11.2 Version Of Database Server - V$object Usage?

Nov 16, 2012

how many rows created (replaced ?) und stored in v$object_usage on each fact of index scan? I'm using 11.2 version of database server

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Server Administration :: CPU Usage By Oracle 10g Database

Aug 16, 2012

I have three oracle 10g databases (db1, db2, db3)on a linux box.

A command at the OS level to find total cpu used by each of the above databases.

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CPU Usage Is Ok On The Server - But Database Is Slow With High CPU Wait?

Jan 26, 2013

I have a RAC 48 cores on solaris. I check dbconsole when application performance is very slow and everyone complains, and I see that the main wait is cpu - also on the awr report. however when I check server cpu I see about 80% idle! so how can I make oracle use more cpu power instead of waiting for it? I don't think that parallel is an option here because I can't change the application code.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: PRO*C Compiler Version Versus Database Version

Oct 15, 2010

We are planning to upgrade a database from to have a lot a PRO*C programs pre compiled using (and most likely even compiler.

if we could upgrade the database without having to re-compile all the programs.We have tested this approach against some of our programs. Most of them executed fine - but in 2 cases we are getting "ORA-01001 invalid cursor". I suspect, that the case is that Pre compiler version 9 is not supported against 10g databases - but I am not sure.

Would it be a better option to upgrade Pre compiler/client as the first step and the db as the second step (and would that be supported) ? We definitely don't want to upgrade both Pre compiler/Client and the Database in one goal - that would be too risky.

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Server Administration :: Version-time In V$database?

Jun 21, 2011

what does mean VERSION_TIME column in V$DATABASE;i know that there is an other column which is called CREATED which indicates when the database has been created and i think it will never change,but, what about VERSION_TIME ? when does it change ?

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Server Administration :: Database Version Change?

Feb 6, 2010

i have a oracle server installed enterprise edition, for some reation i need to degrade the version from enterprise to standard

i need same tablespace,data's everything same as of now.

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Server Administration :: Can Restore Database Password File In ASM For 11gR2 Version

Mar 28, 2012

Can we restore database password file in ASM for 11gR2 version.

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Server Utilities :: Importing Dump From Higher Database Version 2 Lower

Aug 3, 2010

We can Import dump from higher database version to lower database version.

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Client Tools :: Can Use Oracle Client Version To Create A Database In That Server

Jan 13, 2011

can we use oracle client version to create a database in that server.

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SQL Query To Find CPU Usage And Memory Usage

Jun 28, 2013

Is their any query to find cpu usage & memory usage of all the queries currently running on DB? 

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Space Usage Report In OEM10g?

Nov 13, 2010

In OEM10 I can click on the database size in the database page. When I do this I am redirected by the OEM to teh Database space usage report.

I have 3 questions about reports in OEM10g:

1. Can I create drill-down reports in OEM10g?I want to create a report that shows the space usage per host and drill down to the databases (targets) that are on that host.

2.Can I create a link to the Database space usage report? I would like to redirect to the report from the report in question 1 from a target. So that I can see the space usage of the database that was selected.

3. Can I create a copy of the Database Space Usage summary report that the OEM shows? I can't find it in the report tab of the OEM.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: High Memory Usage By Grid / Database Installer

Oct 31, 2012

I am running oracle linux 5.7 on VMware Workstation 9 and trying to install Grid 11gr2, during installation my system freezes and I see out of memory errors. Actually Java installer is eating up too much memory over 1gb. Is there a way ? I can limit memory usage by Java process to a certain extent ?

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CPU Usage On Server Steadily Grows After Instance Startup

Mar 4, 2013

We have Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production on AIX platform. We've noticed that the CPU usage on the server is slowly but steadily grows since instance restart: after the instance restart the maximum CPU usage is about 25-30%, and a month later with the comparable transactional load it's about 60-65%. In the top I see a lot of Oracle sessions each of which use about 1% of CPU, so I cannot find the one "CPU eater".

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Exp 10.2.0 To Imp 11.2.0 Version Database?

Aug 15, 2013

I have doubts on export

1.) If we have taken exp (traditional export)of schema�s on database version 10.2.0 then shall we imp(traditional export) on database version 11.2.0?

2.) If we have taken expdp of schema�s on database version 10.2.0 then shall we impdp on database version 11.2.0?

3.) If we have taken exp(traditional export) of schema�s on database version 10.2.0 then shall we impdp on database version 11.2.0?

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Server Administration :: Find Tablespace Usage Including Datafiles

May 25, 2010

I am looking for a script to find the tbs usage including datafiles. Tablespaces Datafile Size Used Free Used% Free% Max MB

Need all the data in MB and all the datafile space in every tablespace.I have searched internet,but couldn't find this type of format.

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Database Refresh In Different Version?

Aug 24, 2012

Oracle and

Can rman refresh database from to

In another words, my source database is, my target database is

I want to refresh target database from source database. Is it ok since version is different?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Run Version 10g Report In Builder 6i Version

Jun 3, 2010

I have a report of version 10g . I want to run this report in oracle reports 6i version.

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Upgrade :: Database 32bit From To Version

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to upgrade the database 32bit from to version in Linux 32 bit . I faced the version incompatibility error during patch set installation and hence ran the patchset installation with -ignoresysprereqs option.

Now during the patchset installation i encountered the below error in in the install logfile.
INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/genclntsh
INFO: genclntsh: genclntsh: Could not locate /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/shrept.lst
INFO: make:
INFO: *** [client_sharedlib] Error 1
INFO: End output from spawned process.
INFO: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target 'client_sharedlib' of makefile '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/lib/ins_net_client.mk'. See '/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2012-06-24_11-45-11AM.log' for details.
Exception Severity: 1

Provide me the certified os and versions for oracle db 10gr2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check If A Particular Version Available In Earlier Version Of Oracle

Mar 30, 2012

I am using Oracle 11g version, I wanted to check if a particular function is available in the earlier version of Oracle (Say 9i). Oracle optimizer to run the query only using the features available in the 9i version?

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Version For 10g OMS Repository?

Feb 1, 2013

What database version is supported as a repository for 10g OMS?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Java Supported By Oracle Database 11g And 10g

Feb 22, 2011

what version of java is supported by Oracle Database 10g and 11g. Actually i am writing a User Defined Function in Java and was asking this question to know which version of java i need to compile the source file before uploading the jar.

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Windows :: Oracle Database Compatible Version With Win 7

May 10, 2012

I have Windows 7 (System Type - 64-bit OPerating System & ACPI X64 PC Type) and want to install Oracle Database.

The compatible version with the above operating system and send me the direct link for downloading.

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XE :: OracleXE Version 11g R2 Installation During Database Startup

Sep 24, 2012

I am new user using oracle XE. During the installing process, all see is Ok, but, when database is over startup process, the process NOT RESPONDING, and i don't know the cause.

My environment

Hardware: NOTEBOOK HP Genuine Inter (R) CPU
T2500 @ 2.00GHz
1.66 GHz, 2 GB of RAM
SO : Windows XP with services pack 3

Installation flow implement:

1. Download Oraclexe from oracle site
2. The installation & configuration process finish succeful, but when el flow are in startup point and i treat to login
the login step give me the next message:

ORA-01089: Immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
Process ID:0
sESSION id: 0 Serial number: 0

I Hope about 5 hours and the message is the same, while when i hope about 5 hours.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Oracle And JDBC Running On A Remote Database?

Jul 28, 2013

How to know the version of Oracle and JDBC of remote databases that is accessing my database through DBLInk.

For example I have a database A , B database is using my database Through a dblink.Now I want to know the version of oracle and jdbc which working on B.

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PL/SQL :: Error In Modifying Object Value In Triggers Defined On Object Tables

Sep 26, 2012

While practicing with Triggers, the following error was encountered. An Object Type and an object Table are created.

create or replace
type typPerson is object
(id number,
firstname varchar2(30),
lastname varchar2(30)

I executed the below insert statement, and I got the following error.

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger');
insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 4153
Session ID: 136 Serial number: 305

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object','Original');

1 row created.Question:

1) Trigger of version 1 did not report any error during compilation, but during DML execution, hangs for sometime and gives the above error.
2) Whether direct assignment of Objects of greater size is possible inside triggers built on object Tables?
3) Suppose an object contain multiple attributes (say more than 20), then how to assign them inside a trigger?

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TimesTen In-Memory :: OracleDataReader - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Of Object

Jan 25, 2013

I have a problem with executing oracleCommand.ExecuteReader() method. Whatever I try it always returns null and it won't create OracleData reader object. I'm using ODAC 1120320_x64 for .net 4.0 and timesten112241.win64. Don't sure what to do. Debugger is showing strange thing in OracleConnection object : ConnectionState = Closed, but output of ttStatus shows connection to TimesTen data store and ExecuteNonQuery() command works just fine with or without (in or out) parameters. But when I try to execute some query with multile output such as select *, I can't get any result.

I also have a strange problem with connection.Open() When I execute Open() i throws AccessViolationException that can be handled with [Handle ProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] attribute, but connection is established after that and my application works fine until I try to instance OracleDataReader object.

Here is the code:
OracleCommand select = null;
OracleDataReader reader = null;

select = new OracleCommand(selectStmt, connection);
select.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
reader = select.ExecuteReader(); // this line throws NullReferenceException
if (reader.HasRows)

Just to mention, I tried it with different queries (pl/sql, plane sql, stored procedure) and all of them works fine in SQL Developer, but not in app.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creation Of A Object Relational Database

Feb 25, 2012

i am working on a project that requires the creation of a object relational database. A number of different methods are required in order to insert different toy types into the appropriate toy related Object Table(s). Within this there will be the following fields:


and then some more specific information. The specific information for each toy is:

The toy_type can be electronic, game, or wooden.
For electronic I need to store Battery_Type and Number_of_Batteries.
For type Game, I need to store, Type, this could card_game, board_game or other_game.
For type wooden, I need to store Painted(Y/N).

The toys are requested by a child and created by elfs. This information also needs to be recorded but im more concerned with the creation of the toy class itself first. Now this was my first attempt at the solution but I cant seem to link the specific toy information into the same table. Will i have to create three separate tables then link them together?:

DROP TYPE electronic_toy;
DROP TYPE wooden_toy;
DROP TYPE board_toy;
DROP TYPE toy_typ;

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Server Administration :: Oracle Version?

Mar 21, 2011

In my test server ..When i'm going to check the oralce verion .which version this one ? im not seeing anything from oracle EE or standard edition & personal edition ...

SQL> select BANNER from v$version;
Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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Client Tools :: Error / Unsupported Oracle Database Version

Dec 8, 2011

when i am trying to connect to the database using sqldeveloper i am not able to connect to database. its giving me an error "Unsupported Oracle database version" but with plsql developer I am able to connecting.

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Moving From 32 Bit Linux To 64 Bit Windows Version On Database Standard Edition

Aug 16, 2013

when migrating from  32 bit Linux to 64 bit Windows version on database standard edition, is there a server media needed?if yes, can you give me more details on what it consists of? 

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