ORA-39726 / Unsupported Add / Drop Column Operation On Compressed Tables

Aug 8, 2011

I am getting ORA-39726 error when a dropping a column on a non-compressed table.

------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
ERROR at line 1: ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables

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Server Administration :: ORA-39726 / Unsupported Add / Drop Column Operation On Compressed Tables

Jan 11, 2012

my user is trying to drop columns, but she gets below error:

SQL Error: ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables

39726. 00000 - "unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables"

i just checked whether table is compressed or not, it is not compressed it seems:

select owner, table_name,COMPRESSION,COMPRESS_FOR from dba_tables
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- ------------

1 row selected. i am able to set one column as UNUSED. and then i am able to see the count accordingly from below view:

select * from DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS
where owner ='EQUIPMENT' and table_name = 'ETHRNT_VRTL_CNXN_HRLY_AGG_SWP';

but not able to drop the unused columns. if i tried to drop a column directly from the table, that also giving above error.

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Compressed Table - Drop Unused Column

Feb 9, 2012

what happens if you mark a column unused in a compressed table and then alter table drop unused columns? We had a customer do this and Oracle threw a -3113 (end of communication) error. They did a system restore before contacting us and blew away any evidence in alert logs/trace files. They did this on a 400GB compressed table.

My question is, when you drop an unused column off a compressed table, does it uncompress? Where does this uncompression occur? In the instances default tablespace? In the tablespace configured for the table?

Basically, we are wondering whether the error was due to poor error-handling of the system running out of space during decompression and trying to see if we can reproduce it. This was on an system.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Undo A Drop Table Operation

Feb 24, 2013

How do I perform Undo a drop table operation?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-32033 / Unsupported Column Aliasing

Sep 8, 2012

with ele(sno,name,state) as(select sno,name,state from sankar)delete from ele where sno=1 select sno,name,state from sankar

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Drop All Tables In Oracle 8

Dec 17, 2012

i want drop all tables in oracle8

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop All The Tables In A User At A Time

Sep 15, 2011

is there any syntax to drop all the tables at a time in a user

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Takes Long Time To Drop Tables With Large Numbers Of Partitions

Jul 17, 2013 This is for a build. We are still in development. No risk of data loss. As part of the build, I drop the user,re-create it, re-create the objects. Allows us to test the build all the way through. Its our process. This user has some tables with several 1000 partitions. I ran a 10046 trace and oracle is using pl/sql to do loops to do DML against the data dictionary. Anyway to speed this up? I am going to turn off the recyclebin during the build and turn it back on. anything else I can do? Right now I just issue 'drop user cascade'. Part of is the weak hardware we have in the development/environment. Takes about 20 minutes just to run through this part of the script (the script has alot more pieces than this) and we do fairly frequent builds. I can't change the build process. My only option is to try to make this run a little faster.

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How To Drop Column

Aug 25, 2010

i am tring to drop column but it is taking much time . And there is not locking session also. The table size is 500GB. We have any way to drop to column in fast?

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PL/SQL :: Unable To Drop Unused Column?

Nov 14, 2013

SQL> SELECT * FROM DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS; OWNER                          TABLE_NAME                          COUNT ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- CRIS_WAREHOUSE_USER            F_TRADING_COLLATERAL_SR                1 SQL> SELECT * FROM DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS; OWNER                          TABLE_NAME                          COUNT ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- CRIS_WAREHOUSE_USER            F_TRADING_COLLATERAL_SR                1 SQL> alter table F_TRADING_COLLATERAL_SR drop unused columns; Table altered. SQL> SELECT * FROM DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS; OWNER                          TABLE_NAME                          COUNT ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- CRIS_WAREHOUSE_USER            F_TRADING_COLLATERAL_SR                1 SQL>

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Server Administration :: How To Drop A Column In Huge Table

Aug 8, 2011

I want to drop a column in a huge table which contain about 420,000,000 rows,i use the alter table drop coumn command to execute,and found it takes a long time and generate huge redo.

Is there any quickly way to drop a column in a huge table?

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Forms :: ORA-03115 / Unsupported Network Datatype Or Representation

Dec 6, 2010

We are using 10G Forms and Reports against a 8I database (DB1) which has a link into another 8i Database (DB2).

DB2 has been upgraded to 10G. The application works fine but when I try to compile the forms in form builder I get an "ORA-03115, unsupported network datatype or representation." error.

The error occurs where the code in the form references the link directly. Other code where we created views to hide the link name works fine. BTW Same code works fine in SQL Plus 10G & Toad.

I have tried changing the type of variables & different columns but that did not work.

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Secure Backup :: Dell PS 6100E Unsupported Device

Dec 23, 2012

Oracle Back up is showing library Dell PS 6100E as unsupported device and can not retrieve any information from it, can not ping and can not verify both from obtool and web tool. Using Linux. I can ping from outside and see the device config using lsscsi. But obtool and webtool fails. Is it really unsupported ? In the

$ORACLE_Backup_Home/device/device_robots I see some PV122T, PV124T

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Client Tools :: Error / Unsupported Oracle Database Version

Dec 8, 2011

when i am trying to connect to the database using sqldeveloper i am not able to connect to database. its giving me an error "Unsupported Oracle database version" but with plsql developer I am able to connecting.

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Forms :: Compressed Mode Using Text_io

Jun 14, 2011

When I used to work with foxpro we had used dot matrix printer. At that time if we want, we can print in normal mode, expanded mode and compressed mode. it will be part of your spool file.

Now am printing a text file from forms using text_io package. I would like to know in this how do i print the content in compressed mode using CHR function or some other method.

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Server Administration :: How To Check A Partition Have Been Compressed

Oct 20, 2011

How can i check a partition whether it has been compressed? just as flowing test,i can not get the information about partition P_L1 whether been compressed.

SQL> Select
2 aa.compression,
3 aa.partition_name
4 From dba_tab_partitions aa
5 Where aa.table_name = 'TB_HXL_LIST';

-------- ------------------------------

SQL> Alter Table tb_hxl_list compress;

Table altered.

SQL> Alter Table TB_HXL_LIST
2 Move Partition P_L1 compress;

Table altered.

SQL> Select
2 aa.compression,
3 aa.partition_name
4 From dba_tab_partitions aa
5 Where aa.table_name = 'TB_HXL_LIST';

-------- ------------------------------

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RMAN :: Duplicate With Compressed And Section Size?

Sep 6, 2013

 I am able to duplicate (from active database) database to destination server successfully,however when I add either compressed backupset and/or section size to duplicate commandrecovery at the end of the operation fails due to missing archive log (which is at source server) 

 ******************************************failed duplication******************************************  [oracle@r121 ~]$ rman target sys/sys_pwd@t12 auxiliary sys/sys_pwd@c12Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Sep 6 11:30:09 2013  Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.  connected to target database: T12 (DBID=1222223202)connected to auxiliary database: T12 (not mounted)  RMAN> duplicate target database to c12 from active databasesection size 2gspfileparameter_value_convert 't12', 'c12'set db_file_name_convert 't12', 'c12'set log_file_name_convert 't12', 'c12'nofilenamecheck;2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>Starting Duplicate Db at 06-SEP-13using target


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Server Utilities :: Export Schema Which Contains Space More Than 100 GB Using Compressed Mode?

Jul 13, 2010

I need to export one schema which contains of huge space of 100GB in oracle 9i ,can u pls provide the command to export in the compress mode.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To List All Tables Containing Column Name

Aug 4, 2011

How do i list all tables from dba_tab_columns which contains both column name='id' and 'date'. I don't want to list the tables contains either 'id' or 'date'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Database Tables Column To Row

Feb 13, 2012

I had face the problem regarding to database structure changes..

I had a old database which contain multiple column for 1 empno. which contain multiple subjects and its total marks.

Now the new structure is like all subjects and total marks as a row.

Eg. OLD data Structure

1111 S1 45
1111 S2 21
1111 S3 55
1111 S4 41


1111 S1 45 S2 21 S3 55 S4 41

I have more than 1.5 lakhs records in my old data structure..

Is there any Possibilities direct from Sql or i have to do it manually in excel sheet?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sum Of Length Of Column Data Of All Tables

Jul 24, 2012

i want to add a column data of datatype number of all the tables at a time in a database..

i am trying with the all_tab_columns but i can get only the column info whether it is number or varchar2 or any other data type but i am unable to retrieve the column name and the sum of length of the data present in all the rows in that column...

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PL/SQL :: Update SAME Column Name In Two Tables From ONE Query

Oct 15, 2012

is it possible to update a same column name in two tables.

I have two tables in same schema

(1)table name
column name

(2)table name
column name

i want to update igp_no column in one query, how it would be possible.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Implement Foreign Key On Column Of Table From 2 Tables

May 29, 2011

I need to implement the foreign key on a column of a table from 2 tables. My requirement is in bellow.

drop table t1;
create table t1 (slno number, acc_no number);

drop table t2;
create table t2 (acc_no number primary key, acc_name varchar2(100));

drop table t3;
create table t3 (acc_no1 number primary key, acc_name1 varchar2(100));

It is provided that the values of acc_no in t2 and acc_no1 in t3 are unique.Now it required that while inserting into t1 , the system will check either t2 or t3 tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dependencies Of Tables On Package At Column Level

Mar 29, 2010

I need to identify the dependencies of all the Tables on Packages at column level.

E.g. : XYZ is a package that uses ABC Table having E,F,G has a column, PQR - Table and its columns - R,S,T

The resultant query / code should return like this

PackageName TableName ColumnName

Identify the dependencies at column level.

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PL/SQL :: Update A Single Column Data In 10 Tables?

Oct 2, 2012

We have to update a single column data in about 10 tables which has child/parent table relations, pk/fk constraints.. The column that we are updating is a part of primary key in half of the tables and part of foreign key in the other half tables.. I'm thinking of disabling all the foreign key constraints in the tables then update the column data then enable the foreign key constraints in these tables.

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Any Data Compression Wizards That Automatically Suggest Level At Which Data Should Be Compressed

Jun 29, 2011

whether Oracle has any capability of automatically checking which lossless compression algorithm it should apply by analyzing a data stream on data load? Does Oracle have any compression advisors/wizards that would make recommendations as to type and level of compression?

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Server Utilities :: Importing From 9i To 11g With Compressed Extents Creating Extents On Target

Nov 2, 2010

We are migrating from a 9i db to 11g and we've been testing our apps on a similar (but not exact) machine as our production box.

Normally when we take a full export of the production data (on 9i) and import it into another 9i DB, the tables and indexes are created with the initial size large enough to hold the entire table. We also do our export with the compress extents param set to 'Y'.

However, we've noticed that when we import our data into the 11g DB, that tables are being created with multiple extents...sometimes up to 10 or 15. This seems to happen even with tables that don't even have extents on db that the export was taken from.

There ARE some differences in our 11g DB that i imagine might be the culprit, i've just been unable to narrow one of them down.

the differences i know of are:

a) the target DB has locally managed tablespaces while the source 9i DB had dictionary managed tablespaces
b) the block size is larger on the target 11g DB. 8192 vs 2048
c) the nchar character set on the source DB is AL16UTF16 and the target is UTF8 (we actually only have an nchar column in one of our tables...and also, the UTF8 setting was actually a mistake that we're correcting this weekend with a fresh DB and fresh import)

What would cause the import to produce all these extra tablespaces?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Row To Column - If Member_id Not Exists In Tables Return 0000 Value

Aug 1, 2012



Just now framed the query as like...

select framedquery from ( SELECT CASE WHEN table_name='MT_MEMBERS_SCOPED'
THEN ' case when 1>0 then nvl (( select value from MT_MEMBERS_SCOPED where source_code=123499 and member_id= soln_test.member_id and attribute_id= '||attribute_id ||''||'),0) else ''00'' end ' || ATTRIBUTE_NAME ||', '
WHEN table_name='MT_MEMBERS'


My requirement is soln_test table contains 3 records ,for each record need to match member_id in the MT_MEMBERS_SCOPED for the four records in the table.. output should be 3 records in soln_test table + 4 records in SOLN_STAR_MATRIX_123456_TMP1 totally 7 records it means column to row...

if the member_id not exists in both tables it should return '0000' value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Columns Of 3 Tables In Such A Way That Period Column Should Be In Group By Function

Aug 16, 2011

i want to select columns of 3 tables in such a way that period column should be in the group by function.

create view allocated_budgets_detail as
select ba.ba_fin_year, ba.ba_start_date, ba.ba_end_date, ba.ba_rev_no,
from budget_header bh, budget_allocation ba, budget_distribution bd, budget_balance bb
where bh.bh_budget_id = ba.ba_budget_id
and ba.ba_line_id = bd.bd_budget_line_id
and ba.ba_line_id = bb.bb_budget_line_id
group by bd.bd_period

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Replication :: Oracle Streams - Column Datatypes In Some Of The Tables On Source And Destination Are Different?

Jul 20, 2009

We are using Oracle Streams for replication.

Column datatypes in some of the tables on Source and Destination are different (Number on Source and Varchar2 on destination).

Do we have to create any rule or dml handler to handle this or Streams will automatically take care of it?We are oracle 10g.

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