I have two columns which I need to add together then devide by 60 in order to display that time in minutes. the problem I am facing is that at times I get numbers above 60 and my client doesn't want to see numbers above 60.
i.e (col1 + col 2)/60 = 34.87
what I need to do is make sure that when the number reaches 60 it moves on to 35.
is there a prebuilt function that will round say the time of a sysdate up or down 5 mins? so i entered 5:32pm i would want it to round it down to 5:30pm
I currently have a problem where I have two date fields with time stamps. The only bit i am currently interested in in these fields is the time factor. When i display them in their field they have a format of HH24:MI .
I have a start time and end time as well as a duration and duration type. What I am trying to do is the following: when the user inputs the start time, along with the duration say 1 for example and the duration type of say HRS for example I would like to have the end_datetime default to 1 HR from the current start time. This is the code I use on a when validate item trigger to acheive this:
case :blk.duration_type when 'HRS' then :blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24)* :blk.duration); when 'MINS' then :blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24/60)* :blk.duration);
However, every time it triggers the value put into end_datetime is 0:00 is it something to do with the datatypes im using .
I am trying to only display a column value one time for a record, not a static value. The value changes and there can be many values. I do not think grouping will work since the Date value is dynamic. I am using Oracle for Toad 10.5. There are 4 records with this test data.
select Date, Person, Language, Country from TableATableA Date Person Language Country 01/25/2013 James English 12/20/2012 James English US
I have developed customer entry form, its working fine. I have 2 display items on form. One is country name & other is region, these are fetched based on country id LOV.
Now I want to display country name & region at time of navigation. I have written following code on WHEN_NEW_RECORD_INSTANCE of block.
****** DECLARE CCNTRY_ID VARCHAR2(2); CCNTRY_NAM VARCHAR2(25); CREGION VARCHAR2(11); begin select cntry_nam,region into ccntry_nam,cregion from cntry where cntry_id=ccntry_id;
exception when no_data_found then message('NO DATA FOUND'); end; **********
I always get message not data found on navigation. Problem is only with the display item other, values of database columns are being shown.
procedure p1 ( i_time_min number -- minutes to be substracted from timestamp ) is v_end_timeinstamp timestamp(6); begin
The problem with above procedure is passing parameter is in minutes and i need to substract the same from sys_extract_utc(current_timestamp) and store result in v_end_timeinstamp in timestamp format only... substracting directly will reduce the days and not the minutes.
My procedure is run for every 15 minutes. Now suppose if I am running for old dat, then I should get the difference of dates by taking
v_old_Date := v_edate - in_Sdate;
Divide this by 15 , round that value and loop to run the procedure for that n times. My doubt is when I am saying
v_old_date := v_edate - in_sdate ; I am getting expression is of wrong type. How can I take the difference of the dates and get the minutes from that ?
In one of my application oracle net connection is taking 30 to 40 ms(tnsping servicename),but in actual connection is always taking more than 45 ms, and my application requirement is below than 10 to 20 ms.
And can i use any other connection method like hostname, ezconnect etc.
I am working with a new client and am still waiting on access to systems so I'm a bit hampered in looking at details of the database and environment. The database is OLTP and typical response time for returning result sets is under 2 seconds, often less than 1 second.
A simple SELECT on a few columns of v$session_longops (no subqueries, group by, having, etc) ran for more than 5 minutes.
I have a Windows 2003 VirtualBox instance, to which I assigned 3 out of 4 cores my laptop has. This is a demonstration environment for an Oracle vertical product. I got it from my colleagues. The OS boots without starting the DB services - I did this deliberatley while trying to figure out what is happening.
About 2 and half to 3 and a half minutes after the service is started the oracle.exe "latches onto a core and does not let go" (as best as I can describe what I see). With 3 cores I see 33%-34% cprocessor use in the task manager with oracle.exe doing all the using. Nothing else is started. There is no process of which I am aware which actually uses the DB. I only start the TNS listener and the database service.
Once I start it, the demonstration software uses the database extensively for complex queries. With one of the 3 cores 100% used by the oracle.exe I am running short on CPU at times, which makes the demonstratin seem slaggish, and queries take longer than is really acceptable (not surprising seeing oracle.exe is very busy doing I know not what).
I have a query to add two numbers and get results in hours:minutes format.Example I want to add 12.20 and 6.15 and get result in hours and minutes like 18.35 (hours & minutes).if minutes that is after precision exceed more than 60 it should treat as 1 hour.like i want to add
12.35 (number 1) before precision its hour and after its minutes 06.25 (number 2) 04.25 (number 3) ----- 23.25 (23 hours and 25 minutes) -----
I want to find the hours and minutes between two char field data type.Example I have two char columns one is "start_time" and another one is "end_time".The start time and end time is the machine reading of CNC MACHINE in manufacturing.I want to develope the package to capture the actual machine running time.But I have the start and end time reading in character field.The machine reading format is hour:minutes:seconds only.It will looks like 1234:45:23(the machine ran 1234 hours and 45 minutes and 23 seconds).See the below table to understand my requirements.
start_time end_time result in hours & minutes ---------- -------- ------------------------- 345 347 2 hrs 347 350 3 hrs 350 357.20 7 hrs and 20 minutes
If I subtract end_time - start_time I will get the result in char type only not in hours and minutes format.Another example
start_time end_time result in hours & minutes ---------- -------- ------------------------- 357.21 360.40 3.19(If subtract end_time - start_time)
Today i noticed one problem with my database,my redologs switches in every 3mins,i also noticed there is no more transaction changes happening in database but still redo switches.
Fri Oct 05 06:10:05 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 79244 Current log# 2 seq# 79244 mem# 0: D:ORADATAORACIREDO02.LOG Fri Oct 05 06:12:16 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 79245 Current log# 1 seq# 79245 mem# 0: D:ORADATAORACIREDO01.LOG Fri Oct 05 06:14:28 2012 [code]......
why redo switch happening,any internal problem causes redo to switch .
I have installed Oracle 10g RAC crs and asm on CentOS release 5.4. When I am rebooting the nodes and starting crs manually All the services on both nodes starting successfully.
I have oracle 11g r2, I have a table emp, where i have three columns emp_no,status and creation_date, creation date is a time stamp like '02/09/2012 17:59:47'.
I have to trigger an email if the status is not updated for 30 minutes.
in the above code "CREATION_DATE AND CREATION_dATE+30" will give 30 days, how can i select just 30 minutes and schedule it every 30 minutes, so that email is triggered for if status is not updated for more than 30 minutes.