I have an application that writes blobs via pro*c. It is running at several sites without errors for a few years now. One of the newer sites has started reporting "ora-01578 ORACLE data block corrupted".
I've tried using rman backup validate - it does not report any errors.
I've tried using rman restore and recover to correct the problem.
I've tried deleting the file with the corrupt block and using rman restore and recover to recreate it.
In any of the above cases, I do not see any errors being encountered, and when I restart the application, it works for a while and then starts reporting "ora-01578 ORACLE data block corrupted".
I've had the client do a physical check of the disk and it indicated the media was okay.
We've failed over to the standby system, so I have a wee bit of breathing room - but I'm going to be away for 4 days and will have to get back on this when I get back. I'm a little puzzled that I can fix it for a short while and then it breaks again.
we are running oracle 9iR2 ( on windows server 2003 R2 and facing ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 17, block # 312316)
SQL> select * from payrol.slip; select * from payrol.slip * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 17, block # 312316) ORA-01110: data file 17: 'E:ORACLEORADATAMTMASYSMTM.ORA' ORA-26040: Data block was loaded using the NOLOGGING option
2) SELECT block_size FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE tablespace_name = (SELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_data_files WHERE file_id=17); output 8192
3) SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = &AFN and &BL between block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;
We are facing block corruption error and it's refer to system datafile (SYSTEM01.DBF).Below is the script through it, we can come to know about the extent.
select segment_name, segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=1 and 134144 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;
select owner,index_name,index_type, table_name from dba_indexes where index_name='I_CDEF3';
How to resolve the problem as it is related to system datafile? We tried to drop the index but system is not allowing to do.
ORA-00701 - object necessary for warmstarting database cannot be altered.
I am having 3 oracle database instances running on 3 seperate Linux Node(RHEL Node).
Instance -1 named - DS Instance -2 named - MIS Instance -3 named - OAS
Among of these 3 nodes, we are facing Block Corruption issues with sysaux tablespace.Error in Instance name DS is
Errors in file /u01/home/dba/oracle/diag/rdbms/ds4db/DS/trace/DS_j000_655388.trc (incident=300847): ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 2, block # 38428) ORA-01110: data file 2: '/DSdb1/dssysaux.dbf' ORA-26040: Data block was loaded using the NOLOGGING option GATHER_STATS_JOB encountered errors. Check the trace file. [code]....
for this I googled and found some solution as oracle doc [430230.1] related to sysaux couruption.After this again we are facing the same issue in sysaux tablespace.
I am the only DBA in my company and Oracle just crashed on me. The data is corrupted as well as the data on my backup! Is there ANY way I can get the information back?
Does change in segment size effect the rman backup size..??
I'm trying to understand do Rman backup the empty block from datafiles..?? And if it escape the empty block than inserting data in tables (increasing the number of used block) might change the size of total backup (Rman) size
Quote: A.2.2 Writing Backup Scripts for Disk and Tape Scenarios
As in the disk-only scenarios, the backup scripts in this section are categorized based on database workload. as stated very clearly it depends on the workload, more precisely the rate of block change. The size of the database can be found out based on formula from
so how would I know the rate of block change in order to know which script is suitable for me? I try to find out the rate of block change for the database based on change tracking file but based on
The size of the change tracking file is proportional to the size of the database and the number of enabled threads of redo. The size is not related to the frequency of updates to the database. So how do I determine the rate of change? can the rate of block change based on size of archive logs?
I have the following information with me:
starting from 5/10/2011 0101 ending 5/18/2011 1114
average size of each file 27,942,770,176/1644 =16996818.841849148418491484184915
average size of each day's log = 27,942,770,176/9.5 =2941344229.0526315789473684210526 about 3G
If I have a database size of 92G, based on the archive log size of about 3G per day, can I conclude that a change of 3G/92G is considered as few block change?
I have noticed a block corruption issue in my RAC database. Its an index , how to recover a corrupted index in system datafile.
SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = 5 3 and 147551 between block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1; TABLESPACE_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE OWNER
i want to enable block change tracking as our incremental level1 backup take a lot of time but i have a worry which i found it on oracle support and tha is as follows Database Instance Hang at Database Checkpoint With Block Change Tracking Enabled. [ID 1326886.1]
and for such order i noticed that block change tracking file wasn't used for any cumulative backup. for each cumulative backup was done full scan over database.
it was used after i did incremental level 0 backup, and again incremental 1 cumulative.
if i want this feature to be usefull i should enable it before my incremental level 0, or i should do incremental level 0 immediately after i enable it?
During the scheduled backup we observed that, backup got failed. Error is "ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 11 (block # 118736) ". unable to rectify it. Below are the part of log file -
ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.MAIN [TABLE_DATA:"DW_REP"."DW_MOTOR_CLAIM_INFO_DTLS"] ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 8976 ORA-24795: Illegal ROLLBACK attempt made
This is development server. Dont have RMAN configured.But when we connected to RMAN and issued block recovery, it started process and shows media recovery done. Since no RMAN backup was taken before, what it does here?
C:UsersAdministrator>RMAN Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri May 17 10:48:40 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. RMAN> CONECT target / connected to target database: MAGMADEV (DBID=2469200049)
I'm using database 11g & restore backup from another location.
RMAN> RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM '/u01/RMAN/forstandby_0acekubq_1_1'; RMAN> catalog start with '/u01/RMAN/'; RMAN> restore database; channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/RMAN/forstandby_09ceku8r_1_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: ORA-19870: error while restoring backup piece /u01/RMAN/forstandby_09ceku8r_1_1 ORA-19599: block number 782 is corrupt in backup piece /u01/RMAN/forstandby_09ceku8r_1_1
failover to previous backup
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 10/23/2012 19:24:11 RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 4 found to restore RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 3 found to restore RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 2 found to restore RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 1 found to restore
I have an oracle autoback of controlfile and spfile. I am trying to restore the production database using this backup, into a new server with a different directory structure.
I have completed the following steps in the restore process.
1. Creating a pfile from spfile
2. Changing the the location of cdump, udump, bdump and the control files ( there are three )
3. Then creating a spfile from this pfile
I am stuck on the next step where to rename all the datafiles and tempfile and restore the database. Following is what I did.
After mounting the database in RMAN, tried to run the following.
RMAN> run 2> { 3> allocate channel c1 device type disk 4> ; 5> @/home/oracle/rman_scripts/newloc.rman 6> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/system01.dbf'; 7> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/undotbs01.dbf'; 8> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/sysaux01.dbf'; 9> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/users01.dbf';
I am getting the following error message.
Starting restore at 25-JAN-2012 21:26:48 released channel: c1 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 01/25/2012 21:26:49 RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 30 RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 29 RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 28
How to restore database if rman catalog corrupted and we we dont have bacup of catalog db ..all the backup info are stored in catalog db for prod databases.
We are using HP data Protector as oracle database backup tools.but we are facing below error. But we are able to login to the database through same user.
BR0301E SQL error -1033 at location BrDbConnect-2, SQL statement: 'CONNECT system/********' ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress BR0310E Connect to database instance ARP failed
I have facing problem while taking backup on Windows 7 client of Oracle 11g R2 database. I have installed oracle 11gR2 for windows on windows 7 machine. I have created a directory like below in database.
On Database Server
SQL> create directory win_expdp_dir as 'd:expimp';
Directory created.
SQL> grant read, write on directory win_expdp_dir to lab;
Grant succeeded.
On Windows 7 machine (client machine)
D:appproduct11.2.0client_1BIN>expdp lab/lab@wbdata.wbh-db11g DIRECTORY=win_expdp_dir DUMPFILE=lab.dmp LOGFILE=lab.log Export: Release - Production on Mon May 2 12:51:44 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
I have give all sharing rights on d:expimp directory. My main question is why i'm getting this error. Is there any thing missing in setup. how to take export on windows 7 client.
I've read a lot about the different types of backup available with Oracle (hot and cold backup). However, I was thinking of a different way of performing this task. I'm currently using Windows Server 2008 R2 and Oracle 11g Standard Edition. I'd like to schedule an entire backup of my server via the utility "Windows Server Backup" (available for free).That way, I could recover my entire server with all the programs and files in case the latter crashes.I'm wondering if this solution could be used as a way of backing up (and recovering) the Oracle database. Should I still set up a regular hot backup with the Archivelog mode enabled in case some operations/transactions were being done at the time of the crash (for the data integrity)?
I set 'maxopenfiles 4' when allocating channel to sbt in my products env, I got 2 backup pieces in one backup set because that tablespace has 7 datafiles. Other configuration is kept as default, such as no maxsize, no MAXPIECESIZE, and etc setting.
I read document from Oracle. It says:"By default a backup set contains one backup piece. To restrict the size of each backup piece, specify the MAXPIECESIZE option of the CONFIGURE CHANNEL or ALLOCATE CHANNEL commands. " And also, maxopenfiles configure does not force another backup piece generated. So, why do I get another backup piece?
BTW, I tried this on another testing environment. I only get one backup piece even there are more than 2 times maxopnefiles datafiles.
I have the RMAN full database backup of oracle 10g ( on Sun Solaris OS which i want to restore on oracle 11g ( on Linux OS. The backup pieces was transferred to oracle 11g server manually in binary mode.
the backup is taken in above format. I know the ORACLE_SID and dbid of the database from which the backup has been taken. whenever i tried the following command
mepc@tcstctmatson:/mepc_backup/May22fullbkp$ rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jul 31 12:14:54 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: MEPC (DBID=1595278680)
RMAN> shutdown; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog database closed database dismounted Oracle instance shut down
RMAN> startup nomount;
connected to target database (not started) Oracle instance started
When you create a backup in SQL Server, whether the backup is on disk or on tape, SQL Server writes the letters TAPE to the first four bytes of the backup. Does Oracle write any specify value to the front of every backup, and if so, what are the first four bytes?
what is %N determines in Oracle RMAN HOT Backup. In some documentation it says it gives you backup with respect to tablespace. Is it a version specific ..bcos when tried in above version it failed....