the records from database and show them into my into my 2nd Data Block...

4. my problem is this that how can i get records from database and show them into my forms and then save thats records into my table by using Database Datablock.

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Forms :: How To Populate Multi-Record Block

May 3, 2011

i have two blocks called BLOCK1 AND BLOCK2

BLOCK1 is a multi record block with a field, FIELD_A
BLOCK2 is a multi record block with fields FIELD_B,FIELD_C,FIELD_D

i have a button on BLOCK1 called 'FETCH'.

The requirement is when_button_pressed on 'FETCH'. BLOCK2 must be populated for each record of BLOCK1. Population logic is based on, values from a database table TABLE_A which has got column values corresponding to all fields of BLOCK1 and BLOCK2.

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Forms :: Populate Record In List Item?

Aug 6, 2010

i want to popultate record in list item.... and write the follwing code...



when i call this code then it returns the 2 errors:

1. FRM-41072: Cannot create Group RGGROUP.

2. FRM-41076: Error populating Group.

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Forms :: Deselect All Checkboxes Except The One Which Has Been Selected

Jun 30, 2009

I have multi record block and a select checkbox in that block. My requirement is whenever I select any checkbox all other checkboxes should get deselected except the one which I have selected just now.

Example: I started from first item (checkbox).

I select first checkbox and when I will select second checkbox, then 2nd should get checked but all other checkboxes should get unchecked.

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Forms :: Copy Selected Records To Another Block?

Mar 6, 2012

I have 2 blocks, namely addsubject3rd and chosensubjects. I'm copying the selected records(this comes with checkboxes) from the 1st block to the second block. But what happened is that it copied all the records that are on the addsubject3rd. How can I copy only selected records(checkboxes) from addsubject3rd block to chosensubjects blocks?

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Forms :: Adding Selected List Box Value Into Text Box

Oct 29, 2013

I am creating one application in oracle forms in which one push button is dere for dept_list and textbox for displaying dept_name, after clicking button it shows list of dept_id and dept_name in listbox. and after selecting any one value from it adding into textbox of dept_name and update it. How to do this in oracle forms 6i?

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Forms :: Binding Selected Data From One Datablock To Another

Mar 3, 2012

I've got a problem with binding my selected data from one data block to another. When I'd finished selecting my data(subjects in this case),

and I clicked schedule button, my selected data were not bound into the textboxes in schedule datablock.this what happened.the code i used in when-checkbox-changed trigger:

:SCHEDULE2.Subject := :newstudents.subject_code;

and in tree-node-activated trigger:

MEssage('FOR LOOP - subj_code = ' || subj_rec.subject_code);
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_code := label_of_mynode;
:NEWSTUDENTS.subject_= subj_rec.subject_code;
:NEWSTUDENTS.units:= subj_rec.units;

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Forms :: Verification That User Selected Valid Date

Mar 19, 2013

I have 3 types list items:

1) :1 Day -> 31
2) Month: 1 -> 12
3) Year :1990 -> 2013

I want to check that the user has selected a valid date .. if not an error message will be displayed, for example: 31-02-2013: will be rejected

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Forms :: How To Extract Selected Color From ColorPicker Bean

Mar 31, 2010

How to extract the selected color from the ColorPicker bean. I managed to display the ColorPicker bean but i am not able to retrive the color.

How to set the selected color from ColorPicker as background of the form.

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Forms :: How To Populate Table Column Heading In List Item Of Oracle

Jun 26, 2013

how should i populate table column heading in list items of forms? I've create lov to select the column, then i have 10 separate list items. once i select the table from lov then list item should get populated with selected table column.

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Forms :: Master / Detail Relation / Why Populate-details Trigger Not Being Fired

Mar 14, 2013

On a form I have 2 blocks, shown on different tabs. Relation created by forms wizard. The relation works great when navigating through the blocks, the details for the master are shown fine.

Example for this form is master block is a type of food. Detail block is list of ingredients.When creating a new type of food, if it's = CAKE we insert records based on a select on another table into the ingredients table.Else, the user has to manually create the ingredients.

Upon commit of the form on master block (must be saved to enable detail block tab), the ingredients are not displayed but are there. If I execute query by hitting F8, the records are present.

Why is the populate-details trigger not being fired or what am I missing?

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Forms :: How To Insert Value Of Selected Radio Button In Database Table

May 10, 2010

Suppose There are Four options in a Radio Group. From this whichever option I select using the Mouse that option must be Inserted in the Database table field.

How to do this Using Radio Buttons.

Also If I want to select more than One Option Then I use Check Box. For this Also When I select two or three options simultaneously then these values must be Inserted in the Database Table Fields.

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