Windows :: Delete Corrupted Files In Win 7?

Mar 12, 2012

I was having troubles with deleting some files and folders in windows 7, I used a software called SPAM. It works fine. Do I have any other options to do that thing? Or is it ok to be with SPAM? This tool has more options too.

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Delete Files With Extension Arc

Sep 15, 2010

I can delete the old archives with extension arc. Today, when I consult V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST, there are files with today date. Can I delete these files, without danger the database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can't Delete Files That Were Used On External Tables

May 11, 2011

I'm not sure if this should go on this topic.

Anyway, I've loaded 5 .csv files through an external table and after doing it I tried to delete them.

But this error comes "Cannot delete 'filename': It is being used by another person or program".

I closed Oracle Developer and tried again deleting them manually, and the result was the same.

Tried restarting and deleting one .csv and it worked, but when I open sql dev and tried deleting the other files couldn't do it.

The question is: files that were used on external tables can't be deleted if developer is working?

The thing is that I've created a Stored Procedure that delete the files and obviously can't work. So, I should delete every time I load a csv file after restarting the computer.

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Delete Archive Log Files Using RMAN

Jul 26, 2013

I am trying to remove archive log file on my standby site but I am getting the following message. There are lots of archive logs are present on the storage but rman is unable to displaying that.

RMAN> list archivelog all;

specification does not match any archived log in the repositoryRMAN> 

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Server Administration :: How To Delete Files In Incident Folder

Aug 3, 2010

I have got oracle 11g release 1, I need recomendation, how can I delete safely content from the folder C:oraclediag dbmsinstancenameinstancenameincident?

can i delete files manually which are not useful?

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Server Administration :: Unable To Delete Archive Files Through ASMCMD

Apr 13, 2011

we are getting below error:

ora-00257 archiver error. connect internal only until freed

when we tried to remove the unwanted arc files thro ASMCMD,we are getting below error:

ASMCMD> rm -ef 2011_04_05/
Unknown option: e
usage: rm [-rf] <name1 name2 . . .>
ASMCMD> rm -rf 2011_04_05/
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15028: ASM file '+XCOM_BACKUP_DG/TXCOM/ARCHIVELOG/2011_04_05/thread_2_seq_27215.1143.747641143' not dropped; currently being accessed (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15028: ASM file '+XCOM_BACKUP_DG/TXCOM/ARCHIVELOG/2011_04_05/thread_3_seq_21762.826.747641143' not dropped; currently being accessed (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15177: cannot operate on system aliases (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)

further we checked FRA size:

SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------

ARCHIVELOG 3.19 0 38

and checked any arc processing holding lock on arc files:

> ps -ef | grep -i ora_arc*

oracle 6989 1 0 15:07 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc0_TXCOM1
oracle 6991 1 0 15:07 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc1_TXCOM1
oracle 12246 12164 0 15:17 pts/4 00:00:00 grep -i ora_arc*
oracle 13452 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:01:07 ora_arc0_TWEBAPPS1
oracle 13454 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:00:30 ora_arc1_TWEBAPPS1
oracle 15402 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:00:50 ora_arc0_SXCOM1

[Code] ........

but we were not able to remove those .arc files from that folder. finally we have down all the instances and deleted those files manually.

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Automatic Storage Management :: CMD Delete Files Older Than N Days

Oct 24, 2012

in ASM disk group,

(under one directory)

ASMCMD> ls -lt

...(thousands of log files looks like, for example, log_19.26718.790635667),

how can I delete those files older than 10 days in one command line?

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Installation Files For Oracle 10g For Windows 2003 64 Bit?

Jul 25, 2012

I am looking for Oracle database 10g (best if it is the lastest release of 10G) 64bit for windows2003 64bit machine but cuold not find the download (Oracle has took this off line, only 11g is available). where can I get this installation file?

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Windows :: Error / Cannot Delete OCI / Access Denied

Mar 23, 2005

I got an error while trying to install Oracle 9i on a Win XP machine. So, I decided to wipe out Oracle completely and starting again. I deleted all the Oracle entries from the registry and then tried deleting the folder. But while doing that, I am getting the following error - "Cannot delete oci:Access denied"

The disk is neither write-protected nor is the oci.dll file in use.

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Windows :: Scheduled Removing Of Trm And Trn Files From Dump Area

Sep 19, 2011

As I was observing the space issues on my db server. I found that there is lots of Trm and Trc file which is being created very much frequently. Due to this its consuming lots of space even the size of each files is not more than 1Mb.

For cleaning I am deleting all the trm and trc files mannully using DEL command Os level. How can i schedule the purging of trm and trc files.

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Windows :: Unable To Delete SMON Trace File?

Oct 4, 2012

In my database smon tracefile was huge,now we want to delete the same,I also tried with ordebug operation but no use, delete tracfile which Smon generates.

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Windows :: Delete ASM Disk Recently Created With Asmtool

Mar 10, 2011

ON windows environment...i am trying to delete the asm disk recently created with asmtool but it is not allowing me to do that . it seems asmtool gives some system assigned name to it . How to find the name so that i can drop the disk.

1. asmtool -create e:asmasm2.dsk 1024M;

2. asmtool -delete e:asma2.dsk
ASM:00204 : Ignoring ORACLDISKE:E:ASMASM2.DSK not a valid ASM paritition

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Oracle DB Corrupted

Feb 7, 2013

Recently we have a weird thing happens in our Oracle Queries to the views return "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" unless there are a where clause

select * from VIEW1 failed
select * from VIEW1 where 1 = 1 works

What happening? and how we can fix it?

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Hyperlink Inside A Mail Got Corrupted

May 4, 2012

I have an application written in Pl SQL Oracle which suppose to send email using utl_smtp. For users that are using Exchange Server 2010 Windows the hyperlinks inside the email are correctly but for users that have a Postfix version installed on a Debian 5 Linux mail server the hyperlinks contains some extra spaces. I think that the CRLF that I'm using inside my code to create the MIME message is not ok interpreted.

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RMAN :: How To Restore Corrupted Database

Dec 19, 2012

We have Oracle database installed on Itanium server.

1. One day we found some packages got invalid & not compiling at all with error – ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4097], [], [], [], [], [], [], [].

2. Then we successfully restored the database from old RMAN backup of previous date that caused this error.

3. After 2 days again we found the same error in alert_prd log - ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4097], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 19089 ], [], [], [], [], [], [], []     

4. Then for testing we exported database using exp command & found 3 tables are not exporting because of data block corruption issue.

5. Then we truncated the data from all 3 tables and then able to export successfully.

6. After all this we manually run SYS.DMS_STATS job but found same error logged in prd_alert log.

This looks like, still database block corruption issue is there & we are unable to cure it 100% This is a production system & in very critical state now.

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Recreate Parameter File When Lost Or Corrupted?

Jul 1, 2010

recreate paramater file if you lost init.ora or spfile.ora


SQL> startup
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file 'D:ORACLEORA92DATABASEINITGPT2.ORA'
How to resolve ORA-01078 with LRM-00109 error?

For resolving these error, you should need to replace init.ora or spfile if you have backup of same files. If you don't have backup then go to alert.log and copy all parameters in one file and save as "init.ora". Modify same init.ora with some parameters which need single quotation mark " ' " like background_dump_dest,controlfiles,db_name and "dispatchers ......)". Connect as sysdba in SQL*Plus and execute command "create spfile from pfile=" or startup pfile or startup.

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Server Administration :: How To Clean Corrupted Dba_tables

Feb 5, 2013

I have a table enrty in dba_tables:

SQL> select OWNER,TABLE_NAME from dba_tables where TABLE_NAME='Viep_Porteur_Etudiant';
------------------------------ ------------------------------
IEP_PESSAC Viep_Porteur_Etudiant

But this tables doesn't exist then I can't drop this table:

SQL> desc IEP_PESSAC.Viep_Porteur_Etudiant;
ORA-04043: objet IEP_PESSAC.Viep_Porteur_Etudiant inexistant
SQL> drop table IEP_PESSAC.Viep_Porteur_Etudiant;
drop table IEP_PESSAC.Viep_Porteur_Etudiant
ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante

How can I clean dba_table? I suppose that that's happened because the user tablespace was full when he tried to create this table...

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Server Administration :: Temporary Tablespace Was Corrupted

Aug 8, 2013

i found a temporary tablespace was corrupted,what happens to the database level, how to recover that tablespace? If need any recovery?

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Backup & Recovery :: Oracle Crashed And Data Corrupted?

May 20, 2013

I am the only DBA in my company and Oracle just crashed on me. The data is corrupted as well as the data on my backup! Is there ANY way I can get the information back?

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Ora-01578 ORACLE Data Block Corrupted For New Site

Nov 14, 2012

Oracle 10gR2 on red hat.

I have an application that writes blobs via pro*c. It is running at several sites without errors for a few years now. One of the newer sites has started reporting "ora-01578 ORACLE data block corrupted".

I've tried using rman backup validate - it does not report any errors.

I've tried using rman restore and recover to correct the problem.

I've tried deleting the file with the corrupt block and using rman restore and recover to recreate it.

In any of the above cases, I do not see any errors being encountered, and when I restart the application, it works for a while and then starts reporting "ora-01578 ORACLE data block corrupted".

I've had the client do a physical check of the disk and it indicated the media was okay.

We've failed over to the standby system, so I have a wee bit of breathing room - but I'm going to be away for 4 days and will have to get back on this when I get back. I'm a little puzzled that I can fix it for a short while and then it breaks again.

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Server Administration :: Find Database Is Corrupted Or Crashed

Mar 3, 2012

how will you find your db is Corrupted or crashed. how will u recover it.

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RMAN - ORA-01578 Oracle Data Block Corrupted

Feb 11, 2013

we are running oracle 9iR2 ( on windows server 2003 R2 and facing ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 17, block # 312316)

SQL> select * from payrol.slip;
select * from payrol.slip
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 17, block # 312316)
ORA-26040: Data block was loaded using the NOLOGGING option

1) SELECT name FROM v$datafile WHERE file#=17;

2) SELECT block_size FROM dba_tablespaces
WHERE tablespace_name =
(SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_data_files WHERE file_id=17);

3) SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name
FROM dba_extents
WHERE file_id = &AFN
and &BL between block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;

file_id=17, BL=312316

I am not using RMAN. How to recover payrol.slip table ?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01578 - ORACLE Data Block Corrupted

Sep 4, 2012

I am having 3 oracle database instances running on 3 seperate Linux Node(RHEL Node).

Instance -1 named - DS
Instance -2 named - MIS
Instance -3 named - OAS

Among of these 3 nodes, we are facing Block Corruption issues with sysaux tablespace.Error in Instance name DS is

Errors in file /u01/home/dba/oracle/diag/rdbms/ds4db/DS/trace/DS_j000_655388.trc (incident=300847):
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 2, block # 38428)
ORA-01110: data file 2: '/DSdb1/dssysaux.dbf'
ORA-26040: Data block was loaded using the NOLOGGING option
GATHER_STATS_JOB encountered errors. Check the trace file.

for this I googled and found some solution as oracle doc [430230.1] related to sysaux couruption.After this again we are facing the same issue in sysaux tablespace.

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Server Administration :: How Control File Is Corrupted And Database Not Open

Apr 27, 2011

I am using oracle 10g R2. Some how control file is corrupted and database is not open. and there is no backup of control file. Now i need to open the database without recreating the database.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-01578 - ORACLE Data Block Corrupted

Nov 21, 2012

What i have to do for this error:

ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 3, block # 42348)
ORA-01110: data file 3: '+DGMETA/metadb/datafile/sysaux.257.783871811'
Wed Nov 21 09:30:00 2012
Corrupt Block Found
RFN = 3, BLK = 42348, RDBA = 12625260

Database version is :- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

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Server Administration :: How To Repair Blocks That Gets Corrupted Found In Dbverify

Aug 8, 2013

how to repair the blocks that gets corrupted found in dbverify

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: How To Restore Database If Catalog Corrupted

Feb 27, 2013

How to restore database if rman catalog corrupted and we we dont have bacup of catalog db ..all the backup info are stored in catalog db for prod databases.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Make Files That Compile PC Files In Unix

Jul 31, 2008

I have written make files that compile .pc files in unix. This was for several projects that use an oralib source code directory.Just running proc on one target .pc file works fine on unix. I am trying to use proc - Oracle 10.2.0 - in windows and I keep getting:

Quote:unable to open include file
#include <stdio.h>
and other C library headers.

I am doing all development under cygwin, this way I can write a makefile just like under unix instead of using nmake.All C library headers are in /usr/include When I run proc on Solaris as that:

proc program.pc
No problems, and I do get program.c.

However in windows I get the previous error message. I have tried to do proc include=/user/include program.pc and proc include=/user/include parse=full program.pc but I still get the same error message.

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PL/SQL :: To Delete Child Records Manually Without Using Oracle Delete Cascade

Oct 9, 2012

I have to write a procedure that accepts schema name, table name and column value as parameters....I knew that i need to use metadata to do that deleting manually.

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Know If Database Files Are On File System Or Raw Files?

Oct 11, 2012

How can I know if database files are on file system or raw files?

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