Script To Find Blocking Locks More Than 30 Minutes

Jun 29, 2012

writing a script where there is a blocking lock for more than 30 minutes ?

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Server Administration :: How To Avoid Blocking Locks

Nov 8, 2011

how to avoid blocking locks.

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Not Able To Find Blocking Session

Jan 10, 2013

I am working on oracle 11g and AIX.We were facing some blocking issues.For more investigation on the blocking sesssion we checked active session history of the database.Like session 'A' was blocked by session 'B' ...Now if we check infromation about sessions 'A' it is showing that this session was blocked by session 'B'.

But when we checked for session 'B' informaiton ,it is not showing any thing...from where we can get infromation about session B and in what all scenarios active session history does not show information about blocking session....

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Object Locked But Can't Find Session / Process Blocking?

Sep 5, 2012

I am on database, windows x64.

A developer calls me and tells me there are locks on 3 tables, and the locks are not released. So I run this to see which objects are locked by which session

select vlo.object_id, vlo.session_id, vlo.oracle_username, vlo.process
  , do.owner, do.object_name, do.object_type


When I run the query later, I sometimes get another session, but the lock stays. It seems here, that I am catching the same SID on new sessions, but it is probably a different serial # than the original session locking the table rows.

I get nothing from
select * from dba_waiters;
select * from dba_blockers;

Now why are those 3 tables row locked on some rows and I can't find the session responsible? The developer tells me his application crashed and the rows are locked since. So far ( keep in mind I am not a locking expert) the only way I found to release the locks is a DB bounce, its a test DB so no biggy.

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Create Notification For Blocking Session

Aug 1, 2013

I want to create notification/ or triggered mail to my client and my dba group which will occur while session and user has been blocked. I want to create this procedure in 12c OEM.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Disconnect User Who Are Blocking Sessions

Apr 11, 2011

I have an assignment, i am suppose to disconnect all the users that are blocking sessions for over three hours. Below is my code which is not working

Create or replace procedure b_user IS
ssid number;
serial number;

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Blocking Port 7778 For A Range Of IP

Mar 18, 2013

I am using Oracle Application Server 10gAs and Linux 4.

Our Test Application is access by users using 7778 port,i want just few users to access my test application(just admin user) and all other user should not get access to the application,even if they specify proper URL and port number.

Some access control policy using oracle application server 10gas.

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10g Blocking Sessions

Aug 19, 2010

I am using oracle 10g as server in my lab. I faced some problems initially, but later after increasing the USERS tablespace it is working fine.

But there is still one problem. During the query execution some queries will be blocked and it doesn't leave any consequent queries to execute from the same user.

The blocked sessions will be displayed in the admin page under blocking sessions link. There is a option to kill the session. But when i do that, it affects all the users and the connection will be lost to all the users. again I have startup the database from beginning.

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Performance Tuning :: Identify Blocking Sessions

Feb 21, 2011

My statspack reports are sometimes showing figures such as this from the Foreground Wait Events section:

Avg %Total
%Tim Total Wait wait Waits Call
Event Waits out Time (s) (ms) /txn Time
---------------------------- ------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------- ------
PL/SQL lock timer 1,430 100 6,982 4883 0.0 18.0
enq: TM - contention 3 0 6,438 ###### 0.0 16.6
db file sequential read 310,385 0 1,765 6 3.5 4.6
TCP Socket (KGAS) 12,593 13 180 14 0.1 .5
db file scattered read 23,673 0 87 4 0.3 .2
log file sync 19,409 0 82 4 0.2 .2
ksfd: async disk IO 1,680 0 29 17 0.0 .1

The TM lock that occurred 3 times appears to be disastrous.Historically, this could be caused by missing indexes on foreign key columns.

How can I be alerted when this event occurs, so that I can do some real-time investigation into the sessions and the SQL that hit it? I suppose I could schedule a job to query v$lock/dba_waiters/dba_blockers every few minutes, but is there a better way? Any standard edition scripts for this?

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Performance Tuning :: One Procedure Is Blocking And Another Is Locking It

Jan 25, 2011

I am new to performance tuning. One procedure is blocking and another is locking it.

SQL> @glockers
Oracle OS

---------- ------ -- ------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------

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Server Administration :: Logwr Database Blocking Other Session

May 24, 2013

One issue happens frequently in My database,Logwr process blocking other session,when i checked blocked session in v$session wait_class was commit and event was logfile sync,

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
115 Configuration
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------

As per this we predicate Logbuffer Might be full so i just to reboot server,Note server was 32 Bit i can allocate only 1GB of SGA SYStem not allows me to increase SGA further. Server reboot is proper solution?

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Locks On Partition Table?

May 13, 2011

I have the below questions on the locking mechanism in a partition table. Example I execute the below query,

delete from table_name subpartition (subpartition_name);

In that case,

1. If we perform above query, then which level of lock is happened to the table/partition & sub-partitions?

2. If we perform above query on same sub-partition of the same table with different where clause, what will happen?

3. If we perform above query for same table but different sub partition at same time, what will happen?

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How To Check Locks In Database

Apr 13, 2013

oracleDatabase version:11gR2


how to check locks on database objects .it might be any lock? any select sql query to check database object levlel locks?what basis locks will occur?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DB Locks And Data Corruption?

Feb 25, 2012

I have a sql script where triggers, procedures and functions are written. The triggers are causing db outages and causing problems in the application as well.

I am trying my best but with my low experience and expertise, am not able to make good progress.

Scenario: Course enrollments are inserted, deleted and updated in course_main and course_users table. This is done in gui as well as in background snapshot scheduler in a cron process. Course_main table contains all course enrollments and course_users table has crsmain_pk1 as foreign key.

Its quite a big file and am not sure what should i paste here so am uploading the file in txt.

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Dead Locks - Not Releasing?

Oct 8, 2012

We have encountered dead locks in EBS R12 Database Even after bouncing the appstier and dbtier completely does not release the locks. How to clear the locks?

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Table Locks In Exclusive Mode

Jan 6, 2011

Under what scenarios do we lock a table in the exclusive mode.

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Unexplainable Exclusive Transaction Locks?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a job which runs the procedure below concurrently in 4 different sessions; It updates two tables.

PROCEDURE UPDATE_TAB_1_AND_TAB_2( traceIdTab IN pl_sql table,
individualIdTab IN pl_sql table,
fileSeqIdTab IN pl_sql table,


Each session is passed a sequence generated file ID; so the records processed in each session are completely different.

However, everytime this job runs, without failure, ONLY TWO sessions process concurrently, while the other two sessions are blocked. Once the first two have finished, then the remaining two sessions start work.

I have being monitoring the sessions on each run daily, and realized that the first two sessions processing are each holding a transaction exclusive lock on objects; hence blocking the other two sessions.

When I tried to find the objects that the two running sessions have a lock on, I cant seem to find anything by searching DBA_OBJECTS.object_id. However, when I look for the objects that are being waited on, its either a partitioned table or a partitioned index on either table_1 or table_2.

At first, I thought it was an ITL lock and after much analysis, I did not find anything which definitely pointed to an ITL lock. However, just to make sure, I increased the INITTRANS value from 2 to 5, but the problem did not go away.

At this point, I have applied all I know to understand the origin of the TX lock and how I can work around this situation, and decided to ask higher powers in Oracle for advise.

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How To Analyze Locks And Performance Of Database

Sep 6, 2010

I used v$locked_object and v$lock query to get the output.. But still I'm an one year exp in ORACLE. How to analyze the output of lock queries. what are the parameters to be analyzed on AWR report.

How to do proper performance checkup in ORACLE database as well analyze it.

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Library Cache Locks By Dynamic DDL

Jun 30, 2011

At a customers site I see lot of long lasting library cache locks during a complex ETL run. Several Sessions run in parallel and create Database tables with dynamic sql ( CREATE TABLE AS SELECT ....) .

Sometimes these procedures wait for each other with wait event 'Library Cache' . I presume that this is a side effect of the dynamic DDL in the stored procedures. Is that possible even when the Procs create different Tables but reference the same tables in their SELECT clauses ?

I presume that this is plausible but I need some arguments to convince my colleagues.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Session Is Killed But Locks Not Released

Jun 8, 2011

On DB123, I have 2 KILLED sessions which are not disappearing and are holding locks on some tables in ONE schema.

The sessions belonged to ETL process and I have killed them last Friday after they have been hanging for 3 days. Unfortunately, I've also killed the corresponding Unix session - and now I've read on the Internet that in those cases the KILLED sessions might be hanging forever (=until the DB is shutdown).

how to remove these locks.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Reduce Dml Locks

May 24, 2012

After ran db health check, my database report gives the following details

dml_locks OK. dml_locks = 3396, transactions = 849.

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PL/SQL :: How To View The Number Of Locks Defined For A Database

Aug 21, 2012

How to view the number of locks defined for a database? I am using Oracle 10g.

How to calculate the number of locks for a given sql select statement?

say for example,

select a.eno,b.ename,c.salary,d.dob,e.address
from a,b,c,d,e

Assume all of them are row level locking.

I want to calculate the number of locks . How many locks will be held while running the above query?

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Networking And Gateways :: Select For Update - How To Kill Old Locks

Aug 3, 2011

My code executes a Select For Update before updating a table. In some cases the network is disconnected and it causes the lock to hang. Then, I must kill the session in order to realese this lock.

I want to do it automatically. I would like to create a job that kills session that has a lock due to Select For Update that is not alive.

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Forms :: Alert Windows Appear To Be Hidden And Application Locks Up

May 6, 2011

I have a forms 11g application that of course has several message and alert windows that pop up when various errors or messages need to be displayed. This all works great on the developer machine, but when I try and run the form on another machine using any browser the message and alert windows appear to be hidden and the application locks up with the rolling bar across the bottom. I would guess it is waiting for a response, but I cannot get the window to appear.

Following is an example of an alert to be displayed:
vAlertButton number;
vAlertButton := show_alert('NO_EMAIL');

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RAC & Failsafe :: Inserting Large Data Locks The Destination Table In RAC

Oct 18, 2010


Our application is using a two instance, one for the live active data and the other for the reports data. We have a process which moves the data from the live instance to reports instance every night. In a single db environment the process is working without any issues. However when we move to the RAC environment the reports db's (insert) in large table get locked and we are unable to insert data to the reports db.

What we are performing is:

Insert into my_table_rpt select * from may_table_live@db_link_to_livedb;


my_table_rpt get locked

We have found the workaround by disable locking in destination and subsequent to the insert enable locking


Insert the data to the reports database table




Why does the large destination table (my_table_rpt) get locked in the RAC environment?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Minutes Between Two Times

Oct 19, 2012

i want one query which return minute between two times which is in this format: 12:00:00 and 06:00:00

so in this it should return 360 minutes.

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How To Round Time Up Or Down By 5 Minutes

Nov 29, 2006

is there a prebuilt function that will round say the time of a sysdate up or down 5 mins? so i entered 5:32pm i would want it to round it down to 5:30pm

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How To Display Time In Minutes

Oct 15, 2012

I have two columns which I need to add together then devide by 60 in order to display that time in minutes. the problem I am facing is that at times I get numbers above 60 and my client doesn't want to see numbers above 60.

i.e (col1 + col 2)/60 = 34.87

what I need to do is make sure that when the number reaches 60 it moves on to 35.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Subtract Minutes From Timestamp

Mar 31, 2010

I need below proc like...

procedure p1
i_time_min number -- minutes to be substracted from timestamp
v_end_timeinstamp timestamp(6);


The problem with above procedure is passing parameter is in minutes and i need to substract the same from sys_extract_utc(current_timestamp) and store result in v_end_timeinstamp in timestamp format only... substracting directly will reduce the days and not the minutes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Records Per Every 10 Minutes

Jun 6, 2011

How to count records per every 3 minutes ? we don't want SPs to get answer. Instead of we want single query to get this output.

The sample data has been enclosed with it.

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