SQL & PL/SQL :: To Calculate Minutes From Difference Of To Number Fields

Apr 9, 2013

I need the query to calculate minutes from difference of to number fields. Test case is as below.


code NUMBER(4),
stime NUMBER(4,2),
otime NUMBER(4,2)

---------- ---------- ----------
1065 20 19.49
1082 20 18.57
1279 19.3 18.59
2075 19.3 15.32

Required output is

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- --------
1065 20 19.49 00 HR 21 MIN 21
1082 20 18.57 01 HR 03 MIN 63
1279 19.3 18.59 00 HR 31 MIN 31
2075 19.3 15.32 03 HR 58 MIN 238

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Time Between Two Fields

Mar 24, 2011

I have two different date in my payroll software,

1-Shift_date shift date *used to contain shift timings
2-Attendace_datedate *used to contain employee IN timings

As you all know that shift is a setup form, where user input data once in the starting of software so the shift_date can be "01/jan/2011 16:00 pm" but attendance loads daily and attendance field data can be in this form "24/mar/2011 16:15 pm"..Now I want to calculate difference time between these two fields therefore I used this statement

SQL> Select to_char(attendance_date,'HH24:MI') to_char(shift_date,'HH24:MI') from dual;

but it is showing error: ORA-01722: invalid number...I used hours/minutes format mask in my query because you can see there is a difference of dates between these fields and it will be increase in the coming future and I need late hours and minutes.

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Syntax To Calculate Number Of Days Difference

Sep 27, 2010

setting up the query/correcting the syntax below so that it calculates the 'number of days difference' between whatever the 'Biggest Date' field value is and whatever the 'current date' is using the 'sysdate'. So far, I've only managed to get the query to calculate the number of days difference (days past due) between the 'need date' and 'estimated delivery date'.

To_Date(need_date, 'YYYYMMDD') Need_Dt,
To_Date(Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END, 'YYYYMMDD') Biggest_Date,  
To_Date(need_date, 'YYYYMMDD') - To_Date(Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END, 'YYYYMMDD') Date_Diff
FROM tableT

need_date <=  (Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN  estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate With Calculated Fields?

Feb 24, 2010

can I use calculated fields (b) for another calculation (c) in the same select?

select 10*a as b,
10*b as c
from tab

The code gives an error, but how can I do this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Of Dates And Get Minutes

Oct 25, 2012

I have a date in_sdate as In parameter defaulted to sysdate. Basing on this in_Sdate I calculate my start and end dates as:

v_sdate TRUNC (in_sdate, 'MI') - 15 / 1440 ;
v_edate := TRUNC (in_sdate, 'MI');

My procedure is run for every 15 minutes. Now suppose if I am running for old dat, then I should get the difference of dates by taking

v_old_Date := v_edate - in_Sdate;

Divide this by 15 , round that value and loop to run the procedure for that n times. My doubt is when I am saying

v_old_date := v_edate - in_sdate ; I am getting expression is of wrong type. How can I take the difference of the dates and get the minutes from that ?

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PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference By Which Day Count Of Difference Is Going?

Oct 17, 2012

Detail table will look like below:

Product_id issue_date action_date Force_date
1 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
2 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 10/10/2012
3 10/10/2012 13/10/2012 15/10/2012

Need the data like

Issue_date count_action_date count_Force_date (diff(action_date,force_date) 1 2 3 4 5 6(days since over)

10/10/2012 3 4 1 4 2 1 0 0

How to get the data like this? automatically how to get 123.... and how to calculate the difference by which day the count of difference is going?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Difference And Convert Integer To Time In Hours And Minutes

Jun 14, 2012

How to get Time Difference between two DateTime Columns in Oracle 10g ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Time Difference

Aug 10, 2003

I want to calculate time difference b/w two time clocks, just like we calculate the date difference and answer is in days, In the same way i like to have answer in hrs,min and ss.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference Between Multiple Numbers

Feb 28, 2013

I need to subtract multiple numbers to get the difference between each numbers, the amount of numbers to subtract between each others can vary between 2 and 10.

create table table_1 (
col1 varchar2(5),
col2 number(6,0),
col3 number(12,0)

insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 34379, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 39032, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 54337, 11111);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 78005, 11111);

insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 66793, 22222);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 74323, 22222);
insert into table_1 values ('AAA', 81426, 22222);

Expected Output:

col1 col2 col3
AAA -4653 11111
AAA -15305 11111
AAA -23668 11111
AAA -7530 22222
AAA -7103 22222

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Time Difference Between 2 Date

Nov 29, 2011

during application migration, i got one table from MS Access, and have situation where two events are splited into 4 columns (start: date1 time1 and stop: dat2 and time2). How to properly calculate duration between these two events, and show it in format: hh:mi ?

(ID NUMBER(11,0),


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Difference Between Multiple Dates At Same Time?

Jan 10, 2012

how to calculate the difference between multiple dates at the same time..

Select to_date('10/10/2011','mm/dd/yyyy')
- to_date('09/10/2011','mm/dd/yyyy')
- to_date('08/10/2011','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual;

Giving me an error...

ORA 00932 : inconsisten data types:expected DATE Julkian got DATE..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Function To Calculate Difference Between Two Dates?

Sep 22, 2011

create or replace function getDate(p_joing_date Date,p_sysdate)
Return Date;
SELECT into v_compltd_mnths MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('sysdate','MM-DD-YYYY'), TO_DATE('joing_date','MM-DD-YYYY') ) "Months"FROM DUAL;
return v_compltd_mnths;

that i have worte..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Two Date Type Fields

Aug 15, 2011

I'm having trouble comparing and subtract two date type fields, can not get a significant result.


select id, date.started, date.closed, datediff (day, date.started, date.closed) differences diference from Table1 order by desc;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Total Number Of Hours And Minutes Of Given Dates

Sep 28, 2011

SELECT emp.emp_id, emp.ename, TRUNC (attendancedatetime),
TRUNC ( ( 86400
* (MAX (attendancedatetime) - MIN (attendancedatetime))
/ 60
- 60


Following is the out put:

10013Javed Iqbal09/20/2011 00:00:0036.007.00
10013Javed Iqbal09/21/2011 00:00:0027.007.00
10013Javed Iqbal09/22/2011 00:00:0049.007.00
10013Javed Iqbal09/23/2011 00:00:000.000.00
10013Javed Iqbal09/24/2011 00:00:000.000.00

i need the TOtal sum of Minutes and Hrs e.g 7+7+7=21 and also minutes but if minutes total increase from 60 minutes then it should add to hrs .how to get sum.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Calculate Number / Average / If

Dec 15, 2011

I have to procedure that computes number of project, and average working hours of employees where employee id is passed as a parameter to the procedure. If the average working hours is less than 10 then employee's salary remain the same, otherwise check if number of project is less than 4 then 5% of salary, else 10% of salary is added to the salary.

my tables are:

CREATE TABLE employee(
empid number(5),
empname varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
no_of_dependents number(5),
deptno number(5),

the problem is i have to use only 2 cursors - 1 for select and 1 for update.

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Server Administration :: How To Calculate Number Of Hash Keys

Mar 31, 2011

I was reading the documentation for oracle 11gr2, with reference to URL>.....

The following examples show how to correctly choose the cluster key and set the HASH IS, SIZE, and HASHKEYS parameters. For all examples, assume that the data block size is 2K and that on average, 1950 bytes of each block is available data space (block size minus overhead).Note that 34 hash keys are assigned for each data block

how they arrive at 34 hash keys because another portion of the document states

This space determines the maximum number of cluster or hash values stored in a data block. If SIZE is not a divisor of the data block size, then Oracle Database uses the next largest divisor.

if that is the case, then number of hash keys should be 1900/55 = 34.55 which should have rounded up to 35.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Left Align Number Fields

Mar 11, 2010

Is there any way to align the output data of sql plus.

for eg., if i give "select custname, custid, custage from cust;" the ouput am getting is,

custname custid custage
aaa 1 23
bbbbb 2 22
cccc 3 45
dddddddd 4 21

but i need to left align the custid and custage.

my output should look like,

custname custid custage
aaa 1 23
bbbbb 2 22
cccc 3 45
dddddddd 4 21

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Stored Function / Procedure To Calculate Number Of Working Days Between Two Dates

Feb 17, 2010

I want Oracle stored function/procedure to calculate number of working days between two dates. We need to exclude Firdays and Saturdays as there are weekend holidays and also exclude official holidasy that lie between two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating Table For Different Number Of Fields Via Single Stored Procedure?

Jun 14, 2012

I've a table with fields:

create table test
( f1 varchar2(10),
f2 varchar2(10),
f3 varchar3(10)
insert into test values ('d1','d2','d3');
insert into test values ('d10','d20','d30');

I want to update the fields of the table as per need i.e update only one field leaving all the data of the fields as it is. Suppose I want to update only f1 (from d1 to x1) field leaving f2, and f3 as it is. I've written stored procedure to update all the fields but do not know how to do it?



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Forms :: Auto Populating Records In Other Fields Based On Inventory Number Field

Jul 13, 2011

I am having a problem with auto populating different fields based on inventory no. field.. This is a bug giving to me to work on and i not able to figure out how to populate the other fields.

How to set any triggers for the items to auto populate and i am suppose to finish this work today.

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Difference Between Number And String?

Oct 20, 2012

I can't understand >>

1. Number 2 is less than number 100,

2. string '2' is greater than string '100'.

>> Numbers are ordered by numerical value; strings are ordered by alphabetical value. >>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference In Number Of Records In GROUP BY And PARTITION BY

Feb 17, 2012

If I run the following query I got 997 records by using GROUP BY.

SELECT c.ins_no, b.pd_date,a.project_id,
FROM mis.tranche_balance a,
FMSRPT.fund_reporting_period b,
ods.proj_info_lookup c,
ods.institution d
WHERE a.su_date = b.pd_date
AND a.project_id = c.project_id
AND c.ins_no = d.ins_no
AND d.sif_code LIKE 'P%'
AND d.sif_code <> 'P-DA'
AND a.date_stamp >='01-JAN-2011'
AND pd_date='31-MAR-2011'
GROUP BY c.ins_no,

I want to show the extra columns a.date_stamp and a.su_date in the out put so that I have used PARTITION BY in the second query but I got 1079 records.

SELECT c.ins_no, b.pd_date,a.date_stamp,a.su_date, a.project_id,

why I got 1079 records.how to show the two extra columns in the out put whcich are not used in GROUP BY clause.

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Select Greatest - Difference Between Number And String?

Oct 21, 2012

I am confused with third one.

CODE1. >> Comparing two strings >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,'100') from dual;

2. >> comparing both numbers >>
SQL> select greatest( 99 ,100) from dual;

3.>> Comparing string and number >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,100) from dual;

whats the logic behind 99 being returned for thirdone.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Minutes Between Two Times

Oct 19, 2012

i want one query which return minute between two times which is in this format: 12:00:00 and 06:00:00

so in this it should return 360 minutes.

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How To Round Time Up Or Down By 5 Minutes

Nov 29, 2006

is there a prebuilt function that will round say the time of a sysdate up or down 5 mins? so i entered 5:32pm i would want it to round it down to 5:30pm

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How To Display Time In Minutes

Oct 15, 2012

I have two columns which I need to add together then devide by 60 in order to display that time in minutes. the problem I am facing is that at times I get numbers above 60 and my client doesn't want to see numbers above 60.

i.e (col1 + col 2)/60 = 34.87

what I need to do is make sure that when the number reaches 60 it moves on to 35.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Subtract Minutes From Timestamp

Mar 31, 2010

I need below proc like...

procedure p1
i_time_min number -- minutes to be substracted from timestamp
v_end_timeinstamp timestamp(6);


The problem with above procedure is passing parameter is in minutes and i need to substract the same from sys_extract_utc(current_timestamp) and store result in v_end_timeinstamp in timestamp format only... substracting directly will reduce the days and not the minutes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Records Per Every 10 Minutes

Jun 6, 2011

How to count records per every 3 minutes ? we don't want SPs to get answer. Instead of we want single query to get this output.

The sample data has been enclosed with it.

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Archive Log Generated Each 4 Minutes?

Jul 2, 2012

in our database with RAC archive log generated each 4 min , did this increase the performance of database and how i can fix it

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PL/SQL :: Date Subtraction Of Minutes?

Jun 14, 2012

how to get correct result for the time subtraction of minutes for the following query

select (to_date('14-06-2012 11:10:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') - to_date('14-06-2012 11:00:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))*60*60 as
result from dual


i want the output as 10 minutes.

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