SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Two Date Type Fields

Aug 15, 2011

I'm having trouble comparing and subtract two date type fields, can not get a significant result.


select id, date.started, date.closed, datediff (day, date.started, date.closed) differences diference from Table1 order by desc;

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Date Range From 2 Search Input Date Fields

Aug 16, 2012

I would like to inquire how do I code my select statement if my user enter a search date range(search startDt: 01/08/2012 and search endDt :30/09/2012) and I will like to retrieve only the 7records out from my table as shown below ?

01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/06/2012 31/12/2012
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/09/2012 01/09/2012
01/09/2012 31/12/2012
01/07/2012 01/07/2012->not retrieved out
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/01/2012 31/12/2012

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Calculate Minutes From Difference Of To Number Fields

Apr 9, 2013

I need the query to calculate minutes from difference of to number fields. Test case is as below.


code NUMBER(4),
stime NUMBER(4,2),
otime NUMBER(4,2)

---------- ---------- ----------
1065 20 19.49
1082 20 18.57
1279 19.3 18.59
2075 19.3 15.32

Required output is

---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- --------
1065 20 19.49 00 HR 21 MIN 21
1082 20 18.57 01 HR 03 MIN 63
1279 19.3 18.59 00 HR 31 MIN 31
2075 19.3 15.32 03 HR 58 MIN 238

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Time Between Two Fields

Mar 24, 2011

I have two different date in my payroll software,

1-Shift_date shift date *used to contain shift timings
2-Attendace_datedate *used to contain employee IN timings

As you all know that shift is a setup form, where user input data once in the starting of software so the shift_date can be "01/jan/2011 16:00 pm" but attendance loads daily and attendance field data can be in this form "24/mar/2011 16:15 pm"..Now I want to calculate difference time between these two fields therefore I used this statement

SQL> Select to_char(attendance_date,'HH24:MI') to_char(shift_date,'HH24:MI') from dual;

but it is showing error: ORA-01722: invalid number...I used hours/minutes format mask in my query because you can see there is a difference of dates between these fields and it will be increase in the coming future and I need late hours and minutes.

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Server Utilities :: Proper Data Type Should Use In Control-file For Both Fields

Jan 26, 2012

My oracle table having 2 fields.

filed1 VARCHAR(500)
field2 NUMBER.

i load data to this table from a file using sqlldr.

what is the proper data type should i use in control-file for both the fields.? i dont mention any datatye in ctl file which is working fine with given dataset.

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PL/SQL :: Date Difference - Include Both Start And End Date In Range

Aug 8, 2013

select to_date('28-FEB-2013') - TO_DATE('01-FEB-2013')  FROM DUAL 

gives me 27 days, what should I do to get 28 ? meaning include both the start and end dates in the range ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find From And To Date Between Two Fields

Aug 2, 2010

I have oracle table for Leave

LeaveNo - FromDt - ToDt - Query Retrieve
1 - 01/01/2010 - 31/03/2010 - No
2 - 01/02/2010 - 31/05/2010 - Yes
3 - 01/04/2010 - 30/04/2010 - Yes
4 - 25/04/2010 - 15/05/2010 - Yes
5 - 01/05/2010 - 31/05/2010 - No
6 - 15/03/2010 - 14/04/2010 - Yes
7 - 10/04/2010 - 15/04/2010 - Yes

I want find out who was leave on 01/04/2010 to 30/04/2010. user input parameter may vary like 10/04/2010 to 15/04/2010 or 12/04/2010 to 12/04/2010.

how to write oracle sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Object Type And Package

Oct 11, 2011

understand between Oracle pl/sql object type and package!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Join Two Date Fields?

May 19, 2011




34425 Mar 1967
123 12 MAR 1963;25 FEB 1974;25 AUG 1978
46515 FEB 1980

I want to join the columns DOB from table -1 and DOB_INFO from table 2 but the datatype of DOB is DATE and DOB_INFO is VARCHAR. TO_DATE function is not working here.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Functional Difference Between Type %rowtype And Record

May 17, 2010

What is functional diffrence between type, %rowtype and record.

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Forms :: How To Capture Date And Time In Separate Fields

May 8, 2012

I want to capture date and time in separate fields from user and save it in single column in table

example: user enters date and time
Date : 08/05/20212
Time : 18:50:00

At the time of save I want to save [08/05/2012 18:50:00].

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Server Utilities :: Concatenate A Date With SQL Loader From Three Fields

Jul 26, 2010

I want to load a delimited file that contains many records which contained within the table where I'm going to load a date type field and I need to do this by concatenating three fields

field1 = 1 - this is the day
field2 = 11 - this corresponds to the month
field3 = 5 - this corresponds to the year

I need is in the field Save as type date 01/11/2005 i don´t know how to do it but I tried as follows but I get error loading.

"TO_DATE (TO_CHAR (: field1 ||'/'|| DECODE (: field2, 1, 'JAN', 2, 'FEB', 3, 'MAR', 4, 'APR', 5, 'MAY', 6 , 'JUN', 7, 'JUL', 8, 'AUG', 9, 'SEP', 10, 'OCT', 11, 'NOV', 12, 'DEC': field2 )||'/'|| : field3)) "

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How To Get Date Difference

Jul 20, 2007

How one can get date difference in days between two dates in Oracle reports ?

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PL/SQL :: Difference Between Real Hijri Date With Oracle Hijri Date

Sep 18, 2012

In my application I show the Date in Hijri using the NLS setting. but the issue that "i face a deference between the real hijri date with oracle hijri date"

Assume that the real hijri date on 18-SEP-2012 was 02/11/1433 in hijri but in oracle was 03/11/1433

when I execute the following query it shows me "1433/11/03", but the actual Hijri date is "1433/11/02"

select to_char(to_date('20120918','YYYYMMDD'),'YYYY/MM/DD', 'NLS_calendar='''||'ARABIC hijrah') FROM DUAL;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Days Difference - Start And End Date

Jul 7, 2012

101/26/2012 00:00:0001/31/2012 00:00:00
201/26/2012 00:00:0002/02/2012 00:00:00
302/03/2012 00:00:0003/31/2012 00:00:00

How to find out the days difference in sql query, start date of next records and end date of previous records as highlighted on blue color

query out put should give as below

start_date + next record ,end_date - Previous records should give the difference of

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Time Difference Between 2 Date

Nov 29, 2011

during application migration, i got one table from MS Access, and have situation where two events are splited into 4 columns (start: date1 time1 and stop: dat2 and time2). How to properly calculate duration between these two events, and show it in format: hh:mi ?

(ID NUMBER(11,0),


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Difference In YY MM Day HH:MI:SS Format Through Query

Feb 21, 2011

I just want to calculate difference between two dates in YY MM DD HH:MI:SS format through a SQL Query (not function).

Sample data is as follows-

to_timestamp('11-Feb-2008 12:23:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
to_timestamp('2-Dec-2010 04:23:22','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')


how to calculate age in YY MM Day HH:MI:SS format. Suppose my DOB is '2-Feb-1988 11:10:15 AM'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing DATE Type?

Oct 25, 2011

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

In the database, NLS_DATE_FORMAT = DD-MON-RR.I have a date field called LOAD_DATE in one of the tables. I want to store the value as '25-OCT-11 01:16:25 PM' in LOAD_DATE field. Is there a way to do it without changing the NLS parameter (ALTER SESSION...) ?

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Get Date Difference In Days Between Two Dates In Reports?

Sep 11, 2010

In my server , already 10g r2 is installated , now am installaling 11r2, during this, at final stage while running root.sh , it will propmt to override 3 files, oraenv,dbhome .. etc under /usr/local/bin in solaris sys, as these files are already owned by 10g owner ,what i have to select (y or n)?

what if i select y? it will override three files

what if i select n? default option

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out Date Difference In Day-month-year?

Jul 8, 2010

i want to find out difference between two dates in day-month-year. How can i do it?

For example how many days,months are years are between '01-jul-1979' and '08-jul-2010'

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Getting Time From Date Type Column?

Mar 3, 2011

I am working with Oracle 8i and I have a problem while applying the below query:

where ENTRYDATE > sysdate-1
and rownum <10
03-03-2011 00:00:00
03-03-2011 00:00:00
03-03-2011 00:00:00
03-03-2011 00:00:00


The time appears as 00:00:00. I said it's something weird because if I take the where condition off, then something like this appears:

12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27
12-22-2006 13:13:27

I am using the same query on a different table and there's no problem on it:

where ENTRYDATE > sysdate -10 and rownum <10
03-03-2011 17:06:48
03-03-2011 17:06:48
03-03-2011 16:59:08
03-03-2011 16:59:08
03-03-2011 12:04:21

I checked the DDL of both tables and the only difference is that the TBL_XX_PROGRAM have the ENTRYDATE field defined as not null and the ENTRYDATE on the TBL_BANDWIDTH_READS does not have the same constraint, could it affect?

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How To Order Date Which Has Its Type As Varchar2

Jan 26, 2011

I have table called INFO and the column called CREATED_DATE . Now the datatype of CREATED_DATE is of varchar2 . Now If I need to query the table through select statement where I need to order the result based on CREATED_DATE , how can i achieve this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Date From The Timestamp Data Type

Oct 13, 2011

How can i get just date from the timestamp data type.

Suppose i have a column timestamp with has data like "2011-05-16 16:19:22.579764-07" when i select from table i just want the date like 2011-05-16.

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XML DB :: XMLTable With Date Type Column

Sep 5, 2012

I am trying to run select query on xml using xmltable. One of the tag returns date and I want to take it in date format in xmltable column.

select t.* from XMLTYPETEST xt ,
XMLTable ('/TestData/trade' passing xt.data
test varchar2(100) path 'GenTest/Id',
testdate date path 'DateTest/Date')t;

But its throwing error as -

SQL Error: ORA-29958: fatal error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
29958. 00000 - "fatal error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine"
*Cause:    Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexCreate routine.

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PL/SQL :: Attribute In DB - Return Difference Between Start_date And Current Date

Feb 15, 2013

I have an attribute in my DB called start_date of type date.I want a query that return the difference between the start_date and the current date.for example if start_date = 2/14/2013 *2*:35:00 PM and the current date = 2/14/2013 *1*:35:00 PM the query returns 1.

I want the result in hours.

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Insert Or Select Date Data Type Value In AM Or PM?

Oct 26, 2006

How do i insert or select date data type value in am or pm Eg 10:30:00 am or 10:35:00 pm

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert VARCHAR2 To Date Data Type

Jun 13, 2012

I have problem to convert simply varchar to date data type.

For example: 2012-05-28 22:36:08 and I would like to get format 28.5.2012 22:36:08

However I try to do it I get always some errors.

select '2012-05-28 22:36:08',
to_date( '2012-05-28 22:36:08', 'dd.mm.yyyy HH24:MI:SS') ,
to_char('2012-05-28 22:36:08', 'dd.mm.yyyy HH24:MI:SS')
from dual

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Store The Date In String Type Format

Nov 23, 2010

We store the date in String Type format of "MON-YYYY", we require to run the report base on that string contain date column, During the Query execute the Error Display of (ora-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected)

The Query is :

select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,XX
select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,TO_DATE(XX,'DD/MM/RRRR') XX
select TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(('01-'||substr(gl.period_name,1,3)||'-'||substr(gl.period_name,5,2)),'DD/MM/RR'),'DD-MON-RRRR') xx,


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PL/SQL :: Equals (=) Versus LIKE For Date Data Type

Sep 2, 2013

First, I'm aware that the equals (=) operator is a "comparison operator compares two values for equality."  In other words, in an SQL statement, it won't return true unless both sides of the equation are equal.  For example:

SELECT * FROM Store WHERE Quantity = 200; The LIKE operator "implements a pattern match comparison" that attempts to match "a string value against a pattern string containing wild-card characters." 

For example:

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Name LIKE 'Chris%'; 

Here,I query about date type data on ORACLE database, I found the following, when I write select statment in this way:


I get all rows I'm looking for. but when I use the sign equal =


I get nothing even though nothing is different except the equal sign.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Of Date Difference Using Pending State Value In Table Field

Feb 2, 2012

Find the date difference. I need to find that how many days the task is pending, if ACT_NAME field switching from 'SET PENDING%' to 'RESUME PENDING%' by using ACTIONTAKENDATETEXT field in the History table.

Example as needed:
NoPendingDays = 23 (8+15)

I have attached Create table and Insert table values sample as SQL file.

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