Secure Backup :: Dell PS 6100E Unsupported Device

Dec 23, 2012

Oracle Back up is showing library Dell PS 6100E as unsupported device and can not retrieve any information from it, can not ping and can not verify both from obtool and web tool. Using Linux. I can ping from outside and see the device config using lsscsi. But obtool and webtool fails. Is it really unsupported ? In the

$ORACLE_Backup_Home/device/device_robots I see some PV122T, PV124T

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Secure Backup :: OSB Catalog Backup Is Getting Fired On Associated Media Family

Jul 23, 2012

We having OSB 10.4 on Solaris 10 with SL 24 TL Auto loader ( Tapes doesn't having Bar-code ), while firing file system backup (Sol 10 is the client OS) , it is hanging . and i have logged in to TL console then it shows loading and unloading. while OSB catalog backup is getting fired on the associated media family.

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Secure Backup :: Possible To Un-delete Expired Backup Pieces?

Jan 16, 2013

Is it possible to un-delete the deleted backup pieces, then catalog them to RMAN?

ob> lsvol contents vid GENERIC-000138
VOID OOID Seq Volume ID Barcode Family Created Attributes
533 533 28 GENERIC-000138 PCC204L2 GENERIC 2010/11/12 never closes; content manages reuse
BSOID File Sect Level Host Size Created Attributes
4254 277 2 0 oraserv 14.8 GB 2012/03/31 deleted
4255 278 1 0 oraserv 57.7 GB 2012/03/31 deleted
4256 279 1 0 oraserv 54.2 GB 2012/03/31 deleted
4257 280 1 0 oraserv 62.3 GB 2012/03/31 deleted

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Secure Backup :: RMAN Backup Using OSB Too Slow

Jan 21, 2013

We are exploring Oracle Secure Backup in our environment as legato networker alternative. But RMAN backup in OSB is very slow due to sbt wait event (sbtwrite2). it can backup 5GB/hour. We think this not normal behavior. we have checked network throughput between media server and client server. It can send 50 GB data by 30 min.

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Secure Backup :: Compress Existing Backup

Oct 4, 2012

I have a lot of uncompressed backup. How can I compress it?

List of Backups
Key TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
304 B 0 A DISK 01-OCT-12 1 1 NO BACKUP_DPCTRDB_000_100112093432
305 B 0 A DISK 01-OCT-12 1 1 NO BACKUP_DPCTRDB_000_100112093432
306 B 0 A DISK 01-OCT-12 1 1 NO BACKUP_DPCTRDB_000_100112093432
308 B 0 A DISK 01-OCT-12 1 1 NO BACKUP_DPCTRDB_000_100112093432
309 B 0 A DISK 01-OCT-12 1 1 NO BACKUP_DPCTRDB_000_100112093432


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Secure Backup :: OSB On Solaris 11.1

Dec 20, 2012

Two questions.

1. Both Oracle Secure Backup and Oracle Secure Backup Express for x86 Solaris download the same file.
Is there no difference on Solaris?

2. Have installed and configured sgen driver and tapes can be labelled OK and the first backup works

BUT appending the next backup to the tape I get the following.

Space to EOD.
Device says it is offline

Transcript below
8231: 2012/12/21.10:16:28 (pvfw) previous state is invalid
8232: 2012/12/21.10:16:28 (alv) backup image label is valid, file 1, section 1
8233: 2012/12/21.10:16:28 (pvfw) invalidating tape position in mount db
8234: 2012/12/21.10:16:28 (ial) invalidate backup image label (was valid)
8235: 2012/12/21.10:16:28 ***0 wst__exec: op=16 (eod), buf=0x0, count=1 (0x1), parm=0x0

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Secure Backup :: Two Libraries In OSB

Mar 14, 2013

My scenario:

We have OSB 10.44 installed on 64 Bit Red Hat OS. Is working pretty fine with a Virtual Library that is configured in an Storage Box. Now we have acquired a Physical Storage and we want to duplicate the backups already taken by the Virtual Library into the new Physical Library.

We have 20 drives for the VTL and for the physical we are planning to have the same to duplicate all backups from VTL. That is being done in case Emergency Failures, so we can restore from Physical Library in case the VTL fails.

The question is: Is there any documentation on how to do duplicate backups.?

The duplicate backups copy wont be done in real time. They will be done after the backup is finished in the VTL and then will start the copy in the physical library.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Restore To Another Device

Mar 7, 2012

I have on PC running Windows Server 2003 named "Host A" and another Windows Server 2003 named "Host B".I made a Backup from Host A and want to restore this on Host B with following procedure.

Prepare & Backup:

But when i now try to access the Database Control i got following Error:„503 Service Unavailable: Servlet error an exception occurred the current application deployment descriptor do not allow for including it in this response" and the restored Datas are not included.

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Difference Between RMAN And Secure Backup

Jan 29, 2013

what is the difference b/w rman and oracle secure backup.

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Secure Backup :: SFTP Not Working In OSB

Dec 2, 2012

We are trying to use the SFTp transport in OSB 11g. Did the setup as mentioned in the documentation.The SFTP server is hosted on linux machine and using the user password mechanism.

We are reading a file using the ftp adapter and routing to the business service that is based on sftp.The file is picked up properly by proxy but while sending the file through SFTP, we are facing the following error.At the source and destination ends, the directories have the full permissions as required.


Caused By: No such file
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1005.invoke(Unknown Source)


resolve this error.

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Secure Backup Only For Tape Drive Not For Disk

Oct 27, 2010

Is oracle providing secure backup only for Tape drive not for disk(means Hard-disk),configure oracle secure backup.

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Can HP DDS-4 Data Cartridge C5718A Be Used For Oracle Secure Backup

Jul 17, 2012

Can HP DDS-4 Data Cartridge C5718A be used for "Oracle Secure Backup"??

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Can Oracle Secure Backup Run Using SAS Interface On IBM Autoloader Model TS2900

Mar 23, 2012

We would like to used Oracle secure backup using SAS interface on an IBM Autoloader Model TS-2900. Would it be possible to configure oracle secure backup using SAS?

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Secure Backup :: Difference Between Cold Backup And Cold Cloning

Oct 18, 2012

Difference between cold backup and cold cloning?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Replicate From Physical To VM / Storage DELL Compelled

Jul 13, 2012

We have the following scenario that we need to replicate:

Our current systems are on oracle RAC+ASM with 2 nodes, they are on physical hardware.We would like to replicate from physical to VM, storage is DELL compellent.

Can this be done online without RMAN at SAN level replication? how to replicate the systems.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-32033 / Unsupported Column Aliasing

Sep 8, 2012

with ele(sno,name,state) as(select sno,name,state from sankar)delete from ele where sno=1 select sno,name,state from sankar

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Forms :: ORA-03115 / Unsupported Network Datatype Or Representation

Dec 6, 2010

We are using 10G Forms and Reports against a 8I database (DB1) which has a link into another 8i Database (DB2).

DB2 has been upgraded to 10G. The application works fine but when I try to compile the forms in form builder I get an "ORA-03115, unsupported network datatype or representation." error.

The error occurs where the code in the form references the link directly. Other code where we created views to hide the link name works fine. BTW Same code works fine in SQL Plus 10G & Toad.

I have tried changing the type of variables & different columns but that did not work.

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ORA-39726 / Unsupported Add / Drop Column Operation On Compressed Tables

Aug 8, 2011

I am getting ORA-39726 error when a dropping a column on a non-compressed table.

------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
ERROR at line 1: ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables

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Client Tools :: Error / Unsupported Oracle Database Version

Dec 8, 2011

when i am trying to connect to the database using sqldeveloper i am not able to connect to database. its giving me an error "Unsupported Oracle database version" but with plsql developer I am able to connecting.

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Server Administration :: ORA-39726 / Unsupported Add / Drop Column Operation On Compressed Tables

Jan 11, 2012

my user is trying to drop columns, but she gets below error:

SQL Error: ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables

39726. 00000 - "unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables"

i just checked whether table is compressed or not, it is not compressed it seems:

select owner, table_name,COMPRESSION,COMPRESS_FOR from dba_tables
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- ------------

1 row selected. i am able to set one column as UNUSED. and then i am able to see the count accordingly from below view:

select * from DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS
where owner ='EQUIPMENT' and table_name = 'ETHRNT_VRTL_CNXN_HRLY_AGG_SWP';

but not able to drop the unused columns. if i tried to drop a column directly from the table, that also giving above error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Send Sms To Mobile Device

Aug 5, 2011

My Boss give me a mission:

How oracle send a s.m.s.(Short Message Service) to mobile device? Is there any examples or implement documents for reference?

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RAC & Failsafe :: How To Configure SAN Device For Setup On ASM

Aug 6, 2012

I have a SAN Storage device of 8TB size . I am new to rac setup ,i dont know how to configure the SAN device for RAC SETUP on to configure the SAN device for RAC setup on ASM

How many disks we need to have? which and sholud be on ASM ? how to impliment raid10 for database file disk and raid5 for arhcive log files

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Forms :: Fingerprint Device Connectivity With 10g?

Mar 5, 2011

I am working on 10g. I have to capture and retrive thumb impression through biometric device on forms. And then store it in database.

Already working in VB . I have its jar files also.

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Forms :: How To Access Oracle Database From PDA Device

Feb 21, 2012

I have one PDA device. I need to run a Oracle form developed in Oracle forms 6i on this PDA by connecting it to the Oracle 10G database running on Linux Server.

I need to know is there any Oracle client for windows 6.0 OS. if yes then how can i install it on PDA and access the Oracle database through forms.

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Forms :: How To Send Sms To Mobile Device Using Oracle 6i

Oct 19, 2013

I want to send sms to the mobile using Oracle form 6i.

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Forms :: Communication With Serial Device (via COM1)

Jan 3, 2012

Is it possible to communicate with a serial device (via COM1) with oracle forms / webutil? I am able to communicate in java using RXTXcomm, but I am having problems making a bean that uses it (getting security errors and yes, I have signed the jars).

Basically, I have a scale hooked up to my COM1 port and want to be able to send commands (zero and tare) to it and read the weight from it through a form or java bean.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle Rac Raw Device As Shared Storage

Jul 24, 2012

I wish to install 11g r1 RAC on my laptop having linux 4 as platform (on vmware) , for that i prepare 4 partition for that (on node1)

/dev/sdb1 - for ocr
/dev/sdb2 - for voting disk
/dev/sdb3 - for asmdisk group
/dev/sda5 - fro asmdisk group

by assuming external redundancy for ocr and voting disk i kept only one disk

and i configured following in /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices

/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdb1 -- ocr
/dev/raw/raw2 /dev/sdb2 -- voting disk
/dev/raw/raw3 /dev/sdb3 -- asmdisk group
/dev/raw/raw4 /dev/sdb5 -- asmdisk group

and my question is how node2 can understat these raw device as shared storage?

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Forms :: Connect Oracle Software On More Than One Device

Oct 20, 2012

i finished from design and programming the program how can Connect this program on more than one device

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How To Secure Oracle Database

Jan 24, 2013

How to secure oracle database, I am having the oracle database which will be packed as package in a machine and will be delivered to client place , need to ensure that the client will not access the database by any means.

Even he breaks the password (he should not break but despite client has broken the password) and went inside the database, he should not be able to see the databases Procedures ,views,functions and triggers. Can we Encrypt this, if so can client will be able to decrypt the same? Is there a way to secure the database from the client not to access the database.

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Security :: How To Secure Database

Jul 18, 2010

how can i secure my database from hacking by any one of these:

1-sql injections
2- DON(Danial Of service)
3- buffer overflow
4- listner hack

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