Clone Testing Database From X86 To X64 Using DBCA Clonic Templates

Sep 14, 2012

I'm using Oracle Database 11g R2 for study purposes.Currently I'm learning about the DBCA clonic templates.I have an Oracle DB 11g R2 X86 running properly in Ms Windows XP Professional SP 3 X86, using DBCA I created the seed template file .dbc and the .CTL and .DBF files, later I copied those files to a server running Oracle DB 11g R2 X86 in Ms Windows 7 Ultimate X86. Again, using DBCA I successfully created the source database through the seed template file, everything was ok.

Now, I formatted my testing server and I installed Ms Windows 7 Ultimate X64 and Oracle Database 11g R2 X64. I copied the seed template file .dbc and the .CTL and .DBF files to "assistantsdbca emplates" directory. Well, I started DBCA to try create the source database and when the DBCA is creating and starting the Oracle instance it shows the errors:

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL Level 1
ORA-06553: PLS-801: Internal error [56327]

Is it possible to clone my testing DB from X86 to X64 using DBCA clonic templates?

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Backup & Recovery :: Clone Database Name Not Showing In Dbca

Aug 20, 2012

i have just create a clone database. it work very well.but when i open the dbca to delete this not show in dbca prompt. why ?

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Unable To Open Physical Database For Testing?

Jun 13, 2011

I have problems in opening the database of the physical standby in read- write mode/ read only mode. I have a primary server which is running on 2 node RAC and the standby on a seperate single server being used as DR. I recently got this server and my aim was to isolate the standby server from primary server and perform few test. As it has never been tested even once.

Primary Database spec: (2 Node Rac on ASM)
Oracle Version :
O/s : HP-UX B.11.23

Standby Database spec: (Single Node)
Oracle Version :
O/s: HP-UX db01 B.11.23



alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open
2 ;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-16004: backup database requires recovery
ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
ORA-01110: data file 1: '+DATA/dprod/datafile/system01.dbf'


Parameters :

log_archive_dest_2 string SERVICE=PROD1 LGWR ASYNC VALID
remote_archive_enable string true
fal_client string DPROD
fal_server string PROD1, PROD2

Steps tried so far:
Changed log_archive_dest_2 = DEFER on both the primary nodes

Standby :

startup nomount
alter database mount standby database;
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
alter database open/readonly (tried both)
Same error.

On Primary:
SQL> select max(sequence#) from v$log_history;



on Standby:



Primary Database:




55700 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55700 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55701 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55701 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55702 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11

60824 rows selected.

Standby Database:



55698 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55699 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55700 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11
55701 13-JUN-11 13-JUN-11

15206 rows selected.

Additional Information : There is a delay of 20 minutes before the logs get applied. which has been intentional set by team. Dataguard broker is not configured as well.

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RMAN :: Clone 2 Node RAC Database To Single Instance Non-RAC Database Using Existing Backup

Jul 25, 2012

I tried to clone a 2 node rac database to single instance non rac database using existing backup. I have not used connectivity to target or catalog. rman duplicate finished with below messages:

rman auxiliary sys/******@dbracdup
RMAN> duplicate database to dbrac spfile backup location '/oracle/backup';
Finished recover at 25-JUL-12
Segmentation fault

And the database was in mount stage, and when i tried to open database it failed with below error:

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-19838: Cannot use this control file to open database .

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Networking And Gateways :: Testing Private Database Link With Same Name As Public

Oct 13, 2010

We are currently replacing all public database links with private db links in our prod environment. The requirement is

1) private db link name should be same as public
2) Need to create and test out private db links before we can drop public db links.

How can we test out private db links while public db links are still there with the same name?

when I execute SELECT * FROM DUAL@DBLINK from user who created this private db link, which db link it will be using- public or private?

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Clone A Database

Jun 14, 2012

I have a query regarding the cloning of a database.

Actually, i have made the two machine on a single system(Laptop) and now i want to clone the database, so for that i am unable to move the database backup from one Machine to another.

how can i move the backup and which command is applicable for that.

Note: - Listener/TNS is already configured on both the database.

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Crash When Trying To Clone Database

Jul 13, 2010

I have an Oracle 10.1 database on a Windows 32 bit platform that I am attempting to clone to a new server to make a development instance.

For this particular scenario the database needs to stay at version 10.1. Both servers are Windows Server 2003. Following oracle docs I have copied the home folder and am attempting to run OUI with the clone switch.

OUI crashes and reports the error as "unknown".
OUI also crashes if I try to run it without the clone switch from gui.

Why this occurs, and have confirmed that PATH is correct etc on the new dev server and the other obvious stuff.

I just need a quick way of getting this dev server instance up and running AND maintaining the same database version (10.1). I thought the clone operation would be a good option but don't know how to troubleshoot when the error is "unknown".

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Clone Database

Jan 4, 2012

how to clone database using cold backup,I want step by step guide for it

I want to give clone of production database to developers

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Forms :: Templates Or Themes For Application?

Oct 20, 2012

i am looking for the ability of adding themes or templates to my application in order to change the look of my application ?

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Windows :: Difference Between Standby And Clone Database

Aug 19, 2011

Difference of standby and clone,i know their uses but i want a detailed explanation.

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Backup & Recovery :: Clone Database On Same Machine?

Apr 3, 2012

configure the clone the database on the same system. i m using window xp 2000 and oracle 10.2.1.

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Server Utilities :: Clone Database User

Aug 1, 2011

I want to create such a script to clone the Database user with the new name. Just like we do normal import and export I want that i should enter just the username of the existing user and username of the new user I want to get created, the password for the same.

It should create the new user with all roles and the default roles and privileges of old user.

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Copy Database File To Clone Machine?

Nov 12, 2012

I tried to convert a physical SuseLinux with Oracle 9i Machine into an virtual Machine (esxi Server 5.0). (VMware vCenter Converter ) Before started I shutdown database:

su – oracle
sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’
and the run converter.

But i have problem with copy /u01 and /u02 (database files) "Error: Unable to clone the volume mounted on '/u01' "

So i want clone machine without /u01 and /u02 then copy file. What I should do to be correctly?

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Server Administration :: Clone Database Cannot Be Connected After System Reboot

Oct 21, 2010

1. I installed oralce with Service_Name=DB1 it works fine,

2. I created another database with dbca named DB2,

3. I connected both system/password@db1 and system/password@db2 without any problem,

4. After rebooting the computer I can connect only the first database DB1 which I installed with Oracle installation. But, I can not connect to the 2nd database which I created with dbca. Error Message Shows: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

DB1 has no problem I can connect to that, but I can not connect to DB2 after rebooting the system. Now I need to know how to connect to DB2.


connection messages:
oracle@pc ~]$ sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 21 12:51:43 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: SYSTEM@DB1
Enter password:


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Data Guard :: Take Clone Primary Database At Specific Time?

May 29, 2013

Can we make Data Guard to take clone Primary Database at Specific Time?

e.g. Clone Primary Database at 10 AM and at 6 PM?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Clone Oracle 8i Recreate Database

Aug 2, 2013

I have a RedHat Server with Oracle Ent. 8iI did a full export of all my current data bases ( DCTEST, DCPROG, DCUSAC, DCCAND)I now have the DC*.dmp files. How can I know import these files into Oracle Database 11R2?

Do you have a Step-by-Step how-to ?IF I don't have the scripts to re-create the databases how to go forward ?

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Security :: How To Clone Database Using RMAN Full Backup On Different Machine

Oct 1, 2012

How to clone database using RMAN FULL BACKUP on different machine? I do not wants to use DUPLICATE Command......

Is there any other way to clone DB? I am using Oracle 11g R1 on Windows Server 2007 (64 bit)

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DBCA To Create Database In 11g?

Oct 28, 2011

I was using DBCA to create database in 11g. It goes to the last step ,but was not able to show up database creation screen. I am running it on AIX.

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Create Database With DBCA

Aug 16, 2013

Why there is default table such as AQ$_INTERNET  and other table when I create database with DBCA  I want  to create commplete blank database

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Windows :: Oracle 10g - Creating New Database / DBCA?

Jun 15, 2011

when i am trying to create a new database in oracle 10 g in my local system when creating database error shows a number 146 no other error is showing what must be the reason.

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Server Utilities :: Database Installation Using ASM In DBCA

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed asm lib and asm instance has started successfully and is working if i am using


but if I am using DBCA after that to create database on ASM activated disk group I am having problem in creation of spfile. How to follow steps to create database using already installed /mounted disk group with DBCA.

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Enterprise Manager :: DBCA Does Not Recognize Database

Mar 28, 2010

On our test database server, we restore a copy of the production database from the rman backup. The process worked well and we could connect and do the processing with sqlplus, or any other third party tools like Toad.

Strange enough, Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) does not recognize it. So if we like to drop the database from the DBCA, it is not there. Also we could not get the DBCONSOLE to work with.

The all powerful command: emca -repos recreate generates a list of errors.

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Database Creation With DBCA Fails With Error?

Apr 8, 2013

While Creating database on AIX Machine using DBCA utility I am getting following error

Error Details:
Allocating device....
Specifying datafiles...
Specifing datafiles...
Restoring ...


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Server Administration :: ORA-01078 While Creating Database Using DBCA?

May 10, 2011

I installed Oracle 11gR2 withouth creating a database in my laptop. Later when I tried to crete the database using DBCA it shows error ORA-01078:failure in processing system parameters.I clicked on ignore error, then shows the error ORA-01034: Oracle not available.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Delete A Database Using Dbca?

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to delete a database using dbca, but the database configuration option and delete option are not enabled. It's grayed.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Create 11g Database On Linux Using Dbca

Jun 20, 2012

I was trying to create a 11g database on linux using dbca.

At very end "create database" I got 'The file pach +DATADG/orcl/system01.dbf in invalid. Check the permissions.'

How to check the permission?

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Server Administration :: ORA-03114 Error While Creating Database Using DBCA

May 16, 2013

I am getting a ORA-03114 (not connected to Oracle) error when I am creating a DB using DBCA. Here are the steps that I do:

1) Log onto the server remotely, using Exceed Query
2) Connect as the oracle user (Oracle)
4) Run DBCA, give parameters

At around 12% and again at 19%, I get the error (see screenshot). I also tried to generate the scripts and run them remotely, and the steps run successfully upto & including the step " startup nomount pfile="/oracle/admin/<dbname>/scripts/init.ora"; ". After that, when I try to run the script specified in rmanRestoreDatafiles.sql from SQL> prompt, the error appears, and connection to ORACLE is lost.

Googling the error shows that it is a connectivilty issue, and Oracle says that it is usually caused by user scripts. But I am not running any user-created scripts as part of the DBCA process. Somehow, the instance is timing out immediately after doing the "startup nomount".

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Automatic Storage Management :: RAC - ASM Created - DBCA Could Not Create Database

Jul 30, 2012

I am using on OEL5. I have installed CRS, Oracle home, ASM on both nodes and everything is fine.

When invoked dbca to create a database, it says:

*'DBCA could not startup the ASM instance configured on this node. To proceed with database creation using ASM you need the ASM instance to be up and running. Do you want to recreate the ASM instance on this node?'*

Is it a bug? because some blogs say this is a bug. And patch 8288940 will solve this. They also say this patch is to solve the incompatibility between 11g ASM incompatibility with 10g. But here I am using everything of

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Server Administration :: Error Creating Database Using DBCA Oracle 11g R2?

Nov 18, 2010

This is on a vmware virtual server on Windows 2008R2 using ORACLE 11g R2 with patch set 6

I installed ORACLE (software only) and applied patch set 6 and tried to create a new database.

during the database creation I got an error as the system was adding the JVM that read:-

ORA-01927:cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant.

I was given the options to ignore or abort

I chose to ignore the error and continue.

After the database creation completed I looked in the jserver log copied below and found two errors

I did not get the same error before installing patch set 6

No errors.
alter system flush shared_pool
drop role javauserpriv


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Server Administration :: TNS Error - DBCA After Database Creation Script Complete

Aug 15, 2010

I'm getting a "TNS disconnect" after database creation script creation in DBCA. Haven't figured out what's going on. I'm attempting to create a 2nd database on one linux 64 server. I get all the way through DBCA, but it won't go the final mile. Any thoughts? I've tried setting the port to a different port from the existing LISTENER, creating a LISTENER2 and associating it with the 2nd instance.

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