PL/SQL :: Generate All Dates Between To Date Points

Sep 8, 2012

Is there a way I can generate a list of date using a simple SELECT statement to generate all dates between to date points? For example between SYSDATE AND SYSDATE-7?

One way I know is have a table and run PL/SQL script to put all dates in it and query that but was wondering if it can be achieve via SQL SELECT query at all without creating a table (querying DUAL).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split A Date Into New Dates According To Black Out Dates?

Mar 10, 2011

Split a date into new dates according to black out dates!

Here is my tables:

SELECT DATE '0000-01-01', DATE '9999-12-31' FROM DUAL;


I have lets say a "travel date" and black out dates. I will split the travel date into pieces according to the black out dates.

Note: Travel Date can be between 0000-01-01 - 9999 12 31


Travel Date:

T | 2011 01 04 | 2011 12 11

Black Out Dates:

A | 2010 11 01 | 2011 02 11
B | 2011 01 20 | 2011 02 15
C | 2011 03 13 | 2011 04 10
D | 2011 03 20 | 2011 06 29

Excepted Result:

X1 | 2011 02 16 | 2011 03 12
X2 | 2011 06 30 | 2011 12 11


Travel Date : -----[--------------------------]--

A : --[------]-------------------------
B : ------[---]------------------------
C : --------------[---]----------------
D : ----------------[------]-----------

Result :

X1 : -----------[--]--------------------
X2 : -----------------------[--------]--

Sample 2:

Travel Date : -[--------------------------------]--

BO Date A : ----[------]-------------------------
BO Date B : -------------------------[---]-------
BO Date C : ----------------[---]----------------
BO Date D : ------------------[------]-----------

Result X1 : -[-]-------------------------------
Result X2 : -----------[--]--------------------
Result X3 : -----------------------------[--]--

How can I do it using PL SQL ?

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PL/SQL :: Closest Date From A Group Of Dates

Dec 19, 2012

I need to find the closest Date that matches a Particular Date. The Closest Date from the Group may be less than or greater than the Date I am trying to find.

I have two columns: VISIT_DATE and ACTUAL_DATE. The VISIT_DATE columns has many records with different dates while the ACTUAL_DATE column would only have one record per Student ID.

Here is an example of dates:

Visit Date      Actual Date
01-APR-09     19-MAR-10
16-NOV-09     19-MAR-10
17-MAR-10     19-MAR-10
21-MAR-10     19-MAR-10
04-APR-11     19-MAR-10
15-JUN-11     19-MAR-10
19-SEP-11     19-MAR-10
24-FEB-12     19-MAR-10

The closest date to 19-MAR-10 are in fact 17-MAR-10 and 21-MAR-10. I would in that case need to pick up both records.

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Get Date Difference In Days Between Two Dates In Reports?

Sep 11, 2010

In my server , already 10g r2 is installated , now am installaling 11r2, during this, at final stage while running , it will propmt to override 3 files, oraenv,dbhome .. etc under /usr/local/bin in solaris sys, as these files are already owned by 10g owner ,what i have to select (y or n)?

what if i select y? it will override three files

what if i select n? default option

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Individual Dates Having Date Plus 2 Days

Jan 26, 2011

I want to find the dates which have a date plus with in 2 days after this date. I mean group by 3 days each even the date i missing between two days. Actualy I want to find the start date where the employ was missing on job.

Basic concept is employes have allowed to use 10 personal leaves of a year. Each leave can be use for maximum 3 days.

If employ did not come on the job for one day or two days or three days, it shoul be count as ONE personal leave. And If employ is missing at job for four or five days, it should be count as 2 personal leaves.

seq date







The result should be (Don't use Pl/Sql)

seq date

After finding these days I want to select the starting date of 5th personal leave. (which is 16.01.10).

I am not a expert of using SQL, but I think it could be possible with using partitioning a table on the givin reslult and further partition the reslut on rownum() as rn and the using case statement where rn = 5.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Date Values From A Table Between Two Dates?

Feb 16, 2010

Oracle 10g

In a table I have a column update_date and its type is DATE. Sample values from this column are as follows. I am using the following query to select all update_date lie between sysdate and sysdate-90.

select update_date from table1
where update_date between sysdate and sysdate-90

The above query retrun no data even data is there in the table for this range.




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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Auto Email To Concerned User Like A Schedule Date?

Feb 26, 2011

I am maintaining vehicles information of our company in our equipment master table and there is one field where I am storing one date ( Vehicle inspection due date) based on this date I want to generate auto email to concerned user like a schedule date is due and he needs to prepare his car for inspection .

This schedule will run on everyday basis and it will generate the email to concerned persons two days before. how I can setup this in oracle using Scheduler.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Report Deign To Generate Month Wise Sale - Date Format

Sep 23, 2013

how to write pl/sql to create date o/p like .

since we wnat to design pl/sql report wich will generate monthwise sale from 01jan2009 to 01-sep-2013.

we have created funtion wich will accept argument as employee no, from date and to date.

from_date to_date
01-JAN-2009 01-FEB-2009
01-FEB-2009 01-MAR-2009
01-MAR-2009 01-APR-2009
01-APR-2009 01-MAY-2009
01-may-2009 01-JUN-2009
01-JUN-2009 01-JUL-2009

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PL/SQL :: Two Decimal Points

Aug 10, 2012

What would be the syntax if I want to use use '999G999G990D00' to show only two decimal points for outstanding_receipt_value in the following

((declared_quantity - delivered_qty) * po_unit_price) outstanding_receipt_value

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Get Total Points From Various Factors

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to calculate the total points of each customer

create table Customers(Customer_no number,revenue varchar2(30),Regularity varchar 2(30)
insert into Customers values(1,'25','2');
insert into Customers values(2,'50','3');

Table customers:

Customer_no, revenue, regularity

create table Points(ponts ID number,Factor varchar2(30),Weight number);

insert into Points values(1,revenue,2);
insert into Points values(1,Regularity,4);

Table points
Points ID,Factor,Weight

So for customer_no: 1

revenue is 25 * 2(weight for revenue ) =50
regularity is 2*4(weight for regularity) =8
Total =58

So for customer_no: 2

revenue is 50 * 2(weight for revenue ) =100
regularity is 3*4(weight for regularity) =12
Total =104

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Spatial :: Splitting Line At Multiple Points

Apr 22, 2013

I see that I can use SDO_LRS.SPLIT_GEOM_SEGMENT to split a line at a single point (and get 2 resulting lines).

However, how I could split a line, at multiple points, into multiple segments? I need to do this for many rows, therefore a function or procedure would be good if any exists.

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Server Administration :: Why 3 Mount Points For Datafiles

Feb 3, 2013

i encoutered lately on such statement:

Table D-7 shows a hierarchical file mapping of a sample OFA-compliant installation with two Oracle home directories and two databases. The database files are distributed across three mount points, /u02, /u03, and /u04. URL....

why three mount points (/u02, /u03, and /u04) for datafiles? don' understant this. isn't it better to store all datafiles in one mountpoint?

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Spatial :: Decimal Points - Geometry - Sql Developer Geographer?

Aug 13, 2013

I have loaded shape files with SQL developer Georaper and limited number of decimals to 8. There is option to limit number of decimals in georapter.But there are some X, Y with many decimals. This may create problem in spatial functions in which geometries are compared and filtered

how to control the decimal points of X,Y to be loaded in geometry column.  -0.4695623500000000172249770002963487058878                    51.47160360000000167701728059910237789154-0.4702653600000000211345252409955719485879                    51.47174944999999723904693382792174816132-0.4713475400000000092859409051015973091125                    51.47330664999999783049133839085698127747-0.4717886499999999760923685698799090459943  

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Spatial :: Sdo_nn To Fetch Points From Point Cloud And Georaster

Mar 9, 2013

I have a requirement to fetch the nearest neighbor from a given point coordinates inside a point cloud/georaster data. how can i retrieve a collection of all neighboring points from a given point.

I guess i will have to use sdo_nn operator. how to use the operator to achieve the result.

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Application Express :: How To Manage Positions Of Different Display Points Of Theme

Apr 6, 2013

I'm developing, or trying, on Apex 4.2...The issue is about themes and how to manage the positions of diferents Display Points of a theme.

Everybody know that any theme have a map where its position all differents parts of this map (Body1, Body2, Body3, position01, position02 and so). So when you choice any theme, it come with all this Display points defined. You can see this map rendering any region page and in the item Display Point you can see this map clicking on the light.

There is anyway to can manage this map and change position or behavior of those points?. For example , I'm interested that under the tabs, to have at the same height, 3 diferentes position, one at left, one at center and other at right.

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Finding Individual Dates Having Dates Plus 2 Days

Jan 26, 2011

I want to find the dates which have a date plus with in 2 days after this date. I mean group by 3 days each even the date i missing between two days. Actualy I want to find the start date where the employ was missing on job.

Basic concept is employes have allowed to use 10 personal leaves of a year. Each leave can be use for maximum 3 days.

If employ did not come on the job for one day or two days or three days, it shoul be count as ONE personal leave. And If employ is missing at job for four or five days, it should be count as 2 personal leaves.

seq date









The result should be (Don't use Pl/Sql)

seq date

After finding these days I want to select the starting date of 5th personal leave. (which is 16.01.10).

I am not a expert of using SQL, but I think it could be possible with using partitioning a table on the givin reslult and further partition the reslut on rownum() as rn and the using case statement where rn = 5.

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Select All Dates Between Two Dates

Oct 22, 2003

How can I select all of the dates between two dates? For example, given the start date 12/2/2003 and the end date 12/5/2003 I want to return:


Is there a built in function for this? Is there a way for a function to return multiple rows? It has to be a function because I need to use it within other SQL statements.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Date Ranges In One Column As Separate Date Periods (start And End Date) In Two?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to work out how to take a table like this:


And display the data like this:

IDPeriodPeriod StartPeriod End

As you can see, it's split the entries into date ranges. If there is a 'lone' date, the 'period start' and the 'period end' are the same date.

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Forms :: Expiry Date To Automatically Show A Date 15 Years After Initial Date

Apr 12, 2010

I have a two date fields in my form; valid from date and expiry date.

Currently my valid from date has an inital value property of $$date$$ which automaitcally brings up todays date.

I need my expiry date to automatically show a date 15 years after this date?

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Application Express :: Unable To Set Default Date Value For Tabular Form DB Date Field?

Dec 3, 2012

Version : 4.1.1, I have a tabular form on a DB table. One of the columns is a date field. When the user hits the "add Row" button on the tabular form, I want the Date field to be defaulted to sysdate. Here is what I have tried so far,

1. Created a "hidden" item P1_SYSDATE and populated the default value with sysdate. After this, under the DB tabular report date field, I used default type - Item/application on this page and entered P1_sYSDATE

2. Instead of populating the default value of the P1_SYSDATE hidden item, I created a before regions process and added

:P1_SYSDATE := sysdate

and added P1_SYSDATE to default type of the tabular date field with default type as "ITem/application on this page.

I get the error

ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

I tried to_Char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and then converting it back to to_date. still no luck.

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Visual Studio :: Set Query Window Default Date Format To Full Date?

Oct 24, 2013

When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from  TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  it only returns  'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?

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Date Arithmetic - Formula To Subtract Years And Give Date

Sep 27, 2007

I am a novice in oracle

I have 2 columns in my table

->Col1 with experience in years entered as an integer
->Col2 with current date

I need to add another column as a date value adn for that i need to subtract Currentdate-Col1 when i tried currentdate-Col1 it just subtracted the days i need the formula to subtract years and give a date

I have worked in DB2 and all u need to do there was add the keyword years at the end but in oracle the same does not work

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Server Utilities :: How To Get Date And Time In Date Column While Sqlldr

Jun 6, 2012

I am not able to load complete date along with time in the date column. here is my table desc

Name Null Type

my control file is like this


the data gets loaded, but it appears like this in the table


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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Date Range From 2 Search Input Date Fields

Aug 16, 2012

I would like to inquire how do I code my select statement if my user enter a search date range(search startDt: 01/08/2012 and search endDt :30/09/2012) and I will like to retrieve only the 7records out from my table as shown below ?

01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/06/2012 31/12/2012
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/09/2012 01/09/2012
01/09/2012 31/12/2012
01/07/2012 01/07/2012->not retrieved out
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/01/2012 31/12/2012

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Declare Date Variable And Assign It To Current System Date

Apr 19, 2011

Write a program to declare a date variable and assign it to the current system date. Depending on the day of the month the program should print the following:

If day is 1-10 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is early in the month".
If day is 11-20 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is the middle of the month".
If day is 21-31 then print "It is day<day number> of <month name>. It is nearly the end of the month".

For example, if the day is November 30, then print "It is day 30 of November. It is nearly the end of the month".

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Can Partition A Table Based On Date If It Does Not Have A Date Column

Jun 21, 2012

How can we partition a table based on date if it does not have a date column.

Actually I have to compare two tables on daily basis and fetch few rows from those two tables and enter it to a third table.But both these tables does not have a date column.

I am confused if i need to alter those tables and add date column or if there is some way in which i can compare the data from the two tables for that particular day only and not the whole table data.

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Converting Date Field To Datestamp (Epoch Date)

Apr 11, 2013

I have a small prolem thats best described like this....

a table called TONY with a field named VISITED (date as YYYYMMDD).

We want to populate the field TIMESTAMP (Last visited timestamp, 18 digits) using midnight or 00:00:00 on VISITED value.

Something like:

UPDATE TONY SET TIMESTAMP = �(whatever the formula is involving VISITED).

but i cannot figure out the best way to derive the TIMESTAMP value...

it's a date to epoch conversion, and i can find many examples of Epoch to date, but thats the wrong way around for me i'm afraid!

Oracle 11gR2 by the way...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Char Into Date With Column Having Non-date Formats

Aug 16, 2010

i have a table with the following description

create table gl_periods(period_name varchar2(10),transactions number (2) );

with the data as :

period_name transactions
------------ --------------
JAN-10 12
FEB-10 12
MAR-10 8
APR-10 23
ADJ_TOM-10 25
MAY-10 37
JUN-10 41
JUL-10 10
PHY_JAY-10 6
AUG-10 14
SEP-10 22

My requirment is to find out the period names and transactions which are in valid date formats and are less than sysdate and the non date formats are adjustments made by different users for their transactions

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Server Utilities :: Loading Date Value Into DATE Column?

Oct 18, 2012

I want to load data from a file using sqlldr.I have a table commissions
technician_id char(5)
, tech_name char(30)
, Comm_rcd_date DATE
, Comm_Paid_date DATE
, comm_amt number(10,2)

my file is
00001,TIMOTHY TROENDLY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0007,123.56
00002,KENNETH KLEMENZ,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0009,123.56
00003,SHUNDAR ARDERY,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0006,2011-03-04T01:45:12+0005,123.56
write a ctl file to load this data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Required Data For Month To Date And Year To Date?

Apr 30, 2012

I want to get data for month to date. For example, If I pass today or any day date as parameter then i should get data for that month(month of passing date) up to passing(parameter) date. As well as i have to get year to date.For example, If I pass today or any day date as parameter then i should get data for that financial year(year of passing date) up to passing(parameter) date. how to get month to date and year to date data.

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