Find The Process ID Which Is Hogging CPU / Memory?

Nov 17, 2012

Trying to find the Process ID which is hogging CPU/Memory

$ ps -e -o pcpu,pid,user,tty,args |grep -i oracle|sort -n -k 1 -r|head

here , this works well ..


$ watch ps -e -o pcpu,pid,user,args |sort -k 1 -n -r | head -10

this is not working ... always i am getting following output

QUOTE x processes w/o controlling ttys t by tty
*********** output format ********** *********** long options ***********
-o,o user-defined -f full --Group --User --pid --cols --ppid
-j,j job control s signal --group --user --sid --rows --info
-O,O preloaded -o v virtual memory --cumulative --format --deselect
-l,l long u user-oriented --sort --tty --forest --version
-F extra full X registers --heading --no-heading --context
********* misc options *********
-V,V show version L list format codes f ASCII art forest
-m,m,-L,-T,H threads S children in sum -y change -l format
-M,Z security data c true command name -c scheduling class
-w,w wide output n numeric WCHAN,UID -H process hierarchy

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TimesTen In-Memory :: Process Of Initialization Of Database Into Memory

May 23, 2013

Can i know the internal process of initialization of DB into memory in timesten , when a new connection is establishing? Will timesten create tables and indexes in RAM when first connection is established if the RAM policy is default?

want to know the internal functional flow of timesten when any command is fired against it.

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Replication :: ORA-04030 - Out Of Process Memory

Apr 4, 2008

i created a materialized view, and whenever i try to refresh data, using the following package(dbms_mview.refresh), im getting the ORA-04030 error

ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 1052696 bytes (callheap,kllcqas:kllsltba)

As far as i know, there no shortage of ram in this machine, im not sure what is causing this error, Then i tried to do a bulk insert using a "INSERT /*+ APPEND */ " in a package, when i execute it, im getting the same error again.


ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 1052696 bytes (callheap,kllcqas:kllsltba)

The number of records im trying to insert is around 600,000, but if i try to repeat the same process with 50000 records, it works fine. i Actually is there any oracle parameter i need to change, cause im afraid if i do that, later in production, it might effect some other modules.

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PL/SQL :: XML Aggregate Function And Out Of Process Memory

Aug 8, 2012

I am getting most of the time 'out of process memory' when i run the 'ord' i am providing the tables and the procedure.

i have 2 table orders which holds distinct values, and departments table has ordvalue column holds long string of values for a particular record from orders table. for example if the values in orders table as follows:

ord_code ord_level ordid ordstatus ord_num user utimestamp
SR11          1 2 A          101 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 2 A          102 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 2 A          103 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 2 A          104 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 2 A          105 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 2 A          106 V     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          101 R     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          102 R     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          103 R     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          104 R     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          105 R     SYSDATE
SR11          1 1 B          106 R     SYSDATE

AT TABLE departments data will be like this

ord_code ord_level ordid ordstatus ord_num user utimestamp
SR11          1 2 A          101,102,103,104,105,106 V sysdate
SR11          1 2 B          101,102,103,104,105,106 R sysdate

from the get_ord procedure the data aggreates using the xmlelement and gets as a long string value into departments table of ord_num column.

CREATE TABLE test.orders
ordstatus VARCHAR2(1 BYTE) NOT NULL,
ord_num NUMBER(3) not null,
user VARCHAR2(8 BYTE),

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Out Of Process Memory Error When Upgrading From Oracle To

Apr 7, 2012

I got the following error when upgrading from Oracle to Oracle version using catupgrd.sql script.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

SP2-1519: Unable to write to the error log table sys.registry$error
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga
heap,redo read buffer)
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga
heap,redo read buffer)
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8168 bytes
(callheap,kcbtmal allocation)
Process ID: 81984
Session ID: 1 Serial number: 5


My machine environment is:

UNIX AIX 5.3 level 12
RAM size 2GB
ulimit settings:
> ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) 131072
stack(kbytes) 32768
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) 2
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited

Currently i tried to increase SGA & PGA to possible extent, but still getting this error? Is there any change required in ulimit, RAM etc?

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Server Administration :: ORA-04030 / Out Of Process Memory

Dec 27, 2011

I am facing this problem continuously from last 1 week on my production oracle database.I have performed all kind of changes on parameter but still am getting this error.

Oracle version -> 11g
O/S -> windows server 2003
RAM -> 11 GB
#########################INIT CONFIG###################


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ORA-04030 / Out Of Process Memory When Trying To Allocate 16408 Bytes

Jul 29, 2011

I have a stored procedure which uses BULK COLLECT and the table has 16 nested tables within it. When I limit the number of rows processed it works fine, if I let it run with all the 10,000 rows I get this:

ERROR: ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16408 bytes
(koh-kghu call ,pmuccst: adt/record)

sga_max_size - 12884901888
sga_target - 10737418240
pga_aggregate_target - 838860800
shared_pool_size - 2147483648

I believe the machine has 32GB memory, but there is another Oracle instance running on it.

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Object Locked But Can't Find Session / Process Blocking?

Sep 5, 2012

I am on database, windows x64.

A developer calls me and tells me there are locks on 3 tables, and the locks are not released. So I run this to see which objects are locked by which session

select vlo.object_id, vlo.session_id, vlo.oracle_username, vlo.process
  , do.owner, do.object_name, do.object_type


When I run the query later, I sometimes get another session, but the lock stays. It seems here, that I am catching the same SID on new sessions, but it is probably a different serial # than the original session locking the table rows.

I get nothing from
select * from dba_waiters;
select * from dba_blockers;

Now why are those 3 tables row locked on some rows and I can't find the session responsible? The developer tells me his application crashed and the rows are locked since. So far ( keep in mind I am not a locking expert) the only way I found to release the locks is a DB bounce, its a test DB so no biggy.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Find Server Process In Oracle Database For Specific Application / Client

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to find the unix process for one of my application in the database but I am unable to view the same. To simulate, I did the following.

1. My database runs on different server.
2. I invoked "sqlplus" from another unix box to login to the database.
3. I found that the process id (ps -ef |grep sqlplus).
4. When I execute the below mentioned query it does not display the process id that I am looking for. But the osuser, username, program and machine details are correct. How can I know the process details from the database?

and SYS.GV_$SESSION.MACHINE like '%hostname%'

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SQL Query To Find CPU Usage And Memory Usage

Jun 28, 2013

Is their any query to find cpu usage & memory usage of all the queries currently running on DB? 

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Server Administration :: Settings Infringe On Any Available Memory On System That Is Already Tight On Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following setup

SQL> show parameter sga;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3G
sga_target big integer 2G

from what I read I beleive this will initially grab 2GB of memory on startup and will grab up to to 3GB of memory total for the SGA. The "total" memory can be allocated to different peices of the SGA when needed but will never exceed 3GB. Is this correct or would these settings infringe on any available memory on a system that is already tight on memory?

Secondly, what happens if both these values are set to the same value?

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Jan 15, 2011

I have a confusion with MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter. if i set SGA_TARGET, SGA_MAX_SIZE along with MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET then how oracle will manage the memory? Because as per my understanding if we set MEM

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Not Able To Increase Value Of Memory-Target Up To Memory-max-target?

Aug 24, 2012

We are using the database, we implemented the Memory_Max_Target and Memory_target in the database.Here is the value of the memory parameters:

SQL> show parameter memory_

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
memory_max_target big integer 3G
memory_target big integer 2G
shared_memory_address integer 0

We want to increase the value of the Memory_target=3G, means, I want to increase the value of the memory_target upto Memory_max_target by using below command:alter system set MEMORY_TARGET=3G scope=both SID='OLTP1'; but I am getting below error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00846: could not shrink MEMORY_TARGET to specified value

I tried to give the memory_target value less than the memory_max_target value like:alter system set MEMORY_TARGET=2900M scope=both SID='OLTP1'; but get the same error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00846: could not shrink MEMORY_TARGET to specified value

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Which ORACLE Process Get More CPU

Apr 23, 2012

I want to know that the below 28249 PID running in which oracle process ., Because it consumes consuming 100% CPU load.

29249 oracle 25 0 1217m 48m 48m R 100.0 1.3 18364:47 oracle

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Process Using With Data

Mar 13, 2010

Need to use same query to decode and then use data based on the lower between clause to show

WITH DATA AS (select tb.address_id,DECODE(tb.month,
'1', '01',
'2', '02',
'3', '03',
'4', '04',
'5', '05',
'6', '06',


Output should come from the inner query only where between condition works..

so we should see only those addressids for 10-2009 to 11-2009.

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What Is Slave Process

Jan 19, 2013

What is slave process? why we use slave process? when it is used?

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List All Process Description?

Feb 9, 2012

are there a table/view that lists all process with description like the DICT does for the data dictionary views?

I wanna know for example the description of J001 or Q001 process for example.

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Process Queries Parallel?

Feb 2, 2005

On a tab page should be displayed the result of four indifferent queries, each based on a stored procedure.At the moment, the queries are processed serially, by the statements:


Is there a way to processes the queries parallel ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stop Loop On One Process?

Jul 3, 2010

i want check some data from one process instead of last record


process data
uuu 1
ppp 1


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Finding Correct DB Process?

Feb 7, 2013

1. I have 6 data bases, one process is running slowly, how do you find which data base that process belongs to?

2. I have 6 data bases, only one data base we have ASM instance, how do you find which data base has ASM?

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Forms :: Process ID Of Browser?

Apr 28, 2011

I captured the process id of the browser. I wanted to know whether the process id of the browser is dead or not after we close the browser. How can I check the condition for the process id in oracle forms?

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PL/SQL :: Failed To Process SQL Command

Apr 29, 2013

There is a stored procedure to which i am trying to schedule, but getting error as below:" Failed to process SQL command

-ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 124
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 271
ORA-06512: at line 2 "

I am not getting where issue is, as i am new to ORCL SQL Dev.

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How Memory Is Calculated

Nov 16, 2012

I am not a major member of performance tuning area.Performance team is saying DB utilizing high memory. DB team is telling DB utilizing low memory.

How it was calculated here ?

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I/O Performance And Out Of Memory?

Jun 12, 2013

we are using windows server 2008 R2 and oracle database version

Have two points here : I/O performance and Out of memory issue

1.) ADDM Report recommended solution is to stripe all data files for to reduce "Wait class "User I/O" was consuming" But I am not sure It will improve more I/O performance(it will resolved the issue) and same issue we are getting on many servers.

ADDM Report Snipped:

Findings and Recommendations
Finding 1: I/O Throughput
Impact is .28 active sessions, 44.97% of total activity.

The throughput of the I/O subsystem was significantly lower than expected.

Recommendation 1: Host Configuration
Estimated benefit is .28 active sessions, 44.97% of total activity.


2.) Same issue we got in another server and we increased memory thrice but again we got same below error. Now we are getting same below error another server.

Alert log Snipped:=

Wed Jun 12 07:12:15 2013
Process startup failed, error stack:
Errors in file E:\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\oemgc\oemgc\trace\oemgc_psp0_3316.trc:
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:CreateThread failed with status: 8
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Not enough storage is available to process this command.
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: ssthrddcr


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Memory Of Each Connection?

Mar 18, 2013

Currently weblogic has 120 concurrent connections to the database.There is a requirement to scale up the number ofconcurrent connections to 300.We have did some study and quite be quite sure that the current sga and pga is required. (the additional connections will be firing the same sql which is very well tuned.

However each additional connection to the database will take up additional memory just for the connection?Will is be using the memory in the PGA? Or outside the PGA for the connection overhead?We are not using MTS.

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PL/SQL :: What Are Objects Using PGA Memory

Feb 5, 2013

1)collections uses pga memory ,does globle tem table used in sp also uses PGA memory.

2)and does type of table of object type uses pga memory.

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Tuning SQLs In A Batch Process

Mar 18, 2013

I'm having an issue with stale optimizer statistics for some SQLs that are run in a batch process. The problem is that the process runs many times during the day - sometimes 20 to 30 times. And each time, the tables are updated, i.e. rows are inserted or deleted, etc.

So eventually the optimizer statistics for those tables become stale and the performance of the SQLs start to slow down (a lot). How best to gather the optimizer stats on the tables so they don't become stale when the batch process runs each time? The problem is that I also can't add/modify the code in the batch process because it is delivered by the vendor as is.

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ORA-1092 / Opitsk Aborting Process

Jul 11, 2011

Getting read to open SR on Metalink.. db startup getting this error.

ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process

4 other databases using same Oracle Home started just fine.. Running on AIX 5.3, Someone failed cluster over by "accident" ... Anyway.. All file systems exists, other db's started fine.Can't even get a sysdba connection..

oramerch@a3dvdb954:/oramerch/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tsadev/tsadev/trace$ echo $ORACLE_SID
oramerch@a3dvdb954:/oramerch/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tsadev/tsadev/trace$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
oramerch@a3dvdb954:/oramerch/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tsadev/tsadev/trace$ sqlplus /nolog

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TNS-01153 / Failed To Process String

Aug 3, 2010

Long running data extract executed from SQL SERVER into Oracle.Process runs long time then chokes. What breaks after the process is running ?

03-AUG-2010 05:00:10 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyDB)(CID=(PROGRAM=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtshost.exe)(HOST=SQLSERVER)(USER=Administrator))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( * establish * MyDB * 0
03-AUG-2010 05:00:11 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyDB)(CID=(PROGRAM=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtshost.exe)(HOST=SQLSERVER)(USER=Administrator))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( * establish * MyDB * 0
03-AUG-2010 05:00:12 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyDB)(CID=(PROGRAM=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtshost.exe)(HOST=SQLSERVER)(USER=Administrator))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( * establish * MyDB * 0
(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=153092864)) * status * 0


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Replication :: Apply Process Is Not Working?

Oct 5, 2011

I have created Replication process for a single table using the below mentioned script.

connect sys/afccv@afccv as sysdba
show parameter open_cursor
create user STRMADMIN identified by STRMADMIN;
connect sys/vxmldb@vxmldb as sysdba


According to Alert log file Replication process started( Refer Alert log content below

Wed Oct 05 12:45:53 2011
Streams CAPTURE CP01 for STRMADMIN_CAPTURE started with pid=256, OS id=8692
Starting persistent Logminer Session with sid = 41 for Streams Capture STRMADMIN_CAPTURE
Wed Oct 05 12:46:20 2011
LOGMINER: Parameters summary for session# = 41


Now When I am checking the apply status then it is showing Dequeue message

SQL> l
1* select apply_name,state,DEQUEUE_TIME from V$STREAMS_APPLY_READER
SQL> /
------------------------------ ----------------- --------------------

when I am checking the number of rows on both tables (source and destination) , at destination it is not applying any thing.

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