Object Locked But Can't Find Session / Process Blocking?

Sep 5, 2012

I am on database, windows x64.

A developer calls me and tells me there are locks on 3 tables, and the locks are not released. So I run this to see which objects are locked by which session

select vlo.object_id, vlo.session_id, vlo.oracle_username, vlo.process
  , do.owner, do.object_name, do.object_type


When I run the query later, I sometimes get another session, but the lock stays. It seems here, that I am catching the same SID on new sessions, but it is probably a different serial # than the original session locking the table rows.

I get nothing from
select * from dba_waiters;
select * from dba_blockers;

Now why are those 3 tables row locked on some rows and I can't find the session responsible? The developer tells me his application crashed and the rows are locked since. So far ( keep in mind I am not a locking expert) the only way I found to release the locks is a DB bounce, its a test DB so no biggy.

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Not Able To Find Blocking Session

Jan 10, 2013

I am working on oracle 11g and AIX.We were facing some blocking issues.For more investigation on the blocking sesssion we checked active session history of the database.Like session 'A' was blocked by session 'B' ...Now if we check infromation about sessions 'A' it is showing that this session was blocked by session 'B'.

But when we checked for session 'B' informaiton ,it is not showing any thing...from where we can get infromation about session B and in what all scenarios active session history does not show information about blocking session....

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Security :: Find Out Locked Table And Session From Database

May 20, 2013

I used to find out locked table and session from database....query with SYS user but i want to hand over the user session kill role to location level IT person so i have created one user in database named as rab and i have given "select any table,alter session and Grant dba to that rab user,but with that user they will drop and delete any table also

col owner format a12
col object_name format a25
col ORACLE_USERNAME format a15
col OS_USER_NAME format a15
col OBJECT_TYPE format a15
set lines 140

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Create Notification For Blocking Session

Aug 1, 2013

I want to create notification/ or triggered mail to my client and my dba group which will occur while session and user has been blocked. I want to create this procedure in 12c OEM.

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Server Administration :: Logwr Database Blocking Other Session

May 24, 2013

One issue happens frequently in My database,Logwr process blocking other session,when i checked blocked session in v$session wait_class was commit and event was logfile sync,

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
115 Configuration
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit
116 Commit

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------

As per this we predicate Logbuffer Might be full so i just to reboot server,Note server was 32 Bit i can allocate only 1GB of SGA SYStem not allows me to increase SGA further. Server reboot is proper solution?

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Application Express :: (X) Process Taking 60% CPU In Two Session (30% Each Session)

Oct 23, 2012

We are using Apex 4.0/Oracle 10gR2/ Hp-Ux, We noticed that there is a process Running in Two Sessions that seems running since 3 Hours using 60% CPU,** 30% given below sql it executes in two Sessions!

declare function x return boolean is begin -- if instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY')>0 then
l_position number := 0;
l_position := instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) ;
exit when instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) = 0 ;


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Script To Find Blocking Locks More Than 30 Minutes

Jun 29, 2012

writing a script where there is a blocking lock for more than 30 minutes ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Locked Tables In Hierarchy

Feb 1, 2012

Is it possible to find the locked objects in hierarchical order. Consider the below example

--Connect to scott schema
create table block_session(a NUMBER, b VARCHAR2(100))
insert into block_session select rownum,rownum*10 from dual connect by level<=10
GRANT ALL ON block_session to HR
update scott.block_session
SET a=10
where b=10

Is it possible to get all locked table details in hierarchical order?

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Security :: To Find Out Which Row Locked By Particular User

May 14, 2011

If the user has locked some row in the database how to find out the row id or the row which is locked by that particular USER.

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Find Dependent Object Details For Any Object

Dec 24, 2012

Is there any query to find the dependent object details for any object. Like if mview is built on a table, then i should be able to find the table name with out checking code of the mview. similar way for view and functions or procedures etc...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out Object Name

Feb 16, 2010

I want to find out the name of objects like procedures,functions which are using a specific column of table.

for example i have a table 'Orafaq' which has column 'Iss_Ide', i want to know which objects like procedures,functions,views are using column "Iss_Ide" of table orafaq

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Find The Process ID Which Is Hogging CPU / Memory?

Nov 17, 2012

Trying to find the Process ID which is hogging CPU/Memory

$ ps -e -o pcpu,pid,user,tty,args |grep -i oracle|sort -n -k 1 -r|head

here , this works well ..


$ watch ps -e -o pcpu,pid,user,args |sort -k 1 -n -r | head -10

this is not working ... always i am getting following output

QUOTE x processes w/o controlling ttys t by tty
*********** output format ********** *********** long options ***********
-o,o user-defined -f full --Group --User --pid --cols --ppid
-j,j job control s signal --group --user --sid --rows --info
-O,O preloaded -o v virtual memory --cumulative --format --deselect
-l,l long u user-oriented --sort --tty --forest --version
-F extra full X registers --heading --no-heading --context
********* misc options *********
-V,V show version L list format codes f ASCII art forest
-m,m,-L,-T,H threads S children in sum -y change -l format
-M,Z security data c true command name -c scheduling class
-w,w wide output n numeric WCHAN,UID -H process hierarchy

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Reports Process Not Terminated Database Session After Reports Request Failed

Oct 12, 2012

why Database session was not terminated for failed reports request processed by reports engine.

My engine element parameters are as followed:

<engine minEngine="3" maxIdle="30" maxEngine="16" id="rwEng" engineResponseTimeOut="10" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl">
<property value="/home/TMAP/KO/shared/reports" name="sourceDir"/>
<property value="no" name="keepConnection"/>
<property value="no" name="diagnosis"/>
<engine minEngine="0" maxEngine="1" id="rwURLEng" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl"/>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Remote Dependencies Of Database Object

Feb 16, 2010

As a part of requirement need to clean up some of database objects from database. Before cleaning up need to check for dependencies with in database and also on remote database.

Is there any data dictionary in oracle which proivides information about remote dependencies.

Any other way to get a list of remote dependencies other then manual checking.

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How To Find CPU Usage By Each User Session

Sep 7, 2011

I can get "CPU used by this session' value from v$sesstat. That is the value in centiseconds used by each session. How to convert the value into a percentage of total CPU resource ?

Or there are some other ways to gain the value. i.e. Percentage of Total CPU usage for each Oracle session.

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Find Thread That Opened A Session In AIX

Sep 3, 2012

As stated in "Determining which Oracle database session is being used by a specific Siebel user session [ID 863771.1]":

On the Oracle database side, you can query the V$SESSION table (make sure you are logged in as the tableowner) using the following WHERE clause format:


XXXX = Server PID
YYYY = Thread ID

So querying v$session, sessions opened by windows clients have in the PROCESS column values like "12345:876", where 12345=process id and 876=thread id.

Our application servers are installed in AIX, which is also multithreaded, but in the PROCESS column only process id is stored. Is there any way to find thread id?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out IP Address For All Currently Connected Users In V$session

Apr 6, 2010

I need a query to find out IP Adress for all currently connected users in V$session.

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Server Administration :: Find SID From Current Session As It Make Connection With DB

Dec 27, 2011

How to find the sid from v$session of my current session.

I want to ask:

Let say I have open 10 TOAD session and only in one toad session i have fired a sql query ( the rest 9 session are just blank), then the rest 9 status are in active status. Now, how i can figure out which sid ( from v$session ) belongs to which session as all the 9 session having nothing to run.

Quote: My main intention is to find out the current session sid as soon as it make connection with DB.

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Server Administration :: Query To Find Hostname For Oracle Session

May 20, 2010

How I can find the hostname for an oracle session id?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Out Session Consuming High Resource In Past

Mar 28, 2013

How can I find out the particular oracle session which was consuming high memory in the past?

I can't get the data in v$sessstat
Unable to get the information in AWR

dba_hist_active_session_history do not have field which indicate memory related information
Shall I concetrate on EVENT in dba_hist_active_session_history which continuosly had sort, direct path read
Locate sql_id from dba_hist_sqlstat with high SORTS_DELTA for snapshots belonging to problematic time period and then using the sql_id query dba_hist_active_session_history

which approach I shall take to find out the session which consumed most memory in the past?

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Server Administration :: Unable To Find Server Process In Oracle Database For Specific Application / Client

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to find the unix process for one of my application in the database but I am unable to view the same. To simulate, I did the following.

1. My database runs on different server.
2. I invoked "sqlplus" from another unix box to login to the database.
3. I found that the process id (ps -ef |grep sqlplus).
4. When I execute the below mentioned query it does not display the process id that I am looking for. But the osuser, username, program and machine details are correct. How can I know the process details from the database?

and SYS.GV_$SESSION.MACHINE like '%hostname%'

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PL/SQL :: Error In Modifying Object Value In Triggers Defined On Object Tables

Sep 26, 2012

While practicing with Triggers, the following error was encountered. An Object Type and an object Table are created.

create or replace
type typPerson is object
(id number,
firstname varchar2(30),
lastname varchar2(30)

I executed the below insert statement, and I got the following error.

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger');
insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object1','From Trigger')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 4153
Session ID: 136 Serial number: 305

SQL> insert into person_obj_tab values (10,'Object','Original');

1 row created.Question:

1) Trigger of version 1 did not report any error during compilation, but during DML execution, hangs for sometime and gives the above error.
2) Whether direct assignment of Objects of greater size is possible inside triggers built on object Tables?
3) Suppose an object contain multiple attributes (say more than 20), then how to assign them inside a trigger?

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TimesTen In-Memory :: OracleDataReader - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Of Object

Jan 25, 2013

I have a problem with executing oracleCommand.ExecuteReader() method. Whatever I try it always returns null and it won't create OracleData reader object. I'm using ODAC 1120320_x64 for .net 4.0 and timesten112241.win64. Don't sure what to do. Debugger is showing strange thing in OracleConnection object : ConnectionState = Closed, but output of ttStatus shows connection to TimesTen data store and ExecuteNonQuery() command works just fine with or without (in or out) parameters. But when I try to execute some query with multile output such as select *, I can't get any result.

I also have a strange problem with connection.Open() When I execute Open() i throws AccessViolationException that can be handled with [Handle ProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] attribute, but connection is established after that and my application works fine until I try to instance OracleDataReader object.

Here is the code:
OracleCommand select = null;
OracleDataReader reader = null;

select = new OracleCommand(selectStmt, connection);
select.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
reader = select.ExecuteReader(); // this line throws NullReferenceException
if (reader.HasRows)

Just to mention, I tried it with different queries (pl/sql, plane sql, stored procedure) and all of them works fine in SQL Developer, but not in app.

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Application Express :: Kill Current Session When Another Session With Same User Starts

Nov 19, 2012

I have an urgent requirement to kill an existing session if a new session starts for the same user. I have been reading lot of blogs and posts on the above topic, but could clearly tell me how to do it.

I thought of putting a process in 101 page when login button is pressed to catch this and kill the old session.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Disconnect User Who Are Blocking Sessions

Apr 11, 2011

I have an assignment, i am suppose to disconnect all the users that are blocking sessions for over three hours. Below is my code which is not working

Create or replace procedure b_user IS
ssid number;
serial number;

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Blocking Port 7778 For A Range Of IP

Mar 18, 2013

I am using Oracle Application Server 10gAs and Linux 4.

Our Test Application is access by users using 7778 port,i want just few users to access my test application(just admin user) and all other user should not get access to the application,even if they specify proper URL and port number.

Some access control policy using oracle application server 10gas.

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Server Administration :: Oracle 10g Blocking Sessions

Aug 19, 2010

I am using oracle 10g as server in my lab. I faced some problems initially, but later after increasing the USERS tablespace it is working fine.

But there is still one problem. During the query execution some queries will be blocked and it doesn't leave any consequent queries to execute from the same user.

The blocked sessions will be displayed in the admin page under blocking sessions link. There is a option to kill the session. But when i do that, it affects all the users and the connection will be lost to all the users. again I have startup the database from beginning.

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Performance Tuning :: Identify Blocking Sessions

Feb 21, 2011

My statspack reports are sometimes showing figures such as this from the Foreground Wait Events section:

Avg %Total
%Tim Total Wait wait Waits Call
Event Waits out Time (s) (ms) /txn Time
---------------------------- ------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------- ------
PL/SQL lock timer 1,430 100 6,982 4883 0.0 18.0
enq: TM - contention 3 0 6,438 ###### 0.0 16.6
db file sequential read 310,385 0 1,765 6 3.5 4.6
TCP Socket (KGAS) 12,593 13 180 14 0.1 .5
db file scattered read 23,673 0 87 4 0.3 .2
log file sync 19,409 0 82 4 0.2 .2
ksfd: async disk IO 1,680 0 29 17 0.0 .1

The TM lock that occurred 3 times appears to be disastrous.Historically, this could be caused by missing indexes on foreign key columns.

How can I be alerted when this event occurs, so that I can do some real-time investigation into the sessions and the SQL that hit it? I suppose I could schedule a job to query v$lock/dba_waiters/dba_blockers every few minutes, but is there a better way? Any standard edition scripts for this?

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Server Administration :: How To Avoid Blocking Locks

Nov 8, 2011

how to avoid blocking locks.

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Performance Tuning :: One Procedure Is Blocking And Another Is Locking It

Jan 25, 2011

I am new to performance tuning. One procedure is blocking and another is locking it.

SQL> @glockers
Oracle OS

---------- ------ -- ------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------

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