Windows :: Scheduled Removing Of Trm And Trn Files From Dump Area

Sep 19, 2011

As I was observing the space issues on my db server. I found that there is lots of Trm and Trc file which is being created very much frequently. Due to this its consuming lots of space even the size of each files is not more than 1Mb.

For cleaning I am deleting all the trm and trc files mannully using DEL command Os level. How can i schedule the purging of trm and trc files.

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Reduce The Dump Area Size

Jan 31, 2010

i just now installed oracle and import some schema to this new DB. but in OEM showing 40 % full of dump area

how to reduce the dump area size?

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Compare Two Dump Files And Their Respective Log Files

Jun 20, 2012

I want to compare two dump files and their respective log files, to see the difference. Is there any way.

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Properly Removing Old Temp Files From ASM Storage

Dec 16, 2010

The other day, we had a query run amok in our 2-node production cluster. The 3 temp files for the temp tablespace were all still set to autoextend unlimited, something I forgot to change after a recent upgrade. I created 3 new temp files and tried to delete the huge temp files. I did this from sqlplus with this commad:

ALTER TABLESPACE PSTEMP DROP TEMPFILE '+DATA/isis/tempfile/pstemp.291.641298061';

The huge files are still in ASM storage. dba_temp_files reports that the status of them is AVAILABLE but they have no RELATIVE_FNO. Grid Control reports their status as OFFLINE and their size as 0. They are actually close to 20 GB each.

I tested the above alter statement in two test instances, also RACed with ASM storage and the temp files were successfully deleted, but they were much smaller in size. At this point, how do I delete the three 20GB files from ASM in our production instance? Why didn't they delete the first time?

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Windows :: Scheduled Tasks For Export Table

May 17, 2011

i have batch file name exptab,to export all table in database

for example
@echo off
exp scott/tigger tables=emp file=C:impemp.dmp LOG =C:implog1
batch file working fine when i click on it,

I need to use the Scheduled Tasks in windows 2003 so when the computer startup batch file will run automatically i follow all the step but its not working i try the same story with windows xp still problem exist .

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Windows :: OUI-10133 / Invalid Staging Area

Oct 5, 2005

I have a prob installing Oracle 10g on Window 98 SE :

OUI-10133:Invalid staging area.

There are no top level components for Windows 98 available for installation in this staging area.

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Data Guard :: DATA FILES IN Storage Area Network (SAN)

Mar 29, 2011

I am working in a bank as an system consultant, i have a SAN Storage Area and oracle as below.


This interface includes the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace


SAN1 Mirrors the DATA FILES of the oracle tablespace to SAN 2

1. Can i rely on real time data recovery from SAN2 ?
2. if SAN1 (Data Files are currupted) will the SAN2 Data Files will be currupted as well.
3. If the SAN2 is currupted then what Oracle Features can be used to have uncurrupted data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Dump And Transfer Files With Same Table

Apr 6, 2011

how can i dump and transfer it to another year with the same table

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How To Clear Audit Files In Dump In HP-UX

Mar 31, 2013

i got many audit file in a dump it is on hp-ux linux normally in linux i use to give

find -name "*.aud" -mtime +20 -exec rm {} ;

what to give in HP-UX linux ?

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Server Utilities :: How To Export One Table To Few Separated Dump Files

Mar 24, 2010

I have a table with 9 regions. How can I export them in 9 seperated dump file?

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Server Utilities :: Multiple Export / Import Dump Files?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to export/import of a schema who's size is around 60 GB.

Export parfile goes like this..
file=expdmp1.dmp, expdmp2.dmp, expdmp3.dmp, expdmp4.dmp, expdmp5.dmp, expdmp6.dmp, expdmp7.dmp

Import parfile goes like this..

file=impdmp1.dmp, impdmp2.dmp, impdmp3.dmp, impdmp4.dmp, impdmp5.dmp, impdmp6.dmp, impdmp7.dmp

I am going to run this on production. So want to check it..

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: IMP With Multiple Dump Files And Remap_tablespace

Jan 17, 2013

I have 3 dump files: A.dmp, B.dmp, C.dmp . Can I use multiple REMAP_TABLESPACE entries in a par file to remap the table spaces for the above dump file?

Parfile would look something like this:


The first remap entry is only relevant to A.dmp file
The second remap entry is only relevant to B.dmp file

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Server Utilities :: IMPORT (Impdp) Multiple Dump Files

Aug 2, 2012

i have more than 100 dumpfiles to import into my oracle 11g database. i know how to import(impdp) for same named dumps but here all the dumpfile names are totally different(ex: aa.dmp,bb.dmp,).

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Server Administration :: User Dump / Trace Files With Huge Size In MBs

Mar 22, 2012

I am facing problem in user_dump_dest directory...I have noticed that there are a lot of trace files with huge size in MBs.I clean it and after 4 days there are 40G of size..

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Windows :: Delete Corrupted Files In Win 7?

Mar 12, 2012

I was having troubles with deleting some files and folders in windows 7, I used a software called SPAM. It works fine. Do I have any other options to do that thing? Or is it ok to be with SPAM? This tool has more options too.

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Installation Files For Oracle 10g For Windows 2003 64 Bit?

Jul 25, 2012

I am looking for Oracle database 10g (best if it is the lastest release of 10G) 64bit for windows2003 64bit machine but cuold not find the download (Oracle has took this off line, only 11g is available). where can I get this installation file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Scheduled Job Not Running As Per Schedule

Aug 30, 2011

I have set up two scheduled jobs in oracle 11g for executiong a procedure in specific time intervals. One as Hourly and other as minutely.But the scheduled jobs are not running as per schedule. i.e the minutely job is not running every minute. But If i see the run logs for some period it would have run every minute, and suddenly it will not execute and give a gap of 30 mins or 1 hour and then run again.

P.s. The job priority is set as 3. and except for these two jobs there are no other jobs set. But this is an important job which needs to be run every minute.

JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set to 1000, which is max. And there are only 3 scheduled jobs in the whole DB.
job_name => 'LOGTBLPURGE'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using A Database Link In A Scheduled Job?

May 12, 2010

A procedure in a package uses a database link. The database link is defined without a username and a password. The user that uses the database link is supposed to be present in the opposite database as wel.

When the procedure is started in SQL*Plus or TOAD it runs perfect. But the procedure has to run in a scheduled job. And that doesn't work. The procedure fails because of: ORA-01017 invalid username/password. The user that is used to run the scheduled job is the right one.

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MV-Scheduled Refresh Failure?

Jul 12, 2012

I have created a materialized view log on table testing_mview_rev in 11g:


Materialized view log created.

And a MV on it in 10g:

SQL> create materialized view testing_mview_1_rev REFRESH Force start with (sysdate) next (sysdate+1/1440) with rowid as select * from testing_mview_rev@S58_TO_S56;
Materialized view created.

Now this is suppose to automatically refresh itself every minute but refresh is failing. However manual refresh is working fine.

what I have missed here. is there any other way to schedule the MV to run every minute?

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Drop Or Disable A Scheduled Job

Oct 11, 2012

I have a job running under HUMADM user and would like disable or drop it.I do not have the login credentials of HUMADM user but can log into the database as system/sys user.

When I run the below commands as sys/system user it says humadmjob must be a job or it is not running.This is because it is looking for the job under sys/system user.

exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_job (job_name => 'humadmjob');
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.stop_job (job_name => 'humadmjob');

SELECT owner, job_name, job_class, enabled FROM dba_scheduler_jobs;

====== ========= ======= ======

how to stop/disable this job? My oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Scheduled Jobs - Not Working?

Jun 22, 2010

am facing an issue with scheduled jobs. The below script will create a scheduled job to insert a record for every 2 mins into the table "job_table".

--Table script
CREATE TABLE job_table (now DATE);
--Stored procedure run by scheduled job


The scheduled job does not require any special grant privillege as the PUBLIC has access to run it. Anyhow the same set of instruction working for my friend on his machine but not on my environment.

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PL/SQL :: How To Run A Scheduler Using Scheduled Time

Jun 5, 2013

-- Scheduler details

schedule_name  => 'INTERVAL_EVERY_1_MINUTES', 
start_date    => trunc(sysdate)+18/24, 
repeat_interval => 'freq=MINUTELY;interval=1', 
comments     => 'Runtime: Every day all 1 minutes'); 
END;-- program code


all above three code compiled successfully . but it is not running automatically and not run every 1 minute.

I try to run this manuall by using following code


It works fine..

create or replace


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RMAN Scheduled Database Backup

Oct 24, 2012

I have a database windows 2008 server. I have RMAN with nocatalog. I need to take daily RMAN backup of database at 6 PM.

I want to schedule this RMAN backup to run automatically. I want to run this backup when I am not logged on.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Program Automating Scheduled Jobs?

Jun 26, 2011

We are using one application. This application is having 2types of jobs. Under each job again there are each 5 sub jobs. All the jobs are scheduled jobs. Now the requirement is The main 2 jobs we are going to run on some specified days( for this we need to mention on what days we want to run.once we gave those day the next steps will start).

for example 1 main job is scheduled on Monday ( we need to schedule it on monday-- we need to write a program for this) under this every sub job will run.these sub jobs are dependent jobs.if sub job completed successfully it should send an email to the distributed mail group which says like " <Job_name> completed successfully" if it fails also it needs to send an email to the distributed group. for each sub job it should send either success/falure mail to the distriuted mail group.

once after completing all the sub jobs successfully it should send a mail to the distributed mail group saying that The main job got completed successfully.these two main jobs will run paralelly but the the second main job will run after 30 mins of 1st job starts.

in the second job also will work as same as job1 should also send mails to the distributed mail groups.The jobs are already scheduled.No need to scheduled the jobs.need to write a pl/sql program like it will check all the jobs and respected sub jobs if any thing got completed/failed it should send an email to the distributed mail group automatically. For that it should monitor all the jobs..that's the requirement.

I have already scheduled all the jobs. now want to write a script for the above requiement.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Disable Jobs Scheduled By User

Sep 13, 2010

changing the user for a job.

There are 2 jobs which are scheduled in database by a user XX.
Now I need to make these scheduled jobs run by user YY.

In order to do this do I need to disable the jobs scheduled by XX and then create same jobs as before under the new user YY.

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Recovery Area Cannot Be Used For Archive Log?

Sep 13, 2013

I`m using the the version for testing.  I read a line as below from the OCP book.

If none of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters have been set, then transitioning. the database to archivelog mode will internally set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_10 to the flash recovery area, if it has been configured. In my database the fast recovery already been set as below.

SQL> show parameter db_recovery
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest                string      +FASTRECOVERY
db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 4248M

So I thought if I turn the database into archive log mode, then the log_archive_dest_10 will be set as the same value as db_recovery_dest.

SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.
SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
log_archive_dest                     string
log_archive_dest_1                   string
log_archive_dest_10                  string

See, after the database become archive, the log_archive_dest_10 still be empty.  So is there any thing wrong with my understanding?

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Server Administration :: Find Last Run Duration Of Job Which Was Scheduled Using DBMS_JOB

Jun 20, 2010

Is there any way to find the last run duration of a job which was scheduled using DBMS_JOB?

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Performance Tuning :: Snapshot Skipped In Between Scheduled Time?

Sep 11, 2013

Yesterday, there were performance issue at server. So today, when i am generating report for that particular period, found snapshot id sequence is serially but with skipped hourly timed. Instead of generating report at 15:30, it generated at 16:30.

Enter value for num_days: 2

Listing the last 2 days of Completed Snapshots
Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
tagidev TAGIDEV 2857 10 Sep 2013 00:30 1
2858 10 Sep 2013 01:30 1
2859 10 Sep 2013 02:30 1
2860 10 Sep 2013 03:30 1
2861 10 Sep 2013 04:30 1
2862 10 Sep 2013 05:31 1


Below are the details at alert log -

Tue Sep 10 14:28:20 2013
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 7029
Checkpoint not complete
Current log# 2 seq# 7028 mem# 0: E:APPORACLEORADATATAGIDEVREDO02.LOG
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 7029 (LGWR switch)


1) why snap didn't started at 15:30?

2) since database just started at the scheduled time of AWR snap time. But generated at 16:32 instead of 16:30, though last services "SMCO" is started at 16:42. How it snap id generated for this particular time?

3) what does "kewastUnPackStats(): bad magic 1 (0x000000001B3CE48D, 0)" mean?

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Scheduler :: Find Currently Running Scheduled Jobs Using Query

Feb 27, 2013

How to find currently running scheduled jobs using query !?

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Scheduler :: How To Remove A Created Job And Stop / Change A Scheduled Job

Jan 7, 2013

I copied a sqlplus scheduled job procedure. Procedure successfully created .I fount it here [How to Schedule RMAN Daily Backup? [URL]

The procedure is successfully created. Now, doing the following operations:

1) running that job
2) checking whether that job is running or not
3) listing all other jobs
4) unschedule a scheduled job
5) delete a job
6) edit a job

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