SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Store External File (XLS / Doc / PDF) Format In Oracle Database
Feb 1, 2011
I want to stored the excel or ms word document in oracle database. Is it possible to view that file from database. If i export full database it is included in that dmp.
I'm studying abt SQL*Loader. All I've learn it needs to have:
1. One text input file 2.Control file 3.Bad file...
But I'm confused where to put the input file...where to put the control file in which format and in control file what should I write...
My oracle version is:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
How to store the content of a csv file into an array in oracle and then get the distinct values from the array in oracle. The requirement is only to extract the first column value into an array.
Encountering an issue with an Oracle external table. We get the following error when we load a particular file in this table:
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P000 ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout ORA-30653: reject limit reached ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 52
We have narrowed this down to a text field in the file that contains the following text (text obfuscated):
This is nominally 40 characters long, which matches the maximum field size, but it is being rejected because it appears the 'ł' character is causing Oracle to interpret the length as 41 characters instead. If I remove a X then the file loads without issue.
We tried this in a new schema we created where we added the same table and used the same file. There was no problem at all. The oracle database has the following settings:
Our data centers resides in different zones and we would like to store the date and time information in GMT format and it should aware of daylight savings.
Which data type is preferred ? Date or timestamp with timezone or timestamp with local time zone. Do we need to configure any parameter on the database?
We store the date in String Type format of "MON-YYYY", we require to run the report base on that string contain date column, During the Query execute the Error Display of (ora-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected)
The Query is :
select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,XX from ( select period_name,doc_sequence_value,doc_sequence_id,date_created,name,JE_SOURCE,TO_DATE(XX,'DD/MM/RRRR') XX from ( select TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(('01-'||substr(gl.period_name,1,3)||'-'||substr(gl.period_name,5,2)),'DD/MM/RR'),'DD-MON-RRRR') xx,
I have got a procedure that successfully creates an oracle external table and populates it with the contents of a file. This works fine until I have a situation where one of the fields is a VARCHAR2(2) and I try to insert say, a 5 character value. When this happens the record in question does not get populated in the external table (and rightly so), but I could do with working out if there is a discrepancy in the number of records in the file and the number of records that actually make it into the table so I could inform the user that there is a problem.
I have attached the code that creates the external table and populates it.
I have an issue with the text area column(Column name-Text) while interfacing the data from oracle database to external system.The data in database is saved as:
This is test entry for commentfield. testing the script Pre-production 23-FEB-2012
We want all the line breaks to replaced with a space or a comma. to implement this i have used to simple select as :
Select Replace(text,chr(10),'') From paymemo where referencepkey = (select pkey from paymain where ID = 'DED-520074 505354DN6 2012-02-04 00:06:48');
This is not working because of type conversion issues.
I have a csv file where a field has values like "Fri Aug 2 19:22:02 EDT 2013". through unix i am able to place the value into an unix variable but the problem is this should be inserted into a date column in my database table. Basically, the relevant data to be extracted is "Aug 2 2013 19:22:02" and then i need to insert the same into my database column. And the date column in the table should displays like '08/02/2013 19:22:02'.
load data infile 'C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\Desktop\abc.txt' APPEND PRESERVE BLANKS INTO TABLE table1
When I run the above control file in sqlldr, I'm getting the error as Record 1: Rejected - Error on table table1, column column3. ORA-01481: invalid number format model
In the table the column3 data type is NUMBER(6,2).: The column size in table is 6 and position of column3 in control file is only 4. Also if possible let me know how the same data (send me 2 dummy records) which exactly works for the above control file especially for column3 where decimal number comes in the flat file.
For generating the flat file, for column3, i'm using LPAD(:value,4,0) in the select query column list.
I need to make the location parametrized so we don't have to hard code the file name file1. Can I do this in Oracle or do I need to do this in a shell script on the UNIX server?
My db version: Oracle 11g I have an empty csv file.I created a external table for the empty csv file.When I run:select count(*) from externaltblname;It returns 1. It should return 0 right. In the definition, I specified "SKIP 1"But still it returns 1. When I use this external table to load into a target table. It loads a single row with null values.How to fix this.
I need to generate a select query in runtime and store the results of it into a file.Each time the column name and table name in the query will differ.Now im able to generate the select query through for cursor but problem is to store the results to the file.I tried using plsql table,im able to get the values to that table and store the results to a file,but the results of the query is more then 10000 lines (it might increase also)where only 4000 characters where able to store in the plsql table.so rest of them are not stored in the file.
I'm trying to create a store procedure that will accept a username from a flat file but i don't know how to do read file into store procedure.
Below is a sample store procedure by itself i created to add user which created okay but when i execute I got the error displayed below.
create or replace procedure addUsers(userNam in varchar2) is begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE USER'||userNam||'IDENTIFIED BY "pass1234" DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS'||'QUOTA "1M" ON USERS'|| 'PASSWORD EXPIRE'; end addUsers; /
I have question on the following, that gets defined for the bad file and the log file
BADFILE 'bad_%a_%p.bad' LOGFILE 'log_%a_%p.log'
What does the %a and % p indicate? Also if I wanted to get the value of %p and %a into a variable how would I do it? I want to be able to append %p and %a to the below variable, but unsure how to achieve it..
I'm trying to load a csv file into an external table and when I select the table 0 rows is the result.
The log file has the following errors:
KUP-04021: field formatting error for field DEPTNO KUP-04023: field start is after end of record KUP-04101: record 1 rejected in file /usr/tmpclie.csv error processing column EMPNO in row 2 for datafile /usr/tmpclie.csv ORA-01722: invalid number