SQL & PL/SQL :: Store The Date In String Type Format
Nov 23, 2010
We store the date in String Type format of "MON-YYYY", we require to run the report base on that string contain date column, During the Query execute the Error Display of (ora-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected)
The Query is :
select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,XX
select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,TO_DATE(XX,'DD/MM/RRRR') XX
select TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(('01-'||substr(gl.period_name,1,3)||'-'||substr(gl.period_name,5,2)),'DD/MM/RR'),'DD-MON-RRRR') xx,
Our data centers resides in different zones and we would like to store the date and time information in GMT format and it should aware of daylight savings.
Which data type is preferred ? Date or timestamp with timezone or timestamp with local time zone. Do we need to configure any parameter on the database?
I have a string in this format '2011/06/01 00:00:00'. How do I convert this to date format.I tried to_date,to_char and they give errors invalid number & literal does not math format string. I don't have much control on the string since that is the way is comes from the application.
UPDATE event_request SET REQ_EVENT_DATE = TO_CHAR(REQ_EVENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1' HOUR, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') WHERE eventID=123
Oracle returns this error:
ERROR at line 4:ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
where line 4 is REQ_EVENT_DATE = TO_CHAR(REQ_EVENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1' HOUR, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi').The REQ_EVENT_DATE field was originally populated with this stripped down query:
i have changed date's format and the calendar type in sqlplus through the following command so the date's format and the calender type both changed successfully and work, but in oracle form the they haven't changed.
alter session set nls_calendar='persian';
Note: i know session would change the format temporally but i want to change it permanently so i tried alter_system but still no result
I am trying to insert a row in a table and getting the below error.
SQL> insert into tbl_force_charging(ANI, date_time, durations,src, circleid) 2 values ('9569333585','29-JUN-11 PM','1027','51010','BIR' ) 3 ; values ('9569333585','29-JUN-11 PM','1027','51010','BIR') * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
Table Structure is
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------- ANI VARCHAR2(10) DATE_TIME DATE DURATIONS VARCHAR2(10) SRC VARCHAR2(10) CIRCLEID VARCHAR2(10) SQL>
when i run this query i am facing date format error.
select sbrueregister.UEIMSI,sbrueregister.fapid,sbrfapslid.slid,sbrfapslid.ACTIVATION_TS,sbrfapslid.DEACTIVATION_TS from SBRFAPSLID INNER JOIN sbrueregister ON sbrfapslid.fapid=sbrueregister.fapid where sbrfapslid.slid='1234567890' and sbrueregister.registeredat between TO_DATE('2013-02-1.12.0. 10. 123000000','YYYY-MM-DD HH.MI.SS.SSSSSS')and TO_DATE('2013-02-', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH.MI.SS.SSSSSS');
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
I want to stored the excel or ms word document in oracle database. Is it possible to view that file from database. If i export full database it is included in that dmp.
- So HOW do I find the total size occupied by this table. Does BINARY storage work as LOB storage. i.e. I need to consider USER_LOBS as well for this. OR foll. will work
select segment_name as tablename, sum(bytes/ (1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) as tablesize_in_GB From dba_segments where segment_name = 'XML_TABLE_1' and OWNER = 'SCHEMANAME' group by segment_name ;
- Also if I am copying it to another table of same structure as:
Insert /*+ append */ into XML_TABLE_2 Select * from XML_TABLE_1.
Then how much space in ROllbackSegment do I need. Is it equal to the size of the table XML_TABLE_1?
i want to get table name, constraint name, constraint type with join processes in string type. this is what i want: alter table tablename add constraint constraintname constrainttype(columnname)
When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') it only returns 'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?
when i am running this query i am getting this value: 01/01/1900 23:59:00 and this value i am inserting in one variable which has date datatype.here i am storing like this:
A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..
I am getting this error while trying to update the record
FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record
I have kept the enabled = yes required=no data type=Date.. in the property pallet
I want to reset my date to this format: 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM - see code below:
DECLARE v_latest_close DATE; BEGIN v_latest_close := TO_DATE ('12/31/2012 23:59:59 ','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The new date format is : '|| v_latest_close); END;
the code above displays only : 12/31/2012 instead of 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM
I have a csv file where a field has values like "Fri Aug 2 19:22:02 EDT 2013". through unix i am able to place the value into an unix variable but the problem is this should be inserted into a date column in my database table. Basically, the relevant data to be extracted is "Aug 2 2013 19:22:02" and then i need to insert the same into my database column. And the date column in the table should displays like '08/02/2013 19:22:02'.
Executing the following results in two different results:
select N'Test" "result" from dual;
On one the output is:
resu ---- Test
and on the other the output is
result ---------------- Test
This seems to suggest that one is returning "Test" as a char(16) and the other as a varchar2 or nvarchar2. In both cases, NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1 and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is AL16UTF16.
Not being an Oracle DBA, I am not sure where to look.
INSERT INTO JOB_EXECUTION (RUN_DATE ,RUN_ORDER ,RUN_DIV ,RUN_TYPE ,RUN_FMT ,PICKUP_STATUS ,START_TIME ,END_TIME ,REMARKS) VALUES (sysdate-1,1,'AE','FILE-HFM','NY_PLAN-2014','FINISHED',TRUNC(SYSDATE),SYSDATE,'"Load Process is INITIATed: with [BATCHID:= FILE-HFM_RUN_ORDER#_5 ]: as of @ 26-Sep-2013 10:26:50. AFM-Load END PROCESS: as of @ 26-Sep-2013 10:26:52. AUTO-LOAD RUNNING :as of @ 26-Sep-2013 10:26:57. FILEs-LOAD PROCESS: as of @ 26-Sep-2013 10:26:59. ALLOCATIONs PROCESS: as of @ 26-Sep-2013 10:27:52.
The select I tried.
WITH reporting_info AS ( SELECT b.run_date,b.run_div,b.run_type,b.run_fmt,1234 as Batch_id, start_time as BATCH_START_TIME, end_time AS BATCH_END_TIME, REPLACE(substr(substr(remarks,instr(remarks,'FILEs-LOAD PROCESS: as of @ ')), 0,instr(substr(remarks,instr(remarks,'FILEs-LOAD PROCESS: as of @ ')),chr(10))-2 ),'FILEs-LOAD PROCESS: as of @ ','') FILE_LOAD, REPLACE(substr(substr(remarks,instr(remarks,'ALLOCATIONs PROCESS: as of @ ')), 0,instr(substr(remarks,instr(remarks,'ALLOCATIONs PROCESS: as of @ ')),chr(10))-2 ),'ALLOCATIONs PROCESS: as of @ ','') ALLOCATION,
Since the date format does not contain AM or PM in it ... while subtracting time values crossing midnight the value goes in negative .... How to subtract two date strings with out AM or PM values to get a positive value ?
I have data like this:
29/03/20102150 NULL NULL NULL NULL 30/03/20102150
When I execute the query it always gives me the error "literal does not match format string".
I'm trying to do data mining on a web log which recorded one day web access information from a busy web server. I imported the data into Oracle Data miner, and created a table (WEBLOG). The idea is to create a new field, i.e. session, for the users so that each session could be thought as a representative of a user-intent (aka topic). Now based on this, data mining models would be used to cluster(group) the users based on their similarity. The first step is to prepare the data which involves using SQL queries. So first, all I did was to create a function for date and time. This is the following code I used,
create or replace function ssndate(p_date in varchar2 default '03-01-18', p_time in varchar2) return number $if dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 $then deterministic $elsif dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 $then result_cache $end as begin return trunc((to_date(p_date||' '||p_time, 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') - to_date('01-01-90','dd-mm-yy')) * (86400/2400)); end ssndate; /
The function ssndate compiled successfully.The next step I took was to create a view through the following query,
create or replace view WEBLOG_VIEWS as select (select ssndate(LOG_DATE, LOG_TIME) from dual) as "SESSION_DT", C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT, (CS_URI_STEM||'?'||CS_URI_QUERY) as WEB_LINK from WEBLOG;
This was successful as well. The problem is in the next step where I try to do data grouping.
create table FINAL_WEBLOG as select SESSION_DT, C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT, listagg(WEB_LINK, ' ') within group(order by C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT) "WEB_LINKS" from WEBLOG_VIEWS group by C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT, SESSION_DT order by SESSION_DT [code]....
the to_date function should be fine. In the data that I possess, the date and time are in no format. Example: 30118 and 0:00:09 respectively.
insert into iostat_mac values(to_date('2012/03/28 08:00:00 AM'),'653.6','20.7','15392.0','451.8','0.0','5.5','0.0','8.2','0','64','/vol/sun_dc_u2');
Receive ora-01861 error when trying to insert.Suspected it had to do with the date format, I changed the nls parameter for my session to include the time format, but to no avail.
select profilename from PROFILE where user_data like '%DATE_RULE!115%';
Output will be "Test A".Now, this is just a single value from RULES table used to find the data of PROFILE table.I will have to run the query on multiple values of RULES tables to find records containing a string format of sort "DATE_RULE!<rule_no>". How to search on WILD CARDs like these?